dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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In Greek mythology, Melpomene (Μελπομένη, ‘The melodious’) is one of the two muses of the theater (alongside with Thalia); she inspires tragedy, although initially she was the muse of song, of musical harmony. Like all muses, she is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne (memory). Associated with Dionysus, she is represented richly dressed, the continent and the gaze is severe, she usually carries a tragic mask as her main attribute, on other occasions she wields a scepter or a wreath of branches, or a bloody dagger. She is also represented on a mace to indicate that tragedy is a very difficult art that demands a privileged genius and a vigorous imagination.
Hope you like it! 😭
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
Sometimes you can’t become your new self because you’re so emotionally attached to your old self. Let your old self go. Seriously, let that person go. If you want to create a new reality, first you have to create a new personality. An empowering personality. A happy, grateful, and fulfilled personality.
Think about the best possible version of yourself and decide to be this person right now. The only thing that keeps you from becoming who you want to be is the fear of embracing the unknown. You can overcome this fear, you can overcome every limiting belief that is holding you back. It’s time to become a new you. It’s to time to live a beautiful life. Let go of things that no longer serve you and create the life you deserve.
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
how to deal with a witchy burnout
most of us have been there. we lose our touch with the craft and don’t feel like doing much. we feel too tired and exhausted to put effort in it and sometimes we feels like there’s no point.
here are some tips on how to get out of this sticky situation! 🌙
drink tea ✨
yes, you heard me! drinking teas with specific herbs (like chamomile for sleep, lavender for anxiety, etc.) will help you get in tune with herbal magick. you can also stir your tea clockwise to bring forward something (like good energy or calmness) or add a sigil on the bottom with some honey (doesn’t have to be perfect). 🍵✨🌸
nature walk ✨
get in tune with those energies outside! i always find a walk on the grass helps pick up my mood (especially barefoot!!). envision the energies from the earth flowing into your body 🌱🌎🍃
witchy movie ✨
sometimes, we just need a little inspo to bring us back to our craft. watching witchy movies can bring back that spark into us! some great movies i recommend are:
the craft
hocus pocus
the love witch
practical magic
charmed (a show)
the vampire diaries (a show)
tarot ✨
start off with one card if more than that feels like it would tire you. it’s ok! you can do one in the morning by asking a simple question like “what should i focus on today?” 🔮✨💜
food ✨
incorporate some magick into the food you eat! this isn’t hard at all, especially since we all eat food everyday. simply add an intent to an herb or spice and then add it into your food. for example, add cinnamon onto your oatmeal, with your intent being that you will have abundance 🥐🍦🍩
songs ✨
songs are great to get you back into magick! listen to pagan music, celtic songs, or just look up “witchcraft songs,” “wiccan songs,” or “pagan songs” on spotify🌛🤍🌜
gratitude ✨
this one’s real simple! when you wake up, thank the universe that you got to live to see another day. you can even journal it. breathe in the air and think of how grateful you are that you’re able to do that. soak in the sun’s rays and feel the heat. 🌞🌼💛
final words...
it’s ok to take breaks! nothing wrong with that. it’s human. appreciate yourself as a person. remember, you are magickal and divine no matter how many burnouts you have. burnouts happen to nearly everyone and it’s completely normal! 🍄🐥🌈
sendin good vibez 💜
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
Tarot and Spirituality: Identifiers of What to Learn Next
Today, in Sunny Souls, I shared a talk on finding out where to go next with your magic path; how to find the niche which is right for you at the moment. Later, there will be a tarot spread posted on this topic also. However, it’s not always easy to really understand what tarot is telling you in those regards. So, I put together this handy little post on what possible cards may symbolise.
CUPS are a sign of healing, creation and dreams, which can point to manifestation, working with emotions-based magic or divination, or exploring creative outlets. They may also be telling you to investigate what symbolism exist in your dreams. They are also the suit of WATER meaning it can show us water-based magic or veneration of water-related deities and spirits.
PENTACLES are a sign of possession, progression, and education. They are speaking of reading a new book, taking a new course, or making your knowledge tangible. They may be talking about physical forms of magic, like writing sigils or casting spells, or learning more about spirituality through literature and mentors. They represent EARTH which can show becoming one with nature, learning about earthen spirits, or veneration of nature deities.
SWORDS are all about clarity, the mind, and struggle. They are going to be outlining that now is the time to solidify your view of something; Swords are about fully understanding the bigger picture for all it has to offer, and braving facing your wounds. They can be a call to research what you don’t understand, to shadow work, or to uncomfortable healing. Their representation of AIR tells us that they may be asking us to clear our minds, or to look to sky-related beings and entities.
WANDS are about fiery desires, energy, and recognition. They could be telling you to invest time in energy work, cleansing, charging, or sharing your knowledge. They may be pointing out to doing energy-based spell work through your mind, a literal wand, or other means. Being the suit of FIRE they can also be a sign to consider lighting a candle, investigating the inner self, or working with a fire-related entity.
1 in the minor arcana symbolises starting a new path; it could be time to venture into something you’ve never done before.
2 shows union and planning, which may be a sign this is a piece of work you have to find support for - physical or divine.
3 is a sign of creation and opportunity, which is telling you to create the area of magic you wish to focus on for yourself, e.g. experiment with new sigil ideas.
