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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Grateful to have been playing some beautiful shows since I moved out to LA. The love is growing, the poetry is sparking and the skeletons are shaking like flowers in gale-force winds. Lots of dates coming up, stay tuned 馃拑馃徑 ... (photo from my performance @daybrkr last week)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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"Those who they call insane today turn into tomorrow's saints. I pray you have the strength to lead, the courage to fail, this song is #ForTheMadOnes ..." #35mm by she @hamnashidayoga #Harlem 2015
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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In the studio with my brother the bass wolf making some truly w!ld music 馃幒鈿★笍馃幒 @konradoldmoney
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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A little over a year ago I stopped drinking. My father always told me as you seek to wake up into yourself there is a spiritual ceiling you hit if you are using substances. Andre 3000 spoke about putting drugs and alcohol down so he could, "get the signal clear as day." Those lines echoed in my mind for a long time and I knew in my heart that it was my destiny to be sober. We often equate artist and dreamer with drunk and stoned, many folks think you need chemical assistance to reach intensely creative spaces but the truth is you don't. To use your imagination and heart while remaining grounded is incredibly powerful. It's amazing how vivid and beautiful my life has become, how much subtle magic I now witness that I used to miss. When I finally sobered up I never felt so high in my life ... 馃懡馃幒馃拑馃徑 (photo by my love @hamnashidayoga)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
One of the most honest and beautiful projects I have been a part of. This video is based on a true story, a poetic adaptation of a life changing time in my life. With pain as the motivation and love as the medicine, my brothers and I transformed. #UnlikeAnyone directed by the vision queen @claranovich @smokeyrobotic (full video on YouTube) #tbt
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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A rag doll for the spirits ... Last night was magnificent, a pure eruption of heart, an imagination waltz in deep space 10, a soul ride through the cosmos. Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated with us, such a special experience. Still drunk off of all the love in the room @themintla (photo by my big brother, Dave Sarks) #ForTheMadOnes
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
Had a blast playing @dybrkr this morning. @onestophits and I played some songs off of my upcoming project, #ForTheMadOnes and boogied in a haunted roller disco full of beautiful hearted folks. Awesome way to start the day. Much love to @argine and @andreherd ... Tonight we go to the moon for another show 11.11 pm @themintla 馃殌 #daybreaker #dybrkr
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Playing two shows tomorrow in Hollywood, starting the morning off with a soul rooster performance @dybrkr and then rocking @themintla 11.11 pm. Angels and boogie men will be in attendance, come dance. #MadOnesGoToTheMoon (original photo by the vision catchers @jonsarstudios & space art by my big brother @orangezhinobi)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Pain is the glacier of my illusion cracking and thawing. I am underneath, trapped. You hear me singing through the layers, you catch distorted glimpses of my eyes shining through the frozen prison. You love me, like crazy, the "me" deep inside the ice. Even the sound of my true voice although muffled is enough to turn you on, the flashes of my pure being although obscured makes your heart catch fire. Thank you for loving me through my armor, visiting me everyday and night in my cell and singing me lullabies of bravery and hope. You are the nightingale that brings tidings of a new dawn just around the bend when my soul is stuck in what feels like endless night. You are the dove that brings a spring twig confirming land is close by when my mind is lost at sea. You are the phoenix with eyes blazing reminding me that there is nothing to be ashamed of as I awkwardly struggle to free myself from my frozen dreams and that instead I should be proud, for all warriors of light must illuminate their own darkness with a unique torch. A torch that can only be lit through the sparks of relentless faith. #Poetry #ForTheMadOnes (photo by @hamnashidayoga)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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This Tuesday in Hollywood I will be channelling spirits and singing futuristic soul songs over beautiful music composed by my insanely gifted friends. Come boogie with us @themintla #ForTheMadOnes
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Many dreams flicker across my mind and countless feelings whisper. Doubt, pride and fear intoxicate my spirit and leave me flustered. And like nature transforms in the Fall and trees seem to die but are only sleeping, a sweet sadness sobers my heart and I am overcome with appreciation for life. My disguises drop away, my shields seem petty in the face of the storm and I toss them aside. All of us are so damn beautiful and brave, from the humans to the rocks, the animals to the stars, playing our part in this crazy kaleidoscope love experiment. Vulnerable and naked we stand here, smiling inexplicably with blindness in common and love as the only light ... #Poetry #ForTheMadOnes #35mm photo by a ghost.
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Fine line between being you and following the times | Cutting chords that bind, find keys that open wide | Play that new dream you found outside your little mind | Cause I don't want your sense I want your heart's cry, your destiny ... #Poetry #ForTheMadOnes (photo by @hamnashidayoga Bushwick, 2015)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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... and then music without sound playing softly in the distance of your heart echoes in our shoulder blades as the wings of the ancestors carry these dreams to the spirits as gifts to be shared. #Poetry #ForTheMadOnes with space angel #Art by the lunar King @gazootothemoon
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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The pain motivates you to climb, to create, to be a better you. Be grateful for your agony for it is your loving teacher disguised as an enemy. Sadness softens your pride, cools your angry heart, clears your vision of selfish focus, thank the feelings that bring tears to your eyes for they are your guardian angels. Everything you have known will disappear in the physical sense but the heart and spirit jewels will carry over into eternity. Train yourself to focus on their invisible glow and do not cling too tightly to people, places and things. #Poetry #ForTheMadOnes (photo by my family @jonsarstudios)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Back in Cali, hitting the ground running. Playing two shows next Thursday, October 27th, the first with the #superfuturistic @dybrkr family for a 6 a.m. Roller Disco party in Hollywood and then rocking @themintla later that night @ 11:11 p.m. Boogie monsters and angels will be in attendance, #MadOnesGoToTheMoon and shimmy like Calloway tipsy ...馃拑馃徑 (#35mm by she @hamnashidayoga)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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"In our heart's a timeless song, a secret we forgot. Seeing skies through children's eyes our pupils are unlocked." #MadOnesGoToTheMoon wearing Tinfoil Helmets and believing in real magic ... On set of the *I've Looked Everywhere* shoot directed by @weareeliot (image caught by the dream hustler @w4lly)
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dreamsofz 9 years ago
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Until next time New York ... (馃帴 by @hamnashidayoga)
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