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 1 day in Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, Brazil  The first day I spend most of the time on a bus, it was 7 hours plus the stops that we did, at 12 a clock me and a couple of friends were having lunch at a restaurant there, called “Restaurante do Turvo”, at 1 30 pm we went on a boat tour were three stop was made, so we could swim and see the waterfalls, after that we went to see a river called “Rio Grande”, at 8 30 pm we arrived at the hotel and stayed there for the rest of the day   2 day   7 am we woke and went have breakfast at the hotel, then went to see were it was made the famous cheese, we also made our own cheese, it was fun but it took us an hour and a half to get, so we didn't stay there for long, 12 pm we had lunch and went on trial on the woods, were we saw a huge waterfall called “Casca D’Anta”,then at 5 pm we arrived at the hotel and took the rest of the day off     3 day  we woke up at 7 am and had breakfast, at 8 am we left the hotel, in our way to the national park there, we saw a lot of animals from different species, one of the animals being anteater that`s is in danger of being extinct, we also so a toucan it was really amazing, we spend the whole day there, 6 pm we arrived at the hotel    4 and last day 
woke up at 7 am and at 8 am we went to another park to see a waterfall and went back to the hotel to do our bag and leave we arrived at São Paulo at 10 pm
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