doucheythearchangel · 7 years
I know a guy who ended up becoming a professional chef because of the tim burton charlie and the chocolate factory movie and i guarantee none of you will be able to guess how
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doucheythearchangel · 7 years
The news is basically just someone saying good evening and then giving you a list of reasons it’s not
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doucheythearchangel · 7 years
There are two things I know for certain:
1. Bert and Ernie are gay.
2. On a completely, 100% entirely unrelated subject from the two homosexual males, I —a male—will not let you—another male—die a virgin.
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doucheythearchangel · 7 years
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This? This is… a vessel.
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doucheythearchangel · 7 years
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no context needed 
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
The lights start flickering at a supernatural convention…
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
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Misha trying not to use filler words.
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
So, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...
He considered himself to be a Spiritualist, and believed in the supernatural.
On his gravestone, it is written that he was a, “man of letters”.
Supernatural fans, I think we all know what this means.
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
So I see this
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and all I can think is 
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
the worst thing about speaking two languages is trying to use an expression from one language that fits perfectly into your conversation but the other person won’t get it
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
Sometimes I wonder if other angels got frustrated when young!Cas kept insisting on flipping around angel blades because OMG THAT THING CAN KILL YOU.
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I’m not going to stop laughing at him for that :P
I do wonder if Cas ever had an angel blade before 5x01 though. I can understand his reasons for not pulling one out in the fight with Uriel if he didn’t want to kill him because it was his friend, but he seemed as shaken as we were supposed to be about the whole “the only thing that can kill an angel is another angel” thing and didn’t recognise the distinctive triangular stab mark in the angel in the cold open of 4x16, though of course by now it’s an almost boring sight - just as Cas never actually heals anyone until Dean in 5x22, he doesn’t  *actually* use an angel blade until his dramatic return in 5x01 at which point he’s rebelled, fighting for his life, and we have no idea if he spent all the off-screen time between Lucifer getting free and showing up there fighting other angels, but I’ve always assumed God resurrected him the same time he was doing his other acts of god. I’m not 100% sure he smites anything until season 6 unless you count the demons in 4x01, and I’m not totally sure they didn’t just get blinded by his general presence like how Pamela lost her eyes since he was still wandering around town not in a vessel for most of that episode.
I feel like a lot of Cas things we take for granted are later inventions/stuff that he can only do later on. I’m not particularly good at headcanons pre-Cas’s arrival which don’t involve him standing very still for 2000 years watching humanity and occasionally snarking about stuff to any angels whose path he crosses. His garrison was on earth but they didn’t do any fighting we’d recognise because they weren’t in vessels, and their job of watching but not getting involved was stifling enough for Anna to choose to fall. 
(I’m also really boring and don’t think Cas was in Heaven at all for 2000 years at least - I think 4x20 may be the first time he goes back there since the last time Naomi hauled him back during whatever Biblical events)
Anyway for that reason I don’t think they even needed swords in a literal sense and didn’t have bodies to practice flipping them around so… I’m boring and too pedantic about this to join in the fun, sorry :P 
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
Admit it. We’ve all watched slightly questionable movies and tv shows just because our favourite actors were in it for .03 seconds
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
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first line | last line
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
Is it just me or do the names Justice, Zeppelin and Arrow sounds like the Ackles’ are birthing a smol crime fighting unit???
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
Do you ever just… favorite-character-at-first-sight? Like, they walk on screen and say ONE WORD and immediately you’re just smitten.
“That one. That’s the one. I don’t know who they are yet but they’re my fave.”
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doucheythearchangel · 8 years
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So ….I found this in my camera roll…
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