dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
u can tell who the ancients of tumblr are bc theyā€™re the ones not posting anything abt where to find them if this site collapsesā€¦we know this site isnt going anywhereā€¦.the apocalypse couldnt stop this garbageā€¦..it has the cybernetic code of a cockroach
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
(Ź˜ā€æŹ˜āœæ) ā€œwhat you say ā€˜bout meā€
(Ź˜ā€æŹ˜)惎āœæ ā€œhold my flowerā€
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
From @amy_simba: ā€œLove my new friend šŸ°ā™„ļøā€ #cutepetclub ā  ā  [source: https://instagr.am/p/CLHpVM5h8bh/ ]
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
I love the guy whoā€™s clearly a teacher who came over with the intent to tear two fucking idiot teenagers apart from each other only to find these fucking nerds it probably made his entire month
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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i think this is my favorite tumblr ad so far
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
why doĀ Tinamou eggs look like that. i want to eat them wholeĀ 
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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i cannot get over at this newsstory. i CANNOT. i cannot believe that they paid someone to write a story about how people arenā€™t having children in the middle of a global pandemic that cost MILLIONS of people their jobs. this is the stupidest fucking thing iā€™ve ever seen!! do they think people are just sitting at home like ā€œwell canā€™t find any new series to binge, might as well have a fucking baby! thatā€™s the next logical step, right?ā€ iā€™m going to SCREAM.
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) dir. Tim Miller
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
Are Wednesdays just gonna be like this in 2021?
So far:
January 6th - TheĀ Capitol gets stormed during theĀ Electoral College vote certification ā€¦ and the idiot rioters liveblog it
January 13th -Ā Trump gets impeached ā€¦ for the 2nd time
January 20th - Biden is sworn in as the President ā€¦ somehow the least interesting thing on this list
January 27th - A subreddit bankrupted a hedge fund by ā€¦ buying all the GameStop stocks
Whatā€™s in store for us on February 3rd?
Tune in next week to find out!
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
"if you could have any videogame ability what would it be?"
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dragonhumanoid Ā· 3 years
As Iā€™ve previously mentioned, I happen to be the proud owner of some truly stupid novelty slippers, which I couldnā€™t wear until very recently because they terrified the cat. This sucked, because for 10$ novelty slippers from Target, theyā€™re warm as hell.
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Fortunately, as you can see, Peanut Butter decided that they were no longer a threat a few weeks ago, so a few hours after they earned her approval I was finally free to wear them to dinner, as I have nobody to impress and itā€™s cold as hell. Then, of course, my niece saw them.
Now, my 18 month old niece is REALLY into bears right now. Owls are still cool, of course, but BEARS ARE WHERE ITā€™S AT. And my slipper paws? In her mind, those are the paws of a mighty bear. It was love at first sight. She giggles at them. She pets them like theyā€™re kittens. She scoots onto the floor to rest her head on them during bedtime stories. She becomes immediately alarmed and indignant when I donā€™t have them on. Or, you know, if I do have them on, but theyā€™re not in her immediate line of sight. ā€œBa?ā€ She asks. ā€œBA? BA? BA? BAAA? BA?!!!!!ā€ (She is also very big on repetition.)
It has been like this for several weeks now.
Look, Iā€™m an absolute sucker for this kid, and I will do basically anything on earth to make her happy. Iā€™ve been wearing the bear slippers a lot recently. Like a lot a lot. The novelty of the novelty slippers has worn off over the weeks of having half of the word ā€œbearā€ cooed/screamed at me on repeat.
So, being a problem-solver, I figured Iā€™d get my niece her own pair of paw slippers, as 1. sheā€™d love them, and incidentally 2. If she transferred her affection I could maybe have a meal without being forced by the toddler on the other side of the table to do this pose on command:
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(I mean itā€™s not exactly that pose, but itā€™s actually even sexier when I do it.)
Anyway, guess what I canā€™t find in a toddler size? Fucking novelty paw slippers. Seriously, I have done my research, and I donā€™t believe theyā€™re being manufactured. Hell, I couldnā€™t even find a sewing pattern for toddler slippers online that looked anywhere close to paws, which is WILD to me, considering that toddlers are basically the target market for animal dress up.
Thatā€™s not entirely true.
See, I did eventually find a pattern for really, really well designed bear paw slippers. Once I hit on the right search terms, I found a LOT of patterns, actually, and more tutorials for how to make them and modify their size than I ever dared hope for. I took the best of several designs, pieced them together, and Iā€™m presently in the process of making them for my niece. Before I show you guys the final product, I wanted to pause for a moment to recognize the people who made this project possible:
Thank you, furries.
Your ingenuity and DIY ethos is an inspiration to us all, and you are going to make a toddler very happy.
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