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dracoserrulata-blog · 6 years ago
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dracoserrulata-blog · 6 years ago
Quick Survey
Now that my brain has finally calmed tf down and I can start doing Dragon Age stuff again, I’ve decided on what I’m doing with Hawke and Nev. I really like how much easier my Elder Scrolls multi made rp with those muses, so I’m doing the same with some of my Dragon Age muses. Nev, Hawke, and a few other OCs that I’ve never brought to tumblr before are going on it. I’m also thinking hard about moving my canons (Josie, Rasaan, and Isabela) to it as well so I can have all my Dragon Age muses in one place and revitalize everyone with a fresh start. I know everyone’s probably sick of me moving things around so much, so I thought I’d make a little survey to ask for some opinions. I’d really appreciate some feedback.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
I was going to do stuff but as soon as I got home at like 3:30 I found a sick kitten laying in the road (otherwise uninjured) so I brought it inside and have spent the past hour making sure it’s okay. I gave it some food and water and that made it start moving around decently but it’s got an obvious upper respiratory infection that I’ll ask our vet associate about tomorrow when they get to the shelter.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Roleplay related mun memes!
😡 : Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
웃 : An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?
ツ : An OC you created that you are proud of?
유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?
♂ : Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
♀ : A trope you catch yourself falling back too often?
☿ : A trope you dislike?
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
✉ : On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?
❅ : Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?
✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
✯ : A head canon someone else has inspired you to adopt?
➳ : Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?
▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
♫ : Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
✈ : What do you think is your reputation in your role-play community?
⌘ : Where do you get some of your inspirations for plots/head canons? Offer an example, if possible.
ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
☂ : Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Plotting Call
Like or reblog. Or just jump in my IM.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Sorry for the abrupt silence! I went on an impromptu trip to the river with my family this weekend to celebrate my cousin getting a spot in his school marching band. I’ll be back home tomorrow, but for tonight you can still catch me on mobile and possibly my laptop if I can get it to work for a bit.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
It's simple. They are set by the fire of camp, eating in silence. The travel had been long and tiring, and the two of them were too exhausted to speak. Alistair had finished his dinner at least ten minutes ago, holding the empty makeshift bowl in his hands before looking over at her. Without another word he leans over and kisses her temple, lingering for a moment before he stood, "I'm going to bed. I will... see you when watch shifts." With a tired smile, he leaves his bowl and heads off to bed.
[ @blightedcrown ]
Nevarine could see the tiredness in his eyes as they ate. These days the weight that clung to their shoulders seemed to show through the cracks in their smiles more and more. She wondered if he could see it on her face as well. Did they look like the broken heroes they felt they were? Could the world tell how tired they were of fighting?
This feeling would pass. Eventually. For now, even the bags under her eyes felt like too much to carry. The rest of the camp felt it too, but it was Alistair who drew her attention. She didn’t want him to think she was worrying too much, despite the many stolen glances in his direction. Not an unusual thing for her, but this time there was no smile with them. Only the softening of her brow accompanied her gaze.
What could she do? Nothing. She wasn’t some cure for all the worries of the world. Even her usual pride couldn’t convince her of that lie. She wanted to be able to fix everything, but she knew she couldn’t. The only thing she could do was be there for him. Support him, like she needed him to support her.
Her eyes close as his lips press to her skin, her hand reaching to caress his own. She held it gently as he moved away, not letting go until her arm could reach no farther. She matched his tired smile with one of her own as well as an understanding nod. She wanted to go with him. Maybe she could shove the first shift off on Sten or Zevran? A scattered glance at the gathered party denied her that solution. Everyone else was just as tired as she was. She was their leader; she had the least right of all to be selfish. If there was anyone that should be sacrificing an immediate respite, it was her.
