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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
What Is A Ponzi Scheme?
What Is A Ponzi Scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors from their own money or money paid by later investors rather than from actual earned revenue.
These schemes are illegal and operate on the rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul principle, as money from new investors is used to pay off the previous investors
Here is how the ponzi scheme works,
1. Victims invest in the hope of receiving good returns.
2. Victims get paid with the deposits of other victims allowing some to say the investments are working.
3. The extra publicity and praise helps get more victims to invest.
4. When payouts become unsustainable, owner runs off with the remaining money.
5. The newest investors never see a return on their investment. The higher up you in the scheme, loses less than those at the bottom.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
How to Adjust Your Life to Avoid Metabolic Syndrome
How to Adjust Your Life to Avoid Metabolic Syndrome
With a metabolic syndrome diagnosis, its imperative that you make some lifestyle adjustments to avoid the development of serious diseases which can interfere with your lifestyle and shorten your lifespan. If youve lived a life of inactivity and are obese, youre likely to develop metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is linked to insulin resistance, which stems from your digestive systems inability to break down the foods you eat and produce sugar (glucose). The result in this inability is that your glucose levels rise because your body cant control the glucose and keeps secreting more insulin. When your body becomes unable to produce enough insulin to keep the glucose at normal levels, diabetes may develop. When youre given a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome from your health care provider, it means that you have several conditions at once high blood sugar, excess fat surrounding the waist, abnormal cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. All of these conditions, when occurring at the same time, can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke but being diagnosed with one of the conditions doesnt indicate that you have metabolic syndrome. It does, however, mean that youre at greater risk for these diseases. Youre at risk for metabolic syndrome if you fit into one or all of the categories below:
Over the age of 60
Hispanic or Asian
Diabetes during pregnancy or a family history of type 2 diabetes
Have or had nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovary syndrome or cardiovascular disease
Obesity (especially fat around the stomach area)
You can make aggressive changes in your lifestyle to prevent these metabolic syndrome diseases by adjusting your diet and exercise to lose weight and lower the harmful levels causing the problems. Seniors should be on the lookout for symptoms of metabolic syndrome to avoid developing serious health problems. A low-caloric and low-carbohydrate diet plan can help you lose weight and a good regimen of exercise can help sculpt your body back into shape and burn the calories you do consume. Include cardiovascular and stretching exercises for an overall workout of the bodys muscles and for good bone health. See your healthcare provider for a metabolic syndrome test if you have the symptoms of increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme fatigue and blurred vision. Also see your doctor if you have a large waist circumference. An apple shape of the body usually indicates a metabolic problem.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
How Type 2 Diabetes Is Affecting Your Mind
How Type 2 Diabetes Is Affecting Your Mind
Type 2 diabetes has become so common place now, with over 20 million people having the disease, that it can be easy to overlook how it affects the body. Besides putting those who have the condition at risk of heart attacks, blindness and amputation caused from poor blood flow, diabetes also affects the mind. The reason that diabetes can cause someone to struggle with mental clarity is because the higher glucose levels impede the circulatory system. The higher the glucose levels, the higher the risk becomes. One of the risks with diabetes is narrowing of the blood vessels. When the blood vessels become narrowed, theres a greater risk of inflammation as well as less blood flow. This affects all of the bodys organs - especially the brain. Being diagnosed with diabetes means that you dont have the same quality of blood control that someone without the disease has. Your brain wont receive the amount of blood flow that it needs to have the sharpest cognitive skills that it could and should have in order to function at its top level. When youre busy doing something, your brain sends the blood wherever its needed in the cerebellum. This means that when youre working on a project physically or mentally, youll be at a disadvantage. Your ability to reason and perform certain things will be impaired because you wont have the proper amount of blood flow that you need to have. Long term, diabetes can significantly impair your ability to perform problem solving thinking tasks as well as impede your brains ability to remember things. The higher levels of glucose in the blood directly affect the brain - not just because of a lack of proper blood flow, but also because of the inflammation. The inflammation is just as damaging to your brains cells as the lack of proper blood flow is. The tough side to this is that even if you watch your blood sugar levels, you can still experience cognitive and memory impairment. The amount of blood flow that your brain is forced to perform without can be higher than 50%. Some studies have pegged the loss of blood flow as much as 65%. This decrease can cause you to struggle to make decisions. It can cause you to have sudden lapses in memory and give you the inability to accomplish day to day tasks. You can also experience more brain aging than people who dont have diabetes. Its important that if you have diabetes, you take steps to prevent or improve problems with blood flow. Make sure that you eat well to help keep the inflammation down. Get plenty of exercise and sleep.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
