dragonflapjacks · 5 years
the past a foreign country
In which Percival de Rolo visits foreign shores and sees a familiar face, eventually. [Caleb & Percy. 1.3K]
Giveaway prize for @reblogs-and-radiation who asked for Percy and Caleb meeting, which I am beyond thrilled to write. Thanks!
read on ao3
The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there. –– L. P. Hartley
He recognizes the look of them as soon as they enter the tavern, laughing and calling to each other as though they are each the center of the others’ world. He’s not the only one to take note of the new arrivals; the other patrons visibly sigh and duck lower over their drinks, bracing themselves for whatever this new group might throw at them––perhaps literally. 
Not Percy, though. He sits a little straighter and watches them crowd around a table that does not quite fit them all, nostalgia lapping at him as surely as the surf against the sand down at the end of the road. It seems no time since he himself was in their shoes, road-worn and thriving, tripping over his companions and happy for the hand up when he stumbled.
His lingering gaze does not go unnoticed. One of them––a woman in blue who has a look of the Cobalt order to her dress––catches his eye and frowns. Her brow furrows magnificently, all suspicion and doubt, and he smoothes away a curling smile.
She jerks her chin up at him. “You need something, old man?”
Old man. He’s hard-pressed not to laugh.
“Not at all,” he returns.
Keep reading
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dragonflapjacks · 5 years
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Alright folks, I know i’ve been rather absent since the whole Tumblr Apocalypse thing, but here’s some Proof that I haven’t just been sitting on My Ass:
Announcing The Oracle!
A couple Months back, while I was working on the Mutophage, I had the idea stroke me of trying to play DND using a Deck of Tarot Cards in place of dice. Seemed like a silly idea, but as it happens sometimes, it stuck. I had seen a few classes out there that tried to make use of a deck of tarot cards in same way. but in most cases it was something along the lines of “I play this card to cast this spell” and felt more like a TGC than like reading tarot. I wanted to make something more integral. The Oracle is My take on support-centric class. By reading and manipulating fate, they are able to change the tide of battle, granting boons to their allies, and casting certain doom on their foes. This class is built from the ground up with the intent of feeling like an actual tarot reading when played. Having read tarot for almost 15 years, I worked to make sure that everything flows naturally in the same way as an actual reading, and in a way that won’t upset your deck. In fact, I designed the class to work as a great exercise in getting to know a new deck, or just learning the essentials tarot in the first place. If you love DND, and you enjoy Reading Tarot, you should definitely give it a read.
The Previews here are missing several pages of the greater arcana, for the full PDF check out the full class using this handy dropbox link. If you like what I do and want to support me, Check out my Patreon or Ko-Fi pages, or just come say hi on my Discord!
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dragonflapjacks · 5 years
I can’t stop thinking about that picture of Terry Crews in that pink suit.
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
the players handbook: tieflings have mostly human skin colors, but sometimes they can be red!
everyone else:
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
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So I did a thing with paper and ink... Nott the Brave, Caduceus Clay, and Thordak the Cinder King. . . . . . #criticalrolefanart #nottthebrave #caduceusclay #thordak #thordakthecinderking #criticalrole #traditionalart #inktober #paperandpen https://www.instagram.com/p/BpJZofwARnB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=crp2bqnau7kt
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
D&D: Teamup Attacks
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A neat way to encourage teamwork and partnership midcombat: get a bonus when you combine your action with another character! You’ve probably seen things like it before in comics and action movies. The “fastball special” when Colossus throws Wolverine at an enemy. Hawkeye firing an arrow with Ant-Man hiding microscopically on the arrowhead. The ol’ one-two.
The mechanic I’m using for this is to let players use a teamup attack whenever two players roll the same intiative result, but you could feasibly let them do it if they ready their actions appropriately and make proper rolls for whatever they are trying to do. But otherwise, you just add some sort of condition or bonus damage to the attack, along with the regular damage from both players’ attacks. It’s that easy! After the first teamup attack, the players resolve initiative normally by figuring out which player has the higher modifier or rerolling.
The fun part of this mechanic is you or your players coming up with a special attack! Check out some examples I came up with below.
Fastball Special
Half-Orc Barbarian + Halfling Rogue: The Barbarian uses their strength to throw the rogue at an unwary enemy! The attack deals the regular sneak attack damage plus the barbarian’s regular attack damage, and then knocks the target prone.
Fighter + Druid: The Druid casts Entangle or Thorn Whip or some such spell to wrap up the target’s feet, setting up the Fighter (or any martial class, really) to knock them down with a heavy blow to the torso or head. This deals the Druid’s normal damage from the spell (if applicable) and then the Fighter’s damage, plus knocks the target prone.
Shadow Boxing
Way of Shadow Monk + Assassin Rogue: Alternating attacks from each player jumping out of hiding and back into the shadows between each strike confuses the enemy. The target has disadvantage on all attacks during its next turn and cannot move more than 5 feet. It also takes the Monk’s and Rogue’s regular attack damage.
Nail on the Head
Great Weapon Paladin + Archery Ranger: The Ranger hits the creature with an arrow, and then the Paladin follows through with their two-handed maul, hammering the arrow deeper into the creature’s wound. This deals regular damage from the Paladin and Ranger plus causes the creature to bleed for 1d4 damage each round for three rounds.
Come to Deity
Paladin + Cleric: One of the players sweeps the target’s feet and the other whacks the back of their head, causing the target to fall into a kneeling position before the two holy heroes. The damage from both players coupled with their righteous auras causes the creature to become Frightened for one round.
