dreary-doll-writing · 2 years
Babysitting Johji
Pairing: Ryuji/Ryou(implied)
Rating: G
Word count: 1,193
Notes: Johji is NOT the demon baby he was in the manga.
"Of course I can take care of Johji, you have my word."
The word of a fool.
That's what Honda had given his brother before the older left for his first day out with friends in nearly two years.
Now he was regretting it to hell and back.
The kid definitely didn't want his uncle. And Jonouchi, Anzu, and Yugi were all busy when Honda tried to call for help.
After a twenty minute fuss about eating followed by Johji grabbing Honda shirt and dipping it in his food Honda was desperate for help.
He thought about asking Shizuka for help but he didn't want to put her through this too.
Against his better judgment he called someone else.
"Otogi! How are you today?" He puts on his best friendly voice while trying to keep Johji from taking the phone away and joining the conversation.
"I'm in the middle of a uh...study session, can I call you back?"
"Can you...reschedule it?"
"Not really? What's so desperate you need me <i>now</i>?" Ryuji asks, clearly sounding bored of this conversation already.
"I'm babysitting my little nephew and I'm having hell, I <i>really</i> need help, and pretty much everyone else is busy..."
Ryuji goes quiet and Honda would be worried he got hung up on if he couldn't still hear the other breathing.
"Otogi? I can-"
"Mind if I bring an extra? I can be there in 20 minutes."
"Bring anyone you need, I'm desperate," Honda cuts off the quip he can feel on Ryuji's lips even over the phone, "Don't you dare. There are little ears listening."
"Fine, fine. 20, like I said. Keep him alive that long, wouldja?"
Honda rolls his eyes and grunts an affirmative before hanging up.
Which is apparently Johji's queue to try and eat the phone.
"No! Come on!"
Johji starts crying again and Honda desperately looks for something that might distract him for 20 minutes. At least.
There's a knock on the door that Honda only barely hears over Johji still fussing and crying. He scoops the toddler up to avoid him wandering off...again...and opens the door to Ryuji and...
"Bakura? He's your “Study buddy”?!"
"What were you expecting?"
Honda remembers the "little ears" listening before he says something he definitely doesn't want repeated back to his brother, "Nothing, don't worry about it."
Ryou seems to notice the clear implication lingering in the air a moment after Honda lets them both inside, "Oh! We were really studying! We weren't-"
A hand goes over xer mouth before Ryou can say anything Honda might regret.
"I don't really care either way, I'm just glad to have help."
Johji seems mesmerized by their new guests and reaches for Ryuji with "grabby hands", pushing Honda in hopes of getting let go.
"Aww, you're having trouble with this little guy?" Ryuji asks, taking his hand off Ryou's mouth to take the toddler from his uncle.
"Funny, his dad says he doesn't like strangers, and who's stranger than you?" Honda teases.
Ryuji doesn't acknowledge the dig and proceeds to coo at and coddle Johji instead.
Johji reaches up a hesitant hand to touch Ryuji's face, rubbing the line running down from his left eye.
"You like my eyeliner little guy? Maybe I'll help you with yours."
"You're not putting makeup on my nephew."
"I'm joking."
"He's 2, he doesn't know that."
"I didn't even bring an--"
Ryuji is cut off with a tug on his bangs hard enough he screams, and Ryou taking away Johji before Ryuji can drop him. Johji giggling at his own "joke" the whole time.
"Little sh-"
It's Ryuji's turn to have his mouth covered by Honda.
"Not so easy, is it?"
Ryuji glares, grabbing Honda's wrist to yank his hand away from his own mouth, "Who called who?"
"You were my last option! Plus I didn't almost drop him."
"I'll drop something, you-"
Ryou shushes both of them.
Johji tries to copy and ends up just spitting on Honda, and giggling more.
The two exchange angry glares but leave it there.
"You want to go play, little.." Ryou pauses, "what's his name?"
"Johji!" The toddler answers before Honda can.
"You want to go play, Johji? I'll play with you."
Johji wiggles out of Ryou's arms and toddles, wobbling, towards the bag his dad left Honda with, digging food and spare clothes out till he finds his prize.