4 symbolises security, so this is something to become comfortable in, possibly via practicing or solidifying your knowledge.
5 shows discomfort in the respective area, and may show a need for a form hf healing or cleansing.
To continue reading about the numbers, court cards, and all 22 major arcana, go to https://www.patreon.com/posts/38157321
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
LIghthouse keepers will never be memorialized like soldiers or cops because they didn’t kill anyone (as part of their job) but they’re like, heroes who saved untold lives through discipline and self-sacrifice doing an impossible lonely job and I’m worked up about  it 
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
Focus on the good stuff
Do you obsess over things that bug you? Can you not stop complaining about things? The more you focus on negative stuff, the more negative stuff you're going to see!
Instead, do your best to focus on things that please you as often as possible. Notice the acts of kindness, the good music, the laughing children, the colorful floral displays.
The negative stuff will still be there, but it will fade into the background if you stop giving it so much of your attention.
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
Hey. Do you need a hug?
Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. It’s okay! You deserve love and warmth in your life.
Are you comforted by words? 
Here’s an Emergency Compliment
Here are some kind words you can personalize with your name 
Here are 15 more emergency compliments 
Here is a Self Esteem Boosting Confidence Machine 
take a moment - video 
believe in yourself - video 
Inspiration from Jacksepticeye - PMA 
encouragement from Mr. Rogers - video 
you are ENOUGH - video 
Do you need to hear some pleasant ambient sounds?
How about rain sounds you can customize? 
You can listen to a cafe here  
or how about a crackling fireplace?  
ASMR? Stimming? 
Soap cutting ASMR - video 
more soap ASMR - video 
a 4 hour ASMR video to help with sleep 
ASMR face and scalp massage - video
ASMR slime - video 
the most satisfying video in the world 
more satisfying videos 
Lora Zombie speed painting - video 
Agnes Cecile speed painting - video  
the fastest workers in the world - video 
how candy canes are made - video 
Mr. Rogers shows how crayons are made - video 
How about a game or activity distraction?
Play 2048 here 
A whole website of free games!  
play chess against a computer 
Here are some coloring pages you can do online!  
Play Flow online here 
here’s a game where you stretch a giraffe’s little neck to give kisses 
Learn about the history of life on earth with PBS Eons 
Do you need something soothing?
Control the pattern of rain here! (flashing colors warning)
try doing nothing for two minutes 
Vent to a stranger online for FREE!  
weavesilk, where you can create a soothing pattern 
have you ever been to the nicest place on the internet? 
watch Bob Ross bring joy to painting - playlist 
How about a laugh?
Vines you can show your grandparents 
History of the entire world, I guess  
History of Japan 
Rhett and Link caption fails 
Thomas Sanders Vines 
The Demented Cartoon Movie (warning for flashing colors) 
The ASDF movie 1-11 
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale  (warnings for some bruises and some violence)
Rhett and Link VS Hank Green - SHUT UP AND DANCE 
It’s going to be okay. Today may be the worst day of your life - but tomorrow won’t be. Life is a series of ups and downs, and that means there’s going to be good and bad. Drink some water, let yourself cry if you need to, and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. 
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
one word spells
As long as you can focus your energy and set your intention your spell should work, so I’ve designed these 5 spells using just one word for a Witch who needs a quick fix.
Pronounced mar-e-quil
Used to calm a temper or an upset person. From the latin word for sea, mare, and the english word tranquil. Essentially you are calling the sea inside them to be still. For better results cast with wet hands.
Pronounced Uni-var
Used for faster transport. I use it at the train station to have a shorter wait time but really its designed for traffic lights. By combining uni from universe and vert,the french word for green, you’re essentially asking the universe to make your path green.
Pronounced Vis-e-did-en
Used to go unnoticed or invisible. Taken from the english words vision and hidden. For best results chant it softly while visualising yourself turning transparent.
Pronounced Lap-ag-na
Used when you just need someone to shut the f**k up but are too polite to say so. Taken from the Latin words lapis and magna, meaning stone and voice. For best results hold a stone or some earth while casting, if they’re really pissing you off just throw the stone or dirt at them.
pronounced Bav-are-ig-ni
Used to strike up a conversation or to continue a conversation. Taken from the French word bavarder, which means chat, and the Latin word ignis, which means fire. Basically you’re asking for the conversation to spark or catch fire. For best results flick a lighter in your pocket or light a match.
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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my utopia
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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moon, magic, and you | photos & art by @indg0
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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Rest in Power Dominique Fells.
Rest in Power Riah Milton.
Your lives mattered. 💜
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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Taken by me at the BLM protest in Birmingham England. 04.06.2020
Do not remove caption or source 💖
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
Online Coven
Discord based, for witches of the Pacific Northwest (but open to those willing to participate and deal with PST times). Scheduled classes, discussions, and events. Must be supportive of BLM movement and LGBTQIA folks. No ace-exclusionists, TERFs, Trumby supporters, or other assholes. Open to beginners, and fully online. Please message if interested. ADULTS ONLY: I don’t wanna get sued by parents. PLEASE reblog, even if this doesn’t appeal to you personally, I want to get more folks in here. You never know if one of your followers might like this…… OwO
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dreambabydreamxoxo · 4 years
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