syl | in therapy since 28.09.2008
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Lelouch is my comfort character, in fact my life sucks
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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With pleasure @s-aikas!
The first bit of trivia comes from a Taniguchi interview from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Films Trilogy World Guide, which you can find translated in full HERE. The relevant quote is the following (taken from HERE):
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The wording of the translation seems to have been updated from when I first read it 3 years ago. Here are my tags from that time, which show the wording as it was back then:
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Thankfully the wording in the Anon summary linked in the post is close to the original:
"Behavior of characters slightly change due to length/time constraint. For example Lelouch and Shirley date since the beginning as representation of their relationship progress in the series, which was supposed to leave the impression 'are they going out or not?'" (SOURCE)
So basically, they took out the Shirley/Mao Arc (and consequently, LuluShir's arc) because Shirley and Lelouch's love story "could lessen Suzaku's and C.C.'s presence" (lmao). So instead, they took the shortcut of having them date from the get-go to at least keep a link with the original series.
As for the second bit of trivia, there was a DVD Special back in 2008 (I think) that ranked Season 1's Best Phrases. Shirley's "The morning will come" speech ranked 8 and she revealed what Lelouch told her before wiping off her memories:
Shirley: (a little lacking in humility) Yes, that's right. I've never seen anyone's daughter turn out so strong and fine! I can totally understand why Lelouch would say something like, "If there's a next life for the both of us, let us be lovers.".
You can read the entire translation HERE and watch the video HERE (happens at 04:18). That was the first (and only, I think) time that Lelouch's full phrase to her was revealed. Gotta love how it fits perfectly with Masquerade!
It's also a real shame this isn't more known because this and Masquerade alone confirm where Lulu stood with Shirley.
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
The LuluShir in Code Geass’ Short Story, “Hikari”
As shared by piggyhoho on LJ back in 2008, there was a short Code Geass story in the November ‘08 issue of Newtype. This short story took place after R2’s finale and featured a look into Lelouch’s ideal world; which included Lelouch finally asking Shirley out.
The short story, titled “Hikari” (“Light”), was written by Arata Kanoh (加納新太), who wrote a good chunk (if not most) of the Code Geass sound episodes. piggyhoho shared a detailed summary of the full story in the link above, but I went ahead and bought the magazine because I wanted to read the full LuluShir scene.
So, here is the scene where Lelouch asks Shirley out, as well as the ending of the story; featuring matchmaker Suzaku & CC confirming this is what Lelouch would’ve wanted his ideal world to look like.
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Then, Suzaku suddenly looked behind me. He lightly squeezed my left shoulder, gave me a meaningful smile and headed towards the classroom. I was just wondering what was up with him— we’re in the same class after all, so shouldn’t we go together? —when I looked over my shoulder and understood the reason.
Keep reading
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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i cant stop thinking about the scene where lulu calls up shirley to ask about relationship q’s in the middle of some zero shit
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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The kiss.
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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will you forgive me for drawing code geass yaoi in 2024
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
Suzaku and Lelouch in Akito the Exiled
I just have some thoughts on them that I wanted to share. I have a love/hate relationship with their involvement in the series… but mostly love.
The reason why I hate it: they’re not in the first episode, are introduced in the second episode, important for about a quarter of episode 3, and then they’re put into jail for the last two episodes. They’re just not used enough. If they wanted to include Lelouch and Suzaku, I think they should have made them a little more important? I mean, they’re important, they’re just not given much screen time. And I get it, this story isn’t about them, we have to focus on the other characters. But they could have done something different other than to just lock them up and give them 3 very short scenes.
Why I love it? Basically everything else. Suzaku and Lelouch being in this series is so important and adds more complex layers to them and to their relationship.
Lelouch is constantly asking for water from Suzaku, because subconsciously all he remembers from his life as Lelouch is the two of them playing in the water. Suzaku and water makes him feel safe. He remembers more from their childhood later, too, and remarks that it is hot outside and the sunflowers are very pretty. Suzaku, however, hates Lelouch and never responds when Lelouch says these things. It’s just so interesting how, for Lelouch, Suzaku is the one thing that is familiar and makes him feel safe. But for Suzaku, it’s the opposite. But when Lelouch tells Suzaku that he wants Suzaku to kill him, Suzaku is horrified and stops himself before he can.
And then Suzaku says, “I want to go get her. You and me. Let’s go get Nunnally.”
POSSIBLY THE MOST IMPORTANT LINE IN AKITO FOR ME! Suzaku hates Lelouch. Lelouch just killed Euphemia. But Suzaku still loves Nunnally. Even without Euphemia, there is still someone good and pure in the world that Suzaku wants to protect. He wants her to be safe and happy, and he knows that Lelouch wants the same thing, and we all remember the important saying, there isn’t anything Lelouch and Suzaku can’t do when they work together. Even in the midst of his hatred for Lelouch, Suzaku can’t bring himself to kill him, and wants to go with Lelouch to rescue Nunnally. This is VERY IMPORTANT TO ME. And let’s not forget the fact that after he says this, the next time we see them, Suzaku is letting Lelouch sleep with his head resting on Suzaku’s shoulder. Suzaku lets Lelouch get close again, and gives him that comfort that Lelouch has been craving. Again, IMPORTANT. Some people have pointed out that Suzaku doesn’t hate Lelouch, but rather that he hates Zero and the concept of Lelouch as Zero, but not Lelouch himself. This may be an example of that. I think that Suzaku definitely hated Lelouch at least a little, until he learns the truth from Lelouch and the two begin working together. But this does show that Suzaku doesn’t completely hate Lelouch with every fiber of his being, because he doesn’t kill Lelouch when given the chance and let’s him get close.
