dotokimiko · 2 years
general! lilia vanrouge x f! reader! reincarnation au! fluff! part 2!
if by chance someone copies my work without permission, immediately report to me.
posted in may 17, 2022
part 1 here
⌇🌷 ♡̷̷ ʹˎ-
you awoken to the feeling of a tender bed before you. slowly blinking your eyes, you feel refreshed but numb. hearing a nudge of items beside you, curiosity hits you.
automatically, you darted your findings to the female nurse assembling fruits at your bedside.
unaware of your current state, you tried shifting your body to sit yet failed miserably when a painful sting hits you in several parts of your body. you clenched your jaw as a reliever.
"do you feel any more pain other than your previous wounds, madam?" the nurse softly pats your stiff pillow and readjusted your neck, avoiding the possiblity of you having a sore and stiff neck. you expressed a weak gratitude to the nurse in return.
"are you famished? please tell me."
silence is what you could provide for the moment, you were in deep thoughts as the nurse patiently awaits at you.
"dear, i feel cold."
"can you hold still, y/n?"
with realization hitting you, you nimbly sat up— potentially ignoring the stinging pain of your healing wounds. bringing your bandaged arms to your point of view, you noticed how wrapped up you look. from arms to legs, wrapped in bandages.
you whipped to the nurse's side as she met your gaze, "do you know where mr. vanrouge specifically is?" you hurriedly question her.
"mr vanrouge is for what i can decipher, is currently fixing the mess from previous war. that is what i may provide, maam." the nurse straightforwardly responded.
"the war ended? when?!" you spoke out worriedly, also what came to you is how long were you out?
"exactly 2 days and 5 hours, madam."
"how was the people?! were they alright!? is the general alright?!" you anxiously nipped the nurse for answers, though the nurse doen't seem bothered and handled her duty professionally. "after you lost consciousness, the general carried out the situation well therefore there is none to worry by now, madam. you should rest easy and have a bite of a meal."
she offered you a fresh bread from the tray laying on your bedside which you gladly took and giddily took a bite. with an eased mind, you munched hungrily as the nurse spoke all of a sudden, "madam, would you by now prefer if we inform general vanrouge about your awakening? or wait for him to visit neither in the afternoon?"
with that, you paused before giving her the look. "lilia visits me every day huh.. that jerk sure is lovable.." you mumbled quietly.
"i'm sorry what was that, madam?"
"oh don't pay that any mind! and oh! water please." you turned the subject around by requesting water as the nurse handed you a glass of pristine clear water, gulping almost whole of it.
you were full and thankful for the peaceful evening.
"what would your choice be, ma'am?" the nice yet persistent nurse blinked at you. "you can inform him now, thank you. i can go on my own now." you told the nurse as she nods in understanding before cleaning your bed table then leaving with your tray on hand.
ahh, peace.
you began to feel sleepy again, you noted. shifting for a new comfortable position, you yawn before drifting back to rest.
"y/n, my love. i'm here."
you crunched your nose in distaste, someone ruined your sweet sleep. too groggy, you open one eye to see your sweet precious lilia combing through your hair before kissing your forehead.
"lilia.. you're here.. you're here..." you softly whispered to him, finally fully awake as you grasp his rough palm before kissing on his knuckles. lilia gave you a relieved smile.
you sat up slowly before pulling him with you in the soft plush bed. he allowed you to as he caged you in his arms with a slow sigh. he then softly squeezed your palm with assurance, if only you know how berserk he might gone for you.
this one's better, a smilling healthy y/n than a y/n that suddenly whispers last words while bruised and battered.
lilia thought as he bit his lip unnoticed by you, "i'm glad you're recovering faster. you're one reckless woman after all." he whispers onto your collarbone as he placed butterfly kisses one by one. the act melted you, feeling better than ever.
"hm, you're getting babied a lot lately, don't you agree?" you teased with one brow raised while faking a judgemental look as he played along and pouted playfully. he looked up at you, flashing his wide magenta eyes you adored very much.
such gorgeous man he is.
"then would you prefer an actual offspring than me?" his question caught you off guard and you froze.
"w-what?! ugh..we can but-but.. argh.. you're getting lamer as time comes." you retorted, obviously dodging the question.
that day, you enjoyed the whole afternoon with him as he took you out for a walk but instead of you walking, he was carrying you as he levitated himself with you. you both soared up high as you let out fits of giggles. lilia showed you the wonders of the aftermath of the war, the people were starting to rebuild and you were glad the war ended with no further stakes to bet.
then when the sun slowly hides from the horizon replacing with the huge moon that witnessed both of your oath to each other, lilia took you back to rest.
before exchanging farewells, he throwed himself to you as you caught him in a hug with a laugh. "come on, it's not like i'm going forever! shoo shoo, you should take a rest also and you have lots to do," you lectured him like a mother does as he grasped tighter at you, clinging tighter with no words uttered to you.
"alright, i love you."
he mutters with low sigh before releasing you, he took your palm and gave one last peck to your wrist as you gave him a head pat using your other hand despite being shorter than him.
"i love you too, take care of yourself and don't stress yourself!" you shouted as he began getting further and further, he waved at you with a grin coincidentally showing his sharp fangs, another trait you were fond of him.
haiya y/n, getting wooed like that.
the next 3 days, it was time for you to leave the suffocating tent you were tend to. you said your gratitude to the kind nurse who tended to your every need and gave her an extra tip for her hard work although she refused multiple times, you managed to force her to take it. with lilia acting as your little guardian in case you were still fragile after your wounds healing, he's here to watch over you.
what a dutiful lover he can be, proud y/n says hi.
with your lover grasping one hand on your waist and one on your forearm, he assists you skillfully.
