Worth A Shot
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Dreams are vain, but they're also my speciality. Independent Arthur RP blog based on Nolan's Inception film. MULTI-Verse and MULTI-Ship. Both mun and muse are +18. May be NSFW at times. Please Read Rules.
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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The second Arthur felt arms around him he instantly returned the embrace. His latest job had taken far too long for his liking, especially since the contact he’d been able to make had been limited. Months had passed, and the effects showed on both of their faces easily.
“Hm, maybe I should go on longer jobs more often if this is my welcome home,” he murmured against Benji’s skin, letting his lips kiss the other man’s temple gently. It was simple, nice, and more than needed. 
 did you miss me?”
Benji was lost in a mission report when he heard the familiar voice coming from behind him and, upon spinning around so fast he almost gave himself whiplash, he saw Arthur standing in the doorway. 
“Oh my god
” His voice was a whisper as he stood up and rushed over to the man, wrapping his arms around him tightly. “Missing you is an understatement.”
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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Moments like these were ones he’d missed, were ones he would always miss when they had to work in separate jobs and were the ones he would always look forward to. He couldn’t really pinpoint just when his teasing went from something akin to amusement to him trying to show Arthur he cared about him as more than a friend. As more time went out he knew he’d fallen arse over teakettles for the point man. Eames knew his feelings had only grown as the years went by and now? He knew that Arthur was someone he couldn’t live without. And it was strange because the last person he’d felt that strongly for was his late wife. Arthur had filled a spot he hadn’t thought needed filling and now that he had he couldn’t imagine his life any other way. “Oh, I’m quite sure we can. B'tween the two of us we’re quite the pair.” The smirk on Arthur’s face had his heart skipping more than a few beats. This man, this brilliant man was his and he loved him more than life itself. They had so much to make up for and he didn’t want to waste any time. Tonight was going to be the start of their new lives together and all he wanted to do was jump in head first. His eyes fluttered closed as he felt Arthur’s fingers against his lips. That was something else he’d missed; the gentle way that Arthur could be when he wanted to be. “Darling, please don’t tell me you fell in love with me because you remind me of your sister.” He was only teasing Arthur but it did seem like a fair question to ask him. “As long as you love me, Arthur, that’s all that matters. Your family is a nice little bonus ifn you ask me.”
[ @dreamsarevain​ ]
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Although he hated to give Eames even an inch, Arthur let his lips huff out a small chuckle at the comment. The comparison to his sister and the question was fair, but the Point man shook his head all the same. Fingers moved over the other’s lips gently, tracing the soft features before slowly moving to cup Eames’ jaw instead. “No, quite the opposite in fact. You reminding me of sister was one of the reasons I hesitated so much in the beginning. Not the only reason, or even the biggest one. But it was still present.” Leaning forward suddenly, the Point man placed a delicate kiss upon the other man’s lips. Nothing more than a peck, really. Chaste and sweet, yet it held an honest sort of love that even the most passionate kisses could lack. What they had was real. Ironic, given their business. 
“...Perhaps we need a vacation soon,” he commented idly, lifting his other hand to place over the forger’s shoulder. It was a loose (though intimate for them) embrace, and for the first time in a long time Arthur felt free. Eames was there, alive, with him. They were truly enjoying each other’s company, being almost cliche with the sounds of the waves crashing near them. This was a perfection they deserved more than ever. “I’ll even go some place warm. Just for you.”
[ @fxrgxr​ ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt | The Hollywood Reporter: Actor Roundtable [x]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
The way Arthur murmured back to him and reached to touch him had Adrian nearly melted into a puddle on the floor. His breath hitched and halted, gladly accepting those lips against his own and returning that kiss. He’d already all but memorized the way the other man felt and smelled, finding him incredibly intoxicating. The noise that escapes his lips when the kiss finally breaks is a soft sigh, almost a purr.
The matter he wanted to discuss, if he was being entirely honest, was of great importance. However, it could wait. He now had other things on his mind and perhaps after some level of intimacy Arthur might be more willing to open up to him about matters of the past. At least he hoped that’s how this might go.
