dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
on hiatus until further notice
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
Any time Erin ♡
girl help
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
Ohhh. Do you want the usual? Hot chocolate, heating pad, midol?
girl help
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
You good???
girl help
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
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✹No thanks, I'm a lesbian✹
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
Soooooooo I kinda forgot about this blog for a hot second. Oops. In my defense though, we've been really busy catching ghosts because now that we have a containment grid, the ghosts can stay contained. Believe it or not, it's done WONDERS for the business.
I guess people like us better when we're Ghostbusters and not "Ghost Catch-and-releasers"
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
Hi Doc,
Don't know if it was asked but do you have or ever had any pets?
Hey thanks for the ask!
I don't currently have any pets, no. One of my roommates is allergic to most animals, and the firehouse is no place for a pet. I mean we have Kevin, but Abby says I can't call him a pet.
When I was a kid I would feed the crows in our neighborhood and they would bring me little trinkets and shiny objects, so I think that's the closest I've gotten to having a pet.
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
I'm sure the Egons will be happy to know that I'm done bleeding for the month 🙄
On that note, I scheduled a hysterectomy consultation. Doesn't have anything to do with recent events really. It's something I've been considering for a while now, but just never got around to doing it because we got so busy with ghostbusting.
But now I'm finally getting it done!
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
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Neptune - methane false color - August 23, 1989
Credit: NASA/JPL, Kevin M Gill
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
The way she leaves out strands of her hair to frame her face when she puts it into a ponytail. The way she folds up her coveralls every time she takes them off even if they're just going to be thrown in the laundry anyway. The way she snorts when she laughs too hard.
The way she pushes up her glasses with the back of her hand so she doesn't get any active sample on the frame or lenses. The way she gets so passionate about our work and isn't afraid to stand up and defend it. The way she sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating.
The way her face lights up when I ask her about the history of an area. The way her baby hairs flow and swirl like a river across her hairline. The way she coordinates her lipstick with her braids. The way the whole room is filled with warmth when she smiles.
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
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Image of Neptune and Triton taken by Voyager 2 on August 31 1989.
Credit: Kevin Gill
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
You’re the forgotten one. It doesn’t matter where you go, but you’re the forgotten one. You don’t mean to be, it’s not something you enjoy - it makes you feel alienated and makes you sink further, further than you’d ever like to admit to another living human being. You haven’t quite found the select few that would die for you - and if you have, you haven’t realized it yet, have you? You have your doubts - and that’s okay, really, it’s hard to trust when you’re always being left behind. You’re not lesser for it. Regardless of whether you’re left behind physically, emotionally, or academically, it’s okay. It’s okay to take more time than you need and it’s okay to be slower than others, because that’s how you’re wired and you need to be told that that’s okay. It’s in our nature to be different, to be individual - that’s what makes us special, no? Not a single perfect replica in the world - and you need to own that. It’s easier said than done, but there’s never going to be another you and you need to accept that to get your life in order, to do what you want to do. Take a look at your priorities, at your life, see what’s making you miserable. It’ll be glaringly obvious when you do. And, perhaps, give yourself an apology.
Which Planet Are You?
Tagged by: Everyone
Tagging: Everyone
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You’ve got an intimate relationship with the things that can hurt you - they’re familiar in the same way putting away laundry is. You don’t know when to cut people out of your life and you don’t know when you’re angry. In fact, you’re burning with resentment, anger, but you can’t figure out why and it’s on the backburner so often you forget that you’re even angry. Everyone tends to look past you and the more you think about it, the more you don’t care. You know you can’t be a burning star in everyone’s life but you hate the idea that other people can be. Sometimes, it’s easier to put your phone down and pretend you don't exist, pretend that staring at the wall will make it all better. It doesn’t.
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
I stayed in today to monitor the containment unit, and the girls brought back Chinese food for dinner. They even remembered my order. Usually I have to write it down for them. We finally found a place that has a reasonable wonton to soup ratio so Abby's real happy about that.
At the risk of sounding like a total sap, I'm really glad I get to call them my friends. Like real friends and not just people who say they're my friends and invite me to sleepovers just to make fun of me. I feel like they actually do care about me and seem genuinely interested in what I have to say.
When I met Abby at the institute and she asked if I could be her research partner for ghosts and the paranormal of all things, I felt like we just clicked. Then I met Erin and Patty after a while and well the rest is history.
They just. They make me feel a certain way that no one else has before. I can't quite put my finger on what it is exactly though. I just know I like them a lot.
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
An open letter to the Egons
I'm so sorry ♡
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
Oh he was such an asshole. If it weren't such an expensive job, we would've just released the ghost back in his stupid penthouse.
At least the ghost let plenty of slime in the guy's bed. Silver linings.
War and death on the planet earth.
I'm going to bite someone. I almost bit one of our clients today because he tried to tell me and Patty how to do our jobs. Oh sorry sir would YOU like to have a nuclear reactor strapped to your back and wrangle a nasty Class V into a trap ALL WHILE MY UTERUS IS TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME.
Ok deep breaths Jillian, deep breaths.
Hate hate hate hate hate HATE.
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dr-holtzmann-official · 2 years
War and death on the planet earth.
I'm going to bite someone. I almost bit one of our clients today because he tried to tell me and Patty how to do our jobs. Oh sorry sir would YOU like to have a nuclear reactor strapped to your back and wrangle a nasty Class V into a trap ALL WHILE MY UTERUS IS TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME.
Ok deep breaths Jillian, deep breaths.
Hate hate hate hate hate HATE.
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