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dreamscapesalesstore · 11 hours
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Here’s the Trailblazer Trio! These are new prints debuting at ACEN next weekend!
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dreamscapesalesstore · 14 hours
🎲 gimme the sunday kisses !! >:3c
[A kiss to the back of the neck...]
Sunday's elegant fingers trail along Eros' arms like a pianist stroking a favored keyboard, the reverent touch so feathery light as to not make a sound. A stark contrast to the intent golden eyes reflected in the vanity mirror. Restraint is the head of the Oak Family's foremost virtue, after all. And so, he only bows his head to brush a kiss against his lover's bared nape, an approving hum buzzing against his skin.
"You look lovely tonight," Sunday murmurs, his breath a warm caress of its own. "I knew this would suit you, but you wear it even better than I imagined."
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dreamscapesalesstore · 16 hours
kiss roulette
inspired by the infamous "i want the k" meme by deactivated tumblr user tastcful. send 🎲 to generate a kiss! potential suggestive/nsf.w themes may appear
A kiss on the cheek
A kiss on the nose
A kiss on the forehead
A kiss to the top of the head
A firm kiss
A gentle peck
A romantic kiss
A platonic kiss
A kiss to the eyelid
A kiss along the jawline
A kiss to the neck
A kiss along the collar bone
A kiss on the chest
A kiss to the stomach
A kiss along the hips
A kiss in the rain
An upside-down "Spider-Man" kiss
A kiss while laughing
A kiss underwater
A rough kiss
WILDCARD! Dealer's choice :)
A french kiss/kiss with tongue
A kiss influenced by alcohol/other substances
A sleepy kiss
A kiss that's an accident
A kiss while one or both parties are crying
A kiss in greeting
A kiss in parting
A kiss to the back of the hand
A kiss to the palm of the hand
A kiss to the inner thigh
A kiss while someone watches
A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking
A kiss after a bite
A kiss against a wall
A kiss to the shoulder
A kiss to the back of the neck
A kiss while one party is carried
A tentative kiss
An impulsive kiss
A kiss out of spite
A clumsy kiss
A bloody kiss
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dreamscapesalesstore · 16 hours
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dreamscapesalesstore · 16 hours
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Birds   are   born   with   no   shackles   Then   what   fetters   my   fate?
indie RP blog for Robin of HSR. Sung by Fauna.
(promo credit)
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Impossibly, Aventurine folded himself even smaller, as if he could crawl into the space between Ratio's hands if he tried hard enough. To look upon him made something alien twist in his chest, painful and sharp. The doctor found himself compelled to reach out with his other hand as well, emboldened by the success of his nascent foray into comfort, and rested his broad palm atop the gambler's bowed head.
"Yes. Yes, there is," Ratio asserted, soft but assertive. Though he could write no theory nor provide no evidence to prove its existence yet, the conviction that drew him back to the material world was enough for him to answer thusly.
"And for your consideration, redundancy is not an issue. Cogito, ergo sum. You've heard me say this before, have you not? It is actually the shortened form of a longer phrase. Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum. 'I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.'" The ancient language rolled off his tongue not unlike an incantation, the words rounded to smoothness like well-weathered stones from how often he repeated them.
Then, less practiced words tumbled past his lips next. Earnest, but a little clumsy, "...What I mean to say is... It is enough to want to exist, Aventurine. As you are." Tentatively, he stroked his fingertips over the other man's hair. "...You are enough."
Because I've seen what lies on the other side of the Horizon, the doctor does not say. Because I found traces of truth in the mist. Because I cannot remember what they are, but they exist, they exist.
How does one live with that? With great difficulty, but one must still live.
"Then let that be your motivation," Ratio said, tightening his grip on the gambler's hand in return. His tone was soft, but stern, because the alternative was unthinkable. "My meaning cannot be your meaning. It must wholly belong to yourself."
It felt cruel to not be able to give a more definitive answer, but Ratio has always believed in the capacity of humanity to fend for themselves. To pick themselves back up time and time again, trembling and fumbling, when they have fallen. He cannot give Aventurine the solution, but what he could give him was hopefully just as useful:
That same small ray of hope that it, at the very least, exists... and perhaps some encouragement. (Though he would still prefer to leave it in note form.)