One by one her companions drifted off to their tents, leaving Nevarine alone in the glow of the campfire. She knew that once a few hours had passed and her watch was over, the first thing she would do is go to Alistair. Then came that creeping fear that she wouldn’t even have the chance. That somehow the world would just end before she got the chance to hold him again. Those bastard thoughts were always the hardest to fight off on nights like these, but she’d learned to not let them steal her hope. If all she could do was pray that she could be with him for just a while longer, then prayers would be the only sounds to come from her as she sat alone under the stars.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Mauve Over! - Submitted by Sbirb
#E6AABB #BD7388 #94445B #802640 #6E132B #450716
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Nevarine thinks the Grey Wardens should be more open as an organization and more forthcoming. Their secrecy almost chased her away after her Joining, and she believes that recruits that come in with their eyes already opened to the sacrifices they’re making will serve better and with their full hearts. She also believes this may help with the Joining’s mortality rate, as she believes the fear and uncertainty that fills their minds from not having time to cope with the sacrifice ahead of them plays a part in their ability to defend against the taint overtaking their bodies.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
So I might have made Nevarine’s family tree. I’ve been working on my hc’s for her family (yes I’m making a page for that because I have no self control) so I did this too.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
{ Sex + Romance Headcanons | Still Accepting }
💗 Has my muse ever been in love?
(I answered this before but I can find where but I remembered I saved the hc on my computer so I’m just going to repost it here oops haha forgive me)
She was once, but she didn’t really come to terms with it until long after the relationship had ended. It was Thomas Howe, Rendon Howe’s youngest son. They had a discreet relationship for a couple of years, but Thomas was insistent that they go public and get married and Nevarine ended the relationship abruptly because the notion scared her. It wasn’t really the thought of being married to him that scared her; it was what marriage represents to a girl born to nobility who isn’t in line for inheritance.
Thomas was good to her, and if it wasn’t for everything that happened during the Blight (including his death as well as his father’s usurpation of her family) she would have reconciled with him and accepted his proposal. Later when thinking back on everything that happened between them, she realizes that she really did love him and regrets that she didn’t get to tell him that. Sure, they’d told each other they loved each other many times, but Nevarine had always treated it as “puppy love” before while Thomas was quite serious with his statements. She truly believes he deserved better from her in the end, regardless of whether they ended up together or not.
In her game canon and verses where she romances Alistair, this is part of why she has little hesitation at the notion of marrying him and becoming his queen. She loves him, and she’s willing to put aside her reservations about marriage to give him the devotion and support she feels he deserves from her. It’s scary, thinking that she might become trapped by the lifestyle of a woman of nobility as she always feared, but even more terrifying would be the thought of losing someone she loves once again for the sake of her courtly freedom. She will not make the same mistake twice.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Headcanon: Nev has found the cure for the Calling and hasn’t even realized it yet. The ability to control her blood via Avernus’s research has made her immune, which is why in verses where she shows up during inquisition’s events she isn’t effected by Corypheus’s fake Calling. Since she doesn’t know this, she still fears it very much; a fear that gets worse with each passing day. It’s very ironic that she goes to find the cure in the wilds when she had it with her all along.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
I was going to do things here last night but then I felt sick and fell asleep and just woke up like 30 minutes ago
So hi I’m Mari and I decided that since it’s 4am I am going to reblog a bunch of old ass headcanons to somehow make up for my absence lmao
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Plotting Call
Fuck editing. Like this to plot or slide in my IM/Inbox. Excuse the blog mess.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
I unintentionally slept a long ass time today so I didn’t get to update anything lmao
Still might put up a plotting call regardless. I mean, y’all can hit me up anyway just jump in my IM or hit me up on disco.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Ok so I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to try and get some stuff started with Nev again tomorrow. I’ll probably put out a plotting call first and foremost. I think it might be better to keep plotting as a big focus for her, though I’m still okay with unplanned stuff/winging it. Still don’t know if I’m going to change her main theme or not so that’ll probably be a last minute thing if it happens at all. I still need to update some stuff but it’s all minor and I can do it within a few minutes.
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dracoserrulata-blog · 7 years ago
Anyway I’m coming back to Nev soon. I’ve got to take care of some stuff on my multi before I do, but I plan on starting stuff here again within the next week. I’ve decided not to reboot or do a full revamp. I’m just going to switch her main theme (maybe) and update all the things that need updated.
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