dreamschased ¡ 1 year
literally   bringing   this   blog   back   from   the   dead   to   say   that   all   this   taylor   swift   and   travis   kelce   news   has   me   in   my   writing   feels   and   i   needed   a   popstar   x   famous   athlete   ship   like   yesterday!   just   imagine   the   athlete   publicly   pining   for   said   popstar   on   live   tv . . .   i'm   foaming   at   the   mouth!   so   like   this   post   if   you're   interested,   and   i'll   hit   you   up   in   the   im's   🤍
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dreamschased ¡ 4 years
humans  are  creatures  of  habit  and  this,  too,  is  a  mere  form  of  habit;  sitting  beside  dohan,  hunched  over  books  and  notes.  his  mother  provided  them  with  hot  cocoa,  focus  lying  strictly  on  the  math  exercises  she’s  been  solving  one  by  one.  the  silence  is  comforting,  habitual.  it’d  be  weird  if  things  were  any  other  way.  she  is  most  at  home  around  him,  after  all.
sometimes  she  believes  to  feel  his  eyes  on  her,  convinces  herself  it  must  be  mere  imagination  or  fatigue  starting  to  catch  up  to  her  consciousness.  the  only  coherent  thought  cursing  through  her  head  is  how  she  doesn’t  want  to  go  home.
she  doesn’t  want  to  go,  she  thinks,  she  really  doesn’t  ——  oh.
her  expression  drops,  deflates.  he  mentions  the  time  and  jiyeon  cannot  help  but  stare  even  harder  at  her  notes,  as  though  ignoring  his  acknowledgement  of  how  late  it  has  gotten  will  simply  make  him  stop  thinking  about  it,  too.  but,  of  course,  she  knows  he’s  right,  manages  to  mask  the  heavy  feeling  in  her  chest  with  a  titter.
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“ you  barely  got  any  studying  done,  dohan - ah.  do  you  want  to  fail  the  final  exams? ”  she  notes  instead,  berates  lovingly    —    his  near  empty  notebook  is  typical.  she’s  always  been  the  studious  one  of  them.  hesitantly,  her  fingers  begin  to  gather  her  belongings,  avoiding  meeting  his  eyes  as  she  does  so.  lately  she’s  also  formed  the  habit  of  ignoring  the  way  her  heart  tends  to  beat  faster  around  him.  peculiar.  “ sure,  you  can  walk  me  home.  i  still  have  to  finish  the  latest  story  for  the  newspaper,  i  doubt  i’ll  get  a  shut  eye  this  night.  but  the  pictures  you  took  turned  out  beautifully. ”  
with her, it’s a rollercoaster—of feelings, of emotions he can’t exactly pinpoint nor correctly give a name for (or maybe it’s downright denial for ignorance, truly, can be bliss).
in a way, he already knows what this is—ever since they first moved in, and the plucky girl-next-door took first steps to acquaint themselves—literally tossing rocks at his windows, as if a woman after his own heart. 
and the longer he thinks about, the more he realizes that there’s probably too many words (or rather, not nearly enough) for their relationship, for describing it aloud may bring about changes he’s not entirely sure he’s ready to face yet.
call it cowardice, or a different kind of courage—his own answer’s never set in stone in either, mind just as unwavering as heart.
internal pining aside, dohan’s eyes steadily meet her own at such chides, a smirk easily being offered up at her comment (with feeble attempt to shut his notebook in embarrassment of his own work ethic). “have a little faith in me, jiyeon. not everyone wants to ace the final exams like you—some of us are fine with just barely passing, ya’ know,” he near-pathetically corrects, his ounce of nonchalance physically shattering at the sounds of little siblings running and mother yelling from the kitchen seeping through cracks in his doorframe.
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he flinches—shoulders rise, and eyes briefly shut—though, he’s quick to mask his reaction with a sheepish smile instead. “we should probably get goin’ then, huh?” he laughs. his hand automatically extends for her own as he hoists himself up, expecting her to follow closely behind. “do you wanna borrow a jacket or something? wouldn’t want you to catch a cold in the, like, two seconds we’ll be outside.”
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dreamschased ¡ 4 years
rummaging in our souls, we often dig up something that ought to have lain there unnoticed.