Who Turned Out the Lights?
Fighter + Rogue: The Rogue pulls some of the target’s clothing or a bag over the target’s head, blinding them for 1 round if they are subject to such a condition. The Fighter and Rogue then wail on the creature with their attacks, each of which is made at advantage.
Soul Shred
Good Cleric + Fiend Warlock: The two players blast the target with spells of both fiendish and celestial energy, like an Eldritch Blast and Sacred Flame. The diametric energies surge through the target and vibrate enough to damage their very soul. The creature gains 1d3 levels of Exhaustion in addition to regular damage.
Elemental Convergence
Sorcerer + Wizard: The two spellcasters cast spells with different energy types simultaneously. The target(s) are Stunned for one round from their bodies trying to recover from the shock to their system. The creature or creatures take regular damage from the spells.
Harmonic Spell
Bard + Sorcerer: The Bard guides the energy of the Sorcerer’s spell with their musical magic, fascinating everyone who can see the spell (but not the initial targets of the spell). These creatures gain disadvantage on Perception checks and have their attention drawn to the spell’s effect, even if they were in the middle of combat, giving their enemies a chance to make Stealth checks. The Bard adds a die equal to their Bardic Inspiration die to the Sorcerer’s spell damage, without expending a use of Bardic Inspiration.
Arcane Epiphany
Wizard + Wizard of different school: The two Wizards combine the culmination of their studies to reach a magical revelation of sorts. They can each combine a spell from their chosen schools of magic to create a new spell, limited only by the imagination of the two players. For example, a Shocking Grasp and Phantom Steed launches an electrified steed at the target, becoming a regular Phantom Steed after the damage is dealt. The spell combines the damage of both base spells plus 2d6 damage, if either of the spells deal damage.
Rain of Arrows/Torrent of Blows
Ranger + Ranger: The two Rangers barrage the target with either their dual weapons or multiple arrows. The creature hesitates offering each ranger time for an additional attack in addition to their regular attacks, each at -1.
Look Behind You
Archery Ranger + Rogue: The Ranger and Rogue attack from hiding and use each other’s attacks to distract the creature from one another. The attacks deal a bonus 1d4 damage and do not reveal either player’s hiding place.
Bard + Druid: The Bard’s music combines with the Druid’s natural affinity to call a woodland creature to aid in the battle. This round, the Bard and Druid both deal damage from their respective spells or attacks. Next round, between the Druid and Bard’s initiative, a beast of CR 2 or less arrives to make an attack against a target the Bard and Druid agree upon, using the higher of the two characters’ proficiency modifiers to the attack and damage rolls. The beast then retreats back into the wilderness.
Eldritch Infusion
Warlock + Barbarian: The Warlock infuses the Barbarian’s open mind with the force of their patron to fuel their rage. The Warlock can use its action each round to maintain this bond. While infused, the Barbarian’s last attack each round deals damage equal to the Warlock’s Eldritch Blast damage plus 1d10 additional damage.
Cleric + Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer: Through the Cleric’s exaltation to the draconic deities and the Sorcerer’s draconic origin, the two of you call a dragon to your aid. The Cleric and Sorcerer deal no damage this round. Next round, however, a Young dragon of the Cleric’s or Sorcerer’s choice arrives to use its breath weapon on a 15′ radius area they agree upon, using the dragon’s regular damage and saving throw. The dragon then leaves once its air raid is complete. (this one is a bit of a stretch, but I think that it’s fair if they forego their damage for a round to gain about 16d6 (possibly halved) damage on a small area.)
edit: It was also brought to my attention that Pathfinder’s Teamwork feats are a great example for these! Two I liked were Cover Fire and Harder They Fall. The former lets you use your ranged attacks to also use the Aid action, which i think still works in 5e. The latter lets you help an ally make a bull rush (Shove in 5e) attempt against a creature two sizes bigger than normal, which sounds like something that can be adapted! Even if you don’t use an explicit mechanic, always remember to think outside the box during he game and use teamwork to your advantage!
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
A warlock whose Fey patron is Tina Fey
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
Oh Travis!!
challenge: accepted!
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
I need to watch these this year!
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🎃 ★ ° 🕸️ O c t o b e r : Movies You Can Watch This Halloween 🕸️ ° ★ 🎃
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
I, as a grown man, squeed with absolute joy as soon as they started coming out! Such a good episode!
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
Normally, in ensemble casts, I appreciate the jock but they’re never my top fave. But with Critical Role…..
I would die for Travis Willingham. I love him so much Jesus Christ
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
I took a night drive to clear my thoughts. VAST's April album was playing, and I was confronted by my emotions on a level I didn't expect. It's like I put a bunch of "moop" away trying to not deal with it years ago, and then it all became unbottled tonight. So I'm sitting in my car now in front of my place just trying to sort it all out. After all, the moop won't see itself out on its own.
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
@turdwulf @alec-hashairwin duuuuude!
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Oh my fucking god.
So, All Work No Play will be a weekly show where Sam and Liam go out and do ‘stupid crap’ in LA (AKA: BFF field trips), film it, and then go to the tavern set at the CR studio to talk about it. 
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dragonflapjacks · 6 years
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Was able to paint a Mollymauk and a Beholder tonight. Long may he reign. #criticalrolefanart #mollymauk #dndart #watercolor #criticalrole https://www.instagram.com/p/BnWHQ6shJQR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bsuly5hie3cm
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