How Caloric Restriction Contributes to Your Longevity
How Caloric Restriction Contributes to Your Longevity
Of all the things we can do for ourselves to prevent aging problems, cutting calories rates at the top of the game. Recent strides in understanding genetics and the biochemistry of aging has revealed that the best way to add years onto your life expectancy is to restrict calories that put on weight and age the body and mind. Since most people have a problem with sticking to a highly caloric restricted diet for more than a few ways, further research reveals that intermittent fasting can offer the same results as caloric restriction, but able to complete with less discipline. With this plan, you can practice fasting for three to five days at a time and the benefits of restricting calories on a daily basis continue even though its not a good method to lose weight. Most people tend to compensate for the three to five days of fasting by gorging on food after the fast and gain all the weight back. Another plan that seems to have more lasting benefits of weight loss is caloric restriction for five days and then resuming your normal diet plan. You dont feel that youre starving and arent uncomfortable and maintain your normal energy level. Most researchers agree that calories are the single ingredient, which indicates whether a person will live a long life or not. If youre getting the necessary nutrients, caloric restriction can extend your life, help you lose unwanted weight and prevent or slow down some debilitating diseases. A diet designed to provide the nutrients you need to increase longevity will include restricting protein and consuming fat calories. On day one of the calorie restricted, 5 day diet plan, 1,090 calories are consumed and on days 2 through 5, 725 calories are consumed. So, the diet tends to be mostly fat. Avocados (2 per day) are recommended on this short diet plan. In studies using middle-aged mice who were given the calorie restricted diet for 4 days, two times per month, lived up to 11% longer than mice who were fed the calorie-restricted diet plan. Another unexpected advantage of the mice-test was that their cognitive and memory levels were increased and they kept more lean muscle mass and less visceral fat. The mice tended to perform on a higher, more energetic level and had lower fasting blood sugar. More studies are being conducted to see if a calorie restricted diet can work for humans to increase longevity and help prevent age-related diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, strokes and type-2 diabetes.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
What Is A Pyramid Scheme?
What Is A Pyramid Scheme?
Apyramid schemeis an illegal investment scam based on a hierarchical setup.
New recruits make up the base of thepyramidand provide the funding, or so-called returns, the earlier investors/recruits above them receive.
Distributors are required to by products in order to qualify. These purchases are used to fund and support the pyramid shceme.
Apyramid schemeis an illegal investment scam based on a hierarchical setup.
New recruits make up the base of thepyramidand provide the funding, or so-called returns, the earlier investors/recruits above them receive.
What makes this a pyramid scheme or not is the motive for buying the product. If you are buying the product because you wanted the product does not make it a pyramid scheme. If you are required to by products in order to participate in the income opportunity, a red flag should be raised, you may be involved in a pyramid scheme. These purchases are used to fund and support the pyramid shceme.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Granzyme B Study Accidentally Reveals Anti-Wrinkle Remedy
Granzyme B Study Accidentally Reveals Anti-Wrinkle Remedy
Amazing scientific and medical revelations are sometimes found completely by accident especially in the realm of scientific research. One such recent accident happened at the University of British Columbia while researchers were studying deterioration of mices blood vessels. A unique enzyme named Granzyme B was lacking in one group of mice and the others were engineered with the enzyme in their systems. At the end of the study, those mice that had a lack of Granzyme B also displayed perfectly smooth and non-wrinkled skin. The other group showed signs of aging. Granzyme B is a serine protease enzyme able to break down other proteins in the body. Its created and released by the immune cells in the body called NK and cytotoxic T-cells and has several functions within the body. But when the enzyme is secreted, they also break down ECM (extracellular matrix), certain types of proteins and molecules which fill spaces between cells and may activate