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�� Seventeen's precious Carat 💙 VerKwan's biggest trash 💙 Renmin nation 💙 Thughao is my aesthetic
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dreamycarat · 21 days ago
I like calm men. Men who don’t shout or break things when they’re mad. Men who tell you exactly how they feel. Men who communicate. Men who talk you in a gentle, low voice telling you what made them mad or what you did wrong, but never blame you and make you feel bad about it.
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dreamycarat · 29 days ago
Small fantasy worldbuilding elements you might want to think about:
A currency that isn’t gold-standard/having gold be as valuable as tin
A currency that runs entirely on a perishable resource, like cocoa beans
A clock that isn’t 24-hours
More or less than four seasons/seasons other than the ones we know
Fantastical weather patterns like irregular cloud formations, iridescent rain
Multiple moons/no moon
Planetary rings
A northern lights effect, but near the equator
Roads that aren’t brown or grey/black, like San Juan’s blue bricks
Jewelry beyond precious gems and metals
Marriage signifiers other than wedding bands
The husband taking the wife's name / newlyweds inventing a new surname upon marriage
No concept of virginity or bastardry
More than 2 genders/no concept of gender
Monotheism, but not creationism
Gods that don’t look like people
Domesticated pets that aren’t re-skinned dogs and cats
Some normalized supernatural element that has nothing to do with the plot
Magical communication that isn’t Fantasy Zoom
“Books” that aren’t bound or scrolls
A nonverbal means of communicating, like sign language
A race of people who are obligate carnivores/ vegetarians/ vegans/ pescatarians (not religious, biological imperative)
I’ve done about half of these myself in one WIP or another and a little detail here or there goes a long way in reminding the audience that this isn’t Kansas anymore.
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dreamycarat · 2 months ago
writing? oh, i’m definitely writing. in my head. during the most inconvenient times. like in the shower or when i’m about to fall asleep. actual typing? no, no, we don’t do that here.
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dreamycarat · 3 months ago
you know you’re a writer when…
you spend 30 minutes choosing the perfect synonym for “said” only to change it back to “said.”
you google “how long does it take to bleed out” at 3 a.m. and now the FBI is probably watching you.
you write one sentence, stare at it, rewrite it 14 times, and somehow end up back at the original version.
“this scene is so important” but you have no idea what the scene actually is or why it’s important.
you come up with the best story ideas… in the shower… with no way to write them down.
your characters feel like real people but also you’re like “who are these guys and what do they want from me?”
your brain says “start writing!” but instead you reorganize your desk, reread your notes, and spend two hours naming a side character who shows up once.
you’ve cried over your WIP exactly 67 times and will do it again because the pain is the point.
you reread something you wrote and think, “wow, did i peak as a writer three months ago?”
every writing session begins with the sacred ritual of scrolling social media, opening unnecessary tabs, and procrastinating until panic sets in.
you have no idea how long a chapter should be, so you just… vibe.
you can’t watch tv or movies without mentally critiquing the plot, dialogue, and pacing.
your writing playlist is 98% vibes, 2% songs you’ll actually listen to while writing.
you keep a “murder notebook” but swear it’s not suspicious because it’s for your novel (probably).
the phrase “just one more draft” is your eternal mantra, even though you’ve rewritten this thing more times than you can count.
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dreamycarat · 3 months ago
you know how sometimes you go through the roughest moment in your whole entire life and then you look up and it's like. oh. the moon is still there
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dreamycarat · 3 months ago
I hope next year treats you kindly, but above all else, I hope you treat you kindly.
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
One of the things that I love about "Fukurodani vs Mujinazaka match" is the revelation that Akaashi isn't "the normal guy to balance out Bokuto's weirdness" but that he is actually A WEIRDO TOO, just a quiet one 🖤
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
Some Akaashi Appreciation
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Not that Fukurodani’s amazing setter DOESN’T get enough appreciation, I just thought I’d appreciate him even more.
Akaashi Keiji:
-is the only known second-year vice captain (as opposed to third-year) in the entire series so far
-is in a class 6 college prep class, which is the second-highest level of any character in the series (Yachi is in class 5 and she’s smart!)
