dreamwithchar · 1 month
Upside Down Houses and Water
Writing this short dream down that I had awhile back during the time I was studying for my NBCOT exam for the second time and I was up at Sacramento in Hira's Carmichael house.
In the dream, I was surrounding by beach and water. It was bright and sunny with just a few clouds in the sky. All around my as I walked, the water would move away and I'd be able to walk just fine on the bright sandy beach. In front of me, onto the right I see a building with some stairs leading up to a single level. In front of that building, I saw rows of huge buildings.. like two-story houses that were upside down. The buildings were balancing next to each other, standing right on the roofs. They were all white houses. Behind the houses and towering over them was a massive wave that was also continuously aligned with the houses. It looked as big as a tsunami wave, but this wave was suspended in the same spot, only the water moved in place. I was in awe of the sight, I've never seen anything like this in my dreams. It was a strange yet beautiful sight to see.
As I walked along the railing, I noticed a door that was open on my side of the building. I looked inside and it was adorned with the fanciest of decorations and furniture that I've seen. It resembled the design that one would see from like 18th century France, the one you would see at Palace of Versailles or what Napolean would have used at his place of stay. The room was a deep red and I remember paintings and shelves of books.
From then on, I don't quite remember what happened. But I did continue inside and explored the building's libraries.
It was really cool to be in this dream. I'm not sure if it had any meaning, but I definitely had fun while I was there!
-August 31, 2024
I had this dream sometime in July 2024.
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 11 months
Spiritual Battle
When I was little, I used to experience sleep paralysis. This would be in forms of black figures who would be standing in the closet or at my door, or sitting right next to my bed staring at me. I would never see their faces, but at times I could tell if it was a woman or cloaked figure. My aunt got mad at me one time for telling my cousin about seeing something scary like this in the guest room closet, but I knew what I saw. Most times I would be too scared to move, would not be able to scream or use my voice to help. Just helpless and unable to do anything.
Fast forward many years later, I recently experienced two sleep paralytic events in a single week. The first time I experienced it, I was taking a day-time nap on my couch in the piano room. I could feel something on me and wrapping their hands around my neck, choking me. I tried to scream and yell for help, but no one would be able to hear me. It was getting harder to breathe, but I had to endure it and continue calling for help. At some point, I forced myself to wake and I found myself drenched in sweat. I was shocked because I haven't had sleep paralysis in so long and was very shaken.
A few days later, I had another incident at night. In my dream, I was in a field at nighttime, and some stranger was talking to me about an event that was going to happen soon. I didn't know what was going on, but I naturally just agreed to going. When the stranger disappeared and I was able to collect my thoughts, I started to get an uneasy feeling that I shouldn't attend this event...I was getting this feeling that there was something evil and sinister about it. If I were to go, it would be going against what I believed in. So in that second, I decided to not go to the event.
Immediately upon making this decision, I felt a physical sensation on my left shoulder. It was an intense, aggressive tapping. Something was behind me as I laid in bed, and it was hitting me...telling me to take back my decision and that I should go to this event. It was urging me to "go, go, go." This was different from the last sleep paralysis, because this one actually felt evil, something scary and dark was behind me, and I felt I would get hurt if I turned to face it.
So in that moment, I did something different. Rather than yelling for help because I knew my voice wasn't going to come out, I focused and called for Jesus to come protect me; that in God's power, that He will banish the evil presence that was trying to overtake me. I kept repeating this over and over again, to go against the increasing hitting on my shoulder. And right when I got hold of myself and believed in God's protection, everything stopped and I was able to wake up.
This happened during the witching hour around 3:00AM. It was interesting because the days leading up to the second event, I would always find myself waking up around the same time. This incident happened during the last week before I would start my 2nd internship at a pediatric clinic. A week in which I was feeling a bit more depressed and hopeless of my life's direction.
I believed that because I was in such a negative head space, that I allowed my spirit to become weak. And because of this, I became an easy target for evil spirits to attack me.
I wanted to recount this experience because I believe that dreams communicate a lot in how I am doing and things I may not understand is occurring in the spiritual realm. I believe that dreams are ways in which God can speak to me, but it can also be overtaken by evil if I strayed too far.