the skins aging process. Other tests were conducted which included some mice (with normal levels of Granzyme B) being exposed several times per week to a number of minutes of UV light and another group of mice which lacked the Granzyme B enzyme. The study was conducted for 20 weeks and at the end of that time, the mice that lacked the enzyme were found to have wrinkle-free skin and those with the enzyme had new wrinkles. The conclusion of that study was that Granzyme B levels are increased by sunlight, which then reduces the levels of collagen and wrinkles begin to develop as a result. This can also happen when your skin cells are infected by a virus or when they form cancer mutations, which are immediately eradicated if you have a healthy immune system. Immune cells use the Granzyme B enzyme to make skin cells self-destruct a body procedure called apoptosis. These levels naturally increase after exposure to the sun. While Granzyme B is thought to cause wrinkling of the skin, it still plays an important role in our immune systems, so we dont want to get rid of it altogether. But, there are natural and synthetic topical treatments which inhibit Granzyme B, which will help keep your skin supple and wrinkle-free without interfering with the bodys natural immune functions. Thats not all the good news about Granzyme B inhibitors. Studies are being conducted to see if the inhibitors could also help to prevent damage of the skin resulting from photosensitivity and help prevent scarring. The aging of blood vessels is also being studied as a way to prevent aneurysms.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Getting to the Root of Your Brain Fog Condition
Getting to the Root of Your Brain Fog Condition
Brain fog means that youre experiencing brain fatigue, confusion or an inability to think straight. Its also been called fuzzy or foggy brain. Having some times in life where you cant remember if you locked the door or cant remember why you walked into a room is common. Whats not common is when these times of forgetfulness happen often. There are times when experiencing brain fog can be tied to a health condition. Going through menopause can cause an increase in brain fog. So can higher glucose levels, chemotherapy, or high blood pressure. No one enjoys having these moments where they feel as if their brain has blipped. Sometimes, when it happens, its really nothing to worry about. However, there are times, when this brain fog hints at a more serious development that should be evaluated. Sometimes, brain fog can be a result of stress overload. You can get stressed out with everything that you have to take care of and your brain simply cant handle all that youre giving it. So what it does is try to hold on to whats important and push out whats not. Not only can stress cause brain fog, but so can starting the beginning stages of menopause because of the changes in hormones. When the brain fog moments are linked to specific situations, its not anything to be worried about. If you know youve been going through a bout of insomnia, that can cause trouble with mental clarity. If youre having high or low blood sugar, that can cause it. So can not getting the right nutrients. Those types of brain fog always get better and your mental clarity rights itself. But sometimes, brain fog is causes by a health condition. It can be mental - such as emotional distress caused by trauma, depression, bipolar, ADHD, age related dementia, Alzheimers or other brain problems. When youre worried about your brain fog, it can cause you to feel stressed, which in turn can make the brain fog even worse. Before you fret, see if any of the known brain fog conditions fit whats going on in your life. Stress and trying to do too many things can cause brain fog. Getting sidetracked by overloading your schedule so much that you cant take a break is another cause. Some people experience fatigue. This is different from normal tiredness. This is being tired to the point of exhaustion. While this can be caused by doing too much, it can also be related to a health problem such as the adrenal glands not producing enough of a hormone. This should be checked if youre experiencing extreme fatigue on top of brain fog. Not getting enough sleep and not really resting once you do go to sleep can lead to brain fog. A lack of sleep affects your mental clarity, your glucose level and your ability to react to stress. Poor nutrition, inflammation and not getting enough exercise can cause brain fog. When you dont eat right, your body doesnt have the valuable nutrients it needs for the brain to be able to function well. Exercise helps the body be able to move oxygen through the blood vessels easier. It enables the heart to pump the blood to the brain better. Toxicity caused by environmental toxins can also cause brain fog. If youre experiencing brain fog, youll want to find out whats causing it. Get a complete CBC done as well as have your adrenal gland and your thyroid gland checked out. If youre going through menopause, get your hormone levels checked. Be proactive about your health for anything that can be linked to brain fog - such as aging. Take supplements that fight aging even if youre young. Its never too soon to fight against mental impairment.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
The Importance of The Right Mentality
The Importance of The Right Mentality
If you are stuck in the boxed life, you must make a dramatic change. If you don't have the right mentality, regardless how hard you work, you will not succeed.