"The worst has not come to pass. Take this moment. Stop. Breathe. Think." The doctor spoke in a slow, even tone, almost rhythmic for how measured each word is. "The fact that you are no longer there. That you sit here before me today. What do you think that means, Aventurine?"
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"Ahaha!" At the mention of Natasha, a nervous trill of a laugh escaped the con artist and he raised both hands in surrender. A bit of coppery blood stained the tips of his gloves. "Woah there, no need to get her involved. Mums the word, you know!"
Like a lost stray, Sampo followed Eros inside eagerly without hesitation, his longer stride crossing the distance easily. However, he seemed to... hesitate, as he glanced around at the various seating options available. Gingerly, he decided on leaning one hip against the nearest cot instead, his ever-present smile taking on an awkward tilt.
"Abouuut that... I think I'll stand, thanks!"
"Yowch! You're breaking my heart, doc." Sampo held his hand over his heart with the most pathetic expression he could muster: eyebrows pinched, lips pouted, and eyes wide and beseeching. Perhaps on someone else it might have more of an affect, but the fact that he was tall enough to loom over the small medic was definitely a detractor.
"Aren't you the best in the business? Selflessly dedicated to the people? Can you truly not spare a moment for your favorite local merchant?"
...Of course, Sampo's currently scruffed up state might actually be making him look pitiful enough on its own, even without the theatrical whining.
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Argenti nodded in understanding, a sympathetic crease to his brow. He, himself, had only learned to write under the tutelage of his Mister, and even then, he found it was far easier for his clumsy hands to grip a weapon compared to more delicate things like pens and instruments. No further explanations were needed, for they were two birds of the same feather, soaring the lonely cosmos.
Still, he found himself endlessly curious about his newest comrade in justice.
"What do you do to clear your mind and focus on your path then, my silver cowboy? Your aim is true and righteous, so you must have some way of honing the determination of your heart, do you not?"
"How splendid! You truly have a noble soul, my friend, to combat the darkness with your righteous light." Argenti was so moved, he placed his hand over his heart, his gaze for the cowboy filled with earnest admiration.
"Your kind offer is much appreciated, but I do indeed already possess a journal to contain my thoughts. The Path of Beauty is an arduous one that requires much mental willpower and purity of mind, so it is helpful to meditate and reflect periodically. Do you also write to focus your mind? It's quite a diligent practice!"
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gallagher and sampo doodles..........
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Because I've seen what lies on the other side of the Horizon, the doctor does not say. Because I found traces of truth in the mist. Because I cannot remember what they are, but they exist, they exist.
How does one live with that? With great difficulty, but one must still live.
"Then let that be your motivation," Ratio said, tightening his grip on the gambler's hand in return. His tone was soft, but stern, because the alternative was unthinkable. "My meaning cannot be your meaning. It must wholly belong to yourself."
It felt cruel to not be able to give a more definitive answer, but Ratio has always believed in the capacity of humanity to fend for themselves. To pick themselves back up time and time again, trembling and fumbling, when they have fallen. He cannot give Aventurine the solution, but what he could give him was hopefully just as useful:
That same small ray of hope that it, at the very least, exists... and perhaps some encouragement. (Though he would still prefer to leave it in note form.)
"The worst has not come to pass. Take this moment. Stop. Breathe. Think." The doctor spoke in a slow, even tone, almost rhythmic for how measured each word is. "The fact that you are no longer there. That you sit here before me today. What do you think that means, Aventurine?"
"Hah-?" The cold, clammy touch to his hand actually shocked Ratio, a soft, startled sound dying near soundlessly in the back of his throat. One did not simply touch Dr. Ratio- very few were allowed to gaze upon him. And yet, the personal space he guarded so jealously was so easily breached.
The doctor flicked his gaze between that shaking hand and Aventurine's vibrant, pink-rimmed eyes, swallowing down an unspoken question. Why me? He was not renowned for being a comforting figure. And yet, and yet-
Ratio opened his clasped hands and awkwardly, but carefully, tucked Aventurine's hands between them. Had the gambler always been this... small compared to himself? He seemed to take up less room without all that swagger.
"...Very well then," he began, injecting some tentative authority back into his voice. "Listen carefully, because I do not like to repeat myself." Without realizing, his thumb moved gently over the cold hand in his grasp, as if he could impart some warmth back into it.