-October 30, 2023
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 3 years
The Water
My dream today consisted of multiple scenes. It was very packed so I will  describe each scene.
It’s night time. I think I was at my new school, which I’ll be attending soon. I was lost and had to get somewhere, but the school’s structure was confusing; certain parts felt like Penrose Stairs and it didn’t really make sense sometimes. But at one point I was outside and about to walk up some more stairs when I looked to the side and saw a playground. There was one swing see-saw type of equipment that was swinging a lot, as if someone was playing there, but no one was on it. I thought it was because of the wind, but looking at the other swings right next to it, none were moving. So I was getting that super creepy vibe of a ghost being on the swing and I decided to leave right away.
The next scene I was trying to escape. I think there were zombies or something trying to get me, so I end up in an elevator with some people. They were trying to go to certain floors, but for some reason I didn’t want to go with them cause I felt that they were headed for some danger, so I decided to exit an earlier floor as they continued descending.
This third scene is one that sticks out to me and is most profound. I was walking in a dessert. There was nothing in this dessert and it was very dry. I keep walking until I come across a few dessert buildings. Out front were people on the ground. I come closer and I see that they all look extremely thirsty and without energy. These people huddled together and I think they were digging at the ground with their hands to try and find water. They looked up at me and I can see that they were struggling. I walk away and at one point a woman comes right up to me; somehow when I see her, I am treating her like a close friend. I see that she’s also very thirsty and tired; I think she also had a child, but I’m not too sure. Seeing all this, I take my friend up the sand dune and have her sit down with me. I get on my knees and start to profusely pray to God. I clasp my hands and look back and forth between the sand and sky. I pray to God to provide water for my friend... that the moment I take my hand and dig a small hole in the sand, that He may bring water for her. I visualized a hole the size of my two palms and had strong faith that He would do this for her. As I finished praying to God and dug a hole in the sand, immediately the hole was filled with clear water. I was so happy, but it didn’t stop there! The water ended up overflowing the hole and became a stream that flowed down the dune. It was more than enough for my friend, and would provide water for the other people as well. My friend was able to happily drink and become clean because of this water. This scene was so meaningful to me because I felt connected to God. It showed to me that through prayer, God can and will provide more; that He exceeds all expectations and is always with me. I don’t have to worry. 
I walk away from the dessert in the next scene. I meet a man who I think I was in a relationship with. We walked away together and it felt nice to have his left arm around my shoulder. But as we continued on, his hand ended up going down and touching my butt, which to me was NOT OKAY. I felt so uncomfortable because logically, I knew that I didn’t actually know him. It’s funny because in this scene of the dream, he was my “lover” but other than that.... like who was this guy?? So I pushed him away because I was upset. I didn’t want to be treated like that and decided to walk away from him. When I looked at him, he was sooo confused, and it’s funny to remember. 
He ends up following me to the ocean docks. There was a huge boat there and it looked like one of those crab fishing boats. There were people on board telling me to get on the boat and I decide to get on. The guy gets taken away by a friend of mine, so I don’t really hang with him again even though he’s around somewhere hahaha... It felt so great to be on the ship with the ocean breeze and everything. I was skipping and jumping around; it felt so freeing. The boat starts moving away.... but the next scene was super random because what ends up happening is the boat gets taken by some bad guy. The bad guy is on board and I got this “Davy Jones” type of sense from him. Everyone gathered around him as he talked, and stupid me acting like a tourist, was not afraid of him and began trying to take pictures of him with my DSLR camera lolol..... This bad guy notices, and he comes to me saying that he has cursed me. Once the crowd dispersed, some lady came to me and tells me to look at my arms, and once I did, I see on my right forearm some rash marks. It was red and blotchy, and the lady then tells me I was plagued. She told me to go take a shower and rest up. I go to my room where I do as instructed... and at the end of the dream, it just ends up with me having a bath towel wrapped around me as my friend (name: “Ahhnalee” I think) from before tries to put the door back together because for some reason, she took it off its hinges. The “boyfriend” was there too, but he wasn’t doing anything and still looked confused haha
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Dream on May 27, 2021
Love, Char
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 3 years
Animal Reference
I find it funny when different parts of my dream are things that I recognize happened during the day, or I remember experiencing it in the past. It’s like the dream is incorporating my brain’s organization of memories and somehow, certain details just slipped into the dream. 
