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Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
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Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
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if not always in the way we expect…
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Hermione casting spells → part 3
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Warner Bros. Entertainment today announced an expanded creative partnership with world-renowned, best-selling author J.K. Rowling. At the center of the partnership is a new film series from Rowling’s world of witches and wizards, inspired by Harry Potter’s Hogwarts textbook “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” and the adventures of the book’s fictitious author, Newt Scamander. “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” will be an original story and will mark Rowling’s screenwriting debut. It is planned as the first picture in a new film series. Set in the wizarding world, the story will feature magical creatures and characters, some of which will be familiar to devoted Harry Potter fans.” (x)
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This has made my day.
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"Does anyone recognize this potion here…yes, my dear?” said Slughorn, looking slightly bemused, as Hermione’s hand punched the air. 
“It’s Amortentia!” 
“It is indeed. It seems almost foolish to ask,” said Slughorn, who was looking mightily impressed, “but I assume you know what it does?” 
“It’s the most powerful love potion in the world!” said Hermione. 
“Quite right! You recognized it, I suppose, by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen?” 
“And the steam rising in characteristic spirals,” said Hermione enthusiastically, “and it’s supposed to smell differently to each of us according to what attracts us. For example, I can smell bits of leather, mint soap, and cinnamon…toothpaste.” 
Dammit, she thought, silently chastising herself for getting carried away. Though Hermione’d earned Gryffindor 10 points for her answer, she’d wished she’d kept quiet. She could feel a deep blush creeping up on her cheeks and around her nose, and she couldn’t help fidgeting with the sleeves of her robes nervously.
No one could know how she felt. She didn’t even want to know how she felt. It was wrong, all wrong. He was…well, he was him. And she was her. And they just didn’t fit. She hoped no one noticed how anxious she’d become.
But someone did notice. Someone who smelled like bits of leather, mint soap, and whose mouth still tasted of the cinnamon toothpaste he’d used this morning after breakfast. For the first time the whole lesson, Draco Malfoy perked up. Because Amortentia, it would seem, smelled a lot like him to Hermione Granger.
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"The diary," said Riddle. "My diary. Little Ginny’s been writing in it for months and months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes - how her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with second hand robes and books, how” – Riddle’s eyes glinted – “how she didn’t think famous good, great Harry Potter would ever like her…”
It’s very boring, having to listen to the silly little troubles of an eleven-year old girl,” he went on, “But I was patient. I wrote back. I was sympathetic, I was kind. Ginny simply loved me. No one’s ever understood me like you, Tom… I’m so glad I’ve got this diary to confide in…. Its like having a friend I can carry in my pocket….” 
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Warner Bros. Entertainment today announced an expanded creative partnership with world-renowned, best-selling author J.K. Rowling. At the center of the partnership is a new film series from Rowling’s world of witches and wizards, inspired by Harry Potter’s Hogwarts textbook “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” and the adventures of the book’s fictitious author, Newt Scamander. The announcement was made by Kevin Tsujihara, Chief Executive Officer, Warner Bros. Entertainment. “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” will be an original story and will mark Rowling’s screenwriting debut. It is planned as the first picture in a new film series. Set in the wizarding world, the story will feature magical creatures and characters, some of which will be familiar to devoted Harry Potter fans. (x)
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Funny comments in Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them (part 2/2)
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Don’t be sorry, my dear sir, for nothing could upset me today!…Even Muggles like yourself should be celebrating, this happy, happy day!
The tiny old wizard, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (via imwiththequidditchteam)
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2013 candids
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harry potter meme ∙ one house ≫ slytherin
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