dongxminion · 4 days
"Already ready and delving into it I see. I gotta step up and do all that myself. Feel with how my schedule is, I can sneak in getting the decorating done as well as watching all the Halloween movies I can. I plan to enjoy all the fun stuff that the spooky season brings whenever I have the free time. Spooky date idea are nice though I know someone might try conjuring spirits with their crush. Gotta do something different to impress someone. I can say I'm a Halloween/Fall person. I always get really excited when all the Halloween themed items come out each year."
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Spooky season is finally upon us and I'm living for it! Have I already decorated? Hell yes. Have I started my Halloween movie marathons? Also hell yes. Honestly this is the best season to do fun stuff. Spooky movie date nights, going on ghost tours, watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Haunted Houses, carving pumpkins, conjuring spirits... Ok maybe not the last one but yeah, favorite season ever. Best part, all of these can be dates so you are welcome for the ideas. But yeah... Are you a Halloween/Fall person? @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 4 days
"I hope so as well since I'd love to decorate a bit at least. Things are gonna be slowing down for me soon so I can take my chance to decorate my place then. Already got everything I wanna put up so I'm excited that I get to do so."
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I get you, but I hope things slow down and you get to decorate happily. Do you have a break coming up?
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dongxminion · 5 days
"Exactly. Who just wants to leave their twenties? I'd rather stay being the age I am forever. I get that. Now watch when you are in your 30s and you say you wanna stay that age. It happens all the time and we just age no matter what we do. I can imagine he won't. Feel he'd do the same to me. Oh, he's definitely come after you next unless he adore you too much to do so."
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That's how I am though, I really don't want to age, I just want to stay in my 20's, at first I wanted to stay in me teens, but now I want to stay in my 20's, I don't want to get old hahaha, especially because I know I'm closer to 30 now, Seungmin won't let Chan breath with that, so I feel like he won't let me breath with it either haha.
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dongxminion · 11 days
"Of course. I wouldn't want to accidentally scare the horse. Wanna make sure we're both calm around each other. He'll be spoiling you forever and ever. It doesn't stop when you are in love. I have as well. Been around kids during moments of my career and the way they act as well as how they say exactly what's on their mind just leaves me flabbergasted."
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But with caution, you have a right to be cautious around some horses admittedly. He does, I keep thinking there will be a end to the 'yeses' he comes out with but nope not quite yet clearly. Im very grateful for his unending love really. They are I have totally seen it first hand.
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dongxminion · 11 days
"I get that though not everything seems to be labeled correctly. It makes no sense to do that unless you are making asmr content. I don't get videos like that. Exactly but it seems people love to go overboard with everything. They are. I'd much rather hear a story that is from a real person with their own video. It is and I scroll past them every single time they appear for me. It really should since it just seems like a video before all of a sudden, they are promoting a new skin care product. I usually have a lot of funny cat tiktoks and one that tend to hit me with a ton of nostalgia."
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i really don't mind the real asmr stuff that's labeled correctly. not everything has to be for me and all that but i hateee it when the tapping thing is in videos that have nothing to do with asmr content. right? it's a cup, you don't need to buy your stanley a purse. it's an inanimate object, it'll survive. ugh those. they're so annoying and distracting. all of those reader set in stories are awful in tiktok form. it's cheap content made for clicks and i don't wanna participate. people making ad content really should be upfront about it. everything else is plain wrong. what kind of tiktoks do you usually watch?
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dongxminion · 12 days
"I don't either. Whenever you see other iterations of the monster, he's always called Frankenstein. I'm thinking it could be due to the book title or even due to us seeing more about the monster compared to the doctor himself half the time. We really need to and it would help stop the confusion hopefully. Seems parents pick up those up somewhere and start repeating them to us. Makes me wonder how it all started. I mean it surely is due to that plus makes the kids chill for a second before heading back into the water."
