dominic-harris · 4 years
Roni rolled her eyes. “Eh. No. I can’t do that so it looks like you’re going to have to fight me one of these days,” she said jokingly. “I mean it’s what he does. Listen to people’s problems, help them through them. But if I didn’t trust him, I wouldn’t even recommend it. But I do.” Roni shook her head. “I don’t think there’s one right way to compartmentalize. I think that compartmentalizing in general is probably wrong. And I’ve also told you you can’t leave me. So you better give me a heads up so I can grab the baby and follow you.” Roni smiled, thinking about T. “She helps a lot. If I’m crying, or sad, she comes up with hugs and kisses asking why I’m sad. Or she brings me all of her toys in hopes that it makes me happy again. And she just smiles or laughs really does anything it makes me remember to come out of the darkness because she’s my light.” Roni frowned. “Not in a therapy capacity no. He knows the bad shit I’ve done or is okay when I show up at his house distraught and in tears. He always knows just what to say. But I don’t really dwell on it or talk to him about it always. I don’t want him to think that I’m with him for the free therapy and the sex.”
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"Bet.” Dom replied with a nod and a grin. “Now I gotta read up on how to not get murdered or your ass beaten by a werewolf. But when I get the figured out, I got your ass. No one talks shit about my homie. Not even her.” He nodded again, listening to Roni’s recommendation. While he wasn’t ready now, Dominic trusted her opinion, and he knew that when he became ready that he’d heed the advice. “If compartmentalization is wrong, why the fuck is it so hyped up?” He wondered aloud with a shrug and a look at Roni. He couldn’t help but laugh at the mental image Roni gave, of her gathering up T to follow. “Does this mean you’re joining me on future vacations too? Since we can’t be apart.” He nodded, following the picture Roni painted of her and T. “That’s nice. I’m glad you have her, you know. That she keeps you buoyed in what matters.” Dominic hummed, nodding at Roni’s explanation. “Ah, alright I got you. That’s good though - that you two just work like that.” He snorted at her last sentence. “...I mean, that’s not too bad thing.” He gave Roni another hug. “Alright, so let’s grab your girl and take you, literally, outta this world.”
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It didn’t take the pair long to grab T. After that, with family friendly blindfolds were involved in Dominic taking the two to the designated Faerie portal. While he knew that Roni still had her other senses, Dominic also knew that Faeries were, and still are, super secretive about many things. Especially non-faeries knowing how and where to access their kind. Thus the blindfolds. “So,” A voice started as Dominic took T’s blindfold off and Roni dealt with hers. “This is the reason why you haven’t spoken to me. Or visited. Even Keanu hasn’t provided any updates. I thought I would have to come down there and see you myself.” The woman’s voice paused, her gaze on T. ”....And whose child is that? I know it’s not yours.” Dominic chuckled and shook his head. “...Hey, Ma. What’s up? This is my friend Roni, I told you about her. That’s her daughter, lil T-Rex here. Roni, this is my other mom, Yvonne Smithstone.”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“I edge everyone on to be murderers. It’s nothing personal,” Gigi said, rocking back and forth on her heels ever so slightly as she peeked up at him. “But, really? I mean I know I have a very indulgent lifestyle. Might be the most lavish and over the top one out of everyone at the studio, but I guess I always just assumed the private jets and all of this is fairly common around set… We’re fairly different, huh?” She said, as if she was only just realizing how opposite they truly were. “But, if you ever want some help relaxing this hard, you’ve got me. I’m a fairly impulsive person, if you haven’t already notice,” She teased. “How do you mean?” She asked curious, when he called her something else.
“I don’t know,” Gigi mumbled, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she gave the man a shrug. “I guess I don’t really know what you see in me? I mean don’t get me wrong, I know that I’m smoking hot and a delight to be around in a chaotic and sort of endearing way. But, when it comes to you, I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing or how to really do right by you? I mean you don’t like killing or meaningless violence and that’s pretty much my MO. Private jets and living in big ass mansions and shit aren’t your thing and my main hobbies include spending an excessive amounts of money on luxury and particularly shinny items. Skinny dipping late at night seems sexy to me and a bad idea to you. Eating your weed brownies is apparently a no, no and very different from stealing your hoodies. It’s just you loving Luna makes sense.  You two had a crush on each other for god knows how long before I came into the picture and she’s sweet and considerate and cares about others. But, the only time I donate to charities is for the tax right off and I apparently don’t know the first thing about comforting others unless buying them gifts like ‘comfy’ slippers or ‘comfy’ robes count? It doesn’t count, does it?” She asked, just checking. “Anyways, I’ve been really trying to not be so ‘me’ in this relationship, but I also know there’s the high possibility that one of these days I’ll slip or fuck up to the point where it’s unforgivable for you and that will be the end of that,” Gigi admitted with a shrug. “I also stand by the fact I’m still not really into guys unless they’re murderers or murder enthusiasts. Neither is Luna though. She was an out lesbian too before you. But, you see, you and I bonded over Horror movies though. So at that time, my brain must have mistaken you for a murder enthusiast and by the time I discovered the truth it was too late and I was hooked. Either that or you’re my exception, but I’m just gonna say it’s the first option,” She told him, her teasing smile returning to her face. “You don’t? But, you called me Frosty because of how Icy I can be? And okay. If you say so and I’m not leaving you either. At least I have no plans to. And I don’t know what to tell you? I’m not a cuddly or sympathetic person. I’m an overly logical, impulsive, stay away from me when you sick, but let me tear off your clothes and fuck when you’re better person. But, okay. Paris it is.”