I say this because I had a dream packed with a lot of things happening...so much so that I pretty much forgot a lot of it, but what stuck out to me were how many times I’ve seen animals pop up. And as a person who loves analyzing and remembering my dreams, animal dreams tend to hold a lot of meaning to me. Animals are symbolic and I like to dive deeper if there was a reason for the specific animal to come to me in my dream.
So in this dream, I saw three different animals. Out of the three animals, I would say one of them seemed to truly symbolize something, while the other two were references to things I’ve seen during the day. I’ll first just briefly talk about the two animals that came out, which I’ve actually seen the exact animals before.
Crocodiles: I was in some random building brushing my teeth, when I looked out the door’s window and spotted a crocodile right outside. I don’t remember if there were one or two of them, but for simplicity, I’ll just say I saw one. The crocodile was walking around and it was huge. But what ended up happening is that the crocodile walked right up to my door, and pretty much perched itself in front, blocking me from coming out.
The reference: Earlier in the day that I had the dream, I was looking at an Instagram video of some guy in Florida, and he was basically stuck in his house because there was a crocodile just sitting at his front door. He and his family couldn’t leave the house for most of the day, and at the end of the video, you can see that it was night time with cops and the neighbors outside watching it. It was a pretty funny video, and it’s even funnier that the crocodile came into my dream to block me too hahaha.
Wolves: I currently started watching this docudrama series called “Troy: Fall of a City” because I recently became interested again in Greek mythology, and in the first episode, Paris encounters a wolf in the forest as he’s chasing one of his sheep. And of course, I come across this same silver-gray wolf in the forest of my dream. It stares at me as it runs off on its own. That’s pretty much all I can remember from that, but I found it funny that my brain wanted to include this detail in the dream. 
For the final animal that came out, it seemed to hold more meaning just because of how significant its presence came to be in my dream. The last animal that I saw was a stag and many deers. I was basically in the forest walking around, maybe it was after I saw the wolf, but as I walked on, I had this feeling that something was staring at me. When I looked up, up on the hills surrounded by the trees and bushes was this enormous stag with huge antlers staring down at me. Honestly, it really felt like I was staring at Bambi’s dad or something... you know like the “King of the Forest” type of deer because the way it was looking at me seemed majestic. It looked powerful, as it stood up strong and tall. I remember staring at its eyes, and seeing the deep brown color of its irises. 
As the stag looked down upon me, behind it was a herd of deer coming up and walking behind it. Most of them were just regular deers without the antlers. The overall sense I got from this scene was not of any danger, but it was more calm and I was in awe. This family of deer was going about its business probably looking for food, and the stag was there checking its surroundings and protecting his family. But at the same time, I felt that it was taking notice of me because I was part of life in the forest... not an enemy or a threat. It was like it was acknowledging my presence and it was really cool to encounter this stag. 
When I woke up, I went and searched for the meaning of stags/deers in dreams and this is what I found:
Stag/deer is recognized as a symbol of spiritual authority. 
It can mean contentment, care, compassion, focus, purity, growth in life, independence, innocence, and enlightenment. 
A deer with large beautiful antlers foreshadow a caring attitude but short temper. It can also mean protection. 
Seeing a deer amongst trees denotes that I am in love with who I am and people follow my instruction. It can also signify sacrifice.. am I sacrificing something? 
A stag might be a warning to not make hasty decisions. I won’t be able to accomplish what I decided to do because of my ego and pride. 
An awakening of spiritual desires, but also that I must leave behind my shyness towards others and open my heart.
Honestly the list goes on and on about deers and stags. Since this animal had such significant meaning throughout ancient times, it holds many different meanings as well. So for the deers to appear in my dream, and to see such an enormous stag watching over me, it immediately felt like something I shouldn’t forget. I’m not sure if it is a good or bad thing, but I’ll just be more careful going forward. I feel like it was protecting me more than anything else, and that it can be a sign to have courage as I grow to become more independent. 
But yeah! This is what happened all in one dream, where I come across important and not so important animals.
