dooingood · 2 years
- advice -
Who can criticize?
Obviously, those people, whom you personally ASK to do so: friends, mom, relatives - whoever can criticize you, they can do it with the given permission.
Or those dudes, who are doing much better than you. They have more experience, they have achieved something in the common area. So it automatically gives them the right to criticize you or your work without your permission or request (of course, it is with the condition, that that wasn't rude, ironic critic but the adequate one, which you can accept and grow with it).
Pay attention to these given categories.
Others than that have no right to criticize you, to give you unnecessary advices. But if they do so, then YOU, from your side, have the full right to "advice" them to get lost.
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dooingood · 2 years
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say "thank" to all:
all of them have taught you some lessons and made you in the way who you are now
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dooingood · 2 years
don't play with anyone
you can loose.
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dooingood · 2 years
i thought i have found myself
but that was only a shadow
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dooingood · 2 years
what the similarity between us and the sun?
we also can shine
we also can rise and go down
let's not be similar to the sun
let's shine and rise only
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dooingood · 2 years
Keeping track to have total P E R F E C T I O N in life,
you are missing lots of interesting stuff,
which can be found only in C H A O S
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dooingood · 2 years
- useless blanket -
Okay. So, sit down. I need to tell you something.
There is no time. No yesterday, no tomorrow, no months, and no years.
No today as well. Are you surprised?
Don't be. There is only NOW, and you know this even better than me.
Time frames and definitions were created by humanity to avoid this big world's mess and chaos, so that we have some kind of order in the Place.
And we got trapped by ourselves.
We postpone our lives and planes for the next "time". Which doesn't exist. We are trapped in the illusions.
If you want to do it, well, then NOW is the best "time" for that.
If you want changes to arrive in your life, then, as per doctor's prescription, take the now pills all the "time".
Imagine yourself in the space, where you just exist with no time definition: only you, surroundings and other people. And no 17:05, no yesterday, no after 2 months. Have you succeeded? Well, congratulations, then you realize now: that's our true reality.
But we tend to cover ourselves with the time blanket, which don't warm at all. It is no use in such blanket, right?
Same as no use to, for example, postpone your sport activity to the next Monday. Or your new healthy habits to be created from the new year.
You ought to start now.
You can warm yourself by your own - you don't need the useless blanket.
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dooingood · 2 years
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dooingood · 2 years
- eat your vitamines -
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dooingood · 2 years
- seapalmsun -
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dooingood · 2 years
- the Motherland -
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dooingood · 2 years
- may your soul blossom and the heart shine -
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dooingood · 2 years
- go beyond -
I have been thinking a lot of:
why we should follow and stick to different stereotypes, people’s thoughts and do what society is expecting us to do.
There are no rules in this life, everyone has the right of choice, even when it doesn’t match with general social “standards”.
When you tell people about your future plans or dreams you want to implement, so as a result, in the most cases, you won’t hear: “Wow, that is cool! You should try it”, but you will be responded as: “Why are you going to do that? Are you seriously?”, what means -> you are fully foolish to do this, to do that, your plans are weird, and they don't match the social frames. Be sure such respond contains the voice of the whole society, which wants to show you that you are acting in incorrect way.
But wait: who does determine if our dreams and plans are incorrect or not? Is there any establishment? And the society wants to make you act in CORRECT way and change your own worldview, in accordance with its standards and frames.
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And all these standards, stereotypes, comfort zones and frames - they are just making us like social machines which will never betray “the rules”.
We fail to remember that:
ruining "the rules" and doing WHATEVER you want is totally okay, totally normal, and so must be.
Listen to everynobody, but yourself, own heart, mind and feelings.
Ruin the useless social frames - and go beyond.
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dooingood · 2 years
- do your homework please -
Today was just a regular rainy day (by today I mean the 5th of July 2022). Nothing special was going on, and nothing special was going to be (or happen, at least). Like, completely nothing special.
I was working, then decided to go finally out to get some vitamin D (later, the the sun pleased us - Brno habitants - with its exit on the blue "field"), and enjoy some coffee. And this day could have been one of those same days, when you have no plans, and when you just a bit tired and sleepy after the work.
And meanwhile I was wandering around, admire the surrounding views and drinking my ice coffee with some oat milk (mmm, delicioso), then one mind occupied my head: basically, there are no need to have big plans, or festive events, or cosmic and important achievements to make a day be special.