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"...Yeah. Murder’s still not the wave for me. I can write about it. I can understand the theory of it. In a defense way. But the enjoyment of it? The whole ‘thrill’ of it all...” Dominic shook his head. “Nope, not for me.” It also didn’t help that when Dominic had to actually do so, end the life of another being - the reaction to do it was natural. Picking up a gun in self defense and eliminating any threats was done thoughtlessly. Just like his father taught him. It was that fact that honestly scared Dominic. ...Plus, when he took out the vampire threatening his other best friend. It was the demented thread of... quiet happiness... that was still uncomfortable. So, no. Murder was not the wave for Dominic. Nor did he want it to be. “As for this whole lavish thing... Yeaaah.” He dragged out the word. “I don’t know how many lifetimes it’s gonna take for me to get use to that. I mean, yes, I’ve traveled but not counting my Christmas/New Years trip in London? I’ve always gone on the government’s dime and I don’t know if you know but America is cheap as hell.” He replied with a chuckle. Dom shrugged. “Alright, so what’s relaxing to you?” He asked Gigi. “And you’re something else is a compliment. I promise.” He replied, placing a hand on his chest as he smiled down at her.
Another shrug rotated his shoulders. “I don’t know how to really explain it? I mean, I’ve never had a girlfriend just up and whisk my ass away to Paris. And you know I like traveling. It’s a nice surprise and-” Dominic shrugged again. “...I don’t know.” He uttered, his voice low. “You think that you’re not showing me that you care. But you do. You are. I know you worry about our thing ‘cause we each have our separate thing with Luna but...” He trailed off. “Our thing is quiet. Like building a campfire, you know? It doesn’t have to be all big and loud and in a hurry. We’re still learning each other. We’re simmering right now. We’ll get to the big ass bonfire soon. I know it. But I’m good with the lil campfire we got. ‘Cause for somebody who says she doesn’t know how to do feelings... you’re not doing too bad with me, alright?”
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A low chuckle left him. “So... did that help, my explanation?” He asked, reaching out to tuck a stray hair behind Gigi’s ear. “Aye.” He gently chided. “I don’t care if we don’t make sense to other people. Do we make sense to you? Do you want us to be for real? That’s all I need to know. I already said that we’re working out the rest. I don’t want you acting with me. Haven’t you done enough of that? Don’t you want to just be you, all the time, with me?” He rolled his eyes. “I’m a grown ass man. Pretty sure that I have a good idea of what I’m getting into with wanting to be with you. For real.” He paused, a reminder tickling the back of his brain. “...We don’t have to be together just ‘cause we’re dating Luna, you know that right? If you don’t want to date me, I’ll respect it.” Dominic shifted topics. “And as for my edibles? ...I’m an only child and a foodie. You want some of my snacks, you gotta ask. Or at least put cash where the food was, if you ate all of it. Or Cashapp or Venmo me or something.” He laughed, the noise coming from deep in his chest at the memories of calling Gigi ‘Frosty’. He’d forgotten all about that. “Oh, c’mon! You know you were cold as fuck to me when we met! You know that’s how you got that name. I didn’t know that past me hurt your feelings like that. I’m sorry.” Dominic apologized, meaning it regardless of the amused expression he sported. He did not expect Gigi to pull that memory out. “If it makes you feel better, I haven’t called you that in years. I think I stopped as soon as you warmed up to me too.” He shook his head at her assessment. “...I’m still human. I have more chances of getting sick than you do. Not gonna lie, it sucked that you just... were in the same room but not close by. The bear was a nice try though.” It was true. In all of his relationships, Dominic had never received a teddy bear from a girlfriend before. So that was new. He still had that big ass bear. It chilled in the game room, where he usually played 2K. Literally it was on one of the cushions, just chilling against the arm of the couch. He paused, a thought coming to him. “Real talk, would you have done the same thing if Luna was sick?” He asked curious as they continued on their way to start the surprise birthday trip to Paris. 