"There are two outcomes to witnessing the Horizon Existence. You either lose yourself to meaningless, or you dedicate yourself to proving there is meaning in this world. The latter party you may know as the Doctors of Chaos-" A pause, before he cleared his throat and added stiltedly, "And... myself. Though, I do not count myself among them."
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"Yowch! You're breaking my heart, doc." Sampo held his hand over his heart with the most pathetic expression he could muster: eyebrows pinched, lips pouted, and eyes wide and beseeching. Perhaps on someone else it might have more of an affect, but the fact that he was tall enough to loom over the small medic was definitely a detractor.
"Aren't you the best in the business? Selflessly dedicated to the people? Can you truly not spare a moment for your favorite local merchant?"
...Of course, Sampo's currently scruffed up state might actually be making him look pitiful enough on its own, even without the theatrical whining.
"Gonna tell y'before y'even open y'er mouth, sugar. I ain't buyin' anythin'." Eros sighed as he opened the door, looking over the taller fool, his ears flicking. It was past time for the clinic to close, so there being a visitor was- more than a little out of the ordinary. He tugged the robe he was wearing a bit tighter around his person, letting the cold in didn't suit him.
"Did y'actually need somethin' from me..?"
@dreamscapesalesstore || sc.
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"How splendid! You truly have a noble soul, my friend, to combat the darkness with your righteous light." Argenti was so moved, he placed his hand over his heart, his gaze for the cowboy filled with earnest admiration.
"Your kind offer is much appreciated, but I do indeed already possess a journal to contain my thoughts. The Path of Beauty is an arduous one that requires much mental willpower and purity of mind, so it is helpful to meditate and reflect periodically. Do you also write to focus your mind? It's quite a diligent practice!"
Argenti considers the question with perhaps more gravity than intended, his gauntleted fingers poised around his chin.
"In my homeworld, there were a great multitude of devilish beings that I engaged in combat, and many of those battles were indeed under the pale moonlight... Despite their brutality, there was an elegance to it all..." He bops his fist against his palm with a clang. "Yes! I daresay I have, my silver cowboy. Are you also a crusader against the despicable machinations of the Omen of Evil?"
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"Hm." The lighthearted deflection did little to put the doctor at ease, whose only response was a low, judgemental sound. Information was everything around here. For someone to withhold it meant only one of two things: Either they had a motive in doing so, or they were an idiot for not bothering to pay attention to details.
Ah. A Knight of Beauty.
...So it was the latter. If Dr. Ratio's curiosity was insufficient, he might have just walked away at that point, for he had neither the time nor the patience to entertain delusional fools right then. Fortunately for Argenti, he found himself wondering what reason in the world a Knight had for seeking out someone like himself.
"My time is quite valuable, Mr. Argenti, so do make it brief," the doctor agrees after a moment of consideration. Despite that, he takes the time to summon a marble stool (for himself, of course) and perches upon it comfortably, one knee slung over the other. No reason to not take the opportunity for a restful break.
"I will allow... Hm, let's make it three questions. So make them count, yes?" Anything else could wait for his office hours to open. How generous of him!
"Dr. Veritas Ratio of the Intelligentsia Guild, correct?" Argenti hopes that speaking the others full name was acceptable on his approach; if not the Knight of Beauty will use the preferred identification if the doctor corrects him. "You have a truly beautiful mind if the reputation I have heard is from reliable sources... even your reputation as a teacher fascinates me." He added, a slight bow of his head and a hand upon his heart as a former greeting. [ Yeets Dr. Ratio a compliment from Argenti. If he accepts it is on the doc ~ ]
Being addressed so formally is of little consequence to one Dr. Ratio, so he doesn't bother to address it. His attention is much more focused on examining the one approaching him instead. There is... many attributes of this person calling for attention, from his incredibly bright and long red hair, to the ornately decorated plates of armor covering his entire body- save for his head, of course.
It's a rather ironic contrast to the good doctor, whose head is the only feature obscured by his alabaster bust.
"...And, pray tell, what 'sources' may these be, hm?" Ratio asks after a moment, bringing up one hand to rest on his hip. His narrowed eyes may be concealed behind that sculpted neutrality, but dubiousness is practically dripping from his affected drawl. Being presented with compliments and hearsay right off the bat is one way to draw such a sought-after man's immediate suspicion.
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𝗑, 𝗑, 𝗑, 𝗑
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