Do you have an Emmeline? Or are you involving her in this roleplay at all? I didn't see her in the taken, or open characters. ~Marie
No, we don't have an Emmeline yet and her bio is not up yet. Would you like to make an FC suggestion, or reserve her?
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Dorcas Meadowes has been re-opened!
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James Potter is now reserved!
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| James Potter | 17 | 7th Year | Gryffindor | Pureblood | FC: Aaron Johnson | RESERVED |
Brilliant and the star Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, what’s not to like about the most popular guy in school, James Potter? If you’d like a whole list of reasons, just ask Lily Evans, the girl he’s been chasing after since their 1st year. To some (like Lily) James is egoistical and rude, but this year he’s planning on toning it down and enhancing his charm in the hopes of catching Evans’ eye.
Despite what many think, James is quite a good friend to his three best friends, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, all three of which are just as loyal to him. Together they get into loads of trouble and have pulled pranks on just about everyone in Hogwarts for the past six years. Another one of James’ goals this year is to pull off his best prank ever by May with the help of his friends and without any of them getting caught. 
James predicts this year will be a good one.
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James Potter has been re-opened!
You can find the bio HERE and the audition application HERE and if you'd like, you can audition HERE.
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OC: Nikolette Deleqoua Application: Accepted! Just make the account and send us the link!
Name: Mika (:
Time Zone: Pacific
How often are you active? (1-10): 7.5
Desired Character: Nikolette Deleqoua
Bio (only for OCs!): Nik is the perfect leading example of a Slytherin, confident, fierce, and both sharp tongued and witted. Her words flow like a delicate river, however have a rather poisoness after taste. Nikolette’s looks and charm typically get her anything she wants, and that’s what she’s used to. In addition she adores to toy with people’s minds, twisting her well-spoken words like vines that curl and curve around her brain. Though she appears to be a bit closed up when trying to bond with her, if you manage to win your way into her heart; you stay there, forever.  Her parents are both wealthy and well known in the wizarding world, giving her large shoes to fill and high expectations to reach ever since she was a little girl and though they appear to be picture perfect; it’s a cold life style, thanks to her mother. Being raised to achieve nothing less than perfection, she constantly worries about disappointing her family. And the Deleqouas being rooted with deep family tradition, her mother attempts to find her suitors to bond with the well-known bloodline. Besides, little Nikki wouldn’t mind right? After all, who needs a heart that’s going to bleed?
Ship: Any? (:
Para Sample: Alright, now, he did say to drink up, but, really, he didn't expect it to be taken quite so literally. Within seconds of him polishing off his third glass, Charlotte had just drained her first and was well onto her second. The future of the pairs speeches didn't look too good. Both of them were rather thin and no doubt hadn't eaten much due to the brunch, so the alcohol was bound to take a toll on them. Zakky was usually used to holding his alcohol, though he'd been forced to stop going out so much as of late, and he was paying for it now. He was swaying unintentionally, though only slightly with a stupid smile resting happily upon his lips. He was just about to reach out for his fourth glass when Charlotte's mother swooped down like a hawk and stole the tray away, muttering something about speeches as she did so. Zakky sighed, but only for a brief moment. He turned to look at Charlie who, despite the fact that she had lost her drink, was giggling like a maniac. Feeling as if it was almost contagious, Zakky joined in involuntarily. Everything didn't seem to be such a bother nor a weight on his shoulders. Plus, even he and Charlie seemed a little more relaxed. This, THIS is how things should be. Now, if only he could be tipsy all the time without succumbing to alcohol poisoning or liver failure, Zakky would have a fine life with his family. 
After letting a brief silence fall over the pair now that their crazed and tipsy giggling had ceased, Charlie soon broke it once again, but this time with words instead of a fit of giggles. Zakky chuckled a little at her words about the hand holding and shook his head, waving his hand at her as a gesture to show that it was fine. As he did this he noted that he sleeve had lifted a little, revealing the end of his tattoos. Zakky quickly covered himself once again, giggling slightly upon doing so. "Oh, it's fine," he said in a very mellow tone, ",but, um....maybe we shouldn't do that for a while." He wasn't trying to be a dick, even if it might've seen like it. He was just using Charlie's tipsiness as an excuse to casually drop in the fact that he wasn't too keen on physical affection. Or affection of any sort, really. But, it was better that it was coming out now and not later on when it wouldn't be taken quite so lightly. After mentioning this, another silence settled between Zakky and Charlie, one that did not lift as soon as it was in place. Instead, the pair merely sat in their silence, listening to the gushing gossips besides them. "Oh. My. GOD. I cannot believe he'd marry her!" a voice from Zakky's left said. Zakky turned and immediately gave the girl the lovely gesture of his middle finger. Sure, he didn't know Charlie, but there was nothing visibly wrong with her and therefore no reason for them to mention it. As he casually gestured to the group of girls, Zakky noticed his father's stern eye watching him carefully. His cheeks soon turned a faint pink and he quickly turned away. He could never have any fun in public. And nor was he going to ever again. Charlie soon made sure of it.
