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I am angry that I have a child by my rapist.
I am angry that I was on and off missing for 8 years, almost died multiple times in that time frame and nobody knew where I was, if I was okay, what I was doing, what I was going through, nobody so much as made a genuine attempt to save me. I am angry that I was alone in those times.
I am angry that I was held captive and tortured for 5 years.
I am angry that no one would believe me.
I am angry that I've had to stay silent.
I am angry that I've had to stay in hiding.
I am angry that so much time has been lost.
I am angry that I'm mostly still alone.
I am angry that I don't feel happy for surviving it all.
I am angry that I only feel obligated to stay alive.
I am angry that I can only feel misery, no matter how hard I try to feel anything else.
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You don't love me. You don't give a fuck about me. You never did and you never will.
I have to stop letting you prove it and I have to accept it and let go, or I will never truly heal.
A lot of people tell me that it doesn't make me inherently unlovable because you never loved me, I want to believe that myself some day.
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It's been 2 years since I've escaped. I don't know what I was expecting, I didn't know everything would still be in my head. I didn't know nothing would really get better. There was a whole team of people who helped me to escape and helped me get my life back together, I want to get help with my constant state of mind but it feels like a slap in the face to everyone who helped me to say what's really in my head.
Surviving human trafficking is no victory. Surviving being held captive is no reward.
There's no light at the end of the tunnel even if hundreds of people hold a light on you, I still can't see it. The love is there but I just don't feel it. There's people who want me to trust them and I just don't. I don't relate to anyone, I don't feel human, I don't feel real, I don't feel like I'm still supposed to be here. I don't think I'm supposed to still be alive.
Everyone always says they're proud of me and they admire me and I seem so happy and so successful and so strong and i don't feel any of it. I'm always miserable.
I don't want to be like this forever, and I don't see any way out.
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It's crazy af to me that I've lived with/amongst these people for 5 yrs and they don't have any actual clue who the fuck I really am, nor can they really figure it out.
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It literally fucking eats me alive at times that you saved my life multiple times and I wasn't able to save yours. I'm so sorry.
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I've burned in hell my whole life, I just want some fucking peace.
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At this point I dont even beleive you have BPD, I know plenty of people with BPD who never acted anything like you. I think you're just an abusive narcissistic sack of shit who just needs somebody to make feel like dog shit over something minuscule every couple of days because you're miserable as fuck and always will be. Too bad I cant tell you to fuck off any time soon like I want to because the psychotic ass battle I go through with your worthless ass and your piece of shit mom isn't ever truly fucking worth it. Me and my son will escape both of you some day, so fucking enjoy the roller coaster you both constantly put us on while you still fucking can.
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What the fuck is wrong with me. Nothing fulfills me anymore. Is this really it for me? How did I become some fucking jaded, why can't I find desire or joy in anything at all anymore.
I hate myself for this shit.
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I know why I can never sleep at night, it's because I never want tomorrow to come.
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It's crazy how you really think you're doing your son a favor some how by forcing me to be with him, knowing good and damn well that he's not the best thing for me or Axel and that I do not want to be with him. I would personally be fucking mortified if I found out that someone was still with me only because they were being forced to. But not him probably, considering he's basically forcing me to sty himself also, every time he threatens to take our son if I leave him. It's like people like y'all just literally WANT to live a dark life.
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Remember that time Summer lied and said that I called David's whole family white trash when I didn't and instead of questioning it first you came straight home and bitched me out for literally two bottles being in the sink instead of just asking questions first and then I could tell that you still didn't beleive me because you still proceeded to drop passive agressive ass comments left and right for several months, ride my ass for stupid shit, scream at me and slam doors in my face, say fucked up nasty shit behind my back, and just in general 100% take his side for all the bullshit reasons he cheated on me and left me even though you've known him your whole life and deep down you know he's a psychotic abusive manipulative two faced piece of shit because that's how you are so that's how you raised him to be.
Remember when he said one of the biggest reasons he left me was because his work clothes weren't done even though he was the one who would come home at 4am and only had two uniforms so after staying up with a baby all night by myself I still had to wash his work clothes at 4am even though the reason he got home at 4am was because he was already cheating and you knew about it and didn't tell me, you also knew about it when you literally forced him to propose to me (who the fuck does that? Who forces their son to propose to somebody? An abusive covert fucking narcissist, that's who.)
Remember every time you've yelled at Axel for stupid shit like a child, how it's okay when YOU do it but if I slightly raise my voice when he's actually getting out of hand about something legitimately not okay then I'm suddenly a bad mother and a crazy abusive bitch that you've tried so hard to paint me as because that's who you actually are?