I don't want this to happen to you. This is the reason so many try and quit. They give it all they know how to do and fail. So they think, this is not for me. They missed one key ingredient to their hard work. They failed to change their mentality.
There are two basic mentality groups
Worker mentality
Owner mentality
Which are you?
Worker mentality is you do exactly what you are supposed to do and nothing more. You are not concerned about your companies reputation. The company is not yours. You feel if the business goes belly up, you will find work somewhere else, besides it was not your fault.
In the morning, you leave home as late as possible as you road rage to get to a job you don't want. You are usually 5 - 10 minutes late, but not enough to get docked. At 5:00 on the dot you are 50% out the door. In fact at 4:45 you were getting ready to exit at 5:00 on time. Does any of this sound familiar? If not perhaps you have a better worker mentality.
Owner mentality looks for more ways to improve, garner more skills and be better at what ever they want to do. Owner mentality jumps at any opportunity to learn or better him or herself. They attend trainings, seminars and read to better themselves, even if it means sacrificing doing the fun stuff they would have otherwise done.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Get Better at Regulating Your Energy as You Age
Get Better at Regulating Your Energy as You Age
One of the most consistent complaints of aging is the lack of energy. Age and fatigue just seems to be synonymous so what is the connection and is there anything we can do about it? One recent report thats good news about aging and energy indicates there are things we can do to boost our energy levels as we age. The Harvard Medical School Special Health Report, Boosting Your Energy, presents a plan to regulate your energy levels at any age. Some of the steps on the plan include: Get stress under control. Stress is the most common reason for chronic fatigue. If you have trouble controlling stress, try seeing a therapist or chatting with a trusted friend. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi and meditation also work wonders. Say no to more obligations. Some of us are stressed because we have too much on our plates. Learning to say no rather than yes to every volunteer job, social activity or work project is one of the best ways to restore your energy levels. Exercise on a regular basis. When we exercise, we inundate our bodies with fuel for energy to do more. Youll also be building capillaries, the blood vessels which carry oxygen to the cells. Exercise also creates the stress hormones, norepinephrine and epinephrine, that help us feel more energized. Get enough sleep. The aging population often complains of lack of sleep as part of the reasons for lack of energy during the day. Its best to use natural methods rather than sleeping pills. Changing your lifestyle such as drinking less alcohol during the evening hours and avoiding heavy meals before bedtime can enhance your sleep experience. Spend your energy wisely. Spend some time setting goals that will bring enjoyment to your life and fill your mind with determination to meet the goals. Prioritize your days so that youll feel a sense of accomplishment when the day is over. Adopt an energy-inducing diet. Diet becomes even more important as you age. Energy foods such as fruits and vegetables are paramount to maintaining energy and keeping your body healthy so its ready to meet the challenges of aging. Sometimes aging is more a state-of-mind than the state of our bodies. Find something you enjoy doing and make sure you prioritize those activities into your daily plans. Surround yourself with positive people who enjoy doing some of the things you love and youll be more energetic and ready to meet life head on.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
The Importance of Teamwork
The Importance of Teamwork
When a proven successful plan has been developed, and perfected, the team leader must assure all team members must follow the plan faithfully without trying to re-invent the wheel. As it is said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". When team members ignore a formula that has positive results, they create unnecessary obstacles and increase the likelihood of failure.
When your team has trust and understanding, they will trust and follow your leadership even if they question its viability.
Leveraging your team work enables the team to achieve greater growth and success. Another way to put it is to leverage one another. By leveraging each other, you'll save time and increase your ability to turn individual into either clients or team members.
By leveraging the talent, time and expertise of people with more experience than you , you develop efficient habits faster than otherwise possible. For instance, let's say you have two team members Michael and Brenda, Michael has superior product knowledge but has weak people skills. While Brenda has strong people skills, but has weak product knowledge. If both leverage each other's talents, if Michael and Brenda network together, Michael can tap into Brenda's vast network of people who trust and respect her. And during meetings Brenda can answer the the difficult technical questions. Their combined strength allows them to overcome their individual weaknesses.
