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[Indie RP Blog for a headcanon-based Douglas E. Mordecai the 3rd! Follows from @chrismuses! header by greatgrunkle]
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douggeek · 5 years ago
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Hello! I’m opening up commissions to try and get some kind of income. My bank decided to change my account type to a type with a maintenance fee of $5 a month, but I only have $30 to my name and no income- I’m hoping I can get commissions to earn at least a little income while I search for a job and hope to hear back from places I apply to. Prices are above, extra info and TOS below. 
Extra characters are $7 extra in Lineless color, $5 each in simple color, $2 extra in sketch
I can do reaction icons or dashboard icons/avatars! All are delivered in 100 by 100 size by default, unless otherwise specified
Dashboard icons/avatars are $5 and come in either lineless or simple color
Reaction icons for RP come at $1 per individual icon or $7 for 10 and come in simple color or lineless
Simple one or two color backgrounds are free, I can’t do scenery backgrounds(sorry!)
NO NSFW, or nudity/partial nudity.
I’ll draw any ships, they just have to be legal.
Payment is due after work is completed but before I give you the full, non-watermarked file. 
Please reblog this to spread the word and inbox me if you’d like to get a commission!
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douggeek · 5 years ago
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          “I can handle this-                                                     I’m a Psychonaut!”
Indie Razputin Aquato from the Psychonauts series! Follows back from my hub @chrismuses​, please Reblog to spread the word!
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douggeek · 5 years ago
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                              “Rudy! You gotta DRAW Something!”
            Indie, semi-selective Rudy Tabootie blog written by and sideblog                                                   to @chrismuses​! 
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douggeek · 5 years ago
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Indie, Heavily headcanon-based Douglas E. Mordecai III from Dexter’s Lab! Follows from @chrismuses​ 
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douggeek · 5 years ago
“That’s why I’m going to be teaching you, obvi.” Sasha said. She held up a few foundation shades, before taking a brush and applying three shades. She smiled, happy that her initial hunch was proven correct. She took out a makeup wipe, wiping away the foundation. “Soon, you’ll be able to do this all on your own! Plus we’ll even give you a goodie bag! It includes body wash, a blending pallet, and an eyeshadow pallet!” Sasha said, her tone cheerful. 
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Sasha began the process, putting foundation on Dani’s face. She explained each stroke as she did so. “Your going to want to make this nice and even, don’t use too much. Ever.” 
Dani made silent note of the colors Sasha was using as far as the foundation goes, though she doubted she’d use it if it covered her freckles. She liked the fact she had freckles, they were part of what made her recognizable. 
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While Sasha was doing makeup and explaining the process, Dani opted to stay quiet- easier to absorb information and easier for Sasha to focus better, she figured.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
Sasha took out her primer, handing it to Dani. “Rub this all over your face, and take off your glasses. We don’t need those in the way while I’m trying to focus on my art.” Sasha said, her tone becoming more matter of fact than anything. 
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“I also have to match your foundation shade. Do you know what foundation is?” Sasha asked the supposed genius. Because if she didn’t even know how to apply foundation or even what it was, this was going to be a trainwreck. And Sasha hated strenuous work. 
Here’s where Dani’s a bit more anxious again. She did know what foundation was, but she had no clue how to apply makeup in general. She never learned. “I do know what it is, but I kinda don’t know anything about applying makeup. I never learned how to..”
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The extent of it was maybe nail polish and messy eyeshadow. Maybe lip gloss or lipstick but that’s really only because she got dry lips in the winter and needed chapstick.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
“Oh I can tell, I would have ran you out with the other losers if that wasn’t the case.” Sasha said, placing a hand on Dani’s shoulder as she guided her to a chair and proceeded to shove her into it. Sasha turned around, intending on getting out her makeup case. 
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“I’m going to make you beautiful, Dani. WHILE also teaching you how to apply all of this, it’s useless for me to do this all and you not learn anything, that’s just like, charity. And I’m already doing enough charity work as it is.” Sasha said, her backhanded compliments in full swing. 
