12 posts
A blog for Alphonse Autumnhaze on WRA. Could contain violence, language, and blood.
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
He was gonna light this whole place on fire. He didn’t know if the blight was flammable or not, but he couldn't risk harming his allies. He had another way, of course.
He had been here since dawn. He had time to plot.
He charged through the wall with the others when Jaina blew it open. He thought that display was pretty cool. Flying ship? Cool.
His ragged figure halted when he saw the army that waited for him around the corner. Instead of being filled with fear, he was filled with excitement and anticipation. He wasn’t listening to the leaders talk. He was waiting for the battle to commence. He was ready.
He wanted to BURN this city. And god dammit he was going to do it.
As soon as both forces lunged for each other, he let loose with his flames. The smell of burning flesh flooded his nostrils once more and he adored it. Sure, it was rotten flesh... But still. He made it rain meteors down on the forsaken. He wanted to see them burn. All of them. Maybe he’d even get a chance to hit Sylvanas, but that was unlikely.
His mad cackling and brilliant display had attracted another of the same profession. 
Vincent was pegged with multiple blood spikes that seemed to be melting under the heat. He had rips in his clothes from a few close encounters, but his gaze was just as malicious as Alphonse’s and he was DELIGHTED to see another pyromancer in the mix.
He had to grab this mans attention. How? A fireball, obviously.
Alphonse was hit in the back. He whirled around to face the forsaken mage, and a horrible, malicious grin crossed his face. “Another mage~”
“Delightful, isn’t it!?” Vincent said as fire burned in his hands.
“It is. You may be a little....Mediocre... But still~”
“MEDIOCRE!?” Vincent shouted in offense. He was so fucking offended. Words cannot describe how offended this corpse is right now. “You got it all wrong buddy. I’ll fuckin show you who’s the lesser mage here.”
“COME AT ME THEN~” Alphonse taunted, holding up his sword.
Vincent hurled both fire bolts at Alphonse, and Alphonse dodged them easily. He wasted no time, firing his own in retaliation. Their battle was a heated one. Literally. They caused the ground near each other to explode, though of course the objective was for them to be in the explosion. They were quick enough to dodge. Pillars of flame were called down and the battleground around them was lit aflame as they raced to dodge each other’s spells.
Only Alphonse would be out of breath, though.
“What’s wrong? Can’t keep up?” Vincent taunted, shooting the ground near Alphonse’s feet specifically to make him dodge and wear himself out more.
Of course, Alphonse had to dodge or he’d lose his feet. “I’m fine, shut up and FIGHT ME.”
Vincent bolted towards Alphonse and their swords met in a clash of sparks. Their blades were heated, both of them had the goal of stabbing each other with a burning blade. Sparks continued to fly as their blades continued to strike each other, each effectively blocking the other. Alphonse snarled at the forsaken mage who wore a wide grin.
Breaking away, Vincent thrusted his hand at the ground between them, causing an explosion. Dust, dirt and smoke filled the air, obscuring their view of each other. Vincent smirked, and his figure glittered and faded from sight.
When the smoke and dust settled, Alphonse saw nothing. Vincent was gone. He knew better, though. He was a mage. He knew what was going on.
He closed his eyes and focused. He wouldn’t attack from the front, that would be foolish. He would go for his back. A few tense moments followed as Alphonse stood still, focusing on the sounds around him. It was hard with the battle raging on, but his vision was useless. He had to rely on sound.
He felt a tap on his shoulder. He whirled around and lashed his blade.... At nothing.
He hissed.How long was Vincent going to hide? Another tap. Another slash.
Alphonse glanced down at the ground. Ashes covered the floor in a thin dusting. He could just barely make out footsteps in them.... And the same pair of footsteps closing in on him, trying to stay behind him. He wasted no time in blasting Vincent out of his invisibility. The forsaken mage was blown back onto his rear, and Alphonse immediately got on top of him and pinned him, gripping his throat.. Vincent’s sword was knocked out of his reach.
A dry chuckle escaped Vincent. “I’m not sure...But I think I might be into this.”
“That’s weird.” Alphonse said flatly, tightening his grip. A little more, and Vincent’s throat would be crushed.
“But you know what else I’m into...?”
“Not interested-”
Vincent’s movements were quick, his sword flew back into his hand and he thrusted his sword into Alphonse’s stomach. The pained growl the human emitted wasn't enough for Vincent, though. He heated his blade and grinned widely as Alphonse screamed in agony. He tore his blade out of the other mage who gripped the burning wound tightly as he fell over onto the floor.
He kicked Alphonse onto his back and rammed his heal into his wound, causing him to scream more. “Who’s mediocre now?”
Alphonse’s screaming devolved into a pained cackle, to Vincent’s confusion.
“You are.” Alphonse spat. In an instant, an icy spear formed behind Vincent and pierced through his back.
Vincent staggered and crumbled to his knees. The ice in his back quickly melted from the heat he put off. “It’s gonna take more than that to kill me.”
Alphonse stood, still hunched over and trembling in pain. “ I’m here all day.”
Vincent rose to his feet. He began charging another blast, but Alphonse was quicker. With a bloody cough he swiped his hand down. A pillar of fire shot down on Vincent. If he hadn’t stumbled out of it, he’d be little more than ash.
Both of them heard Baine call for a retreat. At least, Alphonse thought that’s who it was. Somebody called for a retreat.
He glared at Vincent, who sat charred and wounded on the ground.
“Run back to your warchief.... You can watch your city burn together.” Alphonse hissed.
“When we meet again.....I’m going to hear that delightful scream of yours one last time.” Vincent growled, and with a wave of his hand, he disappeared.
Alphonse fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. 
He had to see this through to the end.
He couldn’t fall here.
His hand heated up and the smell of his own burning flesh filled his nostrils. He bit back the urge to scream in agony as he cauterized himself.
He needed a moment. Just a moment....
Everything faded to black as he fell to his side, unconscious.
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
Alphonse is a nightmare to live with because nothing is safe. He puts buckets of crabs above the doorway, skateboards by the bedside, replaces drinks with other drinks, there is no peace from this man.
He also polymorphs objects to look like other objects.
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
Alphonse has a really sensitive tooth that hurts really badly if anything sweet hits it to the point where he actually starts tearing up and like, half crying.
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
Alphonse doesn't drink because alcohol and fire don't mix and he has set many a table on fire with just the friction of his skin against the wood.
And people too.
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dragonsworn-nuisance · 7 years ago
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Ya boi Alphonse Autumnhaze
He does indeed have a wooden cane, but prefers a sword because it’s cooler.
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