doveknight · 6 years
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"ᴡʜʏ ᴅᴏ ᴡᴇ ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴀᴛ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ? ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪᴛ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ, ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴅᴏᴠᴇꜱ ᴄʀʏ." ____________________________ Yet again, more gorgeous artwork of Dove! This time by the fabulous Sonabelle! I love her expression and of course her lovely plague eyes!
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doveknight · 6 years
"I am so very glad!" She giggled sweetly. "I am extremely pleased, dear Faust."
You interest faust.
“My is that so? I’m um, well do forgive me, unfamiliar with the name. Would you mind telling me who that is so I may greet them correctly?” Dove smiled as her hand brushed along her face, her red tinted eyes gazing onwards.
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doveknight · 6 years
"Oh well then... I guess if my life is on the table then I shall accept. I shall join your harem, dear Faust."
You interest faust.
“My is that so? I’m um, well do forgive me, unfamiliar with the name. Would you mind telling me who that is so I may greet them correctly?” Dove smiled as her hand brushed along her face, her red tinted eyes gazing onwards.
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doveknight · 6 years
"H-H-Harem? O-Oh I'm not too sure, dear, the doctor takes good care of me already," Her head tilted. "What type of Harem is it you have? Or, is that a wise question to ask?"
You interest faust.
“My is that so? I’m um, well do forgive me, unfamiliar with the name. Would you mind telling me who that is so I may greet them correctly?” Dove smiled as her hand brushed along her face, her red tinted eyes gazing onwards.
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doveknight · 6 years
"Oh pardon my ignorance, of course, Faust," She said the name fondly as she felt the kisses, the woman couldn't help but chuckle. " My! A healing kiss? What wonders you hold, dear Faust."
You interest faust.
“My is that so? I’m um, well do forgive me, unfamiliar with the name. Would you mind telling me who that is so I may greet them correctly?” Dove smiled as her hand brushed along her face, her red tinted eyes gazing onwards.
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doveknight · 6 years
"Oh well I-- Oh my!" Dove's mouth fell open as she was hugged and somewhat squeezed, her plague infected body struggling to handle the pressure, but none the less she smiled. "I um, well it's a pleasure to meet you, Naga. What a lovely name."
You interest faust.
“My is that so? I’m um, well do forgive me, unfamiliar with the name. Would you mind telling me who that is so I may greet them correctly?” Dove smiled as her hand brushed along her face, her red tinted eyes gazing onwards.
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doveknight · 6 years
You interest faust.
"My is that so? I'm um, well do forgive me, unfamiliar with the name. Would you mind telling me who that is so I may greet them correctly?" Dove smiled as her hand brushed along her face, her red tinted eyes gazing onwards.
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doveknight · 6 years
"N-No dear it's my fault!" Dove hiked up her dress and began to run, well as much as someone with the plague could run, away with tears welling in her eyes more so from embarrassment. "P-Pardon me!"
😈 From, 🕊
“i don’t kiss furry’s love i dick them down you can only choose one”
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doveknight · 6 years
Her eyes blinked widely. "I um-- oh dear," She pressed a hand to her blushed cheek gently. "I thought the symbol of a Dove would be enough to give me away, I-- oh dear pardon me."
😈 From, 🕊
“i don’t kiss furry’s love i dick them down you can only choose one”
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doveknight · 6 years
I envy you so much 😭 I really love julian and you're so blissful getting al of this 😭😍
|| Ahhh ;; don't be so silly, domt envy me! I wouldn't say blissful, more so shocked! But of course I highly appreciate your support ♡
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doveknight · 6 years
hey dove! i'm in love with all of this stuff but i don't get it like how did you make people to even ship your own apprentice with julian LIKE OMG people even draw things about you too IM SO CONFUSED thanks xx 😘
|| You're so sweet! I um, well don't know! This message is very overwhelming ahhh ;;
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doveknight · 6 years
(im crying dove is so cute????? i love that funky lil plague lady )
|| you're so sweet omg Funky plague lady I can't
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doveknight · 6 years
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" ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ꜱᴜʀʀᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴀꜱ ʜᴇ ʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪᴠᴇʀ - ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀ ꜰᴜɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴀᴅ... ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ.."
Gorgeous traditional art of Dove by the amazing @justearlifyouplease ! Follow and commission them!
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doveknight · 6 years
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       "God help me!"
I am utterly blown away by this gorgeous art of my Red Plague Arcana OC Dove! In this piece, she is running through the Lazarat as to find Julian, but she never did. To be fair, it's hard to tell if she was alive or dead when doing this though..