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dominic-harris · 4 years
In which Dominic is literally Hozier about his Baby @lunasinclaire
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for not putting your damn name on that fucking sign up sheet.” She didn’t mean to come at him like that but she was mad. They were messing with her family now. Had Dom’s name been on there too, she’d probably have just started a massacre of every potentially guilty person. She would have hunted them down, she had the ability to track very well. “Sorry…I get heated every time I think about it.” @dominic-harris​
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“If only I could’ve stopped my girl from signing, right?” Dominic retorted with a shrug, his tone sarcastic as the weak half-smile on his lips. “And nah, you good. I’m still... you know I don’t get mad easy. And I try not to stay mad for long but - I’m with you.” He sighed before dragging a palm over the top of his head, in the direction of his waves.
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“Every time I think that this shit - being supernatural and just trying to live how you want - calms down? It revs back up. And every time, it’s worse.” Dominic sighed again. “How’re you doing with this? What’s going on in that head of yours, Activist?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
Dominic felt the urge to disappear again. He had for some time. It was a desire he hadn't given into for almost a year. It was likely more than that but still it remained. For months, Dominic fought the urge to do as his best friend subtly advised - go see someone who could help. Shit, he even went to Keanu thinking that the older faerie had some wisdom he could share. But all he did was direct him elsewhere. So there Dominic sat waiting for the person to arrive as he finally listened to the sound advice of others. “Hey, uh @hale-hathnofury​.” He greeted when he saw the man. “How can I make an appointment with you?” Dominic paused. “For um, a counsel session.”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“Oh well, depends. I’m a flexible lover, so I can be soft and sweet, or I can be wild, and enjoy a good choking and roughness. There was this one time right outside the security station right up against the glass windows. Fucking thrilling. And again at a bar, not privately, actually at the bar. So I’m into a lot of things. I enjoy a good manhandling.” Jackie burst into laughter. “You know I was joking right? About the long walks on the beach. It’s been cold as hell what do I look like on the beach? But I do like to cuddle up with my pup Rizzo and watch some trash reality tv.  Her name is Heather. I take it you’ve never encountered that loudmouth, southern thing. If you think I’m something…wait ‘til you meet her.” 
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Dominic exhaled with a raspberry noise following the action. “Shit. So you’re just wild all around huh?” He chuckled, an unexpected thought coming to him. “Don’t know why but I just thought of like... I don’t know, some wild ass, untamed Mare. Just fucking shit up.” He pointed at Jackie. “Guess my mind’s saying that’s you, huh? How right am I on that, Tex?” Dominic asked curious. He shook his head, laughing under his breath. “A whole ass bar. At, inside the whole ass bar. And I thought me getting some outside in the fresh air, being one with nature was something. ..Shit.” He uttered, more amused than anything. Dominic playfully nudged Jackie. “You got jokes, I see. Alright then, fine. I’mma let you have that.” A grin broke across his face at the mention of Rizzo. “How is H-to-the-izzo, R-to-the-izzo doing?” He nodded at the mention of Jackie having to turn into an entirely different person. “Alright, cool. And about her song - what’s it about? Why can’t you sing it? ...Did she write it or something?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
Luna was sitting at a picnic table by herself, her eyes downcast as she was deep in thought. Her body hurt because she’d overexerted herself working out to keep her mind busy. But she also had enjoyed the pain that she could focus on rather than being so naive. She could sense someone near and she looked up sadly. “I’m not in the mood to talk today. Especially if you’re here to accuse me of being a part of some hate group.” That was the trend of the day for her, and she’d already gotten an earful from her mother who hadn’t called her in almost two years. 
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Dominic was not happy. Luna’s name appearing on the Revelationists’ list had been a shock. He knew that his girlfriend was a curious soul. Hell, it was practically a fact. But just when Dominic thought that Luna couldn’t surprise him any more than she’d already done in the time he’s known her. ...This happened. And then, he had to go to deal with the fucked up association that came with it. Not that he cared because that wasn’t important to him. But she was his girl. One of them anyways. And if there was Dominic would always strive to do, it was protect and be there for them. But this...he hadn’t anticipated this. Didn’t have any answers or rebuttals for the questions and the whispers and the stares. He didn’t know how to be there for her. And that pissed Dominic off. 
