doomerlicious · 2 months
With how much you americans go on about guns you'd think you'd at least know how to aim
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doomerlicious · 7 months
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doomerlicious · 1 year
A news report from Australia's government broadcaster in the 70s, found in their archives simply labeled 'lesbians'
Captions added by for your reading pleasure
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doomerlicious · 1 year
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THE BIRDCAGE (1996), dir. mike nichols
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doomerlicious · 1 year
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doomerlicious · 1 year
to people starting to be swayed by the “progressive no” campaign: how do you think a “no” vote is going to be treated by the overwhelmingly white and very tentative politicians?
I know the voice seems like it’s not enough, and that’s because it’s not enough. but treaty and truth aren’t going to happen any time soon if the voice doesn’t get up. a “no” vote is going to be treated as a “no” to the entirety of the uluru statement. it’s going to send the conversation about first nations rights backwards
I know it sucks, but this is how politics is. the voice is an important stepping stone towards better. the voice will make it harder to ignore the calls for better for first nations peoples. and that’s why I’m proudly voting yes
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doomerlicious · 1 year
Albo met with all the Premiers and Chief Ministers (all except ONE are Labor) to discuss the housing crisis and came away touting the AMAZING decision to protect renters by limiting rent increases to once every 12 months!
.... something that is already in effect almost everywhere in Australia! Except Western Australia, but WA Labor had ALREADY announced months ago they were going to do that!
Very little has come out of this except a nice press release!
That annual rent increase IS STILL UNLIMITED. It could be $50pw it could be $500pw - there's literally NO LAW TO STOP THAT (except in the ACT where, oh look, Greens have more influence as Labor is in an alliance because they're a minority government. Hmmm... maybe the solution to the problem is more Greens in Parliament.)
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doomerlicious · 1 year
In the earliest 2000s I saw a documentary where a very esteemed ecologist (idk his name, don't remember, I was a kid ya know) said "Money isn't real. The environment is." and I have been excessively annoying about this exact subject (that money is FAKE but our planet is REAL) ever since
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doomerlicious · 1 year
Parliamentary committees have no decision making power and are basically just dedicated advisory bodies designed to consult with other advisory bodies and the broader public and recommend changes to legislation. Despite having no concrete power other than to examine and publicly report on government action they're pretty much universally accepted as a vital and necessary part of Parliament because of the useful scrutiny, information, and advice they provide. A government can outright ignore every single recommendation of a committee report and sometimes they do. However, committee reports DO lead to changes in legislation - be that amendments to bills or to re-examine and update old legislation that's been around for several years. Absolutely no one is arguing that parliamentary committees don't have value because we can demonstrate, objectively, they do. We benefit from them constantly.
But the same logic isn't applied to the Voice. "It's just an advisory body. What impact could that possibly have?" It could have a lot - if we actually gave it a chance.
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doomerlicious · 1 year
Where are people getting the idea that the voice will take things away from "everyone else"? Or to make Aboriginal people "above" others?
Is it not just an advisory body to parliament, to provide more insight on decisions relating to Aboriginal people?
I don't know if I'm missing things or if people are just being misled or just stupid on purpose.
Conservatives don't have any logical or moral reason to oppose this so yes, it's people being misled/stupid/racist on purpose to spread lies.
The Yes case always has an uphill battle of education, rationalisation, and motivating people to care. They need to be convincing, strong, and get a lot of people on board.
The No case just has to throw in confusion and uncertainty. It never needs to make a rational argument. It never needs evidence. There's no law regulating truth in elections/referendums and so the No case literally never has to say a single fucking true thing at all. It's easier to undermine something than to build it up and so that's what right wing No campaigners do.
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doomerlicious · 1 year
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Conservatives' sex trafficking obsession is a confession.
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doomerlicious · 1 year
it’s not “the Voice will solve all first nations issues in Australia”, and you should be suspicious of anyone claiming that
it’s “the Voice is a step towards substantive reconciliation” and “it ensures that first nations politics doesn’t go backwards next time we have a lib/nat/coalition government” and “once the Voice is in place, we continue to fight to ensure it’s listened to, and that other first nations issues are addressed”
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doomerlicious · 1 year
advisory bodies are not new or even rare in the Australian political context. Whitlam had an incredibly effective women’s advisory body, for example. the only difference with the Voice is that it’s a constitutionally recognised body that conservatives can’t get rid of when they feel like being racist
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doomerlicious · 1 year
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doomerlicious · 1 year
Umm… you think we’re getting out of this century?
Such sweet optimism.
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Climate change is real and happening faster than scientists thought.
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doomerlicious · 1 year
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Let's get our priorities straight.
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doomerlicious · 1 year
Never forget that this is the same organisation that routinely murders sexual and gender minorities and has done for Millenia.
Whenever some Christian rears up on their hind legs and says something like This does not represent Christian values” they are either lying or pig ignorant of their own history. The church is the longest standing genocide organisation on the planet, the longest standing murderers of queer folks and teh longest standing paedophile network. It’s the fact that they can’t get away with it officially anymore in western countries where church and state are separate that burns the bastards up soooo much.
#christianity #genocide
It's freaking scary when violence of this level happens in your city, man
15 people. Attacked by around 200. For being outside a church where anti trans speeches were happening.
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