I joined tumblr because of IR crew
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someone who loves MOI & IR
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dorothys2 · 3 years ago
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드디어 완성했다!!! IR crew 올스타 팬아트!!! 진짜 4년동안 IR crew 좋아하면서 꼭 한 번 그려보고 싶었는데 기분이 너무 좋다... 지금은 비록 트레틀의 도움을 받았지만 나중에 가서는 내 마음대로 구도 잡아서 한번 더 IR crew 단체사진 그려보고 싶다ㅠ 부족한 팬아트지만 나름 할 얘기가 많으니까 밑에 이어서 써야겠다
I FINALLY DREW A FANART WITH ALL THE @internetremix CREW MEMBERS!!! I’M SO EXCITED!!! I got help from the base again this time except for Warlus. Well, I have many things to say about this fanart, so I’ll write them down below.
1. 사람들이 내 팬아트를 사용한다던가 하는 일은 거의 없을 것 같지만 혹시라도 그런 일이 있게 된다면 출처를 밝히고 사용해줬으면 좋겠다! 그림에 있는 태그 하나도 지우지 말고..! 근데 이걸 사용할 사람이 있을까?
I don’t think people would want to use my art but if there is someone, use freely but please mention me and do not erase any of tags in my art. To tell you one thing, this fanart is suitable for header!
2.. Steel이랑 Warlus는 현재 IR crew 멤버가 아니긴 하지만 그냥 넣었다. 정확히 말하면 현재 IR crew에다가 IR vault 1에서 언급된 멤버들을 그린거지. 특별한 이유는 없다. 그냥 예전부터 IR crew를 애정했던 사람으로서 최대한 많은 멤버들을 그리고 싶어서...? 그리고 난 정말 Steel을 그리고 싶었단 말야... 내 최애 Steel... 그래 사실 Steel 그리고 싶어서 그런거였어ㅠ
Some people might say “Steel and Gentleman Warlus are not current memeber of IR.” Yes, you are right. I drew not only the current members but also the previous members mentioned in <IR vault 1>. Why? I just wanted to do that. To add one thing, I really like Steel and I wanted to draw him... Yeah that would be a true reason.
3. 그림에 나와있는 IR 멤버들의 외관은 IR 텀블러에 올라온 Steel의 그림이랑 MOTI/IR 유튜브 영상, 트위터에 올라온 사진들을 참고했다. 새로운 멤버들 persona 찾느라 깨나 고생했는데 잘못 그렸으면 어쩔 수 없고...ㅠ
The appearance of the IR crew members was drawn by referring to Steel's art posted on the official IR tumblr, some videos on the IR/MOTI YouTube channel and some pictures found in twitter. If there are any mistakes, please let me know through DM or whatever.
4. Warlus가 두더지처럼 보이는 이유는... 그냥 내 그림실력의 부족함때문에... 트레틀 도움 없이 그린 유일한 IR 멤버인데 나름 잘 그려진 것 같아서 그래도 뿌듯하다.
???: Why does Gentleman Warlus look like a mole??????? ... That.. is... the limit of my drawing skill. Sorry :( Not only for Warlus, there might be some other awkward points in the picture. It hasn't been long since I started drawing and I don't draw well. I would be really thankful if you understand it.
5. 트레틀을 사용��긴 했지만 멤버 배치에도 나름 신경을 썼다. 예를들어 Goggles랑 Split은 꼭 가까이에 두고 싶었고 Juno랑 Steel은 Robro니까 나란히 있으면 좋다는 생각을 했다. 가운데에 세로로 나란히 턱 받치고 있는 세 명도 Smol Squad (Goggles 빼고) 로 그리면 좋겠다는 생각을 했다. 그 외에도 다들 나름 어울리는 포즈로 최대한 선정을 했으니까 그런 점도 신경써서 봐주면 좋을듯??
