doriandapolito · 5 years
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doriandapolito · 5 years
“How big of a tip do I need to give you to go,” Harper leaned forward and glanced at the speedometer from the back seat, “twenty miles an hour faster than this?” She was supposed to meet Laura somewhere and had maybe fucked around in her workshop and lost track of time. Well, not maybe. That’s exactly what she’d done. Now she was stuck paying for a damn Uber, which wouldn’t even get her all the way into District X in the first place.
“Not supposed to take tips, but I don’t see Uber banging down my door.” Dorian shrugged and considered it. He could go faster and avoid NOVA. He knew their patrols like the back of his hand - had to, if he was going to be good at something like this. That didn’t mean they didn’t stop him every chance they got just to make his life hard. It helped his case that he was seen as some derelict kid (with a cracked iphone 5). “A buck a mile.”
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doriandapolito · 5 years
@doriandapolito liked for a starter!!
Flash stumbled into the back of the car, practically falling in and dragging his legs in after him. “Sorry, man,” he said, his words slurred slightly as he got situated. “It’s my legs, dude, my legs are fucked and…” He groaned softly as he finally got himself situated and pulled the door shut. A slightly drunken smile spread across his features. “Hey. What’s up. Let’s go.” 
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Dorian was used to his fair share of drunken idiots. What he wasn’t used to was a drunken idiot who couldn’t walk. Blinking, he leaned back with his elbow on the console to see out the window, making sure he wasn’t about to drive off and leave the guy’s wheelchair behind. That’d be a great way to reach peak asshole meter. “You... got everything, man?”
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doriandapolito · 5 years
@doriandapolito liked for a starter!
“You again. We should really stop meeting like this,” Lois teased lightly, rifling through her purse looking for her recorder that she had so carefully stowed when she was talking to her source. All was fair in love and war—and this was world war 3. “You’ve come in real handy these days, you know. Ever since my car got stolen I haven’t had a chance to collect the insurance and besides, they’re all stingy about that stuff anyway.” Lois tossed her hair out of her face and looked out the window. “Jesus, I wish I hadn’t quit smoking.” 
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“Sorry to disappoint, but it looks like I’m gonna monopolize the business.” Dorian laughed and leaned over to open the glove department. He fished out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to her with a grin. “This’ll make up for it. Just don’t ask me where I got them.” With the city the way it was, it helped to have connections in the illicit cigarette trade. “Don’t forget your seatbelt this time. You know my brakes aren’t great.” 
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doriandapolito · 5 years
One of the problems in District X was the lack of many official street names, and thus addresses. Then again, anyone who managed to get past the gate probably knew where they were going. It hadn’t been enough of a problem for anyone to prioritize fixing it.
Of course Josh would be the person it caused an actual issue for. He had another patient waiting, but it was nothing serious. Once he got the message, he gave them the option of waiting for him to get back or letting Cullen help them out. On his way out the door, he sent a brief message telling the drive to wait by the District X gate. It was too much to explain.
Even without the “Uber” sticker in the window, finding the car wouldn’t have been hard. It was one of the only ones there. Josh waved his hand to get the driver’s attention as he walked up. A glance in the back seat showed him what he was after. “I think that’s for me.”
The gate wasn’t far from where he’d pulled over. What little Dorian did know about the safe house was that it was in District X somewhere, so being somewhere by the entrance was a safe bet. He slid back into his car after reading the reply and did a quick U-Turn, pulling up on the curb so he was out of the street. 
He had the car door open and was smoking a cigarette when Josh approached the car. His appearance didn’t shock him too much; he’d knew about him, that is. A lot of kids he used to know were staying or had stayed at the safe house where he ran the clinic.
Nodding, he smirked and got out of the car, flipping the seat forward and resting his arm on the hood as he peered into the backseat. “Hey, uh... Lucas. Wake up.” There was a strong odor of alcohol. “He’s pretty wasted.” He leaned in and tapped one of the kid’s sneakers. “Hey, you good?”
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doriandapolito · 6 years
A vague destination was something he was used to, but the mutant safe house wasn’t an address he knew - and the unconscious passenger wasn’t doing him any favors. Maybe he should just be an asshole. He’d already been paid through the app. He had no real reason to make sure this stranger got to his destination. How was he supposed to even do that when he didn’t know the real address? 
Dorian pulled over, parked, and thought about it for several minutes. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, then rolled his eyes and leaned into the backseat to slide the kid’s phone out of his pocket. It took some sleuthing, but he found a number he’d been in contact with regarding a safe place to stay. It was logical that it was related to his destination, at least in some way. Dorian sent a quick text with his coordinates. This is his Uber driver. He’s unconscious. Don’t know your exact location.
Now all he could do was wait.
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doriandapolito · 6 years
“You’re carjacking me?” The crime rate in Star City was sky high and it was probably a miracle that Dorian hadn’t had his car stolen yet, but the situation still left him stupefied. He’d stared down the barrel of a gun so many times that he was a bit immune to it, but that didn’t mean he was dumb. The guy’s hand was shaking so hard that he was just waiting for him to get trigger happy. “Can we talk about it first? This is kinda my livelihood. Maybe I could just give you a ride and we’ll find you something all tricked out and badass. Do you really want to be a gangster in a Honda Civic? I’m just saying.”
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doriandapolito · 6 years
You are damaged and broken and unhinged. But so are shooting stars and comets.
Nikita Gill, “Shooting Stars and Comets”
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doriandapolito · 6 years
please LIKE for a starter from dorian!!!
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doriandapolito · 6 years
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doriandapolito · 6 years
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originally from boston
plain old ordinary human
currently hates his job and has decided that being an uber driver for star city was a terrible idea
but he makes a lot of money because he’s literally one of maybe four others
rough around the edges
raised in foster care 
didn’t go to college but convinced himself he didn’t want to go because he never had the opportunity
for the most part he’s neutral about the hero ban, because he looked up to heroes when he was a little kid, but he’s also a bit bitter that it’s a world he’s not part of
PLS PLOT WITH ME. I am open to any and all connections ok.
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doriandapolito · 6 years
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maxence danet-fauvel: from precious human being to professional model in 0.01 sec
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