Dr. Dev skin & do clinic is ISO certified clinic in Luck now, as a skin specialist Dr. dev deals in treatments of skin problems and issues of weight increase or decrease in patients.
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Dr. Dev is the Best Dermatologist in Lucknow, who gives a wide range of healthy skin medications. Our Skin expert gives the most dynamic and inventive solid skin in a clean, easygoing and stimulating condition.
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Dr Devesh Singh is the best dermatologist in Lucknow having his private practice Dr Dev Skin clinic in Lucknow. He has experience of more than 5 years in this field.
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Dr. Devesh singh is a best dermatologist in Lucknow having his private practice Dr. Dev Skin clinic in Lucknow. He has an experience of more than 5 years in this field.
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Laser hair removal treatment is a non-intrusive strategy that utilizations exceptionally thought light to enter inside the hair follicles and successfully hinders the hair development.
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#Skin Clinic in Lucknow#Dermatologist in Lucknow#Acne Treatment in Lucknow#Hair Fall Treatment in Lucknow#Laser Hair Removal in Lucknow#Face Lift in Lucknow#Weight Management In Lucknow
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Get rid of acne with best medication and treatment at Dev Skin

Today, many people are facing skin problems, whether in the body or on the face including in youngsters because due to increase in pollution and global warming, they both are affecting skins and faces. Well, it is happening because of their carelessness through which they getting many skin problems like acne, blackheads, whiteheads and much more things. Acne is that problem which is faced by many people all over the world in India too, where many youngsters and adults are facing acne problem. Well that’s true, that it comes during the maturing of age and after some years it will disappear but for some people, it never goes and still appears on their face. Well Dev skin provides the best acne treatment in Lucknow, he is practicing dermatology for many years through which he had treated many patients who faced different skin problems and he is still treating people from his treatment. Well, according to Dr. Dev that treating of acne is can be different because doctors treat this acne with different methods in which it is totally based on the acne conditions and after the study of the condition of acne then the doctor will decide which type of treatment is required for this acne, so here doctor Dev is telling the different type of acne treatments.
The types of acne treatment are:-
Acne product- first of all, the doctor gives some daily use best products which are capable to remove acne from the face because as I told you many people does not care about their face and use a wrong product which helps to acne to reappear again.
Diet- well the bad diet also support acne to re-grow again because today people are not taking the nutritious diet which is good for skin they are eating outside street food through which by eating bad quality food and oil their immune the system is getting weak and they facing acne on their face.
Medication- of course there will be a medication course which continues for sometimes unless your acne disappears permanently. These medications prescribed by the dermatologist, according to see the condition of acne on the face.
PRP treatment- well if the condition is worst then dermatologist would suggest you For PRP treatment. PRP treatment is the platelets Rich Plasma treatment which is used for Facial rejuvenation in which they use platelets which are taken from your blood and then they put in your face through which your face get the natural glow and a clear face like it was before.
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The factors which can affect the hair fall of the head
Hair falls the most problem faced by men and women nowadays. Well mostly in men, no men want to face hair fall and look bald from the front or the middle of the head. It is not causing only adult but it is also causing youngsters too in which they start getting their hair falling in young age and many men nowadays start using wig to hide their bald head. Well whether is men or women the hair is very important for both because as we know it gives good looks to the face. Dev skin provides hair fall treatment in Lucknow, Dr. Dev Singh is a very experienced dermatologist in Lucknow through his experience he treated many hair fall patients successfully. According to Dr. Devesh Singh, many men want dense hairs but could not able to understand the symptoms and the factors of causing the hair fall. It can be treated very easily if the patients come early in the starting stage of hair fall because at that time it can be treated very easily through the medications. So many persons do not know what are the factors in which their facing hair fall in their head that’s why Dr. Dev is telling the factor of hair falling.