Although I used base, but I paid attention to the placement of the members. For example, I really wanted to keep Goggles and Split close, and Juno and Steel are Robro, so I thought it would be good to place them side by side. Also I thought it would be nice to draw Smol Squad together so I drew them middle of the picture, Besides that, I really like Atwas’ pose and Cami’s cute kitty hands.
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dorothys2 · 4 years ago
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He tries his best
Happy Chuseok to my Korean friends and followers!
즐거운 한가위 보내세요.
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dorothys2 · 4 years ago
My first fan art
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*F word and middle finger warning*
I recently started drawing, and I was looking for a base that I could refer to, and I thought this base would look really good on @internetremix's split and cami. So I drew a fan art!
This is my first fan art that I uploaded on tumblr. I once drew a fan art maybe 3 years ago? At that time, I submitted that to IR tumblr, so if you search for it, you could find it. Actually I wanted to do the same at this time, but tumblr doesn't let me submit two pictures at the same time... So...
Anyway I hope you guys(I wonder will people see my art but) like it! I don't draw well now, but I'll keep drawing and uploading them on my tumblr so next fan art will be even cooler! .... I guess? :)
*The content below is just a small talk for myself*
텀블러에 올린 내 첫번째 팬아트.
타블렛 그림 연습을 할 트레이싱 틀을 찾다가 Split이랑 Cami에게 꼭 어울리는 트레틀을 찾아서 그냥 지나칠 수 없었다. 앞으로 인체 연습을 많이 해서 트레틀 없이 그릴 수 있게 해야지.
MOTI crew와 IR crew를 제대로 좋아하기 시작한지 4년이 넘었는데 팬아트를 이제서야 그리고 올리는 것도 좀 웃기긴 하다. 하지만 그 전까지는 그림을 아예 못 그렸는걸...ㅠ 항상 'IR crew가 ~~하는 팬아트 보고싶다!'라고 생각만 했을 뿐 직접 그리지 못했는데 앞으로 꾸준히 그림 연습해서 내가 생각했던거 모두 그릴 수 있으면 좋겠다.
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dorothys2 · 4 years ago
Howdy howdy campers!
It’s time for the closing ceremonies here at Camp Streamix and I am so excited to show you guys the final scores and winner… though I suppose to be honest the results aren’t that much of a surprise. ;) Check out the video to see the final scores and a hearty congrats and thank you to Scoutmaster Darby and everyone else for making this camp so great!
FANWORK CONTEST! Week 7’s cast vote  goes to Ploops for this tearjerking medley:
The winner of the fanwork raffle is Mintly for this cute art of multiple campsonas! And last but not least, this week’s winner of the fanmail raffle is Dinojeff! Thanks so much for your participation guys!
ON TO TR-IR-VIA! Here’s the final answers:
Which of these creatures has never been a boss in Fallen Empires? -Arm Fall Off Boy
Which of these is not a canon MG crush?
-Loki but we all know the real answer is the secret 5th answer polypan disaster represent
What was mined in the Blue John Cavern at the base of Mam Tor?
When does Strangers to The Stars take place?
-Big Shrug
Unfortunately you guys got the last Annihilation question wrong, but still overall you all kicked butt this summer!
And now, of course, what you’ve all been waiting for: The winner of THE BOMB is Doodoodoo with this rad group picture of all our stream casts and their characters!
We loved each one of your submissions and it was a tough call, but what can I say, we’re all suckers for group pictures. Doodoodoo has opted to give their points to Team Annihilation, and so ends the final competition.
Thank you so much for your participation, as well as your patience waiting for the closing ceremonies. I’ll echo what was said in the video- the memories we’ve all made here at Camp are truly special and treasured. We love each and every one of you, thank you for making CS such an amazing experience for our whole community. Keep a little sunshine in your heart and have a great autumn everyone. -Counselor Crimes
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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warmup speedpaint I did between work. I liked the weather today.
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
It’s that one song that plays all the time in December in Japan! Happy Holidays once again from IR, and a happy new year!
