fotky estetických autorít so zvieratami sú moje obľúbené ♥
André Bazin Cahiers du Cinéma
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The infamous scene [in Morocco] where Marlene Dietrich kisses another woman - which was added to the script at Dietrich’s suggestion - was saved from being cut by the censors by Dietrich herself. She came up with the idea of taking a flower from the woman before kissing her and then giving the flower to Gary Cooper, explaining that if the censors cut the kiss the appearance of the flower would make no sense.
This was not the only thing that was controversial at the time of release (1930). She also wore a tuxedo designed for a man in this scene.
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Nuže, proto, aby vrátilo pocit života, dalo cítit věci, proto, aby udělalo kámen kamenným, existuje to, co bývá nazýváno uměním. Cílem umění je metoda "ozvláštnění" věcí a metoda znesnadnění formy zvětšující obtíž a délku vnímání, poněvadž proces vnímání je v umění sám o sobě cílem a musí být prodlužován; umění je způsob prožívat dělání věcí, ale to, co je uděláno, není v umění důležité.
Viktor Šklovskij (Teorie prózy; Umění jako metoda)
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simulacra and simulations
“In this passage to a space whose curvature is no longer that of the real, nor of truth, the age of simulation thus begins with a liquidation of all referentials - worse: by their artificial resurrection in systems of signs, which are a more ductile material than meaning, in that they lend themselves to all systems of equivalence, all binary oppositions and all combinatory algebra. It is no longer a question of imitation, nor of reduplication, nor even of parody. It is rather a question of substituting signs of the real for the real itself; that is, an operation to deter every real process by its operational double, a metastable, programmatic, perfect descriptive machine which provides all the signs of the real and short-circuits all its vicissitudes. Never again will the real have to be produced: this is the vital function of the model in a system of death, or rather of anticipated resurrection which no longer leaves any chance even in the event of death. A hyperreal henceforth sheltered from the imaginary, and from any distinction between the real and the imaginary, leaving room only for the orbital recurrence of models and the simulated generation of difference.” - Jean Baudrillard
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I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, 1932
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v koberci z detskej izby mám stále chlpy Tvojho psa.
sú doň votkané ako Tvoje pravdivé slová do mojich mozgových závitov ako tie bláboly v mikrofóne do žíl plných teplej krvi ako Tvoje prsty v mojich vlasoch, keď si sa na mňa žiadostivo pozeral ona tam len tak ležala.
asi sa olizovala alebo spala, neviem, už si nepamätám
možno sa pozerala na naše kopulujúce telá
a pritom mi zaprasila koberec tak, že sa nedá vyčistiť. počas sexu som myslela na to prečo niekto dáva psom japonské mená čo asi robí Tvoja tehotná manželka ako veľmi Ťa milujem a či si niekto zaslúži zomrieť (doznieval vo mne ten jarmusch)
budeš vo mne navždy - ako tie zbytky chlpov v koberci
raz budem vravieť vnúčatám, že som bola groupie spomínať na to, ako sme sa v hotelových izbách dotýkali nekonečna sme deti a rodičia zároveň ľudia poddruhu uvedomelí vďaka za Tvoje večné priateľstvo.
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Frankly, have you ever heard of anything stupider than to say to people, as they teach in film schools, not to look at the camera?
Sans Soleil (Sunless, 1983) Directed by Chris Marker
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posledné júlové dni
po dlhej dobe som siahla po oddychovej literatúre - tá odborná mi už vytekala z hlavy, pomaly som sa na ňu začínala hnevať, a to sú tie posledné pocity, ktoré by som k múdrym vetám chcela cítiť. rozhodla som sa svoj čas venovať Lene Dunham, Girls skončili a mala som potrebu opäť sa s nejakou autentickou ženou stotožniť. je to vtipné, ženské, zo života; občas som mala pocit, že sa vnútorne vyrovnávam so svojím tínedžerským JA, milo som si pri jej skúsenostiach pospomínala na tie vlastné, škoda, že som si to neprečítala, keď som bola trochu mladšia. tie najpeknejšie z myšlienok z Not That Kind of Girl by som mala rada pokope, tu sú:
“I have the nagging sense that my true friends are waiting for me, beyond college, unusual women whose ambitions are as big as their past transgressions, whose hair is piled high, dramatic like topiaries at Versailles, and who never, ever say “too much information” when you mention a sex dream you had about your father. But that’s also how I felt in high school, sure that my people were from elsewhere and going elsewhere and that they would recognize me when they saw me.“
“I am sorry. Not to you but in a deeper way, sorry for my brain chemistry and who I am. I do what I can that isn’t heroin to modify it but I was born as anxious and obsessive as any incredibly gorgeous child ever could be.“
“When someone shows you how little you mean to them and you keep coming back for more, before you know it you start to mean less to yourself. Being treated like shit is not an amusing game or a transgressive intellectual experiment. It’s something you accept, condone, and learn to believe you deserve.“
“The anxiety that has followed me through my life like a bad friend had reappeared with a vengeance and taken a brand-new form. I felt like I was outside my own body, watching myself work. I didn’t care if I succeeded or failed because I wasn’t totally sure I was alive.“
“I didn’t love any of my old boyfriends anymore. I’m not sure I ever did, and I’m not sure if at the time I thought I was sure. My mother says that’s normal, that men are proud of every one of their conquests, and women wish they could forget it all. She says that’s an essential gender difference, and I can’t say I disprove her theory.“
“Life is long, people change, I would never be foolish enough to think otherwise. But no matter what, nothing can ever be as it was. I can never be who I was. I can simply watch her with sympathy, understanding, and some measure of awe.“
“Respect isn’t something you command through intimidation and intellectual bullying. It’s something you build through a long life of treating people how you want to be treated and focusing on your mission.“
“For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a mother. Over time, my belief in many things has wavered: marriage, the afterlife, Woody Allen. But never motherhood. It’s for me. I just know it. Sometimes I lie in bed next to my sleeping boyfriend and puff out my stomach, imagine that he is protecting me and I am protecting our child. I name them in my head, picture picking them up in the park, hauling them through the Gristedes when we all have colds, stopping by a picnic “just for five minutes because he’s really sleepy”.”