When individuals within a team leverage one another, they learn from one another, build upon each other's strengths. overcome weaknesses that could otherwise cause failure. They accomplish far more had they worked alone.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Antioxidant Chocolate Gets Rid of Wrinkles
Antioxidant Chocolate Gets Rid of Wrinkles
If someone told you that chocolate could really eradicate wrinkles, would you believe them? According to researchers at such highly respected universities as Cambridge and University College of London, the answer is, Yes! Some tests have verified that the antioxidant levels found in chocolate (the same as a fillet of Alaskan salmon) can keep skin looking smooth and glowing. A researcher at Cambridge University in England says that the antioxidants in chocolate are the same ones that keep goldfish gold and flamingos pink. One test indicated that after four weeks of consuming chocolate on a daily basis, there was evidence that blood inflammation had decreased and increased blood supply to the skin was more prevalent. Some of the clinical trials used people who were in their 50s and 60s and the result was that the skins physiology levels were restored to those levels of 20 to 30 years old. The product is called Esthechocand is comprised of dark chocolate which comes in a small (7.5 gram bar) and is composed of free-radical-fighting polyphenols. Those involved in the trials visibly noticed that their skin was more pliable and supple. Some think that anti-aging chocolate is too good to be true, but this guilt-free delicacy was developed by scientists who specialize in anti-aging who claim that it slows down the development of sagging skin and wrinkles. Day by day, scientists are revealing that everyone's favorite treat chocolate can be an amazing way to prevent wrinkles and make our skin smoother and better able to resist the sun's harmful rays.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Is Network Marketing or Internet Marketing Really For Me?
Is Network Marketing or Internet Marketing Really For Me?
This check list assesses how well your mentality aligns with the qualities you need to succeed.. The check list helps you answer the question, "Is this business really for me?"
In order for this checklist to be of value to you, you must answer each question as honestly as possible. The more sincere you are, the more this list will benefit you. Your answers will provide the reference point from which you can figure out the steps you can take to improve your mentality.
What are your goals and your level of commitment to fulfilling them? Learn how to set smart goals
a. How much money do you want to earn?
b. How hard are you willing to work to reach your income goals?
c. Do your answer to a and b match?
For example lets say at your current 9 to 5 you make $50,000 per year. You work 8 hours at 160 hours per month. However, your goal is to make at least $100,000 per year and you plan to work 5 hours per week or 20 hours per month. Your a and b do not match thus your goal is unrealistic and will lead to failure.
What kind of mentality do you have? Ownership or worker?
a. Do you prefer to do what you are told and nothing more? or
b. Do you have the attitude that you are responsible for your success and take the initiative to do what ever is necessary to meet your goals? Be honest about your answers, if you say yes, will you follow through? Only you really know you and as my father used to tell me, " you are only fooling yourself".
Are you willing to follow a teamwork system?
a. Can you resist the temptation to reinvent the wheel?
b. Are you willing to uphold the principles of a teamwork?
c. Are you willing to be guided by your team leader or mentor? Working with a team leader or business mentor means putting aside your ego and accept his or her advice and training.
What is your "why?"
a. Why are you considering joining this business? Another-words, what is your motivation?
b. Do you have a strong motivation, weak motivation or somewhere in-between?
Strong motivation example.
Lets say you are the head of your house hold, you have a spouse, 2 children a mortgage and bills to pay. You just learned the company is about to lay you off, it could be downsizing, relocating or going out of business. None-the-less, shortly you will no longer be employed. Your motivation is strong; your family depends on you. You see an opportunity to join a particular network marketing company or making money online opportunity. And because your family depends on you, failure is not an option. You are determined to do what every necessary to succeed.
Weak motivation
You have a well paying job and you choose to join one of these opportunities to earn some extra monthly cash; but if you don't earn anything, your life will be fine.
What is your career and financial status?
a. I don't have a job.
b. I have a well-paying job.
c. I have a job, but I'm looking for something better.
When you join a network marketing or internet marketing opportunity, you will have to invest time in learning and practicing new skills. You need to take an honest look at your financial and time situation and ask yourself, "Do I have the time to do this?"
Network marketing and internet marketing offer immense financial opportunities, but there is a time and financial investment you will need to make.
If you are presently without a job, no car and no money, your circumstances may be too difficult to be able to do everything required to succeed.
On the other hand, it may not make sense for you to quit because you have a good paying job and in most cases, you will not be making money right away.
