dramionecult · 5 years
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dramionecult · 5 years
When someone straightens Hermione Granger’s hair in a story:
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dramionecult · 5 years
Give me Sixth year Slytherins helping Draco in subtle ways
Give me Pansy Parkinson starting rumors about other students to take attention from Draco, so people are too busy talking about other things to notice how sick he looks
Give me Blaise Zabini always doing his prefect rounds near Myrtle’s bathroom, to keep other Prefects away in case Draco’s in there
Give me Theodore Nott finishing Draco’s homework for him when Draco is too stressed/busy to do it himself
Give me Vincent Crabbe casting silencing charms on Draco’s bed at night, in case he forgets and wakes up screaming
Give me Gregory Goyle taking food from the Great Hall and giving it to Draco in the Room of Requirement when Draco is too busy to eat
Give me Slytherins who know not to ask what Draco’s task is, because they know he can’t tell. Give me Slytherins who don’t comment on Draco’s long silences.
Give me Slytherins subtly helping Draco in Sixth year
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dramionecult · 5 years
2018′s Book Mark
Ambition's End by Hanako A
Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria
Dormiens by Dryadeh
Isolation by Bex-chan
Knowing You by dulce.de.leche.go
Lost Images by EvilGu
One Year, One Life by Wingardium Leviosa 11
Only a Pretence by WickedlyAwesomeMe
6 Years Without Magic by Squibbert
The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle
Treacherous Affairs by NeverNik
Turncoat by Elizaye
When The Bell Tolls by Everythursday
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dramionecult · 6 years
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dramionecult · 6 years
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I like to think Draco became a professor. 
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dramionecult · 6 years
Ambition's End by Hanako A
Hay dos formas de decirle a un hombre que haga algo. Hermione Granger lo sabe muy bien.
Capítulos: 37
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Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3876231/1/Ambition-s-End
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dramionecult · 6 years
Draco Malfoy in the books
If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know…
Draco Malfoy personally made the Potter stinks buttons and nobody could fix them to say Harry was cool and shit, if they tried it would only make the insults worse
You wouldn’t know Draco Malfoy was always right behind Hermione in grades
You wouldn’t know Draco was seriously the most animated person at school and acted out everything. 
You wouldn’t know Draco got deeply offended when people didn’t laugh at his jokes
You wouldn’t know Draco created the Weasley is our King song, tune and all. (Probably in the shower or something because he’s such a weenie) 
You wouldn’t know Draco and Ron got into a fist fight in their first year
You wouldn’t know about the huge knock down drag out between Draco, Harry and the rest of the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch team in their fifth year. (Harry  and Draco just fucking tackle each other and start whooping each others asses and it’s amazing.)
You would miss out on basically everything Draco says and does. He’s a walking gold mine and It’s upsetting the movies didn’t devote a few seconds for any of his shit (Azkaban did an okay job) 
You wouldn’t know about the Weasley is our king buttons he made in fifth year either
You wouldn’t know Draco didn’t actually try and fight a Hippogriff he was just petting him and offhandedly said that he was ugly. He didn’t sprint over to him, he actually did all the bowing and what not.
If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know that Draco is the most annoyingly smart and artistic little shit you’ve ever heard of. 
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dramionecult · 6 years
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Lately, I've been thinking, I want you to be happier.
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dramionecult · 6 years
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Alive — A Halloween Dramione One Shot __________________________________
Brilliant but broken.
His vision was a bit blurry, but that was the first thing he thought of when he opened his eyes and saw Granger—Hermione, he mentally corrected himself just as he’d done the past several years—hovering over him.
It didn’t matter that she’d eventually shaken his hand and told him to call her by her given name, long after their general animosity had given to bland tolerance; it didn’t matter that his heart strangely thumped in his chest the first time she’d called him Draco—especially since she’d been bellowing it down the hall after finding out that he’d rearranged her personal potions lab, ridiculous mess that it was; it didn’t even matter that he panted her first name in her ear the first time, and every time since then, that he came inside of her, earning a breathy “Draco, yes” from her in return.
She would always be Granger first.
His beautiful, brilliant, broken Granger.
The war had been unkind to everyone, but especially to Hermione Granger.
A year on the run with Potter and Weasley left her starved and scarred. Chased by Death Eaters and Snatchers, attacked by snake-filled dead people, tortured by his crazed relatives, and then there was that thing with the dragon. Despite all other horrors she’d faced, she mumbled in her sleep about that damn dragon and her irrational fear of flying the most.
Well, the dragon, and her dead friends. Keep Reading…
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dramionecult · 6 years
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When we are together
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dramionecult · 6 years
Strip Dueling
*Harry and Ginny enter the Malfoy dueling arena* 
Harry: Hey Mione– whaat is going on here? *Hermione in bra and pants, and Draco in his boxers and socks. Both wants out, casting jinxes at the other.*  Hermione: Oh *dodges* hey Harry, Ginny! Draco: Potters *throws another spell* Ginny: What are you two doing? Hermione: HaHa, we are playing *casts* strip dueling. Should be done *dodge, cast* in a min. Draco: *casts* Wait for us, *cast* inside.
*Harry and Ginny staring in shock* Harry: What a terrible idea Ginny: Revolting Harry: Who would think of something like that? Ginny: It’s completely barbaric. Harry: We are doing it when we get home right? Ginny: Definitely. 
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dramionecult · 6 years
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dramionecult · 6 years
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Draco hearing laughter across the classroom. It’s a familiar kind of laughter and he looks up- already dreading what he’ll see. He sees Hermione laughing with Ron after he made a funny comment. Pushing his jealousy away, that he’s the one who wants to and should make her laugh, he just stares at them for a second before looking back down to his books.
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dramionecult · 6 years
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dramionecult · 6 years
You’re becoming dangerous, Granger. It’s those doe eyes. Disappointing you is like choking The Little Mermaid with a bike chain.
Draco Malfoy, falling in love with Hermione (via its-hp-bitch)
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dramionecult · 6 years
Treacherous Affairs by NeverNik
Draco Malfoy, el gigoló de Hogwarts del año por tres años consecutivos, puede estar con quien quiera, entonces ¿Por qué quiere a Hermione Granger, la virgen más inalcanzable de la escuela? Porque la fruta más alta es la más dulce, por eso.
Capítulos: 31
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Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12466693/1/Treacherous-Affairs
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