The factors of hair falling are:-
Genetically- there is a study in which says 95% of people who are facing hair fall are due to cause of genetics, it means the person’s father and their grandfathers also, have the same problem of hair fall that’s why these things are passing through genes to genes and through generation to generation that’s why the person who has a history of hair fall in their family and facing hair fall should come earlier for treatment.
Medications- hair fall can be cause during taking hard medication which directly or indirectly effects head hairs, the persons who are suffering from cancers they face hair fall but those are temporary even some medication gives reaction to the hairs but most are temporarily, after which hairs come again but many times medication effects a lot to the hairs which can be permanent.
Disease- there some disease which also affects the hairs fall like psoriasis, psoriasis is that disease which can effects head and gives permanent baldness to the head because this disease always produced excessive of skins through which the psoriasis persons always have white scalp and redness which can be seen on their skin and head this is because excessive producing of skin leads to hair fall on their head.
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Information about the chicken pox and their symptoms
Skins are made for protection but sometimes due to our lack of caring skin get caused by the disease. In skin disease there is some disease which you have will in once in life. I am talking about the chickenpox well in scientifically we say it varicella which caused by the virus called varicella-zoster virus. Well in through religious view we would goddess possession well science does not believe that but religious people think that that why they do medicines plus and they take to temple for the cure. Well if you do not take medicines then also it goes automatically after two to three weeks. Dr Devesh is the dermatologist in Lucknow who are practicing in dermatology from many years. Dev skin clinic run by under the Dr. Devesh Singh through which they treated many patients who are suffered from skin problems. Well according to DR Devesh Singh the chicken pox is not a big disease it is caused by a virus and went away after 2 to 3 weeks without any medication. Well, Devesh Singh says there is no cure for this disease but you can prevent it through vaccination or more doctor give medicines to decrease itchiness.
The symptoms of the chicken pox are:-
Unwell- well in the starting and normal symptoms are the people who are suffered from chicken pox in the starting, it feels like unwell. I mean people feel like a weakness, little bit anxiety etc normally people which they feel during ill.
Fever- yes in chicken pox people get fever in children the fever does not get higher but if you have chickenpox in adults then fever become the worse because generally chicken pox happened in child age but if it happens in adult age then chances are be worst.
Rash- well rash can be seen all over the body which creates itchyness and after scratch it start painting that’s why it stays for two weeks but it creates lots of uncomfortable to the skin that’s why doctor stop you to eat any spicy and oily foods because of those foods create itchyness more on the skin.
Blister- well you can see the white blister which contains water in water helps to spread the chicken pox all over the body. But you can do with itchiness these blisters always create itchiness to the body.

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Acne is an enormously common skin problem that affects a person of all ages whether they are men or women. Being acne free completely is so challenging for people. Acne treatment which is best-in-class, scientific knowledge about acne and professional advises regarding anti-acne skincare regime is our forte. Foundation of Dr. Dev Skin Clinic in was laid many years later. Dr. Dev provides best ACNE TREATMENT IN LUCKNOW.
Every day in the last some years of our journey in which we have helped thousands of Acne sufferers, we kept asking ourselves the question, “How best can we help”, with our professional network of doctors, scientists, PhDs, researchers, and the wealth of knowledge we have on skin related problems. This guiding philosophy led us to launch online and share our knowledge in simple language, which Acne sufferers can understand.
We do understand the deep emotional distress and pain caused by Acne sufferers and therefore, we have decided to try and help as many people as much we can through our ACNE TREATMENT IN LUCKNOW, to give you clear and beautiful skin.
Our panel of doctors and Acne specialists is being headed by Dr. Devesh Singh, who is also our head of the department for Acne, and he came up with the idea of serving the Acne community. Every member of our expert team has experience ranging from 15-30 years. There are different types of acne scars but fortunately, Dr. Dev is a one-stop destination acne treatment. Being the best dermatologist for acne scars, we serve best-detailed information about acne marks and provide best-suited acne treatment according to your skin type.
It’s time for you to now feel confident and beautiful in your own skin! You are not alone.
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Get beautiful skin and thick hair on your scalp with the Dev skin clinic