Or you have a job, but you are eager to set your own hours by being your own boss and be rewarded based on your efforts, rather than an office politics. You can afford to support yourself even if it means a decrease in income.
Do you have a spouse or partner?
If no, skip this question.
a. If yes, will he or she support you in a different career?
b. If your answer is no, most likely you will not succeed in your endeavor
A non supporting spouse or partner will not appreciate your time and money investment and often question your judgement.
How much do you care about others?
Making money should not be the only reason for joining a network marketing or internet marketing venture. You must have a genuine interest to improve others lives, provide valuable services and content.
By going through these questions you have taken a significant step deciding whether network marketing or internet marketing is right for you.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
The Secret of Success
The Secretof Success
Trust & Understanding is
Self Awareness
Respect for others
Getting to know clients and team and letting them get to know you
Having a team mentor you can trust and rely on
Self awareness is the ability to see yourself as others may see you. Not let your ego get in the way. Being able to listen and accept criticism even when it comes from people close to you such as your sibling, husband or wife. Being able to improve yourself
Respect for others: to be humble and mutual respect
Getting to know your mentor: We must break down the barriers of personal and emotional space so that you can be open with each other
Getting to know clients and team and letting them get to know you: Let them know your story that provides deep insight into one or more aspects of your personality. This will deepen the trust and understanding between you and them. This will build your self-confidence.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Living The Boxed Life
Living The Boxed Life
At some point you realized you wanted more out of your life, meanwhile, you weren't sure how to go about making the change. For many change is scary, uncomfortable, difficult etc etc. Some of us would rather be complacent than to change, why? Because change means work, change may mean starting over. Change may mean retooling our mind, our knowledge, our habits etc etc. After considering what we face, the weak ones of us decide changing my life is not worth changing ones-self.
So living in a box is when you know whats inside and its protected and will stay put. And when this box is upended, you become angry, frustrated and annoyed or all three. The dangers of living a boxed life is that it sometimes give a false sense of security keeping you from improving your life.
Can you break out of the boxed life? Of course you can, but don't fool yourself, it will require a new sacrafice. Think of it this way, you are already sacrificing a more fulfilling life by living the statuesque. You must have a big WHY you want to change. Maybe to give your children a better shot a life. Maybe to help your family. Maybe to give your spouse a better life. What ever your why is, it should be strong enough to keep you motivated and on course until you achieve your change.
Getting out of the Box life? The first step to improving your life is to identify the boxed life is holding you back. Once you have admitted this fact, then you can ask yourself, "How do I break free of it?"
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
What Are Different Types of Blood Pressure Monitor
Are you looking for Blood Pressure Monitors? This article will give you comprehensive information about all types of blood pressure monitors.Taking your blood pressure and keeping a record of the measurements is important. It will give you and your doctor information, how much your blood pressure changes during the day. Blood pressure monitor is an important tool in tracking your blood pressure. It is important to keep track of your blood pressure to monitor your condition. Blood pressure monitor detects your both systolic and diastolic pressure. Having this kind of tool will help you understand more about the condition you are in and how these changes affect your daily activities. Aneroid Blood Pressure Monitors or Manual blood pressure monitors- Mostly you will see this blood pressure monitor at your Doctor's table. Manual blood pressure monitor includes arm cuff, a squeeze bulb for inflation, a stethoscope or microphone, and a medical gauge to measure the blood pressure. This monitor is the best if you want most accurate reading. Disadvantage is that these are of much bigger sizes as compared to digital ones. You need separate stethoscope. Digital Blood Pressure Monitors: Also called as Electronic or automatic blood pressure monitor. These are available with wrist as well as arm cuffs. But arm cuffs digital monitors are considered as more accurate as compared to wrist monitors. They have a display screen which shows results. More of these come with only one simple button. Wrap cuff, and click button , thats it. The only disadvantage of these are that these are more expensive and sometimes does not give accurate result if cuff is not wrapped accurately. Better you take 2-3 readings whenever you use digital monitor. Finger Blood Pressure