Featuring @jsketch12, @baritoneblur, @kingspirals
Translation and Mix by Tex
Art by Juno
Video by @thesketchden
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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prius lesbian
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
If Xander's still fired in the IR lore, then how is that he can walk around the tower without anyone (especially Alex) trying to kick him out?
Kristen: I think Xander mostly only gets away with walking around IR Tower because Alex is too apathetic to physically throw him out of the building.
Split: I mean. I aint gonna do it. Look at the guy all wanderin around like he works here. I aint gonna be mr spoil fun on the innocence goin on there.
Kristen: Is “innocence” really the right word here?
Split: What would you describe it as
Kristen: Sheer stubbornness mostly
Split: I mean yeah but do you want me to just, kick him out to the street like a lost puppy. Or an orphan. Kinda fucked sis.
Kristen: NO I DIDN’T MEAN THAT ;A; I wouldn’t kick him out. Just that innocence is never a word that should be used to describe Xander.
…honestly Goggles probably doesn’t even realize he’s been fired, she just assumes it’s perfectly normal for one of her family members to consistently sneak around, occasionally be thrown out and then crawl back in via a window.Years later when she grows up she’ll have the lightbulb moment of ???? This is not how this normally works????
Tex: Xander is technically the cryptid of IR tower. You try to take a picture of him as he sneaks past and it always ends up all blurry and he’s suddenly really far off in the distance
Alex: That being said he’s careful not to move like Bigfoot. For if he does he incurs my wrath.
Tex: Is there something about how bigfoot moves that infuriates you?
Alex: Everything about Bigfoot infuriates me. Bigfoot is the worst.
Xander: Vents are a man’s best friend.
Atwas: Xander recreates Die Hard in the IR tower on a regular basis–but especially around the holidays
Kristen: He does this but like no one else actually is participating, so he’s just yelling YIPEEKAYAY MOTHERFUCKERS and everyone just kind of shrugs and goes back to what they were doing
Atwas: I also love the image of Xander joining group conversations by casually busting down into the middle of them from the ceiling vents– shower of digital dust coating the participants
Alex: I do my Alan Rickman impression for everyone but Xander
Atwas: You’re so kind ;^)
Kristen: I feel like you do this like, at every possible opportunity. Gradually everyone forgets over the course of December that it’s not your regular voice
Alex: Alan Rickman Gaslighting
Moon: I caught Xander moving around in the vents one time. I was also in there for reasons and we came across eachother at an intersection. He allowed me to go through first, so that was cool, but I dont think he knew that the vent that he was going to was leading straight to Walrus’ tank. The opening to it is kinda hard to see and it’s a straight drop into the water. I havent seen him since.
Kristen: He’s fine
Jojo: Sometimes I can hear his voice in my vent ._. He whispers to me.
Juno: “bring… me… potato chips…”
Kristen: Goggles attempts but cannot reach the vents. Scales Christmas tree in an attempt to get up there, knocks it over, causes power outage somehow. Xander is blamed.
Moon: Nowadays when we hear somebody in the vents Atwas chucks throwing knives into the ceiling. They were in a competitive match in CS:GO when the power outage happened, and you dont fuck with someone in a CS:GO comp match. He’s probably fine.
Atwas: I’m now imagining a situation where things start getting really weird and we all blame Xander as usual, but then it turns out he was on vacation the whole time. BUT WHO WAS VENT!?
Xander: It was Daniel all this time.
Uprising: Daniel and operatic sheep
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
Do you guys have a general aesthetic/design for your room in the IR tower? If so what is it?
Jojo: everything is chrome
Moon: I actually had a design for my room in the IRverse. I had a corner room, general darker purple aesthetic. Never been drawn before though, but yeah I had a whole description of my room, it’s fun to get a feeling for the character with little things like that.