Sometimes, it is enough to drink some coffee to already have a special day. It is enough to hug a loved person to better your mood. It is enough just smile to a small kid on the street and get the back-smile to brighten the evening.
Our days contain many events, and even imperceptible, not important situations can make you to remember your "today". We have to learn more and practice more on how to take all the possible joy from them. Because the life is running-n-running, and we just have no rights to postpone it until the grandiose planned events, until the colossal changes, until the remarkable achievements and results.
Let me please kindly explain to you something. You should do gradual, balanced and short steps towards your dreams and plans to reach the needed outcome instead of running huge jumps to get the result as quick as possible. You aren't on the competition, right? Rapid running might make you be tired even faster, then you reach your goals.
For example, reading a little bit of book every day instead of overpower at once all Theodore Dreiser's trilogy "The American Tragedy". Or learning Spanish step by step, dedicating at least 20 min a day for it, instead of doing the lessons all day long and then just forget about Spanish for 1 month more. Or, what do you think about the next example: doing 2-3 times trainings a week to make yourself be fit and feel good, instead of doing sport every day, sweating all the time, having no rest and joy from this? Well, small trainings, rather than exhausting exercising every day, can do a big thing soon to your body. And there might be a lot more examples. And this is the homework for you: to think what else could we use as the example, in this case.
The same situation with life: by enjoying every moment during the day and noticing small events, to be able to get the possible joy from them, you are, actually, living your life fully, you are focused on the moment, actually, YOU ARE in the moment, so you don't notice how quick time is running. And when you postpone living the full life until the planed organized events, when you are only waiting for the day, when your dreams come finally true and not enjoying the way you overcome the path towards these dreams, - THIS is only life wasting. And it will pass so quick, so what will you remember then? Only postponing, only expecting and wasting instead of opening our eyes on the moments, which are happening with you right now, right under your nose.
I will also remember this 5th of July 2022 as the funny day. So, once I finished my tasty drink, and once I was coming back home to write this article, I noticed on my way back the next picture: a small bath right in the middle of the city centre, two drunk men with beer glasses and a tiny fatty dove jumping all around and time-to-time stealing some chips from the pack, lying on the ground. This might not be funny, if you only imagine this scene, that is why I am attaching the photo and video for you.
The next "street playing" was even funnier: some man (maybe drunk, maybe hungry for the people's attention) was just screaming on the square. And there was another man, appeared with a blue toy car. These guys just started screaming at each other, pushing the toy from side to side. I threw the bomb of my laughter into the street when one of these men just poured his beer on the poor toy car and disappeared on the corned of the nearest building. Please drop out the curtains. The "street" performance is over. Give your applause, if not greedy.
Good that I filmed all this, so, later on, once I was back home, we laughed together with my boyfriend. That was funny. The day was definitely special. And even more special it became when I hugged my boyfriend, when we enjoyed our vegan supper and drunk some mint tea for relaxing our mind.
And you might think that all these stories are so penny-wise. And that is the point: you don't put yourself in the "waiting" mode, you stay on the "active" status and try to enjoy whatever is happening now; you don't look for the sense of life - you admire the life itself and every moment, and this the sense.
So now, my dear reader, I dare to be bold by saying that you have already enjoyed a small event for today: you have read this article.
So maybe, let's practice more, and try to enjoy the rest of today's small events?
This is your homework as well, please be so kind to do it and live your life fully.
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dooingood · 2 years
- the tsunami -
There are so many insurances: for life, for traveling, for cars, for technologies, for accidents, etc.
But, unfortunately, we have no insurance for unexpected life events. They are happening so unexpectedly, ruining our plans at one moment and daily routine, which just flows-n-flows all the same way.
This unexpected life event is like a massive tsunami appearing out of nowhere on the crystal clear and surprisingly flat surface of the ocean. It fully covers you, you don't think at this critical moment at all and you can't even realize, what just happened.
The water (read: unexpected life event) simply throws you from the side to side, turns, and twists you over as it wishes. And you just try to somehow escape to the surface and, if possible, survive (and, also, stay dry, which, a priori, is impossible; but we are beings who need to have hopes and illusions in order to at least mentally stay on the "dry surface" and hope for the best).
