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// Independent RP Blog for the Martians of "Mars Attacks!"
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((Good god, you've made Kent even more of a cheeky bastard in those drawings! Gwuuuuh! *flails*))
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Why thank you.
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Just came home from a friend who has a very beautiful cat and felt like doing a quick sketch from memory. I would love to own a cat myself and draw it all the time. 
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The Ambassador tilted its head slightly to the left in confusion. It could understand the man perfectly well; why couldn't he understand its own speech? It nodded at one of the white-armored men, who jumped slightly at the garish visage of the Martian Ambassador, before watching his every movement as an interpreter droid was scheduled. "Ack ack, ack ack, ack ack Ack! Ack. Ack ack, ACK!" The Ambassador spoke in the monosyllabic, monovocabularic language of its race.
Its right arm raised up straight, index finger pointed, and made a full counterclockwise circle in front of itself and the man, before stopping and lowering it. The Martian Salute.
"Ack ack."
Vader looked at the being that was before him. It wasn’t anything that he had ever encountered before. Where exactly did this sentient hail from? After running into many beings throughout his life in both the Outer and the Inner Rim, it was a fact that he hadn’t run into all of them in the galaxy. He sensed no immediate threat from the creature but as the Dark Lord knew from experience, appearances were very deceiving. Then again, the Force was prodding at the back of his mind. “I don’t understand what it is that you want. Nor do I know how you got aboard this ship. Who are you?”
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"Ack, ack ACK." This was getting annoying. There was little he wanted to do more than slap the man, but the thing he had on his arm was but the only thing which prevented him from taking action. All the Martian could do was yell.
“Aaaack…” The Martian found this annoying. He wasn’t making any sense either, with this “Marnglish” word in the middle. “Ack ack?” 
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((You said it! Hehaha, I'm into so many things right now...))
All the X. Just all of it.
{Ack ack ack? Ack ack~.
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Reblog if you would watch a Blackwidow movie.
Like if you would watch it more than once.
Trying to prove a point to Marvel CEO.
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((Ack ack. Ack ACK ack? Aaack, ack ack!~))
((So you're a Mars Attacker too, huh?))
All the X. Just all of it.
{Ack ack ack? Ack ack~.
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Sometimes I’m like “ancient greek plays are so old, how am i going to relate to the characters?” but then 
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“Aaaack...” The Martian found this annoying. He wasn’t making any sense either, with this “Marnglish” word in the middle. “Ack ack?” 
“ACK?!” The Martian had taken the subtext of Ash’s phrasing of Ack as half-insult, half-joke.
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"ACK?!" The Martian had taken the subtext of Ash's phrasing of Ack as half-insult, half-joke.
( dont-run-we-are-your-friends )
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       ❝Ack, yourself.❞
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"Ack ack, ack. Ack ack!"
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“Er…Gesundheit, yes?”
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Reblogging cos munday
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Early Mun-Day picture. In my new ULTRON shirt. Because like him, there are no strings on me.
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Early Mun-Day picture. In my new ULTRON shirt. Because like him, there are no strings on me.
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When your partner says “No”
Your partner really means “No”
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Move the ‘X’ to the box that most applies to your character.
[ ] Lawful Good
Acts with compassion and a sense of duty. The type to uphold a sworn oath and will protect innocents at most costs.
[ ] Neutral good
Acts with in a positive manner, although will not value tradition or rules to act as such.
[ ] Chaotic Good
Acts with a rebellious, free-spirited nature but still quite positively. They do the right thing, but are often disorganized and/or not aligned with the rest of society.
[ ] Lawful Neutral
Acts with a strong belief in concepts like honor, rules, and code. Typically places a strong faith in order- they obey or give orders.
[ ] True Neutral
They don’t align strongly with good or evil, nor do they with chaotic or lawful. They usually are undecided between the 4 sections or just gravitate right in the middle.
[ ] Chaotic Neutral 
Acts with strong individualist nature and they have a very ‘screw the rules!’ attitude. The individual will follow their heart and promote freedom, but theirs comes first.
[ ] Lawful Evil 
Acts with honor, but don’t care in the slightest for the freedoms and rights of others. Very concerned with self-benefit at times, and will twist rules and codes to favor them.
[ X ] Neutral Evil 
Acts extremely selfishly with no problems concerning betraying others at a moment’s notice. They typically make allies just to further themselves.
[ X ] Chaotic Evil
Acts with no respect for anything except their own desires and selfish goals. They place high value on freedom for the self, but do not care for others’ freedoms. Often associated with chaos and destruction.
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