Being shoved in general was something Dani was familiar with- but not for a good reason. She was usually pushed around by bullies at school. Being pushed in the chair made her anxious, even though so far Sasha had helped. 
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While Sasha was focusing on getting out her makeup case, Dani took a quiet deep breath or two. Calm the nerves, Sasha may be a bit mean in tone but she’s been helping so far. She had no real reason to worry right now. “It’s a good thing I’m a quick learner then. Always have been, kinda.”
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douggeek · 5 years ago
“I firmly agree, nobody gets anywhere in this world by just, lazing around! Even I work, despite being cute and beautiful.” Sasha said, although it was a shame whenever she did have to work. As long as she was cute and beautiful, people should give her anything she wanted. Although she knew now you had to take life by the horns sometimes to get what you want. 
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Sasha opened the door to their beauty parlor, wanting to give Dani a makeover first. That way she could see what she was working with in terms of dressing. That way she could go off what Dani truly looked like. “A flower scout always serves others,” She said sweetly, gesturing for Dani to go into the beauty parlor. 
Part of Dani was nervous about a makeover, but she was usually nervous with girly stuff like this- so it’s easy to brush off. Focus more on the chance to learn how to do proper makeup. “Well, I still appreciate the help with all this. I know I’m kind of a dunce when it comes to feminine stuff, but I’m a quick learner.” 
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A habitual ‘thanks’ to Sasha opening the door as she heads inside. So- this was a beauty parlor? Definitely looked the part- and since this place was so much cleaner and more well-kept than Camp Campbell, she figured it actually worked right too.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
Sasha hoped Dani would take all of her suggestions to heart. Sasha was the best for her, after all. That was why she came here, for Sasha’s help. And Sasha was going to make Dani the most beautiful bitch around. Why? Because she loved a good project, and because she was so charitable. 
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“Glad to see you taking initiative, I know other losers would just drag their feet and look like slugs.” Sasha complimented, her own posture and walk perfect. But then again, she had a lot of practice. Being trained from a young age would do that to you. 
“Well, the only way to get better at it is practice.” Dani responded. “You only get places in the world through hard work and practice, so it only makes sense.” She’d been raised to believe that if you wanted something, you should work for it- put in the time and energy to getting it. It gave a sense of accomplishment that way once you finally did get what you were after.
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A lot of Sasha’s advice would indeed be taken to heart- for now, she took all of it in her head, and planned to sort it out later into the core concepts behind the ways she phrased them. 
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douggeek · 5 years ago
Sasha clapped her hands slowly, think that that was about as good as she had the patience for. Maybe later they would work past the fine details, but for now, it was passable. Now came the part she was really excited about, the clothes, hair and makeup! 
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“Alrrrrigggggghhhhhhtttttt,” Sasha dragged out, before crossing her arms. “We can work more on this later, let’s get you some actual cute clothes and I can do your hair and makeup for.” Sasha offered, so graciously if she might add. She was finally getting to do her makeover idea that the other scouts passed over in favor of that stupid fashion show, and Sasha was thrilled that she was finally getting her way. 
That’s the part Dani was a bit excited for, herself! Finally getting some good fashion advice- and maybe even a bit more makeup advice to go with it. As for hair, Dani was planning to keep her hair how it was when she got home- until she could find the right tools to manage it, at least. 
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“Alright.” Dani smiled, turning back to Sasha. For now, she’d keep practicing that walk- practice makes perfect, and since they were gonna be walking anyways, it made for great practice.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
Sasha was pleased to see Dani improving. The truth was, if she wasn’t what Sasha had considered teachable, she probably would have thrown her out ages ago. She didn’t like to waste time. But now, like a worm slowly becoming a butterfly, Dani was blossoming. Although there was definitely still room for improvement. 
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“Your doing okay!” Sasha couldn’t really say good, but she couldn’t say bad either. “Try again, practice makes perfect honey.” Sasha commented, wanting to see what Dani could do. She was finally getting with the program, and slowly starting to look good. As she should be, she was under Sasha’s tutelage after all, so failure wasn’t an option. For both the student and the teacher. 