In the distance, Zak could see Mrs Chaplin gesturing madly, not in the same way he had done, but in an encouraging, almost forceful way to get her tipsy daughter to give a speech. Zakky immediately knew that it was far from the brightest of ideas, but he let Charlotte stand with a smirk upon his lips. Perhaps this would be his ticket out of the wedding. For the most part, he sat and watched Charlie's speech happily, laughing as she mentioned that he was glad he was fit and not some overweight gamer. Heck, he even gave a little wave when Charlotte introduced him as her 'soon-to-be husband'. But, all this joy was quick to fade as soon as Charlotte mentioned that one little word. Tattoos. Zakky's smile vanished from his face and was replaced with a tight-lipped frown. He instinctively and discretely pulled the sleeves of his cardigan done. Even if his parents thought that Charlotte was kidding, it would not go down smoothly. Feeling rather brave, Zakky dared to take a peek at his parents' reactions. His mother was quickly trying to dismiss it, saying that Charlotte was too involved with 'celebratory champagne' and could not be serious. His father, on the other hand, was wearing a look that could not just kill, but slaughter, and his fist was now so tightly clenched around his champagne flute that it looked like the glass would snap from the pressure. Charlotte soon giggled again, but unlike the last time, Zakky did not join in. He was far from joining in now. He just listened to her rant on about divorce which, again, would no doubt make steam and fire shoot out from his parents ears. Eager to dismiss what she was saying, Zakky shook his head at all the guests, clasped an imaginary champagne flute and held it to his mouth, tipping it twice and therefore gesturing that she'd had far too much to drink. A few guests nodded and turned to gossip about it, while others, including his parents, ignored it. Thankfully, Charlotte's rather memorable speech soon ended. And not a moment too soon, from the look on his parents' faces.
The moment she sat back down, Zakky was ready to yell at her, accuse her, say anything that would make it clear to her that he was, at the least, pissed at what she had just said. But, her trembling lip and slowly reddening eyes made him change his mind. She'd better be glad that he was tipsy, otherwise he would have been a lot less forgiving. She wanted to be happy. She wanted a marriage. She wanted divorce to be a last resort, like it should be in all marriages. Uh oh. That wasn't what he needed to hear. Worst of all, she wanted to know if he could love her. Sure, he supposed he could. But, really, it would take him quite a while. He could simply lie and say 'of course', but he knew it wasn't a smart idea. Charlotte was most definitely tipsy, but no where near drunk enough to forget what had happened. Desperate to avoid the question, Zakky smile weakly at her and said, "I think," as he gestured to another waiter, "We could use some more champagne." This time he did not grab the tray, but instead simply grabbed two glasses. Oh, and these ones had strawberries in them! Riveting. Zakky quickly drained him before sliding the other glass to Charlotte. It probably wasn't such a good idea to give her anymore. She was already tipsy and making a fool out of the both of them. But, desperate to avoid marriage and answering her question, Zakky failed to see the real negative to the idea. As he watched her, eagerly awaiting Charlotte's drink to reach her lips, he couldn't help but notice out of the corner of his eye that his parents were talking in low whispers. Once they noticed that Zakky could see them, they quickly stopped and gestured for him to stand up and give a speech, one that was not spoken in quite the same way as Charlotte's. Hmm, that might be a struggle.
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| (Professor) Castiel Niret | Former Gryffindor | Half-blood | 24 | DADA | FC: Gaspard Ulliel | OPEN |
Having grown up in France, Castiel still occasionally speaks his native language around people, especially Florence, knowing she's always had a thing for different languages. He came to England upon Dumbledore's requesting him to search for the missing Florence Wyres. Knowing he had been so good at DADA during his school years, Dumbledore promised him the open position if he could bring the missing girl back before the year was up. Needless to say, Niret found Wyres and took her back to Hogwarts, thus receiving the job. 
By then everyone had already known who he was; quiet, anti-social-ish, talented Professor Niret with the great hair and fighting tactics. He was respected among both teachers and students, and some even looked up to him.
When Florence was back at the school, Castiel was dismayed to be informed he would have to tutor her twice a day to get her caught up with the rest of the seventh years. But as the sessions went on, he realized she wasn't just the sharp-tongued tearaway he'd met in a pub, but rather had layers to her and that, when she wanted to, she could be nice. Over the weeks, he began to notice a change in her: she was more dedicated to the schoolwork her had her do but more so to her Defense training. When he'd asked her about it, she had confessed that she'd always wanted to be an Auror, to fight those who had wronged her and had taken her family from her. It was in that moment that he fell in love with her. 