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Adrian bends, gently pushing Arthur back into the chair he was seated in. He moves his legs to either side of him and straddles the other man’s lap before he slides into it and presses against him. His lips peel into a smirk before finding Arthur’s again, lingering there before they move along his jaw and neck. His voice is soft, heavy with lust as he murmurs his response. “I’m thrilled to have your attention, darling. Perhaps you might want to take notes, but our little matter can wait. It seems something else has come up
[ @dreamsarevain​ ]
It’s unnerving, sometimes, how Adrian always manages to surprise him. The man has an essence of smoothness and grace that the point man often envies. Not that he himself doesn’t possess such qualities, but there is something particularly engaging in the way Adrian does it. Like now, for instance.
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Arthur can practically hear his heart thumping in his ears, blood simultaneously spreading across his face and pooling low. Dark eyes cannot help but flutter close at the warm breath on his neck, that soft voice vibrating his nervous so pleasantly. He huffs out a gentle chuckle, as if that will keep the heat from gathering to his face anymore than it has.
Gingerly, dark orbs open, and Arthur swallows thickly as the heat of the other man seeps into his skin. “It appears so...” he murmurs, one hand slowly traveling over Adrian’s clothed chest. His fingers begin to move lower, teasing and tantalizing as they reach the buckle of the other’s pants. They hesitate, before going beyond the fabric, and finally Arthur can feel the hints of warm skin underneath the layers.
“...Would you like me to take care of that, sir?”
[ @multiplechoicepast​ ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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Arthur’s question had him laughing, truly laughing and there was amusement in dancing in his eyes as he turned to face him. Something like this never would’ve happened in the days and weeks after they’d first met. Both of them were still trying to find their way and while Eames enjoyed picking on him he honestly never expected them to be here. His picking had been childlike antics, his way of having a bit of fun while they were working together. Eventually, Eames knew that his picking took on a completely different role; no matter how hard he tried he’d fallen for Arthur. And there they were, together in a way that neither of them could’ve ever expected. “How thoroughly do you want to, darling?” The words were teasing in nature and stepping closer to Arthur he leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth. “And with the right flat we can make lots of memories that actually don’t involve a bed,” he added, flashing the other a cheeky smirk. Arthur flirting wasn’t something he was used to seeing but it was a nice change. It meant he was actually rubbing off on him and he could’ve have been prouder. Though he was curious what the other would do one they were around friends or family. “You mean like me when you stroke my ego? Don’t worry I’ll keep m'words in check round your sister.” The last thing he wanted was to embarrass Arthur in front of his family. Not when he was trying to make a decent impression with them. He had no idea just what had been said and he wasn’t about to dig himself a hole with a family he would at least like to have the chance at knowing. “I’ll keep that in mind. Rather not forget a lovely evening with you and your family.” Especially because he knew what would happen should he drink; either that dark part of him that thought about the past would come out or they would see a man who adored Arthur more than the world. It wasn’t something he could risk; not when he’d tried to keep that part of himself away from Arthur.
[ @dreamsarevain​ ]
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Kisses, small though they were, still managed to make his skin tingle whenever they were given to him by Eames. Arthur wondered if that would always be the case. If the butterflies would always flutter in his stomach when the forger spoke. After all these years one would think the effect would disappear. And yet, it hadn’t. If anything the feelings had only increased. Perhaps that was what had scared Arthur off for so long. No matter how hard he tried to deny or push Eames away, his reactions to the man were always the same. “I’m sure between the two of us we can come up with quite the creative night,” he replied, matching the forger’s smirk with one of his own. One with a honest excitement, just bubbling with anticipation. It was as if they were making up for lost time, and Arthur wanted to try everything. Be everywhere with the forger. Show him things he had only dreamed about. If Eames would let him. Slowly, fingers reached up to gently linger on the forger’s truly stunning lips. The caress was oddly experimental, and dark eyes did look away from Eames’ lips as he spoke. “You and my sister are incredibly alike, actually. It’s a bit unnerving. But I’m not worried,” he murmured, eyes finally looking up and gazing at the other man’s face. “They will love you...as I do. That, I promise you.” 