                                                                                                         ANNA KARENINA, l. tolsoy                                                                                                                                 @heartfated​
there’s a stillness that he finds in the air that’s calming, comforting even. their breaths mixing—softly, gently—with the sounds of wall clock ticking, pencil scribbling and hearts (or rather, only his) beating. it’s hard to concentrate, when she sits so near, a thought that nearly has him doubling over him laughter amidst such silent studying.
how curious, truly, for how fast feelings of familiarity have soon turned to those of fluster.
she hasn’t noticed (she hasn’t, has she?) how often his eyes wander from problems and formulas to her features, gaze outlining every feature with more adoration for her than anything concerning himself. sometimes, she’ll glance up, and he has to catch himself—quick and sudden, with a turn of his head and a clear of his throat as he attempts for the umpteenth time to read the same passage on the same page he’s yet to turn over.
it’s only when a notification brightens up his phone screen that he spots a glimpse of the time, eyes soon widening and softening at the realization that it’s come to the part of the night for good-bye’s and good night’s. so, in nonchalant fashion (or so he thinks), he leans back and stretches with a groan for a transition. “it’s gotten late, don’t ya’ think?”
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dominant hand scratches the back of head as he looks at her—properly, for once—with a regrettable smile and a nod of his head. “w-want me to walk you home? even though you’re right next door, you can never be too careful, ya’ know.”
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dreamschased ¡ 4 years
snckeskin /
starter for @femmesfatale​
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“there you are…” tilting her head, arms crossed against her chest. “i’ve been looking everywhere for you.” she sighs while rolling her eyes paired with a slight look of disappointment. “you promised to buy me lunch — you didn’t forget, right?”
the heavy sigh comes out almost automatically when she approaches, his former smile quickly fading as he meets her rolled eyes with a pair of his own. a free hand shoves its way into his pocket, weight shifting back in nonchalance as he glances at her.
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“since when did i promise you that? just because i said we could grab lunch together doesn’t mean i’d pay for you. ‘s not like it’s a date, ames.”
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dreamschased ¡ 4 years
                                      < an open starter for mutuals & non-mutuals >
muse stella cha, competitive swimmer connection preferably a fellow athlete, but anyone is welcome !
“the olympic trials are less than two months away... everyone’s telling me i’ll be find—especially my physical therapist—but i can’t shake this bad feeling that something bad’s gonna happen again. i’m not crazy, am i ?”
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dreamschased ¡ 4 years
iseul ¡/
closed starter for @femmesfatale· ♡
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“ what do you mean ? i was obviously just acting. there’s absolutely nothing real about it. ”
"bro, you and i both know that i—out of all people—won’t fall for that bull. nice try, though.”
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dreamschased ¡ 4 years
i’m trying to get back into this whole indie... 1x1... rp thing. i’m just in a big phat mood to write tonight, so if you want to stay up late, do some back and forth, and dick around with headcanons, then please like this post !
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dreamschased ¡ 6 years
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logistically, it was inevitable that such a successful drama would be as lauded in award season as it is, and more so inevitable that it would reflect badly on her not to attend. the rest of the ensemble cast had come, too, but luck had been on her side when she’d gotten the chance to arrive on the arm of someone who could get her out of sharing a cramped dressing room with the other girls. it had been a new experience, being in a relationship for publicity — and she had been painfully shy at first, before coming to understand that dongwoo’s intentions were pure. “ i know, i just — ” she has the protest ready on her lips before she’s stopped, the look in her eyes betraying it all. “ i’m so new to all of this. my colleagues are so much brighter, i hardly know what i’m doing, i’m a nervous wreck, and i — ” tatsu breaks off with a sigh as it sinks in that he won’t hear her talk about herself like that. one hand comes up to rest over his on her cheek. “ i have somebody who believes in me. what would i do, without you ? ” 
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maybe he should be a bit more cautious---for when he feels her hand overlap his, he’s suddenly pulling back, throat clearing and eyes avoiding contact. yikes, he mentally murmurs, knows full-well that the worry is unneeded since everyone in the vicinity lies under this impression that they’re in a relationship. relationship, my ass, he almost dares under his breath, but decides against as a knock on the door alerts them that it’s almost their turn to grace the red carpet. inhaling deeply, he sends her a brief smile---for her, maybe, but mostly for him. ( because he’s a great fucking actor, but he’s never done this before---pretend to be in love with someone, as shin dongwoo, as himself. ) “hey, my first awards show was when i was fifteen years old---okay, i was going through this awful stage of puberty and even cracked my voice when i got called up in stage, so nothing you can do could be any more embarrassing than that, yeah ?” he chuckles, snaps wrist to glance at his watch before nodding his head, extends his arm for her to grab hold of. “now, y’ready ?”