Monitor: New Technology has arrived. Those who has to take blood pressure frequently, this finger monitor is ideal for them. Just place your index finger in finger cuff. Cuff inflates automatically. LCD will show the results. Highly light weight and portable. Most people use this monitor, even knowing that this is not accurate as arm monitors. They usually prefer it because these are most light weight and dont have to roll up their sleeves. When ever you buy this monitor, always compare your readings with normal arm BP apparatus. PEDIATRIC BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR This monitor comes with small cuff and a LCD like lcd of video game. This blood pressure monitor will help in keeping the children calmed and entertained while having their diagnosis and treatment. Pediatric blood pressure monitor is being used to screen the hypertension for young children. It is noted that both systolic and diastolic pressure increased significantly in children because of the higher number of overweight and obese children. As the child becomes heavier, the risk of high blood pressure increases as well. Monitoring blood pressure for pediatrics and children is widely used nowadays. Wrist blood pressure monitor: If you have fracture of arm or have arthritis of elbow joints, the preferably use wrist blood pressure monitor. Although it is said that finger and wrist monitors do not measure blood pressure very well, many people are still using it. These are more sensitive to body temperature and body position so may give false reading. These are also too expensive. These come with a cuff, small LCD and a storage case. Some even with pulse monitor. These are highly portable. Manufacturers have come up with the idea of adding much utility to this device, and as a result, the wrist blood pressure device are improved to look like a watch. For this reason, the wrist blood pressure monitor has brought the comfort of taking blood pressure into much greater dimension. This is especially made to suit the lifestyle of wide-ranging people. Blood pressure monitor cuff: When choosing blood pressure monitor, always see size of cuff first. If you are a fat person, dont go for normal size cuff. You need a larger size cuff. If you will use normal size cuff , you may hyper inflate it, giving you false reading. For children, also use smaller size cuffs. All depends upon your arm size. What ever you choose for taking blood pressure, idea is try to select that blood pressure monitor which you can handle, read and operate easily and comfortably, thus giving you most accurate reading. While taking blood pressure, Follow all precautions on leaflet comes with any blood pressure monitor.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
High Blood Pressure And Your Heart
Hypertension can wreck havoc on many body organs. Its effects on the heart are especially damaging. High blood pressure and heart disease are closely connected. Moderate to high blood pressure significantly increases the load on the left side of the heart. Arterioles are often diseased or constricted, which increases resistance to blood flow. When this happens, the heart has to work much more to pump blood into the arterial system including the aorta. When any muscle is overused, it tends to increase in size and bulk. The heart muscles react the same way. An enlarged heart is a sign of trouble. Heart enlargement can be detected in several ways. A chest x-ray can reveal it. So can an electrocardiogram or even a physical examination. In many high blood pressure patients, the walls of the left ventricle thicken. This increases the workload on the heart. Eventually, the heart falters and the left side of the heart no longer pumps blood adequately. When this happens, major organs and tissues of the body are denied sufficient blood supply. The affected person becomes lethargic and weak. Because of the higher pressure in the left ventricle, blood from the lungs cannot drain into the top compartment of the heart (the atrium). As a result, the lung tissues get congested which brings on bouts of breathlessness and coughs. The patient may have a dry cough or even frothy phlegm with blood stains in it. This is a very scary experience to the sufferer and onlookers. In an acute attack, it seems to the patient that he or she is choking to death. Breathlessness due to heart problems may be first noticed during prolonged physical exertion. If the condition has progressed further, breathlessness may occur even while resting. This is a serious situation and needs to be tacked immediately. If this damage worsens, the right side of the heart will be affected as well. When pressure builds up in the right atrium, it will be difficult for veins to drain blood into it. When the heart's condition deteriorates to this stage, the external jugular veins may become enlarged and more prominent. These veins are anyway close to the skin and may be visible even in healthy adults, but stress on the heart can increase their protrusion. There are several other symptoms of right side heart failure. They include an enlarged liver, swollen ankles and feet, loss of appetite, swollen abdomen and lower urine flow. High blood pressure and heart disease frequently have a cause and effect relationship. Making necessary lifestyle changes can help combat both.