[ @fxrgxr ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
Adrian watches the other man seat himself and nods. This had been going on for several months now. He only kept Arthur on the payroll as a means of keeping him around and covering up what was truly going on behind closed and most definitely locked doors. He clears his throat, quickly placing anything of real important neatly away in the confines of the drawers of his desk before he speaks while standing and moving to the other end of his office. “Actually, Arthur, yes there is something I need. Something of some vital importance.”
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His voice hides most traces of his accent as he steps to the door and closes it, turning the lock. He waits a moment, turning his head to meet the other man’s gaze with something of a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He closes the distance between them, turning him in the chair and places his hands on either side of him on the arms of the chair. He leans down, accent coming out now as lips brush against the other man’s. “I have a few matters I would like to discuss with you. In private, of course. You understand, darling.”
[ @dreamsarevain​ ]
The second Arthur heard the familiar ‘click’ of the lock, he instinctively tensed up. A locked door was usually a bad sign in his business. But not with Adrian. Instead, heat began to flush against his skin, anticipation filling up his awaiting nerves. When the other’s voice dipped into that heated accent, he knew he was in delicious trouble. And that smile. Oh, he could only imagine what they needed to ‘discuss’. He lets himself be turned, losing his breath for just a moment when the other man was suddenly much closer. Caged in between Adrian’s arms, Arthur cannot help but return the rather chaste kiss, leaning up as much as was allowed. 
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“Of course, sir,” Arthur replies, voice little more than a murmur as a knowing smile graces his lips. The tease is obvious, and he reaches one hand up to gently cup the other man’s face. “These matters must be vastly important. You have my thorough attention. Should I take notes?” Leaning forward, the Point man places a linger kiss on Adrian’s lips, only pulling away an inch or so when he decides to the break the kiss. His other hand moves to gently play with the hairs at the back of Adrian’s neck, letting finger briefly run through the soft locks. 
[ @conquestnotofmen ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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This may have been new for Arthur but it wasn’t for him. He’d been in all sorts of relationships in the past but none of them meant as much as Arthur did. The two of them had been dancing around each other for far too long, constantly poking and prodding to see just what weaknesses the other had. In all honesty, he never expected the two of them to be where they were. After all of their playground antics the last thing Eames had expected was for the two of them to finally be together. Not when he knew Arthur tended to prefer running when things got too close for his comfort. A small part of him thought he would’ve run when they took this next step. Yet, the point man was still there. He knew it was going to mean being patient, to taking things slow but Arthur was more than worth it. “Mm, maybe. Still thinking you’ll enjoy spending time with me in London,” he teased as he turned to actually look at Arthur. While the gentle breeze was comforting, he preferred to stand there and watch the other. Arthur was the same in a lot of ways but he liked to study to see just what all had changed, to memorise the little things he’d missed the last time. Eventually he knew Arthur would pick up on it but until then he would keep taking in the point man. “Your sister is a smart woman.” The amused look on his face could’ve gotten him in a lot of trouble but he’d spoken the truth. Arthur’s sister always seemed to know when something was up with him, when things with them were going well and when they weren’t. “Course I want t'come, darling. I just didn’t want t'make things awkward ifn she didn’t know ‘bout us, that’s all.” Arthur’s family was vastly different from his own and a small part of him liked that. But the last thing he wanted was to cause him more problems.
[ @dreamsarevain ]
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It was remarkable, truly, how much they had grown. Even Arthur could admit the changes that had gone through both of them. They were not the same men as when they had first met all those years ago. If he had been told in the past that this is where they would end up, he would have laughed at the mere insinuation. He was not laughing now, though. No, instead he turned ever so slightly into the other man, dark eyes opening to gaze at the Forger in response to the small tease. “London does seem like a pleasant place to make memories. How thoroughly are we planning to enjoy ourselves?” Ah, yes, that right there would not have been possible several years earlier either. The flirting, subtle though it was. Perhaps he was learning too much from Eames, but Arthur could not stop it even if he wished too. “If you praise my sister to her face she will never let you live it down,” Arthur warned, letting his lips turn upwards in a small semblance of an honest smile. Eames had already charmed his family just from the stories Arthur had told. Awkward would not be a term associated with their arrival, the Point many knew. After all, the hardest person to win over had already been won. And it certainly wasn’t Arthur’s sister. “I must warn you, though. If she offers you a drink she made, only take it once. Otherwise the night might be a bit of a blur. Her drinks are notoriously strong.”
