My Life
23 posts
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
Have A Nice Day!
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
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Made my day.
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
Hi 😋
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Hufflepuffs and Slytherins reblog we gotta find each other
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
I didn’t know cheetahs meow I’ve always thought they roar my whole life has been a lie
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dragonsheart94 · 6 years ago
The Signs As Aliens
Aries: Strong, fierce aliens with skin in various shades of red. They live on a desert planet in large adobe castles with their extended family clan. Known to be very protective, these aliens often battle other clans who threaten the safety of their families and are skilled warriors. However, they are very generous and family oriented during times of peace
Taurus: Small, entrancing aliens with flowing green hair and camouflaged bodies to blend into their thickly forested planet. Animal life is abundant and diverse, with many strange species that these aliens have tamed and live alongside as equals. These aliens are gifted with the ability to communicate with all types of life on their planet, flora and fauna
Gemini: Clever, winged aliens with small bodies that adapt easily to the many climates of their planet. Instead of four seasons, these aliens are accustomed to twelve and live in treetops or on mountainsides. Visitors find this species of alien to be tricky but kind-spirited, often telling riddles and playing pranks on any other species of extraterrestrials passing through their planet
Cancer: Kind, quiet aliens who live in large communities scattered across their planet, which is covered in pink vines and blue clouds that rain a sweet smelling substance similar to water but does not make the surface of the planet wet almost constantly. Small and delicate in stature, these aliens are tougher than they look and often go on dangerous missions throughout the galaxy to deliver care packages to planets in need
Leo: Regal aliens with banded gold and pale pink skin and wide, bright green eyes. They live on a warm, sunny planet covered in white sand, palm trees, and cool, crystal-clear streams. Proud and sophisticated, these aliens live in jewel-studded palaces and welcome visitors to their planet. But be warned - enemies of these aliens face certain death at the jaws of vicious, huge feline creatures that roam the planet and only obey the command of native aliens
Virgo: These aliens have deep purplish skin and dark, shimmering hair. They live on a planet with a mild climate and a permanent state of nighttime, which has led them to become gifted astronomers. Not only do they map stars and constellations visible from their home planet, these aliens also send search parties to other planets to investigate and map every area they can possibly explore. They are also known for their great architectural feats. Quiet and private, these aliens only communicate telepathically
Libra: Elegant aliens with lavender skin and silver hair laced with pearls. Though small, their planet is covered in blue grass and beautiful, roofless marble structures so the sky, which remains clear and starry even in the daytime, is always visible. Known for making a pink beverage similar to wine, these aliens are accepting of most extraterrestrial visitors and very sociable
Scorpio: Reptilian aliens with iridescent red, dark blue, or black scales. They live mostly underwater on a planet that is entirely ocean except for chains of lava rock islands created by active volcanoes. Known to be very mysterious, these aliens rarely make contact with extraterrestrials from other planets and seem to communicate in a way that is impossible for any other alien species to decode
Sagittarius: Daring and adventurous, these aliens come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and rarely stay on one planet for long and instead prefer to venture in groups from one planet to another. They are usually welcomed by other alien species, but sometimes find that trouble has a way of following them wherever they go and end up banished. Because of their fearless nature, banishment does not stop these aliens from returning to some planets which gives them a reputation as outlaws
Capricorn: Tall, steely gray aliens with stunning dark eyes. They live on a completely frozen planet that is always covered in snow, but beneath the snowy surface they built a warm network of bright tunnels and grand rooms with high, decorated ceilings. Although private by nature, these aliens have close relationships with family and friends within their underground community. With their sharp intellect, they have formed one of the most technologically advanced alien societies in the universe
Aquarius: Pale blue or green aliens who wander tirelessly across their planet covered in tall orange grass and stormy lakes filled with strange aquatic creatures. Generally loners, they are never spotted in groups larger than three or four but are very devoted to their companions if they have any. These aliens are skilled magicians and most species of extraterrestrials are wary of venturing to their planet because of their strange powers
Pisces: Silver and sky blue aliens with sleek, shimmering bodies. They live on a planet that is entirely covered with a steaming liquid similar to water, but the steam condenses into a layer of purplish, cloud-like fluff that only this species of alien can live on. They speak in a musical tongue and are known to be extraordinary fortune tellers and clairvoyants
Inspired by this post 👽
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
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This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
I don’t think people realize exactly how true this is, everyone does it. And for people who have mental illness it’s worse because we feel the need to be it deeper so that no one can judge us or tell us it’s all in out head
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
Tumblr Code.
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
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Historical footage of the last T-Rex serving his country in WWl.