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doye1-blog · 8 years ago
Why you should take the correct amount of nutritional supplements
In nutritional supplements, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) set by the FDA is a guideline of the minimum amounts needed of a nutrient to stay healthy, but in numerous cases consuming more may be right for you. You ought to consult your doctor before taking larger quantities but in many cases, additional quantities may be needed to meet your personal requirements. Some medications and medical conditions can impact the body's ability to absorb and utilize vitamins and minerals and your doctor, nutritionist or other health care provider can advise you what amounts are best for you. Keep in mind that if you take the right amounts of herbal or other supplements, there is a huge benefit in better health, more energy and greater mental clarity. The problem occurs only when vitamins and minerals are consumed in huge quantities, well over the published RDA. Since many nutritional supplements can appear as if they are candy to a child, always store your supplements in a safe place, out of reach of little hands. One reason it is important to take the correct amounts of nutritional supplements is that over-supplementation can impact your health and even be hazardous. For instance, if you take high doses of Vitamin E, it won't be harmful but it can cause Vitamin K to be useless in clotting blood. If too much Vitamin E were taken in conjunction with blood thinners that various medical conditions require, significant dangers such as nose bleeds and injuries that can't be stopped from bleeding could potentially result. Since Vitamin E is stored in the body's fat, the impact can be cumulative when consuming too much of this necessary vitamin. If excessive amounts of calcium are taken, the potential that formation of kidney stones can happen should be considered. Certain dietary issues such as high quantities of dairy products in the diet combined with large quantities of tea add to the possibility of painful stone formation. Folic acid, when taking the right amounts of nutritional supplements, is very important. When too much is taken, Vitamin B12 deficiency can be masked. Amounts of niacin well in excess of the RDA can damage liver tissues as well as cause gastrointestinal upsets while the right dosage can be very important to good health and a sense of wellness. Iron is another thing to be certain to take the right amount rather than too much. Some children have been poisoned by overdosing on iron and you should always make certain to purchase iron in a childproof package. Selenium, when taking the right amounts, is very beneficial. Amounts over the RDA can result in vomiting, nervous system problems and even hair and nail loss. Lesions on the skin can appear. It is very important to take this very necessary supplement in recommended quantities. Taking doses, much over the RDA, of Vitamin A has the potential to cause serious liver damage. It can even cause birth defects if huge amounts are taken during pregnancy, especially if this occurs during the first trimester of the pregnancy. Nerve disorders and muscle weekends can result from taking far too much Vitamin B6 over a prolonged period of time. Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and urinary tract problems if taken in extremely large doses. Taking the right amounts of nutritional supplements containing Vitamin D is important. The result of overdosing on Vitamin D can be irreversible kidney damage, potentially causing the need for dialysis for the rest of the person's lifetime. Heart and blood vessel damage can also occur when the dosage is much too high. Zinc, a very necessary component for health, can reduce the body's ability to absorb copper and mute the body's immune system response. Immune system response is crucial for the body to be able to fight off illness and disease. Any supplements, even if they only contain herbs and botanicals, have the potential to be dangerous if not used with caution. Again, if taken in the right amounts, they can be quite useful; just don't take higher quantities than recommended. Since there is no RDA for any of these products controlled by the FDA, never exceed the dosage on the label unless a qualified health care professional tells you to do so. Also, remember to keep in mind, herbal supplements are not necessarily approved by the FDA but instead, are only regulated. Brewer's yeast in huge amounts can cause nausea and diarrhea. Chaparral can result in toxic hepatitis when over-dosage occurs. Comfrey in large amounts has been found to cause liver damage. Excessive use of germanium can result in kidney failure and has even resulted in death so be vigilant about any product that contains this substance. Ginseng can help memory and mental clarity in the right amounts when too much has been shown to cause blood pressure fluctuations, anxiety and insomnia. Ma Huang when taken in large amounts can cause blood pressure to increase, muscle injury to occur and nerve damage. Yohimbe has the potential to cause kidney failure, seizures and death when taken in huge amounts. It is easy to see why you must take the right amounts of nutritional supplements. The benefits are great when used properly but the dangers, as with almost any medication or natural supplement, can be very bad. Listen to your health care professionals about how much to take and be sure to let them know what natural supplements you may be ingesting so they can ensure your health remains the very best. By avoiding dangerous over-dosage of substances that are healthy when taken in smaller quantities, always read the label and if you doctor has recommended taking more or less than the label recommendations, note that fact on the bottle or package so that you don't make a dangerous error.
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