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Dream from May 24, 2021
Love, Char
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 3 years
A dog bit my right hand, but upon its release, the dog bit in the exact same place again. I saw the red mark on my hand. 
I end up rushing to the hospital and enter through the emergency room. I make eye contact with a doctor and explain to him what happened. For some reason, in the next scene, I find myself on a gurney going somewhere, with nurses and the doctor pushing me along. Maybe to an operating room? 
A nurse on my left asks the doctor if he knows me, and surprisingly he looks at me and states that he knows me. He mentioned that when I first met him that I was making things difficult or I guess I was difficult to get to know... hahaha I have no idea. I noticed his hand grabbing onto the gurney’s rail. Funny to admit, I thought his hand was very pretty, despite the circumstances lolol 
But that’s pretty much the only part of the dream I remember. It’s so funny that for a dog bite, it was such a big emergency that I had to lay on a gurney. 
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Dream from May 2021; the photo is from an anime called “Nichijou.” This dog biting scene is hilarious.  
Love, Char
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 3 years
Object Transformation
A very short dream.
It’s raining. I’m in a very old car with my dad and I think my little sister is there too. The car starts to break down so my dad stops, and I get out to check what’s wrong with the engine. When I open the hood, I see that the engine is flooded with rainwater and I ask my dad if that means the car is broken. He tells me that it definitely won’t work as he proceeds to sit in the car and instructs me to go behind the car to push it.
As I start to push the car forward, I see that I’m able to get it to move. However, upon a few paces down, I start to notice the car getting smaller and smaller in size. I let go and see that the car turned into a miniature toy car; at that point my dad and sister were no longer there. 
The toy car floats down the road, getting dragged by the rainwater and I start running to try and catch it. I look ahead and see a group of guys on the sidewalk, but I don’t clearly see their faces. One guy (asian?) at the front of the group notices the car and picks it up for me. I approach him and he places the car into my hand.....but the moment it lands onto my hand, it transforms into a sky blue ball. The blue ball reminded me of those Japanese temari balls designed with a pretty pattern (I think of windy lines and white flowers, if I have to guess). And as I held onto this ball, the entire gloomy, rainy weather had disappeared, and I now see that the clouds were parting to show a bright yellow-orange sunset. The sky was bright and tinted orange, and I see that we were at the Silverlake area, so the water was sparkling too. I take notice of the one guy’s hands, who had given me this ball. ( That was one detail I clearly remembered). 
I start to walk away from the group of guys, but the one guy started following me (with his friends) and he wanted to join me. I’m not sure if I just didn’t want to talk or was shy, but I was kind of trying to avoid them. I ended up throwing the blue ball back down into the rainwater, and the moment it splashed, it transformed into a bunch of white tissue paper. I picked up the tissue paper because I was very confused as to how this could have happened.... but that’s where the dream ended. 
I write this short dream because of its strangeness. I find it interesting to see how these objects transformed and wonder about if these specific objects can symbolize anything. I also think it’s very interesting how along with the objects transforming, that even the entire environment and weather of the dream changed as well. I’m really not too sure about if this dream means anything or not. 
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May 2021 Dream
Love, Char
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 3 years
Waking Hands
I only remember fragments of the last part of this dream. One thing I noticed that was different about this dream is the overall color scheme. The dream I was placed in looked gloomy, and everything seemed like it was in grayscale. It was kind of an apocalyptic/zombie type of feel, if you know what I mean. 
I was with a few other random people and we approached this concrete building that was broken down. Some of the surrounding areas were flooded and there was a huge hole to the left of the building that was pooled with water and wooden debris. I was trying to figure out how to get across the water into the building (I guess this was our next objective), but a woman suddenly jumped into the water and started freaking out. I felt annoyed seeing that she just went in without thinking, and it quickly seemed like she was going to drown, so I hurriedly tried to think of a plan to get her out of there. However, as I started going near the edge of the hole to get to her, the dream suddenly changed and I was left in the center of a dark forest. (To be honest, it either changed to a new scene, or I totally forgot what happened afterwards... but I’m pretty sure something changed and I never actually got to her.) 