Remember how every time me and Axel are having a battle you somehow make it about you and start talking about how Eileen used to dig her claws in to you, almost like you're trying to accuse me of doing that even though you have literally no actual logical reason to do that or to project that shit on to me? Like you know, instead of just going to therapy or church for your mother like a normal person would.
Remember how the day after david left and accused me of being "too rough" or what he really wanted to say was "physically abusive" to Axel, you said you didn't beleive him but then I found a baby monitor sitting in my room that connected to yours because I know you secretly beleived the bullshit lies he was putting in your ears.
Remember how just literally every single time I'd have a mental breakdown because my son was out of control and I'm a single mom raising him on my own while also having to take your shit every day, and I can't do anything to make him behave because you're so fucking psychotic that when you have your shitty ass little episodes you even think that time out is some how abusive so it always feels like I'm walking on egg shells so what the fuck am I supposed to do except literally sit there and take my kid being wild as hell, over bearing, literally screaming at me and hitting me at times and I can't correct him but guess what? I get yelled at by you and a door slammed in my face for finally reaching my breaking point with that too, so I'm damned if I do and damned if I dont, because you're a fucking bully who's never happy with shit.
Remember how every time I found a boyfriend I had to lie and say they weren't actually my boyfriend because you would do and say shady shit on purpose and lie to them and other people just so you could run them off on purpose?
Remember that time you almost threw a chair at my face but you always lie to everyone and try to say that you slammed it on the ground but you know that's not true because if fred wasn't holding your arm back, it would have went directly at my face and we both know it.
Remember that time you gave me nannies xanax before I knew it was illegal to accept other peoples prescriptions and then you tried to lie to the cop and say that I was some junkie ass pill head who stole your mothers medicine when you're literally the one who gave it to me, and even the cop knew you were completely full of fucking shit.
Remember how for a while, for some weird ass reason, every time we were all talking together at my moms house it's like you literally couldn't wait to tell them whatever mistake you thought I made that week as a parent and you tried to play it off like you were just making conversation but i knew exactly what you were fucking doing.
Remember that morning Axel took his milk cup and purposely threw it on the ground because I didn't heat it up fast enough for him and he didn't want to wait the 5 seconds it would take for me to pick It up and put it in the microwave, and you had your back turned so it's not like you would have actually known because you didn't see it but you were trying to make excuses for his behavior that you didn't even witness with your own eyes and I had completely fucking had it with you doing that shit by that point so of course I shut you down, because that's why he pulled shit like that only when you're around in the first place, and you got so pissy that I didn't let you intervene that you sent me a shitty ass little horrendous article about how stay at home moms need to quit their whining, and the whole article is just written by some hag who had the audacity to mom shame stay at home moms who DARE to have emotions and not be 100% perfect and actually feel like they're struggling sometimes, and if we're being honest, I think the person who wrote the article is just as bad in person as you are, but I guess two clowns would make complete sense to each other. And then you acted like nothing was wrong the rest of the day, as if that wasn't one of the most psychologically abusive things you've ever pulled on me.
Remember when we had a stupid ass intervention at waffle house and I attempted to tell my mom how you literally at one point actually did not allow me to have a job and you tried to guilt trip the fuck out of me just for holding one for 9 months, as if it actually made me completely miss the 9 months with my son and you try to act like I literally never saw him or something just because it's more convenient for you to pretend that, and when I told her, you not only tried to gaslight me in to believing that you never said that, you also somehow convinced her that you never said I couldn't have a job, and you also then starting making it about you, like you do with everything, telling me that I'm just ungrateful about "everything you do for me." Failing to realize that money is useless if you're at war every day with a controlling volatile abusive narc, one would think that you would have learned that lesson with Charlie, but I guess empathy just isn't your thing. You also forget the part that it's not your dime we've lived off of, it's Fred's, which none of that would have ever had to happen if you just weren't so toxic and enabling and actually raised your son properly instead of making constant excuses for him NO MATTER what he does, but I get vilified for doing something that's not even 1/4th as offensive as all the shit he's pulled.
Remember that time I pissed you off and you slammed your bedroom door to go talk shit about me, usually exaggerating the fuck out of the story like you always do, if not straight up lying. And I can literally hear every word you're saying but whether you know or not you straight up just dont give a fuck? Oh wait, that's not an isolated incident, you literally do that all the fucking time.
Remember that time Axel fell out the shopping cart, an accident that couldn't have truly been prevented and you knew it was an accident but you threw it up in my face a few months down the road in an argument just to make me feel like shit and feel like you were winning the argument?