“There are two types of women in particular who inspire my envy. The first is an ebullient one, happily engaged from morning until night, able to enjoy things like group lunches, spontaneous vacations to Cartagena with gangs of girlfriends, and planning other people’s baby showers. The bigger existential questions don’t seem to plague her, and she can clean her stove without ever once thinking, What’s the point? It just gets dirty again anyway and then we die. Why don’t I just stick my head...“
“I have been envious of male characteristics, if not the men themselves. I’m jealous of the ease with which they seem to inhabit their professional pursuits: the lack of apologizing, of bending over backward to make sure the people around them are comfortable with what they’re trying to do. The fact that they are so often free of the people-pleasing instincts I have considered to be a curse of my female existance.“
“I was reminded again that there are so many things we need that can also hurt us: cars, knives, grown-ups. I was reminded how no one really listens to kids.“
“Drunk emotions aren’t real emotions.“
“I have only the vaguest memory of a life before fear. Every morning when I wake up there is one blissful second before I look around the room and remember my daily terrors.“
“I think a fair amount about the fact that we’re all going to die. It occurs to me at incredibly inopportune moments - I’ll be standing in a bar, having managed to get an attractive guy to laugh, and I’ll be laughing, too, and maybe dancing a little bit, and then everything goes slo-mo for a second and I’ll think: Are these people aware that we’re all going to the same place in the end? I can slip back into conversation and tell myself that the flash of mortality awareness has enriched my experience, reminded me to just go for it in the giggling and hair-flipping and speaking-my-mind departments because ... why the hell not? But occasionally the feeling stays with me, and it reminds me of being a child - feeling full of fear but lacking the language to calm yourself down. I guess, when it comes to death, none of us really has the words.“
“I want to be enlightened, but it also sounds boring. So much of what I love - gossip and furniture and food and the Internet - are really here, on earth.“
“Later in the summer your grandfather dies, and you’re secretly glad. You have a place to put all your sorrow now, one that people will understand.“
“You know that thing, when you’re having sex, but instead of feeling it you can see yourself from above, like you’re watching a movie?“
“You’ve learned a new rule and it’s simple: don’t put yourself in situations you’d like to run away from. But when you run, run back to yourself.“
“What I am fetishizing is not poverty (contrary to some people’s beliefs, I am smarter than that) or even utter freedom - a life without obligations seems lonely and borderline worthless - but rather the obliteration of any sense of expectation: the expectation that my femininity, my body, or my work should conform to any set of rules, any aesthetic other than my own.“
“But despite taking on driver’s ed with zest and zeal, I felt dangerously close to injuring myself and others every time I got behind the wheel. Each morning before we went out I would remind myself that it was just a car, that plenty of people far stupider than I could drive one.“ ♥ (very special appreciation of this one, my story ended differently than hers, though with similar anxiety)
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“The earth is evil. We don't need to grieve for it.”
Melancholia (2011)
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svietim si na cestu
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21. 7. 2017 0:13
mám na predlaktí trojdňové tetovanie. je to prvé, po ktorom mám aj negatívne pocity (paradoxné, keďže je stelesnením toho dobrého, čo vo mne je). chýba mi moja nahá ruka. nie že by sa mi nepáčila tá nová. len mi chýba tá stará. vieš, ako keď sa presťahuješ do nového bytu. nezáleží na dôvode, skrátka to bolo nutné, a nový byt nie je ani lepší, ani horší. len iný. a ten starý ti chýba, lebo v ňom bolo pekne. s mojou starou rukou mi bolo dlho pekne. je to ruka pravá, tá mi v živote často pomohla. snáď mi bude rovnako dobre aj v novom byte.
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keď spíš máš tvár dieťaťa
roztápaš ma ako cukor v káve ktorú si varíš v lúčoch vychádzajúceho slnka a každým ťahom z cigarety vdychuješ aj ten zbytok ľudského čo si vo mne nechal Tvoje bosé nohy potichu smerujúce ku mne do perín ovinú sa okolo mojich a ja neviem, ako Ti mám povedať že už sem nepatríš .
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