[ @fxrgxr ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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In all honesty, he didn’t like thinking about those particular jobs he’d worked without Arthur. Finding a point man who could live up to the high standards Arthur set was damn near impossible. Most of them out there didn’t even come close to half of the standards that he’d become used to. It made for a frustrating work environment and nine times out of ten he ended up having to take control of the situation. Eames knew it wasn’t his job to run things, it wasn’t his job to take control and tell everyone just what their parts were going to be. It was his job to make certain their mark felt comfortable enough in the dream to give over the intel they were trying to extract. Of course, there were times when he did double duty and worked not only as the forger but extractor, too, but those were few and far between. At least this time he’d have nothing to worry about other than which forges he would be using in the dream. But he wasn’t going to focus on the job. Arthur was there, he was allowing him to hold his hand in the open and he couldn’t have been more happy. With everything that had happened he never expected that they would be where they were. It was slow progress, but it was progress and he would take that over nothing at all. Even more so when Arthur decided to join him in London. “It definitely will be,” he agreed, his voice matching the other man’s. He didn’t want the excitement to show through his words though it was difficult to hide it in the smile on his face. It would be the first time he’d brought Arthur home and while his flat was in the more trendy neighbourhood of Notting Hill, he hoped the small shops and cafĂ©s would appeal to the other. So many things running through his head and all of them coming to a dead stop as he felt his hand against Arthur’s chest. Of course he could feel the was his heart was beating underneath his chest and it brought a fond smile to his face. “The Eye,” he teased, chuckling as he shook his head. “A'right. We can do the Eye and whatever else you want t'do. Just might find you like my little spot in London, too.” Though he wasn’t certain about New Years with Arthur’s family. Just because he wasn’t on friendly terms with his didn’t mean Arthur wasn’t, either. “Your sister know ‘bout us then? She’ll be okay with me showing up at your side?” The last thing he wanted was to show up unexpected.
[ @dreamsarevain ]
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Although the Point man knew it was unlikely, the fear that Eames might have pulled back lingered in his mind. A silly notion, given that if anyone were to move away and ruin things, it most likely would have been Arthur. A fact he was not especially proud of. But he’d gotten better, over time. Now he initiated more. Even if it was a simple hand over his heart. He would never be as verbally charming as Eames, that much Arthur had already admitted to himself. Still, there were other ways in which he could be loving, even romantic if the mood struck him. And Eames would recognize that instantly. He always seemed to understand that little steps to some were marathons for Arthur. “We’ll have to see, won’t we?” he uttered back in response, lips lifting gently into a fond smile. Dark eyes fluttered closed briefly, enjoying the light breeze that seemed to caress their skin. It smelled of sea salt and Eames’ now vastly familiar cologne. “My sister,” Arthur started, wetting his lips as he searched for the proper words. “She requested your presence, actually. She seems to know everything, even when I tell her nothing.” Not that he’d kept completely silent about the Forger. His sister knew of their relationship, of some of the struggles they’d had in the past. But, as she’d commented the last time he’d visited, he smiled more. She seemed to know why before even Arthur had. Perceptive, deadly woman. “...Do you not wish to come?”
[ @fxrgxr ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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“You want in the business? Then you’ll have to be quicker. Think five steps ahead of everyone else. And don’t look back, even once. You fail at any of those things and you’re done for. Understand?”
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
“Arthur, I’m working as fast as I can. And you asking that question is not going to work a miracle.” 
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“Is there anything that could work a miracle then? Because it looks like we will need one.”
