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doulespalmarya · 8 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 8 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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Purple Ombre Messy Ruffle Cake
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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Email me here for print inquiries.
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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Yes, you are! 🌻 ((got inspiration from @jacycorral ))
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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🎼Go tell it to the mountains🎼 Over the hills and everywhere🎼
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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I love this minimal and bright kitchen! (via Stadshem - Photo: Janne Olander )
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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Do not worry. Be "chill out"
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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And Monday start again...😃
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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This #futureday make us be curious to wonder about our future, right? We often asking about future but what we dream and do now would decide how our future become. Thank you Kak @valentinegint yang udah post #qotd ini! 😀
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
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How To Carve Donald Trump’s Face Into A Pumpkin This Halloween
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doulespalmarya · 9 years ago
How To Get Away With Murder MBTI
Annalise Keating ENTJ [The Commander]
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The ENTJ is the natural leader - just ask them! They are confident, authoritative and will take the lead in situations - especially one which calls for organisation and marshalling of the troops. They don’t hesitate and their directness can often leave others reeling in their wake as the ENTJ will have little time for anything they’d see as woolly or obtrusive. As their least developed function is ‘F’ they may not truly comprehend the impact their behaviour has on others, often coming across as overly task driven, insensitive and impatient, and a bit of a bossy boots. (The ENTJ would take these as compliments!) This is of course not intentional but they can display a lack of patience with those who don’t grasp things as quickly as they do, or who appear to be blocking the plan, and can be seen as intimidating, overbearing and a ‘know-it-all.’
Wes Gibbins  INFP [The Mediator]
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The INFP has two contrary characteristics, curiosity and shyness. They love to know what’s going on, feel excluded if not kept informed but do not like to be the centre of attention. The INFP always wants to be invited to the party - even though the chances are they won’t show up. There is a sensitive, caring side to the INFP which means they will be see the interconnections between people and pick up on the verbal and non-verbal cues. Yet there is a crusading side to the INFP which would surprise even those who knew the person well. When a personal value, or belief is trodden on, then the INFP can become outspoken and turn on the transgressor. Their values are usually so well hidden that the other person may not realise, but the INFP becomes like a champion of the cause and will be expressive, animated and at times go for the jugular.
Connor Walsh ENTP [The Debater]
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Engaging, plausible and entertaining the ENTP is very closely attuned to their surroundings and constantly on the lookout for opportunities and possibilities, which will feed their strong desire for something new. An ENTP will be like a breath of fresh air, infusing people and projects with a whole array of new ideas and creative ways of doing things. However, they can become bored and withdraw their energies as they go off in search of the next ‘fix.’ They are of the moment and are great at creating momentum for anything new. However they may become bored after the initial fascination has passed. ENTPs love telling conceptual stories. They will often go off at tangents, weaving apparently contrary pieces of information into a conceptual whole, bringing others in and teaching them in the process.
Michaela Pratt ESTJ [The Executive]
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ESTJs are built to project manage, which is why they are often found in Operational roles. Not for them the ethereal or conceptual it is about quickly weighing up the situation, setting targets and marshalling the resources to make sure the job is done - on time and within budget. The ESTJ has a strong work ethic and this includes loyalty to the cause - whatever that cause is. Their desire to get things done may mean that they ignore the niceties, the softer issues as they tend not to be so well-tuned in to how other people are feeling. There is a strong competitive edge to the ESTJ, and a need to assume control and this can often make it difficult for others to deflect them from their chosen course of action. The ESTJ simply wants to get on and get things done.
Asher Millstone ESFP [The Entertainer]
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Life-loving, people-centric thrill seekers, the ESFP is interested in people and experiences throwing themselves into relationships and life in general. Their dislike of rules and routine, are justified by their view that their reason for existing is to bring harmony, sympathy and support to peoples’ lives. An ESFP may slide out of rules, regulations obligations on the grounds that, 'I just had to do something to help.’ The keywords here are 'do’ and 'help;’ caring and practical in equal measure. If there is a crisis, the ESFP will be there, taking charge, offering support, revelling in their ability to help, loving the drama. Their energies and infectious enthusiasm, mean that other people will like them and they will build relationships easily and often.
Laurel Castillo ENFP [The Campaigner]
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The ENFP is the heady individual, creative, quick, impulsive who will get up in the morning thinking of how many possibilities the day may bring. They are excellent at devising new ways of doing things, and bring a totally unique and fresh perspective to people, projects and situations. People-centred, caring and spontaneous, the ENFP will be excellent at getting things started and they’ll do so with energy, enthusiasm and zeal. The ENFP may not be so good at follow-through as they are interested in exciting possibilities and may move on to 'the next big thing’ before the 'previous big thing’ is completed. They can find overwhelming and utterly compelling reasons to convince others of their point of view and will be animated, expressive and full of life.
Frank Delfino ISTP [The Virtuoso]
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The ISTP is one of the most complex of Jungian character types moving seamlessly from quiet bystander to active participant and leader of the revolution in one fell swoop, then back again to invisible, apparently disinterested introvert. The self-indulgent nature of the ISTP means that they will be full-on, or full off - they don’t do shades of grey. The ISTP is at their best in times of crisis and challenge, but will have little appetite for follow-through as they will be looking for a new complex challenge. Independent, inscrutable and self-contained the ISTP will be difficult to get to know as they will reveal only what they choose to reveal, when they choose to reveal it. At their best ISTPs are excellent at reacting to problems or crises, needing very little preparation and able to cut to the chase with no preamble or discussion with others, spontaneously grasping the nettle often to the surprise of those who had mistakenly viewed them as peripheral players.
Bonnie Winterbottom ISTJ [The Logistican]
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The ISTJ is the behind-the-scenes worker making things happen. Their sense of duty and loyalty means that they will rarely be happy in the front line, preferring to be the engine room. The ISTJ is the sensible, ‘prefect-type’ of character, who wants to get it right and 'do good.’ Their value to the team is protection - from mistakes, from omissions, from self-delusion and from going off-track. The ISTJ loves seeing things come to fruition. Ideas, complexity and imagination are of value only if they lead to a practical end result. An ISTJ needs to be clear on what is expected, and then will plan and work with consistent and steady energy towards completion. Opinions are slowly arrived-at and, consequently will be well-thought-out, tried and tested. The ISTJ is not prone to bursts of emotion, flying by the seat of the pants nor will they thrive in a chaotic environment - unless they have the opportunity to formalise it!
Descriptions from prelude character analysis.
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