doranottora · 4 days
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I made a Strawberry humanization from the last post (can it be considered my os?)
Her name is formed from the word klubNika (this is how her name sounds in my language)
(〃 ̄∇ ̄)
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doranottora · 10 days
Okay, I have a story. One day, my younger cousin and I were walking by the house. She is a very curious and active child, so I was not surprised when she brought just a HUGE lizard in a bucket. I swear, I didn't even know we had them. And naturally she ran into the house to show it to her mom. Despite the fact that I stayed outside, I still heard my aunt's wild scream of "CROCODILE!" coming from the house. I do not know where in her opinion we should have found a baby crocodile in a small apple orchard, but the Strawberry had to be released into the wild (yes, she had already given the lizard a name). Remembering this story, I thought… what would have happened if we had actually found a crocodile (or rather an alligator)?
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Timmy belongs to: @obsidian-lantern
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doranottora · 11 days
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Inspired by my first postcard received from postcrossing and the Russian cartoon "Kingdom of Cats"
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doranottora · 23 days
A month ago, I returned from my summer student internship. I worked as a veterinarian at an agricultural company that specializes in milk production. And like anyone working there, I got a favorite cow. She was born around the time I arrived, she was very small and had rickets (so her back is curved). Since she didn't have a name or a number, I called her Malyha (it's kind of a cheeky form of the word baby lol). It was funny to watch her easily running between the pens and scaring the cows, but most of all I laughed when she ran away and a whole crowd of workers chased her, and she cheerfully ran away from them on her thin legs. I hope she will be well taken care of and when I come next year, I will be able to see her again.
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doranottora · 25 days
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Russian Miku in the traditional costume of my region.
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doranottora · 29 days
This cat reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki in some way.
Always tired after creating colorful masterpieces ᓚ₍ ^~ﻌ~^₎
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doranottora · 1 month
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it's just art for the sake of my cat in the role of ekaflip lmao
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doranottora · 1 month
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One day I'll come back to them and finish it, I promise.
P.S. This guy just wants to know where to get more algae :D
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