Remember that time I tried to come to you in confidence about how I didn't want axel riding with me and David to the camping trip because he would be carrying in his car, and you somehow turned that in to me being a bad mother even though I was genuinly putting my son first, and then you even went as far as saying "maybe you and David shouldn't be together" but I ended up finding out that that was only said to hit below the belt and intentionally said just to hurt me because when he cussed me out on Christmas eve and I actually stuck up for myself against him you jumped my ass and took his side, like I was the fucking problem, then you even went as far as saying I ruined Christmas even though it was actually David who ruined it, and then when I told you I wanted to break up with him you turned in to a big ass red faced bully and started blaming my friends, as if they're the reason that I don't want to be with your sorry ass son, you literally said to me verbatim "you better not break up with him" so then at that point you're literally forcing me to stay with somebody who is just as abusive as you are, if not more, but you'll lie to people like you always do and try to say that you "didn't say that" or that you "meant something else."
Remember that time Axel purposely took his soup and dumped it on the floor, at 3 years old, an age where he very well knows that it's wrong to do that, and I put him in time out for it and you slammed the bedroom door and started talking shit to fred trying to basically say I'm abusive just because I put him in time out for something he clearly deserved to be put in time out for. And how what's amazing to me is that's somehow abuse but literally hitting them with a paddle is perfectly fine? Or maybe you're just so controlling that you love hitting below the belt like a pants pissing tantrum throwing toddler as soon as you don't get your way about something.
Remember that morning David was shouting and cussing me out in front of our son and then slammed a door in my face hard as fuck, OVER FUCKING TOILET PAPER OF ALL THINGS also in front of our son, and you literally straight up watched it happen and allowed it? That said everything I needed to know about you both. The fact that you both have tried for years to paint me as something that YOU BOTH ACTUALLY ARE, AND TRY TO ACCUSE ME OF DOING THINGS THAT YOU BOTH ACTUALLY DO. THAT TAKES A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF BEING A PSYCHOTIC NO SOUL HAVING PEICE OF SHIT.
Remember how you let David take all $2,000 of the tax money from Axel and only gave me $100, for the 4 years that he was gone, as if David actually fucking deserved it when he only came to see Axel once a week, sometimes not even that. Remember how you literally bullied me in to not going after him for child support just to protect him even though we all struggled financially horribly at times, to the point where we didn't have hardly enough for diapers, whipes, clothes for Axel, proper nutritional food because my food stamps got cut for not going after child support, basic necessities needed around the house, all to protect David, and yet you still will truly beleive in your head that you've EVER put Axel before David. YOU HAVE NEVER PUT AXEL BEFORE DAVID. The fact that you put a grown ass man before an actual child time and time again is so fucking disgusting I will literally never be able to get over it. Why should your husband have to work until he dies to help clean up the mess that your sorry ass son created?
Remember how Axel for the first 4 years of his life had a piss poor extremely unhealthy diet because when I tried to train his taste buds early on you mom shamed me for "trying to make him eat things he didn't want" so then you'd give him fucking cookies or crackers, but then you tried to tell the cops "all she ever does is feeds him cookies and crackers" and you knew damn well that it was actually you who did that.
Remember every time I would tell Axel no more junk food and then you'd hand him another junky ass sugar filled snack right in front of my face just as soon as I said that?
Remember when you called me a "fat lazy ass bitch" verbatim, because I was tired as fuck from raising a newborn on my own who almost never slept, right after you son left us for one of the ugliest women I have ever seen in my entire life?
And I wouldn't put it past you to completely lie about every single thing I just listed.
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It takes a truly psychotic bitch to lay next to you in bed like ain't shit happened after they just slammed a door in your face this morning over some fkn toilet paper man.
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Lmao you try to start a fight every day for 2 months over something stupid and I don't give you any emotional reaction, especially not the negative one that you're looking for so you start an argument over fucking toilet paperrrrr like omg I'm SOOO sorry, I guess I'll just try to piss less or something, right? Then you start screaming and cussing in my face, it's funny how you always accuse me of doing the shit that YOU actually do, and to top it off you slam a door hard as fuck in my face because I'm still not giving a frantic or angry or boo hoo ass reaction, God you're fucking pathetic. Classic fucking gas lighting abusive ass narcissist. Oh and you tell me that you're not gonna help me with a car, which you expect to actually hurt me even though you've really never done shit for me anyways, I can't miss something that I never had so I really can't even force myself to give a fuck.
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Everyone elses nightmare keeps ending, when the fuck is ours going to end.
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I'm so restless. So much shit that just doesn't make sense to me and probably never will.
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I'll never understand parents who boo hoo and cry about their mother/father never loving them as much as they loved one of their siblings and yet they go and do the same exact shit to their own kids. It's as if you literally tried your best to be the dumbest bitch that you could possibly be.
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