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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“Trust me when I say you honestly don’t want to know.” The last one had been passable but only because he had to hold the bloke’s hand the whole way through their job. He’d told himself he’d work with no one other than Arthur but sometimes jobs came up that required him to work with sub-par point men. Eventually he’d put it out there that he was only going to work with Arthur and no one else. Until that time, though
 “Oh? So you’ve yet t'notice that I keep comin’ back regardless of that tactic of yours?” Eamse had noticed the smirk and found himself edging just a bit closer towards Arthur. The point man was a bit of a weakness and no matter what he’d always come back to him. Even after the months he’d been gone thanks to his two worlds finally colliding into one another. At least he was there, at least he was alive and able to enjoy being back with Arthur once again. Stepping closer to the point man, he causally reached over and twined their fingers together. It was daring but he knew if Arthur didn’t like it he’d let him know. “So will you come back t'London with me for Christmas? Will even go so far as t'cook for you ifn you’d like.” Not that he would give him much of a choice. He was inviting him back to his flat and he’d make certain Arthur remembered just how much he did love him. “Could even go so far as t'play tourist,” he added, his own hand itching to bring Arthur closer to him. Instead, he just stood there and watched the other from the corner of his eye. A great deal of time had passed and he couldn’t just waltz right back into his life like nothing had happened.
[ @dreamsarevain ]
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Thoughts on the Forger’s experience with such obvious sub-par point men briefly entered Arthur’s mind. It had to have been maddening, at best. Arthur wouldn’t have been surprised if Eames had ended up leading the entire job. He was more than capable, even though as point men they were suppose to make everything easier so that the team could focus on their specific trades. Perhaps he would do research within the Dreamsharing gossip webs later. Further plans were put to a ground halt, however, with the sensation of Eames’ hand searching and finding his own. Warm, a bit rough, with a strength that didn’t dare stop at just the physical. He offered a sturdiness Arthur had long thought gone in their world, and before he could consider doing otherwise, he squeezed Eames’  hand gently in return. Pulling away may have been his response once upon a time, but too much had happened between them now. He didn’t want to pull away. And that was hard to admit, even to himself, much less the other man. Still, the thought of being together during the holiday’s warmed his chest. Spending time in London for personal reasons was rare, and Arthur had never been to Eames’ flat. They usual met in different countries, or one of Arthur’s flats if anything. It was a step forward, even if they seemed to have a habit of mixing up said steps. “Christmas in London would be nice,” Arthur finally spoke, voice softer than he intended but just as clear. Without looking away from the waves that crashed in front of them, the Point man gingerly lifted Eames’ own hand to his chest, their fingers still entwined. The Forger could surely feel his heartbeat now, how fast it pattered away. It always did when around the other, even now. “If you insist on playing tourist you are required to take me to The London  Eye. I will not budge on that. My sister also expects my presence for New Years. The only logical course of action is for you to come with me then, I suppose.”
[ @fxrgxr ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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“We’ve got five minutes. Six tops. Any chance of you working a little faster?”
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
Ever since he was a child capable of thoughts that he could retain, Adrian had been gifted with an eidetic memory. He retained memories in perfect quality, whether good or bad. It was this that had always caused him some bit of suspicion when it came to his memory of first meeting Arthur. He’d come to him on business and he could remember a very vivid dream, but after that things were quite fuzzy and distorted to him. It had been this and his desire to get to know the rather admittedly attractive man better that had brought him to offer the man a much better job. He supposed this way he could become better acquainted and perhaps find out why exactly his perfect memory seemed to have faded out when it concerned him. 
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Adrian had been at his desk, working on several things when he heard the door open. He glanced up, lips turning up into a grin to see the other man. Nodding, he speaks with most traces of his accent hidden. “Yes, of course, Arthur. Thank you. Please, have a seat.”
[ @dreamsarevain ]
The sound of his first name spoken by such a man, in such a way, nearly has Arthur frozen. It was a simple exchange, yet it already sent a certain heat up his spine. A bad sign, but the Point man did as suggested regardless. Placing the files on Adrian’s desk, Arthur slowly sat in the chair across from the other man. When it came to business, Arthur could not help but instantly go back to a last name basis. Adrian was his (semi-fake) boss, after all. But when it was just then, when the hours of work did not plague then, Arthur found himself thinking of the other man as...well, Adrian. It fit him so perfectly. 