Another thing that worked in Dani’s favor was her natural ability to learn- she was a straight A student back home. Might not be as smart as the two resident geniuses at her school, but definitely a smart kid. She picked things up easily once she got the hang of it.
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She knew ‘okay’ was a good thing, but she can keep practicing and do better. If she got straight-As at home, she was gonna do her best here too. She tried walking with a lighter step, putting a little bounce to add a bit of an emphasis when she put her hips into it- trying to compensate for her lack of hips to begin with.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
Oh okay. So that was the issue. Sasha made fun of a lot of people, it was true, but only if they deserved it! And a lot of people deserved it. But Dani was doing everything Sasha asked, and was trying to improve herself, which Sasha could accept for the time being. If she was prancing around acting like she was somehow superior, saying that her style was better than Sasha’s, or mocking her by ruining everything like Nikki did, then it would be a different story. But Sasha could also tell it was a half truth, that she didn’t decide to push. Whatever it was, Sasha didn’t care enough to try and decode. 
“Don’t worry about some weak ass bitches who probably don’t even know what they’re talking about. Everyone is judging everyone all the time, but that’s why you’ve got to continuously work to be perfect! Don’t give a reason for the haters to hate.” Sasha said. It was her logic. Everyone was judging everyone, the world took losers and sucked them dry, people who were weak didn’t survive. So that was why you had to be the best. To be on top. That was just how life was. The sooner people realized that, the better this world would be. 
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“Now enough standing around, you won’t get better by moping. Put some more fire into your walk! Get it in your head that you’re a strong and beautiful bitch! Or else I am wasting my time that I could be spending helping some other soul.” 
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“I want to help you, I really do, but I can’t work with someone who won’t give it her all.” 
That was actually a good bit of advice- more often than not, bullies kept going because they got a reaction. If Dani doesn’t react the way they want, they’ll have no reason to pick on her. It made logical sense, at least to her. After a short breath and a moment to try and get that sort of mindset- that she was strong and beautiful -Dani tries again with the walk.
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Though she’s not used to putting her hips into her walk, since she had smaller hips, she tried to add some flair to it. An attempt at a confident stride; and with Sasha’s bits of advice, it went better! Not a fashion week runway walk, but not a checkout-line walk this time either. It was more of a really local runway kind of walk- inexperienced, but trying her best.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
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“That’s better! Put your hips into it, don’t be lazy!” Sasha called out, her tone slightly harsh for a would be compliment. “This isn’t the Walmart check out line this is your runway! If you want to wear the clothes, you’ve got to walk the walk!” Sasha called out. 
Sasha was thrilled to see progress, but it was far too slow for her taste. What was hard about confidence? She never got it. She knew people were self conscious, and that even more people would kill to be her, but Sasha didn’t know why they at least didn’t try to fake it until they made it. “If we had books on hand, I would use them,” Sasha stated. They did have books at the flower scouts, but none where they were. “What’s making you hold back, Dani?” 
The comments did help a bit- harsh-toned as they may be, they were sorta right. Getting that little bit of praise did help with her confidence a bit, too! Sasha asking what was holding her back brought a bit of anxiety to Dani’s mind.
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The real reason was that she was actually genderfluid, but she wasn’t sure how Sasha would react to hearing that. Back home, Dani had gotten mixed reactions from the very few people she’s told. Mandark was supportive, but Dexter seemed wary- more confused, but still. Trying to explain it to him didn’t help. 
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“Well... I sorta get made fun of a lot at home just expressing myself, so I guess I’m worried about being made fun of.” To anyone skilled with lying, this would come off as half-true; Dani did get made fun of, but it was because someone her classmates had known as just a guy was wearing feminine things every so often- and grade school kids can be mean.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
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“Well that was better than I expected! Instead of looking like Bambi taking her first steps you look like the gazelle from the Lion King taking THEIR first steps. I’m proud of you.” Sasha said, her backhanded compliment skills in full swing. Dani had potential, which was better than what the other losers have over at Camp Campbell. It still wasn’t saying much, but Sasha was game to try. 