He sat down next to Luna. “I know you. You don’t have a hateful bone in your body. But-” Dominic looked away, jaw tight and his nostrils flared. “Why didn’t you tell me? I know that there are some things that I don’t ask about. When it comes to you. But it’s not a lot that I don’t know about you. But this?” Dominic sighed, a hard gaze on the table top. “Luna. Baby. ...I can’t defend you if I don’t know what’s up. Why didn’t you even tell me that you was interested in joining?” He looked at her and asked in a low voice. “....What if they had you go somewhere I couldn’t follow?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“I’m fucking cute all the time,” Gigi said without missing a beat, before hesitatingly double checking, “Aren’t I?” She asked softly. The corner of her lips tilting up ever so slightly as she watched him make a wish. “No? Should it be? I mean isn’t that the point working hard? To be able to spoil yourself and the people you love or something?” Gigi said, her smile growing at his words. “It is! For as long as you want it to be,” She promised him. “I’m…? Amazing? Extraordinary? Sexy?” She teased, resting her head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. “Do I… no? No, I didn’t. Honestly, sometimes I think it’s just a matter of time before you leave my crazy ass but… I love you too. As much as an ice queen like me can. And okay,” She said, giving him a little nod, before pulling him in for a drawn out kiss. “So, where to, boyfriend?”
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"Except when you’re egging me on to be a murderer. Then yeah, all the time works.” He agreed, strongly resisting the urge to swipe some icing onto her face. Dominic thought that Gigi was cute as everything right then, sporting a shy smile and all. “I’m not used to all of this. Private jets and living in big ass mansions and shit. Not saying it’s bad. It’s just...still new.” He revealed. And yes, Dominic had been to Paris before. He loved it. He also flew coach and dealt with a connector flight or two to get there. “Yeah, that’s why I work hard. Just gotta get used to relaxing that hard. Your boy can’t know everything.” Dominic joked, returning her smile with one of his own. “What?” He chuckled. His joking tone from moments ago still evident, Dom continued. “You mean you’re not sick of me yet? Alright, cool.” At Gigi’s curious tone, he playfully rolled his eyes and she laid her head on his shoulder. “You’re really something else.”
The mention of him leaving her made him blink in honest confusion. Dominic’s head pulled back on his neck as he looked at Gigi. “Aye, hold on. I mean, yeah, you’re crazy. I’m with you on that. But me leaving you? Where’d you get that? I mean, shit, if anything... shouldn’t I be worried about you switching up and leaving me? You were quick to tell me how not into guys you were when we first met.” Truthfully, Dominic falling for Luna wasn’t a surprise. Instead, that was his flirtationship turning into a full romantic relationship with Gigi. “And I don’t think you’re an ice queen either. You’re different from any woman I’ve ever dated. But you’re not cold. Quirky as fuck though. But not an ice queen. And in case I wasn’t clear before, I’m not leaving you. Crazy ass and all.” He paused before joking. “You could stand to give sick me more cuddles though, I didn’t forget. ...Shit, to Paris, Gorgeous. Let’s go.”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“Gigi’s not moving. Nothing’s moving. You’re just a little dizzy.” She wrapped her arms around him tighter. “You feel that, my arms around you? We’re stable no one’s moving, and I’ve got you. Okay?” Luna kissed his forehead. “Hey you’re not going anywhere. You’re staying right here with me. And when you feel like moving we’ll get you to the third floor.” She reached up, caressing his cheek. “Dom, sweetie, we’re here in Canada. No we’re not in Colorado right now.” She looked at Gigi then. “It’s okay. I’ve got him. Though he’s shivering if you could grab us some blankets too? We can try to move him later get him up to the third floor. It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Just relax. Close your eyes we’ll have some blankets and medicine. Gigi’s going to get some surgical masks and gloves for her and we’ll be okay. Later once you’re napping I’ll make you some soup for when you wake up. And I’ll cuddle with you so nothing is moving. And Gigi will check on us, right?” She looked over at @gigixking​ for reassurance. 
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“Yeah… he don’t look so good…” Gigi gulped, stepping back one step on the staircase she was on. “Wait- the third floor? You mean the floor we sleep on? But- Why would we move him when there is a perfectly good bedroom downstairs? And blankets…. okay. Got it. But, I don’t think we should move him. I think him and his germs should stay on the first floor until he’s back to full health. Completely. Like skipping down the hall, singing with energizer bunny levels of energy full health. Just a thought,” Gigi mumbled under her breath as she tiptoed around them, making sure to keep a safe distance. “No! I mean I can whip up the soup. You’ve already come into contact. So you should take care of him and I’ll be the one to touch the rest of our belongings. That way there we won’t have to burn everything we own…” She let out a low whistle as she moved into the other room and began to grab some of the blankets and other objects Luna had listed out, placing them all into a basket that she then sat on the ground and used the back of a broom to slide it to Luna. “Um…. Define check on?” Gigi asked, looking over at Luna with a confused expression, not quite sure what her girlfriend’s look was suppose to mean. “What?” 
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Dominic nodded, the warmth of the crook of Luna’s was more than welcomed to the chill he felt. “You feel good.” He murmured and his eyes closed. A sigh