donut-unicorn · 4 years
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some people say there’s a red string that connects fated lovers
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* I only feel things between the hours of 3 and 5 am.
* This is not convenient for actually talking to me, huh?
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* Ya’ll remember that cool weirdo gangsta skeleton dude? He was just a funny little man.
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* Forgot how much I loved playing myself out with You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood on movie nights.
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* The movie House from 1986 is good for several reasons. Don’t @ me.
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
( I always had a very particular mental image of humanized-Don in my head but never quite pinned down what his ethnicity was until I made that artbreeder portrait for him. Turns out, according to gene sliders, he’s about 25% white, 25% black, and 50% latino. Neat. )
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* Oh hey, seen you around but I don’t think we’ve really talked. I’m Don. You probably knew that already, but it always feels a little better getting a proper introduction outta the way.
* I don’t work out much. Err, ever. I get winded opening the fridge. Had plans to start lifting a while back, but found out that I couldn’t keep up without a more energetic buddy to motivate me. Maybe the plants and flowers around the resort I bought a few years back’ll be motivating enough?
[Bones]: Ah, yes. Landscaping. Physical exercise, paired with work done with your own two hands? No better way to feel alive.
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* Tried doing my own landscaping for the first time today. I’m pretty sore, but ya know, I felt pretty alive. Might try and make a habit outta that.
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
* So not being really depressed all the time is great but it made me realize that depression became a really big part of my personality even though I didn’t exactly want it to be. So now I’m just kinda... trying to figure out who I am without that crushing hopelessness.
* So far I’ve got “kinda funny” and “pretty good at hugs”.
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donut-unicorn · 4 years
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( Generated a human Don. Made with artbreeder.com )
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
* A conversation I had with Blu got me thinking. I wonder how often people look at me and expect me to be as soft as I look these days. Boy, looks sure can be deceiving. Heheh.
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
* Hey, yeah I’m a ponycorn. :3
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
* Going years without being able to feel the appropriate amount of satisfaction or emotion from... anything, really makes you appreciate experiencing a single complex feeling that’s not just hungry, horny, or crushing existential dread.
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
( ゚▽゚)/ That's an interesting take on Big Buns! I never thought of it like that before. Makes a lot of sense though. Good thing his fantasy is a reality with us!
* Heh. Yeah, well. I pride myself in being more observant than I seem. I pick up on a lot of things most people don’t. Think a lot more about how the mind ticks than most people do. Probably because my own mind is such a pain. Gotta know how it works to keep it up and running when it seems to really want to shut down.
* Expecting that’ll keep getting better, though, which means I’ll be able to focus a lot more on watching other people, and worrying a lot less about myself.
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
( ̄▽ ̄) Living humans tend to be judgemental and stiff. Being a human himself, he knows that better than anyone else. That, and you're easily lovable.
* Oh, yeah that’s probably got a lot to do with it. He may have started as human. But uhh. It’s not hard to miss that he’s pretty different from most of them. That’s probably why he latched onto fantasy in the first place. So it makes sense that magical creatures would be comforting.
* Good to know I can still make other people feel a little bit better.
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
(๑꒪▿꒪) Wanna come chill over at Freddy's maybe? It's the best place to be, in my opinion~
* I poke my head in over there once in a while. Afton’s good to me, as weird as it still sounds in my head. He got me a pair of socks last time I collapsed on one of the dining tables.
* I think he really likes unicorns. Lucky me. Seems like he likes most magical creatures way better than humans though, so I guess that makes sense.
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donut-unicorn · 5 years
* So monster psychiatric care isn’t the most advanced field just yet, but uhh. I guess I’m proud to announce that I’m trying medication and it’s going pretty well. Spending a lot less time wondering why I bother being alive, and kinda want to try actually living again.
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