doryunderthesea · 2 months
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coming soon: [BIO PAGE] - [GIF PAGE] - [THREAD PAGE]
not yet linked as I'm making these for everyone
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doryunderthesea · 3 months
Dory perched on a weathered wooden bench, her frustration palpable. She longed to vent about her boss, who had forbidden her from swimming with the sharks or even approaching them. While she stewed, an elegant woman settled onto the bench beside her.
"Hello?" Dory ventured, her head tilting in curiosity. "My name is…" She faltered, grappling to recall her own name.
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doryunderthesea · 3 months
As Dory wandered along, a sense of aimlessness filled her. Her phone, entrusted with the map by her mother, had been stolen, leaving her stranded without a clue of where "home" was. Feeling disoriented, she approached a passerby to ask, "Hello there, do you know where the Blues live?" She felt a hint of panic, fearing that she might even forget her parents' names. "I'm lost…"
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doryunderthesea · 3 months
Dory was startled to see a girl being forcefully pushed into the dense foliage by a boy. Hastening towards the scene, she found that the boy had vanished without a trace, leaving her struggling to remember the fleeting details of his appearance. She carefully inquired if the girl had been gathering berries in the bush, noticing that the girl looked disheveled, as though she had been in some sort of altercation. To comfort her, Dory offered a kind gesture, "I have band-aids with mermaids and ones with fairies. Take your pick."
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doryunderthesea · 3 months
As she rummaged through her purse, her fingers closed around a worn envelope. Pulling it out, she unfolded the letter inside. It was written in her mother's familiar script, and as she read, her heart sank. The words conveyed the devastating news that Dory had a tumor in her brain, the root cause of her memory struggles. The letter went on to explain the difficult reality that the tumor was deemed inoperable due to the high risk of brain damage or worse, fatality, if surgical intervention was attempted. With a heavy heart, she handed the letter to Deziree, hoping that it would provide some understanding amid the overwhelming situation.
"This should shed some light on what's happening."
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"You 'think' you don't have a phone?" Deziree asked incredulously. Her brow knit together, frustrated beyond belief. She blinked at the woman as she rummaged in her bag, and yet further when she apparently remember that it had been stolen. What was this lady's deal?
"You forgot it was stolen?"
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doryunderthesea · 5 months
Dory was about to release some (now) healthy fishes into the lake, they weren't salt water fishies (she wouldn't make that mistake how confused she was) and smiled as she released them.
"SWIM MY LITTLE ONES." She said before they swam away. She gave them a nostalic sad look before turning her head to the stranger.
"OH! Hello there."
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starter for @doryunderthesea
Everyone who knew Sofia (and they weren't many, in all honesty) knew that she liked the outdoors. Most of all, she enjoyed spending time in the cool pleasant shade of the forest; but she also saw the appeal of sitting by the lakeshore, sunbathing by herself, listening to the sounds of nature, splashing her feet in the water. She was glad that the weather had begun to change, that the days were longer and warmer, that there was no need to stay by the fireplace to avoid freezing or to be covered by layers and layers of sweaters and coats every time she wanted to step outside.
She was still with her mind on the past winter when she realized she wasn't alone by the lake like she had thought. She blinked, a bit afraid of having intruded into someone's personal space (it had been a while since she had visited the lake, after all, and maybe someone had claimed that part of it?) but didn't move yet.
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doryunderthesea · 5 months
Dory looked at Deziree with a tilted head. "I don't even own a phone, I think." She checked her bag, but no phone - it was then she remembered it was stolen the first day she got here.
"Oopsie, that's right, it got stolen."
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🎲 - Dory
"stuck in an elevator, it's been almost an hour and there's still no sign that help is on the way"
"I can't believe this is how I die," Deziree said, no regard for how alarming that statement might have been. She pressed the elevator doors button incescantly, as if this time, the hundreth time, they would open and she would finally be free from this tiny metal box. "You're sure you don't have a cell signal?"
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doryunderthesea · 5 months
Ask Meme 1: 2, 8, 11, 14, 17, 23 - Ask Meme 2: 2, 8, 11, 14, 17, 23 - Ask Meme 3: 2, 8, 11, 14, 17, 23
Ask meme 1
What is your favorite color?
Blue I think
Do you believe in guardian angels?
I think I'm Nemo's guardian angel, and I'm quite good at it (I think - I don't know for sure)
Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness.
I don't do well remembering things, sorry.
Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
I didn't remember my parents till last year, let alone - my childhood, sorry remembering is difficult for me.
What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
Oh, this necklace with my parent's photo and contact info. It's in the shape of a clam. They gave it to me when I got back home after a tragic disappearance. Luckily, we reunited in the end.
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
When was my birthday again?
Ask meme 2
One of the worst things that has ever happened to you?
tw kidnapping, tw medical, tumor tw
getting a tumor as a child which wrecked my memory, and then being abducted from my parents and not even remembering them. I was abandoned in a strange building and have been roaming the streets till Marlin crossed my path as his son was abducted as well. This gave me flashes of my own abduction. And together we found Nemo again.
Favorite movie you've watched this year?
Free willy
What is something you have always wanted to learn?
How to ride a bike
Something you are learning you want to share about?
What or who inspires you?
Nemo is a fun, sweet, kind, and just a terrific kid.
Create a fake name for a scent?
la petite Sirène
Talk about something you really want to do?
Pet a shark, and ride a dinosaur
What is your favorite way to eat a potato? Or five or six?
Share something you are proud of?
I found a penny on the floor of the zoo yesterday, *shows off penny proudly*
A memory?
Is this bullying???
What is something you are scared to do, but absolutely should?
Pee in public restrooms....
Be honest, do you too still like to color?
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that was it for this interview with me, dory, now off I go ~
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doryunderthesea · 5 months
Share a joke?
How do shellfish get to the hospital? In a clam-bulance!
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doryunderthesea · 5 months
What kind of weather do you like the best?
Oh? I love any weather, but the strange shower in the sky confuses me sometimes? Like, how do you shut it off? At least my plant buddies like it!
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doryunderthesea · 5 months
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Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad (2016)
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doryunderthesea · 6 months
Dory was trying to relax, but she found herself feeling confused. She couldn't remember where she was or who she was. She wasn't trying to be philosophical; she genuinely didn't know who she was in that moment. "Oh dear, it happened again." She didn't know what was happening to her, and everything felt so confusing. As she tried to collect her thoughts, a boy suddenly appeared and grabbed her purse. "No, wait! I need that! I think!" she exclaimed.
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