dreamjournal174627 · 14 days
dream 1: i kept eating black wax and it got stuck to my teeth
dream 2: i went on a road trip with my family like 6 hours away and was mad cos that meant i couldnt go to work when i said i could, while i was there a little weasel kept chasingn me and barking, then later i found a piglet that came in a plastic box like a toy and it had weird googly blue eyes and kept saying words and sentences as if it was trying to communicate but the things it was saying didnt make sense or fully string together an entire thought
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dreamjournal174627 · 26 days
from about a week ago:
i had a dream that eli found me at a haunted house while i was hanging out w some friends from middle school and he was SOBBING because his ex Lily (my deadname but also the deadname of his ex who is my ex. complicated) left him because he grabbed her wrong. woke up feeling really bad for him and almost reached out. at the time didnt register that lily was my deadname or frankies deadname i was like oh damn. sorry to hear about lily
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dreamjournal174627 · 26 days
last night dreamed about smoking a TON of meth specifically remember that awful warm plastic smell everywhere then got in huge trouble with my dad who sent me back to high school and adeline was there too
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dreamjournal174627 · 28 days
also was going to a swim class with a group of girls and i was underage and in a girl swimsuit and the swim teacher was my manager, kept wishing i had swim trunks and my binder but all i had was boxers and i couldnt wear those, really didnt want to be there
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dreamjournal174627 · 28 days
dream from about a week ago
was traveling and had to stop at this gas station in the middle of the woods that was more like a 2-room hostel, went into one of the rooms and got trapped there by some older man, he said i had to use the toilet in there which was just a novelty cartoon frog toilet seat on the floor bolted over a hole in the ground, i was underage, the room was otherwise empty except for a closet and there were piles of trash everywhere, the floor was almost dirt
escaped and found my way to the back of the gas station, there was a hallway width strip between the building and dense trees, while walking down it i saw above me a string of cartoon rabbits that resembled an artist i like, they were hanged by red string and glowing, and as i walked underneath them each one started doing a high pitched drone noise that harmonized with the next one, one of the rabbits was hanged on the same rope with another rabbit
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dreamjournal174627 · 28 days
was in australia cos my family mived and couldnt amke it to my job at dsw, on a ship that was also an aquarium and trying to stay above the surface while also not stepping on sea creatures. balancing on a coral shelf while messing around with a fancy water bottle with three compartments that was made out of squishy rubber. the water inside was old and bitter. outside the new house in australia i run into a teenager from work. elwood was as big as a horse as i led him into the garage. was stressed so went for a walk in the new australian home. got lost in a city district right away. my mom kept saying australia was her favorite place to run away to. kept looking outside the porthole while i was on the ship in the reef pool and thinking "its stormy i should be afraid of the ocean but im not"
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dreamjournal174627 · 1 month
had to read a book but the book was actually a vivisected frog, had trouble turning the "pages" because it was just moving thin layers of gore across its body, gagged a lot because it stunk like death , then i was told "WHY arent you using tweezers??? you're supposed to use tweezers to flip pages" and i felt stupid
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
purgatory was a waiting room in the sky with no walls and the floor was plywood, my grandpa got up and said im gonna turn my head all the way around and we all went noo we're dead but we cant do shit like that itll hurt really bad and he got about halfway and got stuck and my neck hurt, then this guy who looked like ryan from the office was like fuck this im playing my mobile game and it was collecting stacks of coins throughout a digital city
also some of the chairs were empty and they were either freaky shriveled heads that looked like gray fabric over a wood knob, or looked like odo from ds9
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
was grocery shopping as the store closed and my brother and dad were there but were left for the car and waitedfor me to finish shopping i was trying to get tortellini but it was taking forever also tried to shoplift two little dolls, also got a 2L of mr pibb finally went to the parking lot and it was pitch dark outside had to knock on car windows to findthe right one cos i couldnt see accidentally knocked on the window of a jeep limo before finding my dads car and when i cot in it was 6 am and they had been waiting for hours
then later was driving home w dad and the rod was like a trickshor driving obsracle course going doen from space, going in a scarily thin road in circles with lots of jumps in between, as we got closer to earth we passed a white factory that owned everything including war machines and rhey had smoke stacks and the smoke coling out was shaped vaguely like doves i imagined that smoke shape on the war zones and though how violent that imagery must be for victims of war, then sky was fileld with doves
then after that on that same road i was a car from the cars movie that was white with blue and red stripes and i couldnt drive the obstacle course in the sky with jumps cos it was too scary and i cause a tradfic jam and lightning mcqueen cussed me out and i had a flashback to a race on the grousn where lightning mqueen was really mean to me back then too, thought oh ok lightning mqueen has alqays been kind of an elitist dick
woke up with spinning away by eno and cale srucj in my head
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
the world was ending and i was in charge of a group of kittens and a gila monster also a tumblr mutual posted on a wiki about his friend whonkilled himself and he made bugs that he convinced were alive then there was a fantasy show where a short lived species of elf was with a guy who would replace her with clones
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
also had one where my family and i drove off a highway to a playground drove in the middle of the playground and parked and there was this tiny shop that was bigger on the inside it was a toy shop crammed with stuff like an antique store and there were these tiny dolls that looked like worry dolls and ben said he used to eat them as a kid
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
also a couple weeks ago there was a dream of being some kind of child boy genius on a rollercoaster and everyone kept asking me to fix their stupid gadgets and i was wearing noise cancelling headphones like the construction ones and i couldnt fix anything because i was on the rollercoaster
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
a couple nights ago i had a dream i met jared again, was talkingg to some girla in a huge toy shop and he came up behind them and said hi and i was SO excited to see him also knew he was dead in this one we walked and talked for as long as i could keep him around dont remember about what but eventually the dream shifted again and he was gone
after i woke up i was really really really sad for the next two days
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dreamjournal174627 · 2 months
big pole in the front yard witha little circular sign that said "NO" facing the house
later in the time traveled to the late 70'swith someone and joined a comic book club everyone was 14 and there was this girl there who scratched my head and called me good kitty later wekissed had to leep stopping myself from sayong i was from the future
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dreamjournal174627 · 3 months
dad went insane and fell for tv scam that let him be an actor and he played a native american in a bad short and the accent sucked he had adopted two native kids and were taking them aeound in a horse drawn carriage it was a tv station outside of vegas
then i was in my room on my bed and this huge naked man who looked like mr incredible was yelling gibberish and putting his arm around me and getting too excited
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dreamjournal174627 · 3 months
saw a glass blown sculpture that said "LILY" and i ate the "Y" but wasnt supposed to but it felt so good it was so yummy i couldnt stop eating it later my stomach hurt and i worried about dying but figured i chewed it good enough to be safe
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dreamjournal174627 · 3 months
the most beautiful girl i have EVER seen asked me out on the bus and i said YES but got lost when i got off the bus and couldnt find her ended up at a drag show where an 8 foot tall cunty leatherface picked me up like a small dog during her show and said to kiss her but i missed her mouth and she put me down disappointed
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