driftcity · 2 days
I think it’s time I do everything I ever wanted
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driftcity · 2 days
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driftcity · 2 days
Marriage equality has not been achieved until disabled people can get married without losing their benefits and supports.
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driftcity · 2 days
if you want to actually materially address child abuse, the single most important thing you can do to start is give children the legally enforceable right to leave any situation they no longer want to be in.
church, extracurriculars, summer camps, school classes, their biological family's houses. notably, these are the places that child abuse is enabled by the child's inability to just fucking leave if they need to. they can't walk out of church if their youth pastor touches them inappropriately; they'll get punished for leaving. if they walk out of their house because their dad hits them, the cops pick them up and give them right back to their dad.
children need the legal autonomy to leave abusive situations in order to even begin to usefully materially address child abuse.
original post by qweerhet because it's unrebloggable but very important
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driftcity · 17 days
you only need to look at the way being intersex is often referred to by doctors and by TERFs to understand the damage the "sex is biological" rhetoric does
in case you're not familiar, the term I'm referring to specifically is DSD or Disorders of Sex Development
to someone who truly deeply believes that sex is natural, being intersex will always be disordered or defective. they insist on continuing to label us (intersex folk) as "men with DSD" or as "women with DSD" in order to reinforce the sex binary. they will not let intersex people be proof of the truly social nature of sex as a category, because they will not even see us as intersex. delete "sex is biological, gender is social" from your vocabulary. please and thank you
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driftcity · 17 days
one thing about americans is that they know how to make a fucking milkshake
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driftcity · 17 days
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driftcity · 17 days
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happy pride month
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driftcity · 17 days
GUARDS! take him to the top of a beautiful hill and make him watch the sunset with no camera
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driftcity · 18 days
just learned that magnolias are so old that they’re pollinated by beetles because they existed before bees
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driftcity · 18 days
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trans bi flags for when ur trans and also bi
the second one is in my icon at the moment lol
free to use w credit
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driftcity · 18 days
The people over at Humungus Games (makers of the Putt-Putt, Freddi Fish, Panama Sam, and Spy Fox games) really should get more recognition for being amazing game designers.
They had to design a inventory-puzzle adventure game for an audience so young they might not be able to read yet.
Like, your average adventure game is a kinda complicated thing? It's a bunch of puzzles within puzzles, at varying levels of complexity.
And they managed to simplify that formula enough that it could be played by the tiny babies, and still remain visibly an adventure game?
That's a thin line to walk! Like, it's got to be a puzzle, but it's a puzzle for people who barely know what a puzzle is?
Sure, it's a very simple adventure game, but it's impressive you can make it an adventure game at all.
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driftcity · 18 days
If you tell someone directly "that behavior makes me uncomfortable, please stop doing that to/around me" and the person keeps doing it and anyone tries to excuse it with "they're autistic, they can't help that they're bad at social clues", know that it's bullshit. Once you have verbally articulated a boundary directly to someone's face it is no longer a complex social clue, it's a direct request. And you don't get to ignore direct communication of boundaries because you're autistic.
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driftcity · 18 days
I don’t so much forget that I’m disabled so much as I…forget that other people aren’t.
Like, I can’t forget how tired I am or how much I’m hurting or how many things I wish I could do that I just can’t right now. Those things are actively happening to me, I’m thinking about them all the time.
It’s more like…what do you MEAN they got their entire to-do list done in one day? What do you mean they had the time and energy left over to do a couple of other things, too? What do you mean, they were sore yesterday from doing something physical, but that they’ve pretty much recovered by today, and tomorrow they won’t even feel it?
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driftcity · 19 days
Since it's pride month I'm going to say. Can we stop making fun of adults who don't have sex. Not even particularly asexuals, just general people who don't like sex personally or don't want to have it for whatever reason. It's just not great to portray people who don't have sex as weird losers or naive little kids or whatever, even as a joke
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driftcity · 19 days
OUT with “nobody will love you until you love yourself” IN with “everybody deserves to be loved + it’s harder to love yourself if you’ve always felt unloveable + you do also need to do the hard work of learning how to accept love from others so that you don’t keep pushing them away”
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driftcity · 19 days
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