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
Money rowlet to bless people with wealth and financial stability
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
Star Stories
Star Stories
Marek and Sonlen joined the group of humans in the common room.  Marla was reading aloud from her tablet to the assembled group.  
“You will find love this week, Mark,” she told him.  
Marek and Sonlen were confused by this, Mark already had a mate.  But his mate Sue greeted the announcement with laughter.  
“Where’s he looking?” Sue asked, “No-one else would put up with him!  What does Virgo say?  Will I find love as well?”
Marla continued reading, “This week, you would do well to focus on your work, a success or promotion is on the way.”
“Well, darling,” Sue told Mark, “You’d better look for love elsewhere, I’ll be busy.”
The humans all burst into giggles.  They knew that Mark and Sue had been a stable partnership for many years and that a simple horoscope was unlikely to come between them.  
“What are you reading?” asked Marek, “How can you predict someone else’s experiences in the future?”
“Horoscopes,” Sue explained.  “Complete nonsense and completely irresistible.”
“What are horoscopes?” asked Sonlen.
“Well…” Marla responded slowly, “Its a way of forecasting the future based on the constellations which were in the sky when you were born.”  Her voice trailed off, explaining this to the cenandi could only end badly.  
“Constellations?” It was Marek’s turn to question the humans.  
“Arrangements of stars in the sky which are visible from our home planet.”  Claire volunteered.  The humans exchanged guilty glances and left Claire to continue the explanation.  “Our ancestors saw patterns in the night sky, made from the arrangements of stars they could see.”
“So how does that tell the future?” asked Marek.  
“It doesn’t,” said Sue, “Its horsefeathers.”
“Horsefeathers doesn’t translate either,” said Marek.
Sue grinned, this one was easier, “Its a metaphor, used to describe something that doesn’t exist.”
But the cenandi were not easily distracted from their mission to understand.  Sonlen picked up the questioning, “So, as I understand it, you are telling me that Marla was reading something that doesn’t exist?  That makes even less sense now.”
Sue was lost for words.  
Mark hugged her, “Nice one, darling!” he laughed.  He turned to the cenandi, “Let me try,” he said.  
The other humans sat back to watch the show.  “Go for it, Mark,” said George, “We are all ears.”
Marek and Sonlen recognised another metaphor, this one they had encountered before.  
“Horoscopes divide the year into 12 signs, people are allocated to a sign depending on their birth date.”
“Ah, so these are you months?”  Sonlen was beginning to spot a pattern she could understand.
“Er, no,” said Mark.
“This just gets better,” George sniggered.  “Keep going, my friend you are doing great.”
Seeing no-one else willing to pick up the explanation, Mark tried again.  “Its the same number as our months, but the start and end dates for star sign each are different.  Horoscopes are based on dates that run from about the 20th or 21st of one month to a similar date in the next month.  The dates are based on the constellation of stars which were visible in the northern sky when a person was born.  Astrologers do a series of calculations from that the suggest what is going to happen to a people in each of the twelve signs.”
Marek and Sonlen looked at each other.  “Nope,” said Sonlen, “Still not making sense.”
“This is normal for humans,” Marek added, she had picked up the habit of ‘teasing’ from her human friends.  
Marla had been thinking quietly during this exchange and was ready for another go.  “I think I can put it more simply,” she said.  “Ancient humans had something they called Astrology.  It was a way of predicting someone’s personality traits and experience based on the position of stars and planets relative to the earth on the day they were born.”
Marek flickered her ears, “I can understand that.  But why are you still using it?”
“Because, in defiance of all the science I know, it works,” Marla said.  “I don’t actually believe that the position of the stars is controlling our behaviour, but there is an underlying pattern where people born at a certain time of year share behaviour traits and experiences.”
“That is sort of true,” George added.  “Marla has an uncanny ability to predict someone’s star sign before she actually knows their birthday.”
“Does is work for cenandi?” Sue was skeptical that it even worked for humans, but had to admit that George was right about Marla’s capacity for unlikely guesses.  
Marla looked at their cenandi friends thoughtfully.  “I don’t know,” she said.  “Marek, I’d guess you are a Pisces.  Sonlen, that’s harder…you seem to be on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio.”
“When were you whelped,” George asked, pulling up a date converter on his tablet.  
“Galactic standard 2.7.456.19,” answered Marek.
George tapped in the date, “3rd of March.  Pisces.  How does she do that?”
“Galactic standard 17.8.652.09,” Sonlen supplied her own whelp-date.  
“Really?” George was shocked. “23rd October sits right in the Libra-Scorpio cusp.”
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
Why not
Money rowlet to bless people with wealth and financial stability
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dragonsheart94 · 7 years ago
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