dorkyocs · 2 years
"I can fix him" well i can send email
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dorkyocs · 3 years
Reblog to poop instantly
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dorkyocs · 3 years
Lawyer who is like visibly trying not to cry and teary-eyed and snifflign and drawing shaky breaths and hands trembling and constantly wiping his nose on his sleeves but he’s winning the case
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dorkyocs · 3 years
actually NFT is the token that proves ownership. the hideous randomly generated furry character you're thinking of is NFT's Monster.
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dorkyocs · 3 years
you can’t change fate
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dorkyocs · 3 years
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dorkyocs · 3 years
The hard truth about autism acceptance that a lot of people don't want to hear is that autism acceptance also inherently requires acceptance of people who are just weird.
And yes, I mean Those TM people. Middle schoolers who growl and bark and naruto run in the halls. Thirtysomethings who live with their parents. Furries. Fourteen-year-olds who identify as stargender and use neopronouns. Picky eaters. Adults in fandoms. People who talk weird. People who dress weird.
Because autistic people shouldn't have to disclose a medical diagnosis to you to avoid being mocked and ostracized for stuff that, at absolute worst, is annoying. Ruthlessly deriding people for this stuff then tacking on a "oh, but it's okay if they're autistic" does absolutely nothing to help autistic people! Especially when undiagnosed autistic people exist.
Like it or not, if you want to be an ally to autistic people, you're going to have to take the L and leave eccentric, weird people alone. Even if you don't know them to be autistic. You shouldn't be looking for Acceptable Reasons to be mean to people in the first place. Being respectful should be the default.
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dorkyocs · 3 years
most of the time i forget how silly polnareff's character design is because i'm just accustomed to it at this point but sometimes i recieve a moment of awareness and really SEE him and realise what he actually looks like. and then i get used to it again and the cycle restarts
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dorkyocs · 3 years
i'm so tired of the online art influencer mentality that in a sketchbook everything in it has to look amazing and polished and flawless it's so performative!!!! sketchbooks should be for drawing stupid shit
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dorkyocs · 3 years
tumblr working overtime to scrub “adult” content from this website only for a photoshopped pic of john lennon’s asscrack to become a top post 3 days into 2022
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dorkyocs · 3 years
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dorkyocs · 3 years
just learned the lockpicking lawyer is an actual (retired) lawyer.. for some reason i assumed he wouldn’t be? like it didn’t remotely occur to me that a channel called the lockpicking lawyer would be a lawyer
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dorkyocs · 3 years
A story in three parts:
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dorkyocs · 3 years
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nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same.. happy 10th anniversary @5sos
on twitter ✨
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dorkyocs · 3 years
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a bunch of garfs + bonus marvin
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dorkyocs · 3 years
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dorkyocs · 3 years
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took a break to draw my favorite idiot
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