Artwork by the fabulous (instagram): @lazy_eggzy
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doveknight · 6 years
"Magic? Are you certain I can do such a thing, I was always told that-..." Dove's voice trailed off as her eyes averted from Vinca for the first time, a red hue appearing on her pale cheeks - never before had she used her skills, or 'magic', to protect another. She didn't even have to think about it. On his comments about how he learned his trade, Dove's face turned to his once more as her head tilted gently as she listened intently - such struggles came from this kind magician she'd only met this same day, she wished nothing more but to embrace him and let him know everything would be alright, but even if he was seemingly taken with her, no-one wanted to get that close to a plague victim.
No-one. Even if they said they did.
"Me? Oh my dear, do not worry about such a small injury, I may simply-" Once more her soft words were cut off as her eyes opened wide as he gently touched onto her skin, her eyes opening wide at his delicate touch, the feeling of warmth consuming the area as once more the magician proved his undoubted talent, the bruise the guard had given her slowly fading, a light gasp escaping her as she watched with wide eyes at the gorgeous, bright display - how could he do something so gorgeous without even thinking twice about it? Again, Dove listened to his voice, and as once more her display in the market was brought up, she gently brought a hand to her lips in slight embarrassment, she didn't sing often, or more so she was advised not to by 'the doctor'. "You still have your family around here, my, you're extremely lucky - I'd adore to meet them, thank them for raising such a wonderful child," Dove brought a trembling hand to Vinca's cheek gently, her red tinted eyes smiling to him. "I will happily go anywhere you lead, Vinca." Leaning in gently, as thanks for such a wonderful day and letting her see into another world, Dove bravely pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Thank you." She whispered to his cheek before she withdrew herself, the thin girl slowly coming to her feet, her face facing outwards towards the water as her dress picked up in the breeze, white fabric flowing with her long brown hair - she looked almost ghost like with the lighting.
A grim reminder of her true fate.
"It's getting late," Dove spoke more so to herself than Vinca. "The doctor will be looking for me I'm sure, he's going to be simply furious," The small girl wrapped her arms around herself. "I must take my leave now, Vinca - it's already sun down. But... why do I want to stay so badly?"
@doveknight​ (I’m starting a new post because our replies are so long I love them ;u;)
“Ah,” Vinca managed to stutter, still trying to process the moment before. His heart was racing from the sight of the guards, his adrenaline high and his legs ready to run. He looked around in disbelief, the sound of the ocean soft and soothing in the air, the dusk light glittering like flecks of gold across the water.
“You can do magic,” he concluded softly, his thoughts finally coming together. As the realization hit him, he turned to her with an elated grin. “You can do magic! Dove, that wasn’t a parlor trick, that was a transportation spell! And for two people, no less!” He crouched down onto his knees beside her, eyes sparkling with admiration as he gushed excitedly. “That spell takes a lot of practice to master. Surely you must have had some sort of teacher? Were there magicians in the countryside where you lived?”
A wave of relief and acceptance washed over him, as if a dark veil had been pulled from over his eyes. Not only had he found another fugitive, but he had found another magician. Dove was so similar to him in ways he hadn’t guessed, and it felt so wonderful to be understood by someone, to have someone know what it was like. Although his friend Asra was talented with magic, he never had to run from the guards like Vinca did, or use his magic for defense. It seemed that Dove was accustomed to using the same types of evasive spells that Vinca used.
“On the island with the other slaves, I was the only one in the whole village who worked with the mystic arts,” he confessed, beaming at her. “I learned magic when I was young, from copying the movements of the sea snakes and the cave hoppers, and bending the energy around me as they did. But to meet another magician…” he trailed off, giddy with joy and connection. He laid himself down next to Dove, placing his hands behind his head so that he could stare up at the sky. “You’re like a dream, Dove. I’m so glad fate allowed us to meet.”
As he turned to look up at her, he took notice of the bruise on her shoulder, and fear ran through him. Had that been from the guard? Had someone bumped her on the street? He sat upright once more, placing his hands over the dark yellow mark on the skin. “You’re hurt,” he observed, regarding her softly. He took a deep breath, centering his energy and allowing it to flow down his arms and conduct through his finger tips. His palms gave off a warm, golden glow, and magic pooled over her skin like liquid sunlight.
“You saved both of us back at the square,” he admitted sheepishly, working the healing spell over her muscles. “I was so distracted by your singing, I didn’t see the guard approaching. Your voice is beautiful.” He avoided eye contact with her as he worked, a rosy heat rising to his cheeks. “On certain nights, my village and I used to go out and sing to the sky, to serenade the moon when she was at her brightest, and call to the rains. They would have loved to hear you. I wonder if I can take you to meet them someday, now that they’re off the island.”
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doveknight · 6 years
"Dove wasn't as innocent as she seemed."
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@doveknight was determined to make sure Julian & Katsu got together before her time was up.
The Aftermath: (link)
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doveknight · 6 years
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Katsu the Apprentice & Dove Knight, from the Arcana
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