As I find myself in the forest, it’s pitch black. I can't see anything farther than the trees that are right in front of me... it felt like I was in some sort of horror game with how dark and silent it was. I saw someone in front of me running away, so I started chasing after them. The road was very windy and I wasn’t sure why I was trying to get this person, but I kept following them. As I inched closer and closer, I rounded a corner to reach for the person, when I was abruptly woken up. 
I wake up staring at the ceiling, and my heart was beating really fast, as if I was actually recovering from a run. I immediately sensed two hands that pushed down onto my chest, as if they were giving me CPR, but when I looked to see who it was, there was no one there. As I was processing all this, I could still feel the ghostly sense of fingers that pressed onto my chest. I had never experienced anything like this where it seemed like a spirit of some sort was trying to wake me up from my dream. That was the first thought that came to mind as to how I could have felt someone push me to wake up, and yet there was no one there. To me, if there was really some sort of spirit or something out there... I feel that they wanted to wake me up from this dream before I caught the person in front of me.
The dream felt more like a nightmare as I got closer to this unknown person in the dark forest, so if anything, this “spirit” could have sensed the danger that I was in and wanted me to wake up. Even though it seemed scary at first, I didn’t feel any sort of threat from being woken up like that... I was actually very thankful and happy that I did. So in this pondering time of what could have happened and just having fun with the idea, I could have been woken up by a “good spirit” who wanted to keep me safe hahaha
Honestly, I have no idea why I woke up the way I did, but this was the first thought that came to mind to explain all of this.
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-Dream from May 2021
Love, Char
0 notes
dreamwithchar · 3 years
Child in the Bathtub
Dreams always place you in random locations that you’ve probably never been to in order to set a scene. There’s even the random people that are suddenly your friends or comrades to animate more of what story is to unfold. A set of events happen to create this story you’ve been placed in, and you find yourself just going along with it. Whether you remember small bits or the entire dream, I believe that if you wake up and feel something significant from it, that that’s something to keep close to your heart. 
I remember this small part of a dream that I had a few days ago where I was opening the door to a bathroom that I’ve never seen. This bathroom was decently spacious and was all white; there were white walls and white tile flooring. There were tall windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor on the back wall and partially on the left wall as well, that had a view of bright, green lush trees. Rays of sunlight were beaming into the room and cast light over a white, french bathtub, and inside this bathtub was a small child. 
I entered the room and closed the door behind me. Then, I went directly to this child who was in this tub of water with bath bubbles surrounding them. If I remember correctly, this child was a little boy (possibly around 4-6 years old), had a bit of a darker skin tone and seemed of asian descent (maybe Indian or Middle Eastern). But by approaching this child, I automatically felt that I needed to take care of him.
As I was helping this child and making sure that he was okay, I suddenly hear a voice behind me. I turn around and there was a couch right next to the door with a somewhat posh-sophisticated looking man lounging there and watching us. He wasn’t there before, so his presence really surprised me. As I looked and listened to him, he started to ask me questions that then made me think about what was going on. 
Side note.... sometimes when I dream, I don’t often find myself getting engaged in conversation with random people that make me critically think about anything. So this man was asking me questions like: “What am I doing?”, “Why am I cleaning this child?”, “Who is this child to me?”, “Why do I even care?”, “Why would I want to help this child?” and so on. Now I don’t quite remember what answer I verbally gave him, and of course initially I was kind of confused about everything, but after hearing his questions, I still felt this strong conviction, and deeply felt that it was my duty to be there to take care of this little boy. I didn’t want to leave him alone, and I really wanted to help him. So from that point on, I conversed with this man, all the while not stopping in caring for the child in the bathtub. 
I felt that it was important to record this dream because I’m not usually forced to “pause” the dream to reflect on my actions. Waking up from it, I felt a deep connection to what had happened and it does align with my real feelings of wanting to serve and help children wherever I go. From such a simple, small dream where I help a child take a bath, I woke up feeling more motivation to always show love and care to any child I meet. 
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-Dream from April 2021; the picture kind of illustrates what I saw, but the bathroom was much bigger and all white, the sink was on the right side with a marble counter top, and the door was white on the opposite wall from the window.
Love, Char
0 notes