dr4kecl · 14 minutes
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dr4kecl · 15 minutes
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this is the single saddest thing I’ve ever seen on cutthroat kitchen
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dr4kecl · 15 minutes
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dr4kecl · 15 minutes
Puki do u support trans ppl
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My mom made Hungarian chicken soup, do u guys want some
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dr4kecl · 16 minutes
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dr4kecl · 16 minutes
cis he/him male here am i allowed to use it/its every once in a while when the autism kicks in
you can do whatever you want forever
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
Recency bias is a bigger problem than it used to be
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
hey please watch him while I go shower. I’m worried he’s gonna get me
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
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everyday i wake up to these two mfs on my wall and my day just starts AMAZING
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
no bro trust me bro this moral panic is different bro yes i know i was wrong about cameras and comic books and satanic cults and washing machines and microwaves and gay people and AIDS from bus seats and ninja weapons and video games and Muslims and GMOs and fidget toys but TRUST ME BRO i swear humanity is totally cooked if we don't stop this one bro this one is TOTALLY for real bro wait come back bro where are you going-
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
The sexiest thing a woman can do is move on. Whether it’s from their partner, career, family, etc. Society has programmed women into believing there’s a moral reward for enduring and staying. Fuck that. Get a new partner, new career, move to another state/country, please just MOVE ON.
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
a few years ago, i made a flowchart for my partner in order to convince them to leave a pathfinder group that was actively making their life worse. today i revised my original chart to convince a friend to leave her d&d group that is actively making her life worse.
here is the chart. i promise its utility is not only with tabletop RPGs but it does have a high hit rate for those
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dr4kecl · 1 hour
wlw tumblr post notes simulator
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dr4kecl · 13 hours
im pregnant and its nobodys. it aint even mine
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dr4kecl · 18 hours
Devastating! Art museum gift shop doesn’t sell prints of specific and unpopular painting that struck a cord with you!
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dr4kecl · 19 hours
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