-has a jump stat of 4/5, which is higher than Oikawa “Killer Jump Serve” Toru’s, and on par with Bokuto’s and Ushijima’s, who are both nationally ranked top-five aces. And Akaashi is a SETTER.
-has his current concern down as self-improvement
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
Chapter 93
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Chapter 191
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Chapter 295
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Chapter 306
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Chapter 334
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Chapter 335
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Chapter 337
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Chapter 382
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Chapter 386
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Chapter 392
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There’s something to be said about the way Akaashi’s indulgence in Bokuto’s antics and endearment towards him grew more and more visible throughout the narrative.
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
My best bros
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
My loveeee
The lucid setter
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A lot of you seem to be eager for an Akaashi profile and I’m sorry it took so long. Turns out, he is one of the hardest characters to deal with, because we know so little about him. I’ll try not to turn this into pure headcannon, but feel free to correct me. Here’s what I’ve gleaned from his, like, five minutes of screen time. Also: all of the pictures, because he is a very pretty setter.
*Very* mild spoilers from the manga below.
Keep reading
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
THAT LAST CHAPTER THO! Now that we can freely discuss about it, what did you think of this week haikyuu chapter B?
This Fukurodani match made me lose 74 years of my life span but, at the same time, it added 1000000+ with all the excellent bokuaka it delivered. 
But, more than bokuaka being in love (what’s new at this point?) what made it a really special chapter for me was how Furudate delivered the final slap in the face to all the people who mischaracterized Bokuto and Akaashi, not only as a couple, but as individuals as well. 
Bokuto is not stupid. He’s a great captain and he proved it all along this match, He knows what he’s doing, he’s perceptive, he’s not afraid to speak his mind, to talk frankly without unnecessary sugarcoating things and to give advice to his teammates and even to his opponents (and we saw him do this plenty of times). 
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Bokuto knew Akaashi was in a downward spiral, and he went straight to him to talk him out of it. Pick someone who’s supportive, I guess. 
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He’s being acknowledged by Japan’s #1 ace. 
Bokuto Koutarou knows what he’s doing, knows what he wants and knows how he will lead his team to get it. He will never stop until he’ll be there, right at the top.
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And Akaashi, my strong and yet so fragile Akaashi. Seeing him cry made my heart burst into pieces but, most of all, I was happy. Happy to finally see him shatter the “cold annoyed babysitter” mask too many people put on him and show his true colors. 
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Akaashi Keiji feels, he feels A LOT. He feels the fear, he feels the responsibility, he feels the pressure and, most of all, he feels the love his captain has for him and the trust all his teammates have in him. He, as well, will move forward and I’m sure this experience made him even stronger.
Also, a note of color, one of the best thing about this chapter were THEM:
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Look at their faces. They ship bokuaka just as much as we do, and I think it’s beautiful. 
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dreamycarat · 1 year ago
I read this every other week to remind myself why I love Bokuto with my whole life
How do people poorly characterize Bokuto? Sorry I just got into the fandom.
Oh, petal, you just opened a can of worms. Since you just got into the fandom, I want to clarify that I’ll provide a 100% personal and biased explanations, since Bokuto is my favorite character. 
Let’s start with the canon stuff: Bokuto is loud (very loud), extremely confident but at the same time moody and easily broken. He’s often surprised by his own skills. He’s insecure, he needs and seeks constant validation from his teammates (especially Akaashi), he sometimes forgets basic things (like how to spike) when he becomes fixated on certain things. He’s dramatic and suffers from extremes mood swings. 
That said, I hate seeing Bokuto portrayed as nothing more than a stupid ball of muscles, a crybaby who’s completely clueless and lost without Akaashi. He’s the damn captain of one of the most powerful teams in the Tokyo region. Like, his team chose him, and not to because he was whining about that (it’s my canon based opinion that Bokuto cares more about being the ace than being the captain). They chose him because, as Takeda said, his power is so mesmerizing he doesn’t just motivate his own team, he motivates the opponents too. And, as Akaashi himself said, despite his mood swings, Bokuto is the first person the team looks to for inspiration and guidance. For good measure, let’s just mention he’s also #4 spiker in the whole Japan, not a big deal. 