Split: i have a flat kinda designed out, a nice sitting area, bookcases, kitchen bit, a lil open window bit. nice flat made up of bits
Phill: A single wallpaperpess room. Bare floorboards, windows boarded. Flickering light. And a single haphazardly constructed wooden chair in the middle. Upon which rests a large, oozing squid.  Weather it’s alive, fake, or even real is never clear.
Jojo: mine’s a room that kinda looks like a treehouse or a art student’s dormitory. Light lavender walls and mint green curtains and a white bed. And a desk big enough for me to work traditionally, digitally, and a mini fridge to keep my unhealthy amounts of vanilla coke and munster cheeseand a piano. I need a piano in there.
Uprising: Mine would be very cute with pastels, pink bedsheets, curtains, and even a ps4 with a pink controller. I’d have my laptop with my various video game stickers on it, along with other various gaming items, my cello, and quite a few herps (like my three FBTs, my snake) in there with me. It would smell good too
Jojo: …Shyner’s been typing for a while…
Uprising: A big one.
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Phill: HA
Shyner: LISTEN SHUT YOUR SPEAKING ORIFICES I’M STEWING AND BREWING. Okay ngl, I’ve had two designs for my room, so I’m gonna talk about the one I recently developed and like a lot more. My room’s waaaaayyy up at the top, and it’s got some pretty good shit going for it. Access to the roof, a fantastic view of the city, and it connects to all the vents in the tower-which is convenient for personal reasons. There’s fairy lights and plushies everywhere n’ shit, along with some slightly odd/eccentric things like crystals, animal bones (mostly skulls) and a few specimen jars. There are wayyy too many polaroids and posters up on my walls, tbh they might as well be the walls. There’s also a very large desk where I do my fun creative things like art or the occasional taxidermy project.  Oh, Harry’s there too, I guess. It’s p comfy cozy. I’ve also got a closet,  but that’s none of your concern. Hey. Don’t go in my fucking closet.
Jojo: ..sHIT
Shyner: Ye fuck you
Phill: Hey hey hey. Stay out of my shed
Shyner: Unrelated.
Jojo: philldon'ttellheraboutthetime
Jojo: FUCK
Jojo: R U N 
Shyner: Guys I  really didn’t want to kill two of my closest friends today but you’re really giving me no fucking choice.  If I don’t make an example of you then everybody’s going to want to go in there, and my closet isn’t some goddamn spooky funhouse attraction,  ya hear?  It’s a serious place for the occult practices.
Moon: I saw a shrine in there last time. I wonder who that was dedicated to.
Alex: funny, you never tried to get me to not go in the closet. could it be because i’m a terrifying man-mountain force of nature
Shyner: uhM hhhhhhhhhhhhhhH f uCk
Scott: I don’t imagine anything too outlandish. I enjoy coastal interior designs, so I’d start with that. The base colors would probably be white with various shades of blue. Maybe a wooden flooring with a fluffy rug for comfort. A general work space, complete with my laptop computer and  USB microphone. Lots of videogame posters by my bedside. And to top it off, a view of the water’s edge from my window.
Kristen: Goggles’ room has a kids’ treehouse feel. Uneven wooden panels, lots of splinters. The floor is covered by mis-matched extremely fluffy carpet squares. She has fairy lights and dangling star-shaped lights and lots of big flowy dark blue cloth with glitter in it hanging from the ceiling. She has a kotatsu table in the center (nevermind the fire hazard) with a big white futon decorated with black stars. There’s also a comically huge old 80s desk piled with pages upon pages of fanfiction and art. She types most of it on an old typerwriter. Her closet is essentially a void of fanfiction and fanart.The room is an eternal messy whirlwind of plushies everywhere (although Crockernanner has the beloved royalty spot on her pillow). Her bed is essentially a nest of comforters and pillows in cute shapes, but she’s rarely there because she doesn’t like to sleep- she’s scared of being alone and views sleeping as part of that, the plushies are actually a security blanket in that respect. Goggles will go days without sleep and will pretty much only be in bed if physically picked up and put there by an older IR member. That is, of course, usually Split’s job.