And only once you reach the beach and get dry, only then your brain returns to your analyzing abilities, so you start remembering and playing this horrible unexpected tsunami (read again please: unexpected life event) in your head. It looks like you are watching a movie about yourself - have you got the free tickets to the cinema, haven't you? :D
A few days ago, such a tsunami covered my boyfriend from the head to his feet: unfortunately, his work contract hasn't been prolonged by the employer, so they told Artur that the job is over for him in June. I have to say, this tsunami covered me too and threw me from the anger side to the incomprehension side. Because my boyfriend is such a hard worker, he really liked this job, and it seemed so unfair to me, and I felt very upset and disappointed.
BUT! The way Artur was behaving in this unexpected life event just impressed me so much: he thanked his colleagues for the good common work and gave them some sweets; he thanked managers as well; he told to all of them that this change is only for the best, and it has opened the door for the next unexpected but very pleasant and great events in his life. And I can't let myself not agree with that since I am pretty sure it is only for the better. Artur will find a better job - I have no doubts about it.
So the point of this story is that: life can cover you with unlimited tsunamis, take you by surprise and make you "wet" in seconds. But the only thing matters is how you will deal with the tsunami, how fast you will reach the beach and get dry, and what good lessons you will take from this unexpected life event.
So Arthur has reached the beach so fast, now, he has left all the worries and memories about his previous job in the past, and let his clothes and himself dry in the sun. Artur is focused on finding better work, upgrading his IT skills, and doing some yoga right now.
He is a really great swimmer.
And are you?
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dooingood · 2 years
̶F̶ ̶R̶ ̶U̶ ̶S̶ ̶T̶ ̶ ̶ ̶RATION
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the FRUST part is mentally painful:
nowhere to hide form yourself
& from thoughts,
which become daily “enemies” against you.
It can time different.
depends on how strong the “war” – The FRUST War.
you can’t reach the main goal;
you notice the world is unfair;
or biggest fears occupy  Brainland-territory & start operating it by own rules.
Whatever reasons – same outcome:
you are convinced there is nothing in your powers to do
this takes a root in head. 
you start suffering;
obsessive minds,
isolate from society,
feel disorganized & sensitive.
These all are favorable conditions
for emotional piracy
which poisons relationships with ppl.
And generally you notice your “ship” is drowning. 
Sooo.. have you lost the FRUST War?
The ship is drowning
but you always
can be rescued on a small piece of ice.
& this piece – The RATION part (read - RATIONAL).
When exhausting War goes on,
One day you say:
“That’s. Enough.”
This statement
is always a winning sign for me:
> I feel freedom and much positive after;
> I am getting the ownership
Under powers and Brainland;
> new ideas are coming,
so I see:
there are A LOT I can do.
Do we need frustration?
For sure!
Not because of the process itself (it’s sucks!)
But what comes after.
We all love to be drama queens&kings,
to the world our mighty and powers.
If we have complicated goals, problems or fears –
there is more time needed to solve them.
But we can’t just sit down,
think rationally
and build ways to come up with solutions,
what we do instead?
➢ Overdramatizing and not accepting
the fact 
they can’t be solved RIGHT NOW. 
So simple. 
Not for us: we r sure it shows our weakness, postoping it (not true ofc).
So that frustrates us.
During the FRUST we get
angry, pressured
& adrenalin:
they make brain work harder
and quicker than in calm state.
& It’s known they help us in difficulties  to bring
the best, fastest decisions.
Same with frustration:
You angry,upset,
All is boiling.
Suddenly brain finds
The best way –
You get a signal.
& you realize:
the RATION never leaves:
piece of ice is here for you to
rescue from the ̶F̶ ̶R̶ ̶U̶ ̶S̶ ̶T̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ part.
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dooingood · 2 years
- who is winner -
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we are taught that we always should defend and protect our interests, views, thoughts. sometimes even fight for them and reflect an enemy’s attack with the “sword” — arguments, and word-bullets like a true gangster, but like the good one on the side of kindness.
don’t let anyone to set on your neck!
2. fight, fight, fight!
3. show them your points are important! — that all can be the catchwords for every conflict-interest situation
but! it doesn’t work all the time. before arming and start fighting, you do next: sit down on a soft coach, keep calm, make some tea with cookies and think deeply
if does this “enemy” deserve your attention and more important – e n e r g y ?
to be a winner = do efforts + spend energy after fighting and arguing for interests your power charge will be only 0%, expect that. so maybe it’s better to:
leave the battlefield with no-winner status, throw weapons, show the “white” flag
save energy, mental health for making valuable stuff? it doesn’t mean you have given up. it means you are completely winner in the cleverest way ever ! because you have chosen peace. and first of all – peace for your soul.
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