"ready for another adventure, my love?"
note: alright, so this isn't the end yet. there's part 3 because i had more ideas for this story. there's no angst for today's post. see you guys next time! bye.
- dotokimiko
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dotokimiko · 2 years
general! lilia vanrouge x f! reader! reincarnation au! fluff to angst! part 1!
note: if i recall clearly, lilia used to be a general in thorn of valley correct? then this is general lilia with his past lover which is you.
if by chance someone copies my work without permission, immediately report to me.
posted in may 16, 2022.
ᨳ ﹅♥︎₊˚
you sought for his attention, inching closer towards the crook of his neck as he chuckles at your poor attempt at reaching his tall built
how adorable, the great general reduced to none than a vulnerable lover. you thought.
"hm?" he responded with a soft hum, clearly enjoying your comfort.
"what if i get reincarnated, will you be able to find me still?" you pondered bluntly as he tilts his head in wonder, as you awaited his pending answer, you clung tighter to his form.
"kufufu~ what a strange thought you had stored in that pretty head of yours. if i may be so bold, may i ask why?"
you had a slight pout before hitting him lightly, releasing him out of your embrace, as he releases fits of giggles, "just answer me already!"
lilia mischievously rolled his eyes, playful magenta eyes gazing at you as he taps his index finger on his chin.
"i probably will! after all, it's just me who knows you wholeheartedly do i not?" he inched closer and tried pinched your cheeks which had you slapping his sharp grippers of your (already abused) cheeks.
you swear you can see the whole universe infront of you. you didn't really meant to go as possessive but the thought of someone embracing him, kissing him, doing intimate things with him, sleeping beside him other than you made your chest feel a pang of jealousy.
you sighed, simply dismissed the thought.
though this time, he interrogated you again regarding why wonder if he's faithful enough to you and you responded with, "because if i one day found out that you were into another woman other than me while i'm away, i'll end you myself."
you shrugged with a burning face, turning on your back as lilia coos at you.
"you flatter me dear~"
endless teasing while he adores how possessive you can be, how can he help it? his adorable wife with such small doable face like that threatening him? aw, count him in.
"hmp scumbag."
"ppfftt— alright dear, haiyaa you are so hot headed! goodness— OUI!" lilia raised both arms in surrender, holding back his urge to grin at you before you can send him to his grave rather than his own sworn enemies does.
this time, he took note how childish your requests can be but it was interesting to him. he's immortal you can guess, more than ever, he may be able to witness such myth. besides, you can never predict fate.
reincarnation, huh.
thus he took it upon your silly threats.
silly y/n, worrying too much.
"to all the women who tries to woo me, none can duplicate you. i assure you with my whole life."
as the illuminating moon lits you both, the starry sky and the grassy fields witnessed your sacred oath to each other. embracing each other as the great general places a loving peck on the between of your eyebrows.
"dear, i feel cold."
you mumbled weakly onto the hassling wind as your lover's eyes widened at the sight of you. immediately, he thrusted his sword into a random enemy and fled to you as fast as he can. invading left to right just to be at your side.
blood splatters everywhere.
roars of the opposite side, lilia's nation fought into bloodshed. no such thing as mercy embedded into this bloody calendar.
lilia immediately summons for a healer yet no one seems to be available at this point, all healers are occupied and that made him frustrated. calmly as possible, he placed you on his lap and added pressure on your gaping wound, getting pressured when he saw how much blood you were losing.
at this point, lilia was getting impatient but he remained rash, careful not to hurt you in some point as your breathing has been getting shallow.
"y/n dear, breathe. i know you're strong, you can make it." he tells you as he attempts at healing you, light scratches disappered yet major wounds wouldn't and it only continue to worsen.
your consciousness was getting unsteady, felt too cold and sleepy, your wounds hurt and the arrow embedded in your leg aches so much.
"lilia..? i feel sleepy dear."
no! you won't sleep! if i let you.. what could happen..?!
lilia shook his head, unbelieving to what comes next. it won't happen, he won't let that happen to you!
securing a bandage on your gaping wound, your blood seeped through as he tries healing you again yet it seems futile!
hold on..
lilia sensed it, there was poison laced in that arrow!
he groans in frustration before muttering an apology to you, quick as possible, using his experience, he removes the arrow which had you mewling in pain. he then used another spare of bandages and wrapped your limb securely.
"can you hold still y/n?" he tucks your messy hair away, his eyes furrowed at your state as he leans at you before kissing the temple of your head.
you nodded at him when all of a sudden your eyes widens, you can feel pulsing pain in your veins and a headache was coming at you.
weak and frail.
lilia furrows his brows. that poison! he couldn't find a cure since he couldn't identify the poison. he had a deep frown on but before he can scream for another healer, you hurled over and coughed.
"lilia.. m-my throat hu-rts! my b-body! urgh..!" you hurled for another fit of coughs as your lover was in a state of worry, panic, and pressure. damn it!
"general!" a loud call from a soldier cought his attention as the soldier came sprinting for them both, "general! there's one healer we have here! please take her there!"
faster than light, he carried you securely and bought you to the tent where the healer was waiting.
with the help of other uninjured soldiers under lilia's supervision, they placed you in a stretcher and the healer had her way with you.
the healer checked your wounds and had taken out a jar of blood sucking eels to preserve your blood and remove dead cells, the healer also puts a certain medicine as anesthesia as she sewed your wounds and with the help of healing too.
as your consciousness blacks out, just in time before that, you shifted your head to the left to see your lover with his knuckles nearly white and his expression unreadable before all fades to black.
so, it was kinda nice writing this and not to lie, i wasn't expecting this to blow up but thanks for the support < 3! i'll do a part 2 eventually, see you guys next time!
- dotokimiko
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