Hi, I'm Dríu McColgan and I'm a Northern Irish acoustic musician. I'm a vegetarian and I dislike clocks :) & I've just released a debut-demo-of-sorts EP - a free download is available on my soundcloud.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

This is Matthew, Matthew and I drank last night and now we're not alright at all #whiskey #bud #budweiser #friends #hungover #no #makeitend
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Thus another day shall be gone #ps4 #infamous #secondson #awesome #suckerpunch #partyoverhere
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Just got this in the post which is an excellent little touch to #gameblast14 tad annoyed its just my name should be @negaconor too
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I'm gonna vita myself silly! #vita #psvita #playstation #hashtag #shutup #impoornow
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Hey guys so me and some friends are taking part in SpecialEffect’s Game Blast tonight from midnight to midnight Saturday
SpecialEffect is an organisation which tailors controllers for children with disabilities so they play games and be competitive just like able children
You can donate on the SpecialEffect website or sponsor my team through this link
I recommend even rounding up a team of your own friends even though it’s last minute, these guys appreciate all of your support!
(video can be found on YouTube called “Getting Charlotte back into the game”)
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Doing this tonight, its for a really awesome charity so if anyone wants to you can donate at https://www.justgiving.com/Excaliburr/ and check out this video http://www.specialeffect.org.uk/activities/elliot for an idea of the great work they do #gameblast14 #awesome #gaming #charity #specialeffect #elliot
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I buy great presents.....shut up #lydiasbirthday #lydia #birthday #present #gingerbreadman #ginger #bread #lydia #whoevenisdriu
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candicandles’s photo on Instagram
Hi guys, I would really appreciate it if you would check out a business I am involved in within my school & maybe give them a follow? I know, Instagram, what the hell right? Our marketing department are… inexperienced…
I’m not sure whether we’ll be doing shipping etc after getting fully set up but I will let you know! However if you’re from the Omagh community, you’ll so relieved to hear you have the chance to purchase as many candles and/or scented Christmas decorations as you like at the Fair in December.
Thank youuu
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full article: here
Tom Buchanan, DUP MLA
I was there and so while listening to his answer I took down his exact wording of this, which was: "I’m just going to say it here today: I believe gay marriage is an abomination."
Not mentioned in the article is the fact that Tom Buchanan, when, asked by Loreto Omagh, about Edwin Poots’ (a fellow DUP member) decision to ban homosexuals giving blood in Northern Ireland, he attempted to defend his colleague.
An inaccuracy in the article would be that the final poll, for which we did a ballot vote; NI21 actually came second and I’m pretty sure the UUP didn’t even place
Please share, I want young people in Northern Ireland to realise how important their vote is. What the article said about students applauding Buchanan after making his statement about abomination is true.
Please research a party fully before you vote & please do not give in to ‘tribal’ voting, as many people in Northern Ireland still do today.
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I am so excited you have no idea
So…apparently what started out as a joke is actually being taken seriously by filmmakers. After they saw a fake film poster created by a fan starring Ryan Gosling as the mysterious Walt Disney, they took the joke into serious consideration. That’s right—Ryan Gosling is confirmed to play Walt Disney in a biopic, set to be released in 2014!
Not gonna lie I’m pretty excited. Gosling takes his acting roles very seriously and this one should be no exception (:
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"A cloud hangs over me, marks every move, deep in the innocence of what once was love"-Ian Curtis, On another note I'm James, he's Conor,...
Recorded this for/with my mate James the other day, and frankly it's bloody excellent.
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Alcohol Under a Microscope
The latest art? No, but one could argue the point. Its actually different types of alcohol photographed under a microscope. The photographs are taken after the liquid has crystallized on a slide and then shot under a polarized light microscope. Fascinating results. The company that undertook this venture is called Bevshots. “art. distilled.”
American Draft Beer
Tennessee Whiskey
Red Wine
White Wine
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