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dreamschased ¡ 6 years
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“hey, hey, hey---there’s no need to get so nervous,” dongwoo tries to reassure, hand hesitantly reaching for her left shoulder as some gesture of kindness. “why wouldn’t you be ready ? there’s a reason you got those nominations in the first place, y’know ?” though, his words lay empty as his eyes dart to the nearest clock, noticing the tiny hand tick closer and closer to the time of ‘lights, camera, action’. he sighs, not usually the type to beat around the bush like this, “look at me---” in a swift motion, her face is squished between his palms as he’s tugging her chin up to look him in the eye. stepping closer, they’re a mere foot apart as he stares down at her, hoping that this semblance of a pep talk would be enough preparation for the two-hour torture chamber they’re bound to endure. “you’re going to be great, okay ? and you’re going to make your parents proud, and if they’re not---well, fuck ‘em. ‘cause i’m proud of you.”
muse: takakura tatsuya, breakout actress.  open to: any gender. ( award show date: friend / pr relationship / real relationship )
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“ i don’t know if i’m ready. ” tatsu’s hands visibly shake every time she thinks about leaving the comfort of her dressing room, and she has to press them flat against her vanity. she was warned by her manager that it would be best to prepare a speech just in case of a win on her first ever nomination, but she can’t help but hope for a loss just so she won’t have to go up there and speak in front of so many credible people. “ so many people are gonna look at me. at us. my parents will watch this, ” she rambles, unable to explain just how terrifying that is to her. she knows the exact shade of disappointment that her mother’s eyes glow better than anything, but it never gets any easier to see. “ maybe this was all a mistake. maybe i should’ve declined. ” 
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dreamschased ¡ 7 years
literally all i want for christmas is a 1x1 / mumu with someone about all the high school cliches please give me the girl next door falling for her jock neighbor who’s too oblivious to realize that the girl he’s really in love with lives right next to him because his cheerleader girlfriend puts out and gives him head but she’s actually really insecure on the inside and the bad boy of the school notices that and can’t help but torment her and oh did i mention that his ex just moved back to town and will do whatever it takes to get him back plus there’s also the pair of best friends that are inseparable from the hip but plot twist (((not really))) one of them is in love with the other but doesn’t have the guts to confess so because they don’t want to ruin their friendship and UGH give me the angst and the fluff and the unrealistic plots but also so realistic and relatable at the same goddamn time
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
listen, there is absolutely nothing that gets me going like mutual seemingly unrequited pining like? i live for both people losing their minds over the other person in bitter silence. savoring every single accidental brush of their fingers, elbows, thighs, every stray glance, memorizing every gesture or expression they catch while the other isn’t looking, all while being absolutely convinced that it’s one-sided only to finally!! finally find out it wasn’t in a triumphant moment of bliss after years and years of delicious, soul-rending, torturous, heart-wrenching pining. i literally don’t care about the fact that this trope is predictable af and always plays out the same way i will still go wild over it every single time like they’ll be doing the same reveal scene i have seen a million times and i’m still on the edge of my seat gasping “are they gonna kiss???”
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
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          ☆゚. * · 。゚ this is not how he was expecting his night to go. sprawled across his dinner table with the mountains and mountains of paperwork was supposed to be his sole company for the night, not the familiar ( but, also, not so familiar ) face that he hadn’t seen in ... what? three? four months? ( the face that he thought he’d be waking up next to every morning. the face that he thought had the most beautiful smile in the world. the face that---he couldn’t wait to erase from his memory ... so much for that, huh? )
          when he opened his front door, he was expecting to be met with nothing due to the infamous amount of ding-dong-ditches the neighborhood kids were playing recently---and increasingly so---which was why he greeted with a “okay, what the hell do you want---” before he realized that he was not, in fact, calling out to a child of eleven years or so. ( the rain should’ve set him off---no one in their right mind would go out in a storm like this. )
          he gulped. hard. unsure of what to do or what to say, mason just froze for the few split seconds he needed to comprehend the situation. ( this couldn’t be real ... could it? ) part of him wanted to embrace the female in front of him immediately, while another part of him urged him to slam the door right in her face. --- but alas, the male had always been too much of a good guy to turn away someone so desperate, someone who looked so much in need. “um ... you must be freezing. do you want to come in?”