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I don't even know where the misconception started. I guess it's just word of mouth. I think we just need to make it more normal to just refer to the characters as Doctor Frankenstein and his monster. That's probably the best way to do. My mom used to tell me that as well and I never actually found out why. Usually, a lot of those types of lies are simply to keep kids in check. So it was probably used just to stop children from running off and going into the sea. It definitely worked.
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dongxminion · 19 days
"Another year older. I'll have to tell you happy birthday when the day comes. I get that. I'm never ready to get older. I'm not too much older than you but knowing that you are inching closer to the end of your twenties is shocking. Always have that. I'd be shocked if someone said they did want to age. You aren't at all. It's common so you are fine."
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So my birthday is next Wednesday and I don't know how I feel, I'll be 24 years old, I don't think I'm ready. Have you ever gone through something like that where you don't want to hit your age because you realize you're getting older, I know that makes me sound like a baby, but I'm just not ready haha. @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 19 days
"I feel Iike can agree with you on those things. It's unneeded and I wish I didn't keep seeing videos like that. I think I just like other sounds better instead of fingernail tapping. I don't think I could buy water bottles accessories. In my mind, it's a water bottle. It doesn't need all that. I think mine has to be those videos where it's someone doing something like cleaning a wig and all I hear is an ai voice telling a story from a forum site. They've been flooding my for you page and I skip them every time. Also the ones where I'm always being sold something since I don't know it's an add until they show off the product."
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i've been spending a little too much time on tiktok and i realized something that's an actual pet peeve of mine. any kind of content that includes tapping your fingernails against stuff. it's so grating and obnoxious and it makes me wanna throw my phone out the window. whoever decided that should be a thing needs to directly go to jail; do not pass go, do not collect €200. also, people buying their water bottle accessories and carrying cases, you really do need a reality check. anyone else have specific tiktok pet peeves that drive you absolutely crazy? this is a safe space, promise i won't judge. i'm a natural born hater so hit me with your best shot. | @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 19 days
Maybe that would help. I know when everyone hears Frankenstein, they instantly think of the monster instead of the doctor. Might help people not be as confused that way. Though people calling the monster, Frankenstein's monster would be a different solution. I have. Swear I've been told many things before that I believed as a kid that I found out the truth about. The waiting for an hour to swim after eating was one and I learned you don't need to do that or at least not a long."
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It wasn't until I started working on Frankenstein that I truly realised how many people mistake him for the monster. At this point I've lost count on every time someone thought I was playing the monster when I say I'm Frankenstein. As if I could ever do him any justice, Jacob is doing an amazing job. Maybe I should start saying I'm the Doctor instead, just to avoid any confusion. Have you ever gone your whole life believing one thing, only to realise as an adult that it was completely wrong? // @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 26 days
"It is and I love it every time. It really is. I always want it to keep going even though I feel tired afterwards. Just something about the fun interactions and banter makes it all worth it. I'm glad you all are! I bet it has with all the shows and performing. I've felt that way myself a few times. Then I gotta do a double take when I look at the day on my phone."
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doing shows for fans are always a fun and thrilling experience. right you get it, it's a great feeling isn't it? just getting to perform on stage in front of all your fans from all over the world, a fun experience. we are absolutely enjoying it and having a blast being on the road again together. i feel like my nights are literally just one big as night meshed together. i swore i thought the other day was sunday, it was literally tuesday.
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dongxminion · 26 days
"Crafty things are fun. I know that you can make so many different custom items when crafting. Might have to try my hand at it one day. I'm gathering a few things so I can decorate it once I have the time. Been a bit at the moment."
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The rumors are true; I do like doing crafty things! Are you starting to deck your place out yet, or are you holding out a little longer?
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dongxminion · 26 days
"That's true and I get that way with a lot of animals even if I am in awe of them. Animals are unpredictable but if I can approach some of them, I will. I'm fascinated by horses so I'm all for approaching them more whenever I have the chance. I can imagine. Which is good. Sure he does whatever he possibly can for you. I do. Too many times I'd make sure to be brave for whatever new thing came my way when I was young. Swear kids seem more brave than adults at times."