He’s not a genius, he fails in mathematics, he’s not stable and calculated at all. But he doesn’t need to be spoon-fed or spoiled by Kuroo or Akaashi (who are actually always doing the exact opposite of that, being there to ground him). His bright and gigantic heart is made of thin, fragile glass, but he can stand up for himself, can pinpoint his own weaknesses and he canonically works his ass off to improve himself and be the best ace possible. Probably (surely) he’s not the best captain if we compare him to Oikawa or Daichi, but his own team respects him profoundly. They don’t solely rely on him, but still the need him to win, to guide them, to motivate them. 
And he motivates so many others too, just think about the impact he had on both Tsukishima and Hinata during the summer training camp. He gave away freely life changing advices, without even thinking that his words and action will eventually make them harder rivals to beat on court. *looks sidelong at Oikawa*
This is not the place to talk about Bokuaka, but their relationship too is often portrayed in a way I really don’t like. Let’s just face that if Akaashi really was a manipulative and condescending setter, Bokuto would avoid him like the plague. Instead he’s the one he always seeks and they canonically are always next to the other. Always. 
Long story short, I love this big sunshine owl so much and my heart aches when I see him reduced to a useless baby with just muscles and empty brain who can’t function properly without his babysitter setter. He’s…so much more. He’s so important. To me, the most important. 
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dreamycarat · 4 years ago
I just think you should sing no matter what you sound like and draw or paint no matter what it looks like
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dreamycarat · 5 years ago
Jaemin, the “flirt”
Truthfully, I don’t know NCT Dream all that well. I’m fairly new to the group, so most of my opinions on them are based on fisrt impressions.
However, I hate that Jaemin is painted as the flirt all the time. Sure, he goes crazy a lot, but his default is much less outgoing and much more reserved based on what I have seen of him.
He is very multidimensional and has an inate duality. Renjun and him are very similar in that aspect. How they express themselves is very different, but they both have distinct expressive and non expressive moments. Because of this, he comes across very mysterious. Even more so than Renjun because his duality has such a starck juxtaposition.
Honestly, I really don’t understand Jaemin at all. I’m trying to figure him out, but it is hard. This is just my own speculation and observations. One thing I know for sure though is that I am fascinated with him. He’s got me interested for sure.
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dreamycarat · 5 years ago
God, You know how hard it is for me to keep holding on You know how I struggle to survive every day How I struggle to keep my shit together How I struggle to act as if I'm fine While I'm breaking apart each day The pain keeps on pulling me apart The next thing I know, I'm just not me anymore I break down every day It's like a habit now - to cry and cry and cry because they never understand what I'm going through They don't understand that I'm overwhelmed by everything The responsibilities are big and I'm helpless I don't even know why I'm taking medicine in the first place I'm just a living disappointment I thought I would do just fine, but I'm not I don't have a sole purpose to live
And Spring-- I'm tired of pretending I have another side of me that's too positive to be true I'm tired of pretending as if I'm fine by myself, as if I can be my very own light in the dark
It's hard to even breathe Do I even deserve to breathe?
The only thing that keeps me alive is just the fact that my kittens will follow me along if I'm gone They don't care about the kittens All they know is nag and scold me But they never know how exhausting it is to take care of 10 kittens while taking medicine and having to be a responsible daughter all at the same time They don't know what I'm going through
And it's frustrating to realize that they never care about me in the first place That they never see the big changes in me
I'm too broken to even allow people to love me And that's probably why I'm been shutting everyone away But that's the funny thing They never care to realize
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dreamycarat · 5 years ago
[9.57pm] renjun’s surname meant yellow in chinese, and somehow, you thought it fit him perfectly. he was the warm morning sunshine on your skin, and the glow of the moon at night. his voice was sweet honey, and his smile lit fires in your heart. he was your favourite colour, your favourite person.
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