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
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it had only been day four of her two week vacation in the hamptons with her family and savannah was already convinced that she was going to die of boredom. it’s not that she wasn’t used to this – her family dragged her to the vacation home at least four times a year – but this trip the blonde was banned from bringing any of her friends along on the journey. perhaps it was because she threw a party on new year’s eve in the estate that got a little out of hand or perhaps it was because she often ditched family functions to hang out with her friends instead… whatever the reasoning, savannah had spent the past four days complaining to her parents to drive them up the wall.
the complaining seemed to do the trick, much to savannah’s surprise, and she was allowed to stay back while her family attended some extravagant party across town. the only rule was that she had to spend the time with dante. her parents seemed to believe that he was a gentlemen, one who would keep the young female in check. she wasn’t about to tell them that upon entering the acerbi residence, the duo would be getting high and wasted together. what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them, right?
savannah tip-toed through the giant estate, the lack of noise always bothering her a bit, as she headed to the familiar spot mentioned in dante’s text. in her hand was a bottle of champagne she had stolen from her parent’s basement – she was sure they wouldn’t even notice that it had gone missing. as she snuck into the library, a smirk danced across her face as she spotted the boy leaning against one of the bookshelves in their usual corner of the library. “a joint is a joint – i could care less if it’s fancy or not,” she said, rolling her eyes as she approached him. “this, however, is likely very fancy. i snagged it from my parent’s stash,” she grinned, waving the bottle of champagne in his direction. “we’ll have to drink the whole bottle to hide the evidence. hope you’re game for a party of our own tonight.”
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          ☆゚. * · 。゚ at the sight of the bottle in her hand, dante couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow and a corner of his mouth as she continued to approach. “’m more of a whiskey man myself, but i guess champagne will have to do,” he mused aloud with a low chuckle, reaching for the bottle himself to inspect before placing it back in her hands. “game for being crossfaded?---psh, why wouldn’t i be? the question is: are you?” he teased with a mischievous smirk fading onto his features as he fished one of the joints out of the plastic bag, shoving the rest back into his pocket before whisking a lighter out from his other one. placing the white stick in between his lips, he raised the lighter to the end of the joint before seeing the familiar flecks of fire appear before him and cause a string of smoke to rise into the air. 
          he took a long drag ( or two or three ) before removing the drug from the vice of his lips to pass it to the other, blowing puffs out throughout the entire process. “so how’ve the hamptons been holdin’ up for you? bad? good? dry? wet?” he questioned, with the last one being a cue for him to send a wink towards the blonde’s way. 
          harmless flirting ( and the occasional hook-up or so ) wasn’t a stranger to dante’s and savannah’s relationships---blame it on the fact that he hadn’t had sex in, at least, a week or the fact that not being sober usually led to him not being not horny, but he suddenly found himself glancing at the female with a sudden wave of lust washing over him as the weed began to kick in. ( dante acerbi, though, was a gentleman by nature. so if she said no, then he’d figure out a way to say no, too. )
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
based off of ‘ two people become roommates and they continuously keep getting into awkward situations between the two like, he walks in on her in the shower or she walks in on him having sex and it just keeps getting super super awkward between the two and you can just feel the sexual tension between the two ‘ // @ofserein
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          ☆゚. * · 。゚ this was starting to get a bit too much. sure, jaden has always been the type of person who was open-minded and never really needed all that much privacy, but during the past few months of acquainting himself with his new roommate, he couldn’t help but feel that a couple of ... boundaries were being crossed ( on both his side and hers. ) it started with her accidentally walking in on him sorting through her laundry whilst thinking it was his, putting the cherry on top of the whole fiasco by him picking up one of her more ... intimate pieces of clothing to inspect before he realized that she was standing in the doorway and that he was in a very, very sticky situation.
          afterward, the two found themselves in another moment of awkwardness when she barged into his room one night to demand him to turn his music down, only to discover that the booming music was only acting as a mask for the sounds of pleasure that would echo from his bedroom due to his one night stand for the evening. ( talk about a mood killer, huh? )
          which led them to now, her opening the shared bathroom door under the assumption that it was free to use, only to have her eyes settle on him stepping out of the shower ( in all his nude glory, mind you ) and wrapping a towel around his waist. not a word was said, but enough of a conversation was shared through their mutual expressions of shock and embarrassment. cue her now racing out of the bathroom to escape, only for him to follow after her with the towel around his race secured in his hand and with water still dripping from his strands of hair.
          “hey, hey, hey,” he softly called, honestly finding the time to be the perfect opportunity to settle things once and for all. “’s not a big deal, okay? besides, it’s not like this is the first time you’ve seen a guy naked before, right?” he teased, hoping that the sentence would be enough to lighten the mood.