Castiel kept his feelings to himself for as long as he could until one day they were just talking after practice and she went out on a limb and kissed him. He had immediately responded to the kiss by kissing her back, confirming what she'd been suspicious about for weeks. When that practice was over, he distanced himself from her, cancelling their next week of classes.
When he started teaching her again, things were awkward. He didn't knew whether or not to grab her elbow and position it before she waved her wand or to instruct her to move it to the left just a bit. She kept trying to apologize for what happened, to get him to speak to her other than just instructing her. But one day he snapped at her to be quiet and went on to tell her how he felt, and to his surprise, she confessed she felt the same. And thus began their tension, and her pleas of starting a relationship with him which didn't work as he not only didn't want to hurt her but also didn't want to lose his job.
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| Florence Wyres | 17 | 7th Year | Slytherin | Pureblood | FC: Phoebe Tonkin | TAKEN |
Florence used to basically be a nobody at Hogwarts. That was until Christmas morning in her fifth year. When bed-checks were made in the early morning, Slughorn and the rest of the girls' dorm found that Florence wasn't in her bed, or the dorm. A school-wide search was put in motion and yet she did not turn up. People speculated for weeks about where she may have ran off to, finally just coming to the conclusion that Death Eaters must have taken her. Little did they know she'd run away with nothing but her life savings, her wand, and her jacket. For the next two years she floated from Muggle hotel to Muggle hotel, never staying anywhere very long, lest the teachers that had been sent out to find her capture her.
However, the newest -- and youngest by fifteen years -- teacher at Hogwarts, Professor Castiel Niret found her in a Muggle bar in Bristol, sitting down right beside her and even striking up a conversation of small talk before following her when she'd left the pub, dragging her back to Hogwarts.
The only person that seemed even remotely glad to see her was Adrian Corner, her old best friend, though even he remained distant for the first few days before finally breaking from his state.
Due to being two years behind the rest of her classmates, yet still being thrown in the year she was meant to be in, Florence was made to have tutoring lessons and private DADA lessons with the professor she absolutely did not want to have lessons with: Niret. Soon, though, he'd caught her up in all her classes and despite this, their DADA sessions continued after she expressed her secret desire to be an Auror. Because he was supposed to be the most badass Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher the school had had in a long time, he was strict with her, making her run miles in case she was ever horrendously outnumbered by Death Eaters and then making her learn to actually fight the Muggle way with fists. Finally they got to charms and hexes and even a few curses that she never let on that he'd taught her.
There was obvious tension growing between them and still is, and though Castiel has finally admitted to feeling more for her than he should, he's resisting her advances and wants for an actual relationship. This, school, and Adrian being in love with her is certainly weighing down on Florence and she's not sure if she's about to snap. 
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Adrian Corner | 17 | 7th Year | Slytherin | Pureblood | FC: Max Irons | OPEN |
Despite being in the Slug Club and making good grades, Adrian is that guy everyone warns you to stay away from. A chain-smoker and one who's always ready for that fourth round, it's no wonder why he hangs around with Florence Wyres. In his defense, Adrian is quite the good guy once you get past the fact that he's a major flirt, and to some, generally just an arsehole. But Florence knows him better than anyone, and even though he's still in love with her despite her being with Castiel, he knows he should move on. But he just can't seem to.
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| Peter Pettigrew | 17 | 7th Year | Gryffindor | Pureblood | FC: Michael Cera | OPEN |
Everyone always wondered how Peter became friends with the Marauders and even how he's managed to stay friends with them throughout their years at Hogwarts. He's mousy, timid and not really the smartest student at Hogwarts. He is always tagging along after the Marauders, experiencing their sense of adventure vicariously when he wouldn't think of these sort of things himself. Although recently he has started to feel a little used by the Marauders. He wants to be something bigger or someone important and cool, as well. Similar to his rat animagus form, he has a knack for keeping his nose to the ground and understanding subtle social currents. He knows something bad is coming and has known longer than most people at Hogwarts. He's scared and looking for protection, as well as a chance at power...and the young Voldemort supporters at Hogwarts seem to be the ones who could provide that for him.
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We have a Peter laying around in drafts. But we're having trouble deciding between Jamie Bell, Michael Cera, or Jesse Eisenberg.
There should be a Peter Pettigrew in this RPG! =D
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| Emma Vanity | 17 | 7th Year | Slytherin| Pureblood | FC: Claire Holt | OPEN |
quidditch team captain
(bio open to applicant)
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| Lucinda Talkalot | 16 | 6th Year | Slytherin | Pureblood | FC: Teresa Palmer | OPEN |
quidditch co-captain
(bio open to applicant)
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| Brandon Wilkes | 17 | 7th Year | Slytherin | Pureblood | FC: Ian Somerhalder | OPEN |
(bio open to applicant; FC flexible)
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