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Of course if they arent in your daily you are going to be a little what the frack around them. The fact you even approach them in that case amazes me. Me on the other hand I wouldnt survive a week without touching one or being around them. My wonderful Jason understands this in the best way a partner can. That is a good point, remember when we were kids and random shit you had to be brave for came up?
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dongxminion · 1 month
"I get that feeling so well. I did a few shows of my own for fans and it was such a thrilling experience. Touring and seeing all the fans is just gives a certain spark that I love experiencing. I hope you and your brothers are enjoying every tour spot you go on and get to explore around a little bit. I feel that all the time. All the time. I act as well as perform and it all feels like the days just merge together. Takes a bit too long for me to figure out what day it is sometimes."
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i cannot begin to explain how excited i am to get back on the road with the bros. sure we performed the other day, but touring and getting to perform is something we enjoy doing. no matter where we are, or no matter where we're going, we always have such a good time. although i feel like we're taylor swift and continuing on touring after taking a break before we head back on the road. honestly it may just be me, but it feels as though the days are blending into one. i thought today was tuesday when it's only sunday. do you ever do that? have such a busy busy schedule your days just turn into one big ass day? @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 1 month
"I think the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me in public is tripping or even making an obvious mistake when performing in front of a live audience. Something about it always leaves me embarrassed even if the fans might find it endearing in a way. I just know I will be the one to look back on it and hope I don't do it again. Makes me wanna just hide away though instead of dealing with it all. I mean I don't blame you. I wouldn't be able to get over ripping my pants like that at all."
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what's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while out in public? come talk my ear off about it while i try to make myself feel better about the fact that i bent down to pick my phone up at target and ripped the entire ass out of my jeans. while i did manage to flee without any witnesses and had a ten second feeling that i was just one of the regulars at target, i don't think i'll be getting over it anytime soon. @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 1 month
"I get like that all the time whenever I'm nearing the end of a project. I never know what to do with myself especially if my friends end up being busy. That's true. It all has to come to an end at some point even if we would love for it to keep going. Honestly, I feel you'd be a pro at a lot of things. I think I've seen online that you like doing crafty things so I'm sure you'd do well at painting whether it is something simple or complex. I mean, I'm all for the decorating early. Seems right to do in my mind with it already being close to the fall months plus I know stores are already putting out all their fall and Halloween items."
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I can't be the only person that's ever been in a 'what am I going to do with myself now that xyz project is over?' sort of midlife crisis, but seriously -- the Eras Tour takes a pause after one more show at Wembley, and then I'm back in October for only a handful of shows before it's all over. The curtain must close at some point, naturally, but I'm already feeling that itchy unsettling feeling creeping in. I need to pick up a hobby -- anybody have any they're willing to share that they think I could easily become a pro at? Otherwise, I'm off to decorate the house like it's a fall festival, much to the Internet's chagrin that it's 'too early.' Please -- it's always fall in my heart. @hfrpstarters
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dongxminion · 1 month
"It's nice and makes me think I could grow them when I know that's not true. The more exotic plants always seem like they'd be a lot of work. I'm sure you'd do well and be able to keep that alive as well as thriving."
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you and me both really. exactly, seeing plants that you don't usually see is always a nice feeling. that's what i was thinking so maybe i will give it a try and see what i can do.
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dongxminion · 1 month
"That definitely helps a lot more. I know they can appear intimidating even just from afar. They can be but I know they are amazing animals. I just don't find myself interacting with them really so I might be a bit startled at first. It's best to do. Plus then if any friends of mine wanna be more adventurous when it comes to heights, I won't run away out of fear or chicken out."
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I think if I hadn't been a child who rode so often Id be a adult who also was hesitant and scared of horses to so I totally see where you are coming from. Horses can be unpredictable but spending more time around them gives you more confidence, and confidence they will listen to and follow. Something low rung fear start out with? That's a very wise plan of attack there.
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