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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 5 years ago
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 5 years ago
January 27, 2019
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February 25, 2019
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March Charity Livestream was copyrighted.
April 30, 2019
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May 25. 2019
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June 29, 2019
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July 27, 2019
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There’s no August Charity Livestream.
September 27, 2019
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October 27, 2019
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There’s no November Charity Livestream.
December 14, 2019
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 5 years ago
“What doesn’t kill me, better run.”
— Will Herondale “The Infernal Devices” (via melancholy-addictions)
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 5 years ago
“There is no sin so great as ignorance. Remember this.”
— Rudyard Kipling, Kim (one of our current giveaway books)
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
Magnus: Alec, what's your status?
Alec: My status, Magnus, is extremely annoyed.
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
Clary: I relate to Belle because she loves to read books and loves people for their souls.
Magnus: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
“Look at that on the wall” Advent calendar 18 The missing letters
(edits posted 1 hour after jack’s first upload everyday through advent)
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
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It’s about time someone recognized Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for what they truly are.
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
jack moderating his volume level because he’s “close” to trico’s ears is literally the most pure thing
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
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What a lovely Christmas photo :)
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
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this is the funniest video i have ever seen
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 7 years ago
Just a little something i had on my mind
So I don’t know how to start this. Where do I begin. Yeah at the start. That’s a great fricking idea. Ow before I get started, I might swear some times. Sorry.
 Hi, I’m a girl who lives somewhere in this world. And I suffer with depression. Yeah I know, depression is a big word and everyone, oke almost everyone say that they’re depressed. This world is a nutshell. But hey, there are a few people, which I am very lucky to know, are positive minded. There is always an option. Always keep fighting, don’t give up the fight. That kind of stuff, they say most of the time. But I don’t care, and what’s even better, I don’t care that I don’t care. Yes, yes I hear you! Why don’t you care? There is so mush the life for! You can’t just give up your life! Ow can’t I? Who is going to stop me? My friends? No, they’re to busy being thereselfs. Trying being a good friend. Well I got news for most of you. You are failling!! You are not being a good friend. Some of you are, but the most, no. and yeah I know I should have talkt to you, but you where busy doing I don’t know. School probably, but I got some more news for ya, if a friend needs you, you be there for him. That’s your job for being a friend. And yes I should have talkt to other people, but why go to other people, which you don’t know, when you got friends?! Well, I tried. I had askt for help ones. It didn’t work out well. There was no ‘klick’ between us. And then you’re just opening old scars, litterly. Yes I cut myself. I’m not proud of it, but I did. And I am telling it right now, because I know there are people out there who are also going through it. And knowone knows it and knowone is ever going to help them. And I say to you: it’s not to late, it’s never to late to stop this. I’m maybe past saving but you aren’t. so I tell you, get up and do something about it! Because you CAN do something about it. How? That’s for everyone different. Someone out there really likes to dray stuff, try drawing your feelings. In the begin it will be hard and maybe you start hurting yourself again. Stop it then, then you’re not ready yet. Stop hurting yourself and after a few days, , weeks, months, who knows how long it will take, you start over again. Do this only if you are really sure you can handle it this time. And if it goes right, you an see what’s wrong and you can work on that. So is it for everyone different. Find something that you’re good at or just love to do. Do it, it will distract you. And in the years I was hurting myself I had leant a few things. 1. Distraction is good. It keeps you away from the things your mind want you to do. Do the things you love. And 2. Don’t ever hurt yourself again. It’s in your mind. There is this thing inside you that really wants to hurt yourself. Don’t listen to that. It’s fake. If you’re going to hurt yourself, then you might end up dead. And nowbody wants you dead. NOWBODY!! Not that bully, that’s bullying you every day.  You know why he’s doing that? His father is in the hospital and he don’t know where to put his feelings, so he put them unto you. So he’s going through the day, not thinking what he has done. Not that teacher who said quiet to you even when you’re the only one who is still. She does that because she knows you van make it, that you can make it to next year or get your papers and can go to every school you want to go. Just because you can handle it. And certainly not you father or your mother. Yes, she was pisst at you yesterday, but that’s because she loves you and she don’t want you to end up like somme homeless guy. She wants you to study, get a job, find the love of your life and marry him. And above al be happy. What must your mom have thought when you have dicided to go for your own, and kill yourself. What must have gone through her head when she came home from the shop and found her baby dead in his room. She screams: No, no, not you, don’t be dead!! Your little brother hears your mom scream and run to your room. He kneels beside you. Please wake up. This isn’t funny, wake up, WAKE UP! Your mom cals your dad and say that he must go home now! Your mother never calls him at work. When he finally got home, your mother blacked out and your brother is screaming and crying. He doesn’t understand wat’s going on but he knows your not commingg back. Your dad calls 911. He gets barely the word over his lips. My daughter committed suicide. Finally the cops came and taking your body with them. Your mom is just awake again and nearly collapses again.
Years go by, knowone is ever going in your room again. Your dad quit his job and won’t come out of bed anymore. Your mom brings your brother to school and when she comes home it feels empty. She start crying and won’t leave the house until your brother comes back from school.
The teacher who was so hard on you, she quit her job. That bully, he’s now depressed because he blamed himself for your dead. Your friends the will never be the same as before. It’s just so embty without you. The world what ws around you has changed and not in a good way. Everything is just so empty now. It’s not the same as before, and it never will be the same. And you, you’re watching it from above. You see how your family is broken. That they miss you. You see your friends falling apart. Everyone blames each other. You see the world falling to pieces. Is that what you wanted? Seeing the people you cared about turn to each other and hate each other? Was that what you had in mind would happen?
So yeah, don’t do it! You can fight it. There is always someone who cares about you, you don’t see it sometimes, but believe me, there is always someone who cares about you, who loves you the way you are!! And sometimes help comes from an unexpected corner. A teks from someone you had never expected it from. Perhaps of a friend from school that you like. Or a random tekst from one of your friends. Something like: heey, I haven’t heard from you in a while, are you oke? Please be honest! And please answer honest! They can help you, but they, and you, don’t know it. But it helps when you talk about it. Seriously it helps. At least it helps me. I talk to some guy from school, yes I like him, but that’s never going to happen unfortunately. I talk to him a lot and when he was younger he had the same, so he knows a little what might help. And some things really do help. It’s just a relief to talk about it to someone who’s not that close to you and if he can help it’s a win win situation. One of the tips he gave was to bury the knife. That’s a old symbol that you end that period. I buried the knife where it started with. And I must say it helps a little and all the little bits help to come out of this shit. Another thing what helps is to draw the tinghs that you want the do to yourself or the things that you see in your dreams, all the weard stuff. It really helps, sometimes it’s hard to draw what you see or think but when it’s on paper, you maby see a pattern of whats going on in your head and you can work on it. But there are people out there who can’t draw that verry good, go do something you like to do. Singing, dancing, sports, anything. Do the things you like to do, they will distract you from what you what you want to do to yourself. Serious it will help you! Find the things you love and do them.
Do read this anytime when you want to hurt yourself. Send it to people who need this. And everytime you feel down, call me or call another friend, because we will help you!!
 Love you!
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 8 years ago
Jack: *plays drums on video*
Jse community: 
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 8 years ago
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 8 years ago
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I didnt have much time to do anything so I doodled Tiny Box Tim with Septiceye Sam. I hope you like it .. #septicart @therealjacksepticeye
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 8 years ago
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Who said men can’t wear crop tops!?
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dontmindmejusthereforfun · 8 years ago
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ah yes… all the legendary hairstyles of the man himself… wait
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