Skin and hair disorder is the most common disorder faced by us but the small problem on our face and scalp could take the severe form of the disease. The skin and hair disorder not only makes your appearance awful even it also gives you additional problems like inferiority complex, anxiety and depression. The skin and hair disorder happens only due to hormonal imbalance and when that imbalance gets an increase in the body when you start facing brutal result on your face and scalp. Dev skin has brought for you the nonsurgical treatment in which you will not have to go through with any surgery and your disorder will step out from your body. Dev clinic is the prominent name in the industry of skin clinic in Lucknow and Dev clinic is the only place where you get the best PRP treatment in Lucknow. PRP treatment is used to prevent the body from hormonal disorders and provides strength to your body to reform and balance the hormones by which you get the clean and clear skin and also fast hair growth on the scalp.
Why PRP treatment is required?
PRP treatment is the nonsurgical treatment in which dermatologist use your blood platelets to provide strength to your body. A dermatologist takes the sample of your blood and they centrifuged your blood and after that, they inject the plasma rich platelets into your scalp or the area where it is required. It takes 5 to 6 months after that you can see that your skin and your scalp’s health are getting better. You can avail the Best PRP treatment in Dev skin clinic Lucknow. It is the most effective and beneficial in hair regrowth and preventing you from skin disorders.
Use OF Plasma rich platelet treatment
Plasma rich platelet or PRP treatment is used in multiple deformities like inflammation, skin disorder, and hair fall or hair loss. PRP treatment is also used for healing wounds. This is the most treatment if you have the problem regarding muscles and ligaments and tendons. The dermatologist uses the PRP after plastic surgery it helps a lot to reform the tissue frequently. It has been observed that ligaments take time to form so in that case PRP treatment provides the boost to the tissue to form faster than their usual speed. PRP also prevents the pain of joint occurs due to osteoarthritis. You can consult the dermatologist in dev clinic regarding any skin and hair problems. They provide multiple services regarding your skin and hair health.
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Want to know about the skin infections and their types

Well as we know that skin is the largest organ in the body which protect from germs and viruses and it consists of many white blood cells which fight to germs and virus before they reach to skin. That’s why skin is so important for your body. Well I mean to say skin is protecting our body but sometimes it fails to protect because of our carelessness and sometimes it affects its self too. Dev clinic is the best skin clinic in Lucknow in which they treated and treating many skin problems patients. Well, dev clinic has the best skin specialist doctor who has experience of the year for treating skin problem patients many patients treated their problems. Well, today many people face many types of skin infection in which there many types. Skin infections are caused by many types of germs through which you or dermatologists easily understand which type of infections you are infected. Well, the beginning of the infection can be treated with cream and lotion from medical stores and can be treated from home remedies too. Some infections are in advance which can only be treated by dermatologist only these types of infections take time to heal. A skin infection can be many types of depending upon the bacteria and germs which is cause the skin. Well sometimes skin effect by itself only which can cause many infections too.
Types of skin infections are:-
Bacterial infections- well it start with small sizes and increases if it is not treated. It can be treated very easily by some antibiotics. Bacterial infections begin with small and bumped red which increases day by day it is caused by bacteria. The types of bacterial infections boils, leprosy, impetigo, and many more which is caused by bacterial infections. Well, these infections not needed any oral medicines they can be treat cream and lotions.
Viral skin infections- in these types of skin infections are caused by the virus in which that’s also called viral infections too. Well, some infection like chicken pox and measles it happens to everyone one time in life and some people happen more times too. There are some virus infection shingles, chicken pox, measles, warts, hand, foot, mouth disease. These infections range mild to serious.
Fungal infection- well this is that type of infection in which is caused by the fungus and this fungus effect damp places where sweat comes most just like feet and armpit of the body. Well, these are normal infections that can be treated but it will take some times. But it can transfer to one person another. So try not to use their using product like towel and cloths of that person. There is some fungal infection of yeast infections, ringworm, diaper rash, etc.
Parasite skin infection- in these types of skin infections which are caused by the parasites in which it is spread through blood but give effect on the skin. Well, parasite caused through organ too that’s why its effect skin only. Well, it is not dangerous but it makes uncomfortable like itching and pain from which it is sometimes tolerable and takes a long time to treat.
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Rejuvenate your skin with Dev skin clinic best skin and beauty clinic in Lucknow