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
based off of ‘ we’ve been broken up for a couple months now but wait we’re at the same party ?? and you’re with someone that isn’t me and i’m drunk and the person sitting next to you is looking at you how i look at you and you’re looking at them how you used to look at me ?? and now i’m drunkenly confessing my love to you in the middle of this party please take me back i miss you ‘ // @bxgdeal
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          ☆゚. * · 。゚ walker hadn’t been to a single party since he earned his bachelor’s degree, but when one of his buddies, brian, decided to host a ‘ reunion ‘ of some sorts for their circle of college friends that all, coincidentally, were home for the weekend, it wasn’t like walker could just say no ( not matter how much he wanted to. )
          brian had assured him that it would be a small, intimate function, but when walker found himself strolling up the driveway with a lawn that was littered with multiple cars and pieces of trash alike, he should’ve known how big of a liar brian was. ( walker’s promise to the other to stay for, at least, an hour or two was inching closer and closer to being broken as the night continued on. )
          he didn’t even have a second to greet the familiar faces he bumped into once he walked through the front door; the booming sounds of music in the background and the overlapping voices around him were enough to drown out any kind of coherency he could interpret. a red solo cup filled with whatever concoction of alcohol was shoved to his hand, followed by the urging on by others to down the whole thing before he could even take two steps. ( he hadn’t a drink in months, which is probably why is tolerance was so low. was his face getting red? he wasn’t even sure anymore. )
          a shot or two ( or three or four ) later, and walker was a sufficient amount of drunk that everything seemed to be moving in his dizzy state. the only thing he could focus straight on, though, was the sight of a female figure across the way that made his heart both soar and break at the same time. ( she was talking to some guy. she was smiling. he was smiling. ) walker gulped. hard.
          cue the brunette stumbling the couple of feet or so for him to be standing in front of the other, barely mustering enough energy to stand up straight and maintain his balance. “whad’ya think you’re doin’?” he slurred out, his tone a lot angrier than he anticipated it to be. “’s not okay---stop it!”
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
based off of ‘ my friends drag me out to see your movie / concert and they’re totally in love with you but i’ve always hated your lifestyle and why are you winking at me ?? i don’t like you but oops, you’re actually quite pretty from up close ?? ‘ // @varsityfield
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          ☆゚. * · 。゚ being an actor in hollywood usually came with its perks---but having to waste time out of his hectic schedule to attend his movie premiere at some small town’s movie theater wasn’t one of them. the pr time assured him that the act would be enough to skyrocket his popularity through the roof, but honestly? he couldn’t find it in himself to be bothered to care. ( but yet, still, there he was. )
          it was supposed to be a ‘ surprise event ‘ kind-of-thing---that he’d appear from the shadows so teenage girls and alike could scream and squeal at his entrance. ( because what’s better than seeing your favorite actor on screen? seeing them in person, of course. ) cue him shooting his signature smirk at the audience when he finally entered the theater, microphone in hand to allow him to send his greetings and thank them all for viewing the movie.
          at these kind of functions, he always thought it to be a good, fun game for himself to choose one special person in the crowd to focus most of his speech, sight, and expressions toward. for that day, he found himself gravitating to one of the girls near the middle of the theater---even going so far as to send the other a wink from the front. “how’s everyone doing tonight?” he aimlessly asked afterward, his eyes surveying the audience for their reactions.
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dreamschased ¡ 8 years
based on ‘ two rich kids who live in neighboring estates and their families always throw parties together and they have vacation homes in the same spots and their elite parents are too busy to notice when they sneak off to fuck in that second guest bathroom that no one uses or get high in the back library and makeout ‘ // for @bxdyrxck
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          ☆゚. * · 。゚spring break didn’t exactly feel like spring break this year. maybe it was due to the fact that his parents refused to let him going vacationing in cancun with some of his friends or the fact that he had yet to land a single piece of ass during their stay in the hamptons thus far, but either way, dante was bored. call him selfish or not, but the idea of lounging in the sun for one more hour was enough to make him puke.
          his only source of solstice was his family friend who just so happened to be spending the same week or so here as the acerbi family was. cue the mischievous grin that crossed his features when he texted the other to meet him in their usual spot: the back library of his family’s estate while the rest of his relatives were attending some party all the way across town. ( his parents had a certain liking for the other---perceiving them to be a ‘ good influence ‘ on him or whatever---which was probably the reason why he managed to get out of the event himself. )
          back leaning against one of the bookshelves near the rear of the library, his ears perked when he heard the faint sound of footsteps draw closer and closer to him. when his eyes finally settled on the other, he couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips as she pulled out the plastic bag of joints that were coincidentally in his pocket. “i know---not the fanciest shit, but the easiest i could get on a short notice.”
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