dorkotheromantic · 2 months
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may by Alex Dimitrov
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dorkotheromantic · 2 months
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red wine supernovaaa ❤️🧡🤍🩷
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dorkotheromantic · 3 months
this was a wonderful thread! pinot x cheese guy
At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration.
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dorkotheromantic · 3 months
Palestine scams
This is heartbreaking for me to post about in a time of such need, but if someone in your inbox asks you for help saying they're Palestinian/have family in Palestine, they're most likely a SCAM.
I know you all want to help, but it's more helpful to do due diligence so your help isn't being wasted on liars.
Something I've seen twice now is a scam where the person COPY PASTES the description from a REAL Palestinian GoFundMe and even uses their photos, but their link is not the GoFundMe and leads to a random PayPal with an unrelated name instead. We don't know if they're associated but they never clarify, so they're more than likely a scam and you should just find the original GoFundMe and donate there instead (unless it has a problem).
I ignore any asks or messages for aid unless I know the person because of how common these scams have become.
So many people are using the genocide in Palestine to steal money. They deserve hell, in no uncertain terms. But you can circumvent them by
1) Not trusting messages or asks sent to you by strangers about donating
2) Google Reverse Image Searching the image they used to see if it belongs to someone else
3) Checking their donate link to see if the names match up the original post
Share this post to spread awareness!
Please stay safe everyone! Free Palestine, fuck scammers to hell.
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dorkotheromantic · 3 months
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this is so funny omg Chanse's impression is top notch and Angela is SO FUNNY I'm dying lmaooooo
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dorkotheromantic · 4 months
In case you lost it - a link to the eSIM donation guide. Even if you feel sick and powerless, you can at least do this. And even if you really, really can't donate, you can always at least share this and remind others.
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dorkotheromantic · 5 months
cw: family relations
i cannot write to my mother.
where would i start?
do i tell her i love her and then list all the ways i hate her or do i list all her mistakes and then remind her that i love her despite them (not because, never because)?
do i tell her she must be beautiful because i am beautiful and i came from her or do i tell her i cannot be beautiful because if i am nothing more than the spitting image of her?
do i tell her it is okay that the pain didn’t skip me because i felt it so it will not touch her grandchildren or do i tell her that she should have seen the ghosts in my eyes?
where would i end?
i cannot write to my father.
what language would i use aside from the one that only ever cursed him?
do i tell him that it is fine he does not know the simple details of my life because he is not the exception or do i tell him that there were simple questions with simple answers and he should have asked?
do i tell him how i am sorry i am not a daughter he can ever be truly proud of but i will do my best to be something or do i tell him he is responsible for who i am so my shame should be his shame?
do i tell him about the way i take every question with an ounce of suspicion because it must mean something more or do i tell him about the way i tell my friends when he does the good thing?
how would i share?
i cannot write to my sister.
when would be the moment?
do i tell her that she took my chance to be my own person from me without realising or do i tell her that everything i am is because she was someone else first?
do i tell her that i seethe with anger as i adjust my life to fit around hers the way the earth orbits around the sun or do i tell her it does not matter because being a sibling is swings and roundabouts?
do i tell her that the things she says are insults to everyone, acceptable only because of the blood we share or do i tell her that i suppose it is better that she trusts us enough to be furious?
why would i start?
i cannot write to them.
so i write about them.
perhaps it is the same.
they end up being loved and slandered in the same sentence either way.
i can write everything and anything but words to the ones who raised me
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dorkotheromantic · 5 months
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dorkotheromantic · 6 months
demigirl culture is feeling super valid when i discovered that i could be demigirl and use they/them pronouns :)
Demigirl Culture
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dorkotheromantic · 6 months
Demigirl is feeling like youre a different flavor of girl. Like fuck yeah im a spaghetti full of sauce
anon it might be because its 1am but this is the funniest ask ive ever gotten happy pride month
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dorkotheromantic · 6 months
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Reblog if your blog is a safe space for these identities: agender, demiboy, demigirl, genderfluid, non-binary, and transgender!
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dorkotheromantic · 6 months
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Pride in space (part 2)
You can buy these posters here !
part 1 part 3
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dorkotheromantic · 7 months
I guess the only question I have about James Somerton now is...what's up with all the Bob Iger lies? Why lie so much to improve the reputation of one capitalist? Any one have an interesting, verified as not plagiarized, well cited source on why? I'm also open to rampant speculation, as long as it's clearly marked as such.
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dorkotheromantic · 7 months
that feeling when you get a brand new story idea, but it literally has no plot yet, just vibes>>
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dorkotheromantic · 7 months
night owl at my core but truly night is when I feel I have the most free time 😔
the thing that sucks is that people love saying sleep early is good etc etc and yeah it is. I've seen some benefits before. but I think it sucks to ignore that late night is the only time with any freedom. I think it sucks to not acknowledge the dread in waking up and it's a work day again
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dorkotheromantic · 8 months
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The only day you can reblog this post
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dorkotheromantic · 8 months
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