There are so many people in Lucknow who are suffering from various skin disorders hair problems. Acne, acne scars, blisters and baldness like so many problems which treatments are done under the supervision of a dermatologist. The dermatologist is the expert who treats the disease regarding skin and hair. The problem in hair and skin is very normal in youngster and Dev skin clinic has observed that there is so many skin care clinic in Lucknow but there are not a single clinic that are providing right solutions to the youngster by which they get rid of the problems like baldness and acne scars problem. There are so many treatments done related to skin and hair problems in Dev clinic. Dev clinic promises astonishing glowing skin and good growth of hair to those who have these problems. Dev clinic is serving Lucknow people in this field for years and they feel proud to serve best with great experts who are very calm and composed and suggest only best for you. Dev skin clinic has the best dermatologist in Lucknow who is serving for years and they are very much skilled to treat any kind of hair and skin problem.
Services provided by the Dev skin clinic

Laser hair removal: - Laser hair removal therapy is the treatment provided by Dev skin clinic which is used to treat problems like excess hair on any body part. There are so many people in Lucknow who have excess hair on chest hand and legs which makes body appearance awful. So laser removal therapy is a proper solution to get rid of these excess hairs on the body.

Facelift: - Facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery which is helpful to provide you younger look at an older age. The facelift is the surgery used for removing excess hair on the face and in the same time dermatologist tighten the skin of your face by which your facial appearance looks better than your prior looks. Facelift galvanize your looks and makes you more beautiful as you were looking before.

Weight management: - Managing weight in grown-up age is the most difficult task. You feel helpless to see yourself in gaining weight. Dev skin clinic has brought for you the weight management program which is very helpful to those who are suffering from a disease like obesity or overweight problem. In weight management program the experts in Dev clinic suggest you lose your weight by exercise, diet and some sort of medicine for reducing your excess fat on the body. Weight management is the most cost effective service of Dev skin clinic and it is appreciated by every person who has joined the weight management session at Dev clinic.
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Recover your hair with PRP treatment with the best clinic in Lucknow Dev clinic in Lucknow

Nowadays there are so many people in Lucknow suffering from serious hair loss problems. When Dev skin has tried to find the root of this problem then they got that the problem is occurring either due to hormonal imbalance, mental stress or poor food or junk food consumption. Due to all those things, your body can not provide sufficient minerals and proper blood flow to your scalp and in the result, you lose your hair. Losing hair once it becomes a great problem forever because if you will not provide proper attention to your hair it could be enhanced and you could become bald forever. Dev skin PRP treatment in Lucknow is the best way to recover the hair you lost in your past time. It has been found in the Doctor’s studies that PRP treatment is the best way to get proper health growth in the bald section of your scalp.
What is PRP treatment?
PRP is a medical treatment to grow new hair on the scalp. PRP stands for platelets rich plasma. This process is done in three steps. Some in the medical community think that PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications. There hasn’t been enough research to prove if PRP is an effective hair loss treatment. However, PRP therapy has been in use since the 1980s. It’s been used for problems such as healing injured tendons, ligaments, and muscles.
Dev skin has a team of a very experienced dermatologist who is very much skilled in all these treatments and they make all the uncomfortable things comfortable for you. As you will visit the Dev skin clinic you will feel the great hospitality at our reception. Our staff is so calm and composed and the doctors are very good they hear your every concern and provide you great solutions regarding your hair loss. Dev skin clinic is the best clinic you will get in Lucknow for PRP treatment in Lucknow.
How PRP treatment is done in Dev skin clinic?
PRP therapy is a three-step process. Most PRP therapy requires three treatments 4���6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are required every 4–6 months.
Step 1:- Your blood is drawn typically from your arm and put into a centrifuge (a machine that spins rapidly to separate fluids of different densities).
Step 2:- After about 10 minutes in the centrifuge, your blood will have separated into three layers:
platelet-poor plasma
platelet-rich plasma
red blood cells
Step 3:-The platelet-rich plasma is drawn up into a syringe and then injected into areas of the scalp that need increased hair growth. “Although PRP has sufficient theoretical scientific basis to support its use in hair restoration, hair restoration using PRP is still at its infancy. Clinical evidence is still weak.”
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