“Keep your chin up, and walk as if you are on a runway. Which is going to be hard, considering you’ve probably never been on a runway, but just use your imagination. Think of everyone else as fuckers who are lucky to breathe the same air you do.” 
The backhanded compliment was noted, a silent note in Dani’s mind made to try and not get on Sasha’s bad side if she could help it. The compliment part that she could tell was that she didn’t look totally awkward- and that was a plus, at least. 
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The advice that followed might have had a mean kind of view to it, but it definitely gave Dani an idea of the way she should walk- powerful, confident, and sure of herself. Which was the problem. She wasn’t confident or sure of herself, and sure didn’t feel powerful. Still, she’d give it a try- trying to mimic the strut shown earlier first. Dani’s stride had a more unsure tone to it, trying to imagine yourself as confident wasn’t easy.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
“Alright,” Sasha drawled out, stopping her pace. An open space, perfect. Now nobody would be around to distract them. Sasha decided to model excellence, exactly the way Miss. Priss and her mother would walk, she stood up straight and strut away from Dani, before making a sharp turn, and walking back, sashaying. “Obviously it’s gonna take some work for you to be able to get even close to that, but that’s why you’re here right?”
Sasha was a ruthless teacher, and she was going to let Dani have it. That was the best way to teach, in her mind. It was how she was taught by her mother and Miss. Priss, so that was obviously the best way to go about things! 
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Though a rough teaching style wasn’t the best for everyone, Dani could take it. If she could handle Dexter’s antics back home and a budding rivalry with Mandark, she could handle some rough teaching tactics. “Yeah- can’t get anywhere without learning first, right? You’re definitely right on that I need work, heh.”
A short chuckle. Sasha was very right in that Dani needed work to learn more about feminine posture and etiquette. Dani opts to first try and mimic the posture Sasha showed off- straightening her back. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a start.
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douggeek · 5 years ago
“Contacts, duh,” Sasha stated like it was obvious. Sure some people could pull off the glasses look, and maybe Dani was one of those people who looked better with them on, but she wouldn’t know until she tried! As for the hair, Sasha instantly thought about curling it and a flower accessory. It would look so adorable! 
“As for your hair, I have plans for that.” Sasha said, waving the issue off. “However, before you even step into your first Prada shoe, you need to get good at walking and posture. You can’t simply flop your way through life! That’s not how it works!” 
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Were contacts available for her prescription? She’d have to find out later. For now, the topic quickly changed to posture- which was something Dani hadn’t really thought too much about. She kept a decent posture and didn’t hunch over- was posture really more complicated than that? Still- she’d read about how a good, confident posture often helped with one’s own confidence. 
“I guess I never really thought much on posture, but I’d be glad to learn.” It’s a good thing for Sasha that Dani’s eager to learn!
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douggeek · 5 years ago
“Yes! Purple! Earth tones are a like,” Sasha made a ‘so so’ gesture with her hand. “Okay, if you want to blend into the background like some kind extra in a tv show. But you would look like a showstopper in purple. Also, have you considered losing the glasses and letting your hair down?” Sasha spoke quickly, trusting that the new girl could keep up. 
Sasha enjoyed helping people with their image, it made the world a better place! People needed to take care of their image more, it was one of the only things that mattered! Plus, maybe she could make a flower scout of her. Sasha made a mental note to put her through some etiquette courses and posture practices. 
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Maybe purple was something she could consider looking more into. At least, give it a try. She’d need more confidence to pull off a more ‘showstopper’ kind of look, but Dani was sure she’d get there eventually. “I dunno about the glasses- I’m pretty blind without them.”
As for the hair being put down? The tiny bun Dani had was really her only viable hairstyle. That or a little tuft of a ponytail. Her hair was rather short- she looked less feminine with how it fell naturally. “As for the hair- I mean, I guess I could? My hair’s super short, though.”
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