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“Is there something you need?” Arthur found himself asking. Dark eyes briefly scanned the materials on Adrian’s desk. Clean, each paper have a specific place and purpose. Perhaps, if the circumstances were different, Adrian would have made a good Point man himself.
[ @conquestnotofmen ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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“Partially.” Even though Mombasa was on the ocean, he rarely took the time to walk out towards that part of the city to visit it. The last time he’d truly gone to the ocean, for something other than work, had been during his childhood when his mum took him to the French coast after they’d spent time in Paris. Standing there with Arthur actually reminded him a bit of his childhood, of those times when his mum actually cared more about him than their social standing. Though, Eames could enjoy this moment more because of Arthur. He was grateful the point man had decided to join him early instead of arriving closer to their meeting time. “Should bring you home during winter in London. Makes you ‘preciate the warmer climates, darling,” he teased, watching Arthur from the corner of his eye. It was nice to actually work with him again, to spend time with him again. The last time had been too long in his opinion and one he wouldn’t let happen again. “I’ve missed working with you, Arthur. You set the bar quite high when it comes to point men.”
[ @dreamsarevain ]
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It was such a shame that Arthur found himself paying more attention to the sound of Eames’ voice than the beautiful scenery before them. And more than a little telling. They had been apart for far longer than the Point man had anticipated, different jobs separating them by countries. Now, though, they could work together once more. The thrill of it was not something Arthur could deny any longer. He had missed the Forger terribly. “I’ve somehow managed to avoid London during the winter all this time. Figures you would be the one to remedy that,” Arthur quipped, letting his lips turn slightly upwards into a half smile. Funny how so much had been revealed to both of them, yet no clear cut lines had been made. Certain truths took the place of nice, clear titles and terms. “It’s a tactic to keep you coming back,” the Point man teased lightly, surprising even himself as the words left his mouth. “I’ve become...keenly aware of your absence as well. I can only imagine the quality of point men you were dealing with. Perhaps the same as my forgers.”
[ @fxrgxr ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
It was a dangerous decision. Once any job was completed the next logical step was to get out area, out of the country. Staying within fifty miles of the target was unacceptable, given risks of them somehow recounting memories of the process. That did not happen often, of course, hardly at all. Arthur had heard of it, though, and did not want to add such an experience to his list.
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And yet, there he remained. In Mr. Veidt’s office no less. Working for him. He’d been persuaded to ‘switch companies’ for ‘better business opportunities’. Not that Arthur had ever truly been an employee of the company Mr. Veidt had ‘stolen’ him from. Not on any records that could be found, at least. The company had hired him to extract information from Mr. Veidt, which he had done successfully. Delivering said information had...yet to occur, however. Eventually, the company would demand answers as to why the process was taking so long. Arthur would need to either give them what they wanted, or flee the country for a little while. Honestly, he wasn’t sure which was the better option anymore.
“Mr. Veidt,” Arthur started, entering the man’s office with several files in his hands. “I believe you requested these,” he continued easily enough, making his way over to the man’s desk. Yet, as he walked closer, a certain nervousness crept under his skin. It always did now, for some reason. At least around Mr. Veidt.
[ @conquestnotofmen ]
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dreamsarevain · 8 years ago
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“The ocean. I’d nearly forgotten the vibrancy it can have.” The real ocean, of course. Not the vividly false waves of a dream. That he had seen many times. Perhaps more than the white sand and clear, blue waters in reality. A shame, truly, but he’d also visited plenty of the world as a trade off. Generally their targets did not require dreaming in the middle of paradise, with warm air and the sounds of rushing waves. Still, it was nice. Arriving early to explore the city hadn’t been a bad idea. But admitting that wasn’t necessarily an option, given that it had been Eames’ idea. “Is this why you like warmer climates? For the ocean?” he asked, dark eyes glancing over to his companion, rare locks free of gel moving softly with the breeze.
[ @fxrgxr ]
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