Murder God doesn’t have a room because she’s not part of IR but on occasion the Tower shifts and a random closet door will lead to her usual white void with red strings. The best course of action is to just close the door and pretend you didn’t see it.
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
I want to play a game. The cast members are now in a horror movie. Who dies? Who survives? Who gets the plot-twist reveal that they are actually the killer(s)? No cheating.
Atwas: Shyner is the obvious “if you can’t beat em, join em” monster team up candidate, imo. I’m just even more HAL 9000 than usual I guess? Or for potential japes, act super spooked of everything despite the fact that nothing could technically harm me physically.Kristen: Hahahahaha yeah that sounds about rightAtwas: !!!! CONSIDER all sorts of bullshit happening and then the camera pans out and I’m attempting to get a handful of popcorn from Alex’s bowl during spooky movie night.Kristen: On no that’s cute hahaha! I am torn between Goggles being a killer because NO ONE WOULD SUSPECT and honestly she’s… so into making stories and given this bizarre context I could see her mind twisted to “I’m just playing and this is for the story” because she’s… a bit distant from reality.If somehow Kristen herself aka me is in this scenario people constantly comment that I must be the murderer given my work while I angrily insist I am not.Atwas: this entire thing is gonna get paced as a comedy. murder is revealed and theres just a super quick pan to Kristen, crazily denying things. Bonus points if you happen to be doing suspicious but super coincidental things at the same timeKristen: Sharpening someone else’s knife collection, wearing dumb masks, need comically oversized chainsaw for yardworkAtwas: making dinner and loudly using the garbage disposal, wet leaves in super suspicious massive black trash bagsKristen: Lights are always flickering or broken in all the roomsJuno: Someone’s making delicious meat piesKristen: Attempting to change flickering lightbulb, too short. Gives everyone dinner cause it’s my turn to cook, accidentally makes it sound like I may or may not be taking after HannibalXander: Xander survives to the sequel, where he then gets killedUprising: Uprising dies saving someone elsePhill: Phill dies due to a completely unrelated accident amidst the chaos… But returns in the sequel. “Nah I died in the last one, that means I’m a virgin again. I’m gunna survive baby!”Jojo: I’d be the first to die… But then it turns out I’m the Mastermind behind all of this and I faked my death to observe everyone elseXander: JoJo have you been playing Until DawnSplit: Nah thats fuckin danganronpaXander: I can’t believe Until Dawn is DanganronpaAlex: I can’t believe Until DawnPhill: i cant believeSplit: IAlex: Can’tPhill: FEEL MY ARMS, CAPTAINSplit: Thats cause the doc had to amputate em soldier.Alex: You know he had to amputate emMoon: Bro and I are gonna either die first, or not die, this keeping everyone alive due to the stereotype rule.Jojo: Uhm… I haven’t played Danganronpa or Until Dawn. I kinda just thought of itBro: Congratulations you somehow described the twist in both… or at least one of the twistsInvidebit: I’m die. I think the best solution is to talk it out and then I’m die.Juno: f
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Invidebit: oh that was so fast. But this is definitely how it would go down hahah :’)Scott: If experience playing Danganronpa has taught me anything, it’s that all of the best characters die, and the closest characters to being normal or boring are “typically” the survivors.
…that said, I’d probably survive somehow.
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
I found this camera on the subway and look what was inside...
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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Kris sketch and quick color practice with clip studio
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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Happy Halloween Pt. 2! Now with more spoops courtesy of @jsketch12!
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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Happy Halloween everyone! @jsketch12 has made a spooky spook wallpaper for you all! (with perhaps another treat later OOOOOOHHH what’s this?) Anyway, we hope you enjoy, please be sure to tell Juno how lovely this is because GODDAMN it’s great!
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dorothys2 · 6 years ago
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I drew a Squall Scar Darby cuz I kept playing the new cover on repeat lol drew on brown paper but its not visible cuz of lighting xD
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