Lelouch is just brilliant as Julius Kingsley. I mean, Lelouch is brilliant anyway, it’s why the emperor geassed him to be his military advisor before wiping his memories and sending him back off to Ashford. Something that I find interesting is the fact that he only asks Suzaku for water when they’re alone. When they’re around other people, he is his usual, confident self. And then, of course, he has his breakdown. He says that the only person he would ever die for and the only person he cares for is the emperor. but that is so against anything Lelouch would ever feel, it causes Lelouch’s true personality to come out and resist the geass placed on him. This entire scene of Lelouch resisting the geass placed on him is one of my favorites in the whole OVA series. And then after this happens is when Lelouch keeps telling Suzaku about how hot it is, and how pretty the sunflowers are, with this childlike wonder. And then he asks Suzaku to kill him. I’m assuming that he went back to not remembering who he really is at this point, but it seems as though all that he really seems to remember is their childhood together, not even Julius Kingsley. His entire demeanor during their prison scenes is very… childlike, again, and innocent, with soft eyes and a soft voice. Rather than begging Suzaku for water while crying like he did before, he politely asks Suzaku to bring it and smiles when he receives it. But he still wants Suzaku to kill him, most likely to free him from the hell of being geassed.
Then there’s Suzaku.
Until episode 3, Suzaku serves as Julius’ loyal bodyguard. During episode 3, though, while Lelouch is having his breakdown, Shin Hyuga Shaing correctly identifies him as Zero. Suzaku, needing to keep this a secret, pulls a gun on Shin to get him to stop with the “false claims.” Shin, then, remarks on the irony of Suzaku being a knight of Britannia despite being the son of Japan’s last prime minister, to which Suzaku asks, “what about it?” angrily, and Shin replies that it’s just “brilliant.” This gets Suzaku heated and HE ALMOST SHOOTS SHIN DEAD POINT BLANK. HOLY SHIT. A knightmare from Shin’s special forces stops it but if it hadn’t, Suzaku would have just shot Shin dead. Which is. Not very much like Suzaku. Suzaku then gets into a battle with the knightmares and this scene is more brutal than anything I’ve seen before. Suzaku straight up murders 20 guys. It was brutal. But what’s important in this scene is Shin noting that Suzaku is just like him. He hates the world, he thinks it’s trashed and rotten and he wants to see it destroyed just as much as Shin does. All I could think during this scene was Euphemia. Euphemia died less than a year before these events take place. The light in Suzaku’s life, the one that wanted to help Suzaku make a better world, was taken from him and now he is cynical, we see that in the very beginning of season 2. Hell, we see it in the last two episodes of season 1. But Shin is the first one to ever say that Suzaku actually hates the world, sees it as rotten, and wants to see it destroyed. All after Euphemia’s death. I don’t know why, but it just seems so impactful, since it goes against everything Suzaku ever stood for, but it also can be seen in Suzaku’s attitude towards things once Euphie dies. But Suzaku still denies it, because ultimately he wants to still fight for a better world, for the world that Euphemia wanted. Even if he’d rather not live in it if she’s not there, he still fights for the world that she wanted.
i also need to point out that in this series Suzaku has a rose etched onto the Lancelot and the Knight of Honors emblem on the arm. To honor Euphemia. Kill me please. BUT SERIOUSLY THIS IS ACTUALLY SO BEAUTIFUL!! He loved her so much and I wish they had done something like this in the original series!! He keeps his Knight of Honor pin, and her quill pen, but actually getting something to honor her put onto his knightmare, that everyone can see? I almost started crying when I saw it. The very first time we see the Lancelot, it’s a zoom in on the face so that the first thing you see is the rose and it’s just such a beautiful way to honor her.
Anyway, this went away from Suzaku and Lelouch. So to recap: I absolutely loved Suzaku and Lelouch in Akito the Exiled. We got even more added to their complex relationship, and I think it was done so well. I only wish we had seen more of them.
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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love this evil anime mum
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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a tangled web
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
CG headcanon:
Since both Marianne and Charles have curly hair, and curly hair gene is dominative, why isn't Lelouch's hair curly? He has only like 1 in 4 chance to get straight hair, and that is only if both his parents have also a gene for straight hair.
So, obviously, Lelouch gets up in the early hours of the day and is like "no one must know. I need to straighten it to keep my imago. No one must know", while straightening his hair in panic
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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Marianne vi Britannia 
First Appearance——>Last Appearance
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
Lelouch firmly saying to himself with utter convinction, "be cold and callous", "I was wrong to rely on feelings", "if my soul stands in the way, then I'll toss it aside!", immediately proceeding to have an emotional breakdown two secs later will always be my mood
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
Blessed are the times when being a cluclu shipper and a suzalulu hard-core supporter was the perfect combo because we could happily agree for the threesome.
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
I was in the mood to spread a bit of my endless feelings of sorrow and pain for the lamperouge siblings, so here is a little thing I wrote a long time ago, if anyone wants to read it 👀
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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losing my mind over this HOPE! image that's been circulating recently
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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a small comparison of the artstyle change between the two seasons. the most prominent between them is the sharper angles and smaller eyes of R2, which along with the almost beat-for-beat recreation of the first episode serve the narrative purpose of showing how Lelouch matured throughout the first season.
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
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アキトやっと見た ジュリアス様フィギュアほしい
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dont-look-up-at-the-sky · 1 year ago
have I mentioned I love code geass. they have beautiful dialogue and beautiful men. I mean
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