He returns with two rubber animals, a duck and a sheep.
"Sheep!" He shakes the toy at Ryou expectingly.
Xe kneel down onto xer knees and take the sheep.
Honda and Ryuji just watch as Ryou sits on the floor and plays with Johji, keeping the toddler completely inthralled for a good, long while.
"Who woulda guessed xe'd be good with kids?" Ryuji hums, a small smile on his face.
"I'm not surprised at all, really."
"I'm playing pretend, not deaf," Ryou chides them, but the smile on xyrs face was a show that xe were being playful.
Ryuji trots over to the baby-bag and digs around for another toy, finding a rubber goat that looked like it was from the same set, before setting down with the other two and joining in.
"Unle!" Johji points at Honda excitedly.
"You heard him, Honda, go get a toy, I think I saw one more," Ryuji insists.
Honda reaches into the bag without looking and grabs the first thing that feels like a rubber farm animal before heading to sit with the other three.
He doesn't want to play but he also likes playing and laughs more than fussing and crying.
When he puts his toy in the mix he realizes he grabbed a raccoon of all things.
"Rac! Rac!" Johji babbles, whacking Honda's hand with the duck.
Ryuji snickers and Ryou covers xyr mouth to muffle xyr own laughter.
"Arrr, you'll regret that, ducky!"
Johji squeals in delight and bounces his duck around to hide behind Ryuji's goat.
Ryou got Johji to eat with only a little fuss after "catching the mean raccoon" and then tired him out with a game of "chase you uncle until he gives back my sweater", and now the toddler is fast asleep in the middle of the floor, with his uncle to one side of him, Ryou the other, and Ryuji across from both of them.
"Thanks you guys, my brother should be home in a few and I think a sleeping toddler isn't too much on my own if you wanna head," Honda hums, rubbing Johji's back softly.
"It was nothing," Ryou smiles softly at Honda.
"We should get back to my place and finish studying," Ryuji pushes himself to his feet.
"Right," Ryou agrees.
"If you need help with him again you know our numbers," Ryuji waves at Honda on his way to the door.
"Thanks, again, I'm just glad we didn't have to deal with-"
Johji cuts Honda off, whining and straining in his sleep.
"So Bakura, you're good with-"
The door shuts abruptly, the other teens apparently making a run for it before Honda could even ask.
"Assholes! Assholes! Assholes!"
"Oh, good, you're awake..."
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dreary-doll-writing · 2 years
A Nice Night
Pairing: Saya Sasayama/Lulu Obsidian
Rating: G
Word count: 350
(Cross Posted On AO3)
It was a quiet, calm night. The only sound the TV still playing on a low volume and a light wind outside.
The others had all gone home or up to bed already after a movie marathon together.
Someone had cleaned up the living room and tossed a blanket haphazardly over what appeared to be a sleeping pair.
But Lulu was awake, sprawled out over the couch on her back, one leg hanging off the edge, out of the blanket, her arms wrapped around the other girl, who was sleeping, her glasses set on the table by Kite as he left.
Lulu had her own eyes closed. Not to sleep or rest, but to appreciate the moment.
Saya had gotten scared during the very first movie and attached herself to Lulu, where she'd stayed the rest of the night, falling asleep during one of the much calmer movies that followed. Lulu didn't know which one.
Shay had teased her briefly about cuddling Saya the whole night, but was the one that tossed the blanket over them before going upstairs to bed.
It was nice.
It was peaceful.
It was right.
Lulu could spend forever feeling slightly crushed under Saya, listening to her soft, uneven breathing, gently playing with the short bits of Saya's hair that she could wrap around her fingers, and basking in the warmth it made her feel to know Saya felt safe with her.
But no sweet moment lasts long enough, let alone forever...
"Did everyone else leave?" Saya asks groggily, sitting up just enough to rub her sleep heavy eyes, before her whole face turned red as she blinks to adjust to the low light and no glasses and she realizes where she was.
"Shh, don't worry about it, let's just sleep," Lulu hugs the other girl back to her chest gently, "it's late, and I'm comfy."
Saya takes a second to get comfortable again, nestling her face into Lulu's shoulder, and falling back to sleep.
Lulu's still not so quick to sleep but it was true.
She was so. So comfortable.
"Night, Saya..."
"Goodnight, Lulu."
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dreary-doll-writing · 2 years
Do Ignis Date?
Pairing: Ai/Flame (one sided), Kusanagi/???
Rating: G
Word count: 260
"So Flame," Takeru clears his throat, breaking the silence in his room and getting his Ignis' attention, "how exactly do...relationships and all work for Ignis?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, romantic relationships?"
"You would be better off asking the earth or water Ignis about that. Or perhaps Windy, who knows what he's been up to, honestly..."
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason!"
Takeru mumbles something about Ai.
"Excuse me?"
"I said "I really thought you and Ai were something...""
"I'm insulted and disgusted by the mere THOUGHT I would have such low standards!"
"Forget I asked-"
"Hey Kusanagi! Where were you in this weather?" Ai asks as Kusanagi gets into the hotdog truck, soaked to the bone and without his trench coat.
"I had a date."
"You've got a girlfriend?!" Ai feigns pure shock.
"Boyfriend. And don't act so surprised, you don't even have a leg to stand on here."
"Excuse me?" Ai glares.
"Do Ignis even date? Or...have a reason to have relationships?" Yusaku asks, finally looking away from the computer they've been working on to focus on Ai.
"'Course we do! And apparently you're the only single one in this hotdog truck, because I'm in a serious, long term relationship way longer than Kusanagi has probably even known his boyfriend!"
"Oh really?" Kusanagi crosses his arms, "let me guess, she lives in a different server."
"I'll have you know you know them!"
"We do?" Yusaku raises a brow.
"I'm with Flame."
Kusanagi bursts out laughing while Yusaku shakes their head.
"Sure you are, Ai."
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dreary-doll-writing · 2 years
Only On Valentine's Day
Pairing: Ryuji Otogi/Honda Hiroto
Word Count: 857
Rating: G
Kaiba Land was having a special event for Valentine's Day (probably Mokuba's idea..) and Honda and Ryuji decided to take advantage of it.
Too bad they didn't realize the one stipulation on the "free entry..."
"You two are a couple?" The lady taking tickets raises a brow.
Honda is about to just pay the entry fee instead and explain the confusion but Ryuji apparently had another idea...
"Of course!" Ryuji grabs Honda's arm and smiles, "Why else would we be going out on Valentine's together?"
She lets them through without any more commotion and Ryuji moves to holding Honda's hand instead of his arm until she can't see them anymore.
"I actually had money, I could've just paid," Honda points out, pulling his hand out of Ryuji's.
"Where's the fun in that?"
Honda rolls his eyes.
"We came here because it was free today, may as well get in for free," Ryuji adds.
"Whatever...at least I have a date this year, I guess."
"I could do better than you."
"Then why didn't you?"
Ryuji doesn't have a quick comeback and Honda counts it as a victory and walks off to find a ride he hasn't been on already.
Most of the rides had the same stipulation as entry: Only free for couples...
So Honda and Ryuji were stuck together for most of the day, which wasn't so bad, save for the near constant bickering when they weren't on a ride...
"So what's next for our "date?"" Ryuji teases as they wander around the park aimlessly.
"Well we've done most of the stuff I was interested in and it's starting to get late...so unless there's something you wanna check out we could probably head.." Honda shrugs.
"Headed out sounds fine to me, just let me stop by the washroom before we do."
While Ryuji walks off something catches Honda's eye...
A little booth with stuffed toys modeled after Duel Monster cards hanging off the top that's definitely a little out of place in a place like Kaiba Land but it does have a sign saying it's only there for Valentine's Day.
Once Honda circles to the front he sees it's a bean bag toss game with Duel Monster bean bags.
"How much to play?" He asks the person running it.
"10 bucks for a couple to play together, 15 for solo," they explain.
Honda's about to complain about the price for two people being Less but he decides he's fought enough for today and just pays.
He gets three bean bags, one with Baby Dragon, one with Kuriboh, and one with Blue Eyes, and gets pointed to a large cardboard cut out painted to look like the back of a Duel Monsters card with a hole near the top.
He starts with the Blue Eyes bean bag and misses completely, going over the back.
"Oh, too bad," the booth attendant taunts, and Honda shoots them a glare.
He tried Kuriboh next, throwing a lot softer.
Too soft, in fact, as it barely reaches the middle.
"Nice try, grandma."
"Can you not-"
"I get paid based on how many times you play, not on your satisfaction."
Honda takes a deep breath instead of throttling them and grabs the Baby Dragon bean bag.
He tosses it and it would've had a straight shot for the center of the Kuriboh one hadn't been in the way.
"Too bad, wanna play again?"
Honda's about to fish out another 15 bucks just to prove he can win when he spots Ryuji waiting for him, "Nah, my date's waiting for me anyways..."
Before Honda can even react a Kuriboh plush is tossed at him.
"I lost though..."
"It's almost closing and barely anyone has won, just take it."
Honda heads back to Ryuji and tosses the plush at him.
"Where'd this come from?" Ryuji investigates the plush now in his hands.
"I won it for you."
"Aww, aren't you just the sweetest fake boyfriend?"
"Shut it...I just wanted to play the game but I don't need a lame plushy.." Honda feels his cheeks warm up a little at Ryuji's teasing:
"Well I love him," Ryuji hugs the plush, which apparently squeaks when it's squeezed tight enough.
"That's nice I g--"
Honda can't finish his sentence as he's pulled down low enough by his shoulder that Ryuji can kiss him on the cheek.
"I'll have to get you something nice on our next date."
While Honda is still in shock from kiss Ryuji walks off.
"Hey! What next date!?"
"We'll talk about it over dinner, I'm hungry, I'll even pay."
Honda chases Ryuji down but he's just a little too slow and Ryuji manages to get out of the park before Honda can catch him and stops in front of the lady working at the front from before.
The only reason Honda doesn't still get Ryuji is because he doesn't want them to get found out and charged for the entire day...
And of course Ryuji has to rub his nose in that by leaning on him when he catches up with a smug grin.
"You know it."
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
Out Of The Loop
Series: 5D’s
Ship: Akiza/Sherry
Word count: IDK
Rating: G
“When everyone knows you’re dating but you things get awkward...And hilarious, according to Crow”
“So how’s the girlfriend?” Crow asks teasingly.
Akiza didn’t know what he was even talking about...
“Excuse me?”
“Eh, it’s nothing, don’t worry ‘bout it.”
“You’re so weird sometimes...”
“Akiza, will your girlfriend be joining us today?” Yusei asks, no teasing in his voice like when Crow pulled this.
“Not funny, Yusei, whatever you and Crow are up to, leave me out of it.”
“Um...I’m sorry?”
“Akiza, your girlfriend scratched my bike! Tell her I expect her to pay for it next time you see her!” Jack bellows.
“CAN YOU THREE STOP WITH THIS?! IT’S NOT FUNNY!” Akiza snaps so loud Jack actaully backs down.
“Akiza, are you okay?” Yusei puts a hand on her shoulder, which gets pushed off before Akiza storms out.
“Hey,” Sherry sits down next to a pouting Akiza, “The boys told me you had a meltdown, wanna talk about it?”
“Just got fed up with their weird joke...”
“What joke?”
“Something to do with me having a girlfriend, I seriously don’t get what was so funny.”
“Akiza...you do have a girlfriend...Me!”
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
"What happened to ZeXaLMas?"
A major depressive episode and almost an attempt make it very hard to write
I'll try to do like, the last few days but no promises...
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
ZeXaL-Mas Day 8: Delinquent
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
"Sorry, Reginald, I know I'm the one that asked you to go look at lights, but my mom said no.." Nelson sighs, almost physically feeling Shark's over the phone.
"Where's the old bat right now?"
"Reginald! Please don't talk about her like that..."
"Where is she?"
"I think she's on the phone in her room, why?"
"Because I'm right here," Nelson nearly falls out of his chair when Shark opens his bedroom window.
"Why are you here?! I told you I couldn't go!" Nelson whisper yells.
"We won't even be an hour, and if we get caught she already thinks I'm a "delinquent" so I'll just take all the blame."
"I thought you didn't want to do this?"
"But you do."
"Come on, we're already losing time," Shark holds his hand out to Nelson and Nelson looks at his bedroom door, and back at the offered hand.
He takes a deep breath before taking Shark's hand and letting himself be guided out the window.
"I'm glad I let you convince me to do this, it was fun," Nelson smiles as he and Shark walk around, still looking at lights.
"I'm glad you actually came, I thought you were about to chicken out," Shark teases.
Nelson laughs softly before wrapping his arms around himself, "I just wish I'd grabbed a jacket before we left..."
Shark takes his off, draping it on Nelson's shoulders.
"Reginald, you don't-"
"You're cold, it's fine."
"You're only wearing a tank top..."
"I'm not that cold. Really."
Nelson pulls the jacket around himself and smiles again, "Thanks..."
"Don't mention it."
Nelson's about to say more when his phone rings.
"Looks like my mom found out..."
Before Nelson can answer Shark grabs his arm, "Let it ring, how else are we gonna claim I "kidnapped" you?"
0 notes
dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
ZeXaL-Mas Day 7: Spider
Rating: G
Word Count: 130
"Your eyes are really puffy, Nelson, are you okay?"
"Oh, it's the time of year," Nelson laughs awkwardly.
"You...cry a lot around the holidays?" Yuma questions.
"No! No no, I'm allergic to pine trees...and they're everywhere..."
"Nothing, but uh...unrelated, can you come over to my house tomorrow?"
"Yeah, sure?"
"Hi, Nelson, you must be here for Yuma's "surprise"," Kari moves away from the door to let Nelson through.
Nelson gets in and sees what Kari meant.
Yuma apparently took Nelson's allergies as an invite to get an "alternative Christmas Tree"...
"Yuma, is that an oak tree branch?"
"Yeah, but I decorated it up, so you wouldn't get allergies over here!"
Nelson laughs and hugs Yuma tight, "That's cute. And really, really nice."
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
ZeXaL-Mas Day 4: Atlantis
Rating: G
Word count: 220
Yuma insisted it would be fun to play in the snow together, but so far Shark was cold, wet, and not having a good time.
Trey has already made a snowman and Yuma some sort of "fort" as he called it; while Shark has mostly sat off to the side, watching.
"C'mon, Shark, you're only not having any fun because you're making yourself not have fun!" Yuma insists, coming to sit with his knees basically touching Shark's.
"I'm not having fun because the snow isn't fun, it's just cold and wet..."
"Yuma, just let him pout, if he wanted to play he would," Trey insists, "he's just being grouchy because he doesn't know how to have fun."
That strikes a nerve...
Once Trey turns to walk away, pulling Yuma with him, Shark chucks a snowball at the back of Trey's head.
"Shark!" Trey cries, shaking the snow out of his hair.
He goes to protest more but gets pelted with another snowball.
"Oh, that's it!"
Trey throws his own snowball back, hitting Shark square in the chest.
Yuma starts laughing until two snowballs hit him, one in the face and the other in the arm.
Shark and Trey both run off in different directions before Yuma can retaliate and he just starts laughing again while chasing down Trey for revenge.
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
ZeXaL-Mas Day 3: Sea
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Shark and Trey are hanging out in Trey's room, studying, when there's a knock on the door.
Trey gets up to answer it and sees Hart waiting for him.
"Kite was supposed to make Christmas cookies with me but he's not feeling good, can you make them with me?"
"Hart, I'd love to but, Shark and I were-"
"Don't worry about it, Trey, the kid's got his hopes up," Shark interrupts.
"Are you sure?"
"Shark can help too!" Hart announces.
"I never said--"
"Come on, it'll be fun," Trey insists.
"I don't bake."
"Please?" Hart clasps his hands together and gives Shark puppy dog eyes.
"Pretty please?" Trey does the same.
Shark scoffs and looks away, "That won't work on me."
"I can't believe that worked on me.." Shark grumbles while helping gather ingredients.
"You're a lot sweeter than you play yourself off to be," Trey smiles brightly at Shark.
"Yeah, yeah," Shark rolls his eyes, "don't expect me to do everything you want just because you bat your eyelashes and say pretty please, though."
"Kite says you're putty in Trey's hands," Hart teases.
"Remind me to give Kite a piece of my mind when he's not sick."
Hart giggles and goes back to pouring what he's handed into the bowl.
"Thank you for helping," Trey kisses Shark's cheek before moving past him to help Hart measure the sugar.
Shark tries to ignore how warm his face is while he tries to find eggs.
"Sharky, can you get the cookie cutters while you're over there?" Trey asks, and Hart giggles at the nickname.
Shark can't ignore the blush now and just grabs the box marked "cutters" and sets them on the counter in front of him so he doesn't have to turn around.
"Can you...give them to us?" Trey asks.
"Doesn't the dough need to...chill or something before you cut it?"
"It's not even done, but I wanted to make sure we still have the Christmas ones in-"
"What're you guys--" Quattro walks into the kitchen, pausing to look at Shark, before bursting out laughing, "Wow, what did you say to Shark, Trey, he's so red Santa called to ask him the guide his sleigh!"
"I'm going home!" Shark storms out, practically knocking down the laughing Arclight in his way.
"That was mean, Brother!" Trey whines.
Quattro doesn't stop laughing the entire time Shark is getting his stuff.
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
ZeXaLMas Day 2: Aztec
Rating: G
Word count: 165
When Trey invited Yuma over to watch movies he wasn't exactly expecting...this.
There's a big blanket fort set up in the middle of the sitting room pointed at the tv, the older boy sat inside already, giddily awaiting Yuma joining him.
"Did you set all this up?"
"Quattro helped a little.." Trey plays with the blanket over him awkwardly, "Is this too...weird?"
"Weird? I love it!" Yuma chirps, climbing in too.
"Oh good!" Trey's cheeks turn rosy, "I was worried..."
"What movie are we watching?"
"I thought we could watch one of those cheesy Christmas romance movies. I-I don't actually like them! I just like to laugh at them!" Trey's cheeks turn even redder and Yuma just laughs.
"Sounds fun!"
"I made you boys h-"
Quinton stops when he sees the two inside the fort, curled up and fast asleep, movie still playing.
Quinton sets down the hot chocolate he made to turn off the tv and cover the boys up instead.
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
Two ZeXaL-Mas posts today because I forgot yesterday 😅
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
ZeXaL-Mas day 1: SharkBait
Rating: G
Word count: 160
"-So then I just..." Yuma paused mid sentence and stops walking too.
"What? Forget what you were talking about...again?"
"No, I thought I saw something."
"Huh? Like what?"
And then Shark saw it too...
A single snowflake falling down and landing right on his nose, making Yuma laugh.
"We should probably head home before it really starts coming down..."
"Do we have to?"
"Come on, Yuma, we both know you'll get sick if we don't."
"Can we at least wait until it actually starts coming down? I like watching it fall-"
Shark's about to protest that that's what windows are for, but Yuma gives him the biggest puppy dog eyes and he sighs, "We can walk slow...I guess..."
Yuma grabs his hand, grinning big, "You're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah, I kn--"
"And you look really pretty with snowflakes in your hair."
Shark's sure the snow on his face is melting with how warm his face is now-
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
(Pt. 4, Final)
Word count: 108
Characters: Shay Obsidian, Moon Shadow
"So what are we?" Moon Shadow asks, putting his hand over Shay's.
"Hmm?" This...feels familiar...
"Are we a couple or...are you not ready for that yet?"
"Let...hold off on labeling stuff, okay?" Shay flips his hand to lace his fingers with Moon Shadow's, before moving to give Moon Shadow a kiss on the cheek, "We'll figure it out eventually, but I don't know if I'm ready to say it yet."
Moon Shadow gives Shay a simple nod, before moving to kiss Shay back on the corner of his mouth, "I am willing to take it as slowly as you need."
Shay's First Steps Towards Healing...
Kisstober 1: Firsts (Pt. 1)
Word count: 91
Characters: Shay Obsidian, Yuto
"So what are we? Like...are we...a thing?" Yuto asks quietly, sitting with Shay in Shay's room.
"I...thought we were?" Shay shrugs.
"So that makes you my...boyfriend.." Yuto gets closer to Shay with a small, mischievous grin.
"I guess so," Shay agrees, not even noticing the smile.
"And I'm your..?"
"Just my partner I guess?"
"You can't even come up with something cute?"
"Nope. Partner is all you're getting unless You have a better idea," Shay laughs.
"Fine. Partner." Yuto rolls their eyes.
Shay's First Partner...
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
(Pt. 3)
(⚠️ARC-V spoilers, Major Character Death⚠️)
Word count: 33
Characters: Shay Obsidian
It was finally sinking in for Shay...
Yuto's gone...really gone...
He's never going to get to see them again...
And it hurts.
It hurts so god damn much.
Shay's First Heart Break...
Kisstober 1: Firsts (Pt. 1)
Word count: 91
Characters: Shay Obsidian, Yuto
"So what are we? Like...are we...a thing?" Yuto asks quietly, sitting with Shay in Shay's room.
"I...thought we were?" Shay shrugs.
"So that makes you my...boyfriend.." Yuto gets closer to Shay with a small, mischievous grin.
"I guess so," Shay agrees, not even noticing the smile.
"And I'm your..?"
"Just my partner I guess?"
"You can't even come up with something cute?"
"Nope. Partner is all you're getting unless You have a better idea," Shay laughs.
"Fine. Partner." Yuto rolls their eyes.
Shay's First Partner...
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
(Pt. 2)
(⚠️Minor ARC-V spoilers⚠️)
Word count: 118
Characters: Shay Obsidian, Yuto
They'd only been together “officially” a couple of months before Duel Academy arrived, and there wasn't much time to just be together since...
"Shay," Yuto gets his attention, grabbing Shay's hand softly, squeezing it tight after a second of Shay just looking down at them.
"What is it, Yut?"
Yuto pulls him down using the hand they already had and kisses him on the lips.
"What was that for?" Shay blinks rapidly, cheeks turning pink.
"I just wanted to make sure I got to do it...just in case..."
Shay takes a second to recover before leaning back down and kissing Yuto again, for real, "Next time ask instead of yanking me around, huh?"
Shay's First Kiss...
Kisstober 1: Firsts (Pt. 1)
Word count: 91
Characters: Shay Obsidian, Yuto
"So what are we? Like...are we...a thing?" Yuto asks quietly, sitting with Shay in Shay's room.
"I...thought we were?" Shay shrugs.
"So that makes you my...boyfriend.." Yuto gets closer to Shay with a small, mischievous grin.
"I guess so," Shay agrees, not even noticing the smile.
"And I'm your..?"
"Just my partner I guess?"
"You can't even come up with something cute?"
"Nope. Partner is all you're getting unless You have a better idea," Shay laughs.
"Fine. Partner." Yuto rolls their eyes.
Shay's First Partner...
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dreary-doll-writing · 3 years
Kisstober 1: Firsts (Pt. 1)
Word count: 91
Characters: Shay Obsidian, Yuto
"So what are we? Like...are we...a thing?" Yuto asks quietly, sitting with Shay in Shay's room.
"I...thought we were?" Shay shrugs.
"So that makes you my...boyfriend.." Yuto gets closer to Shay with a small, mischievous grin.
"I guess so," Shay agrees, not even noticing the smile.
"And I'm your..?"
"Just my partner I guess?"
"You can't even come up with something cute?"
"Nope. Partner is all you're getting unless You have a better idea," Shay laughs.
"Fine. Partner." Yuto rolls their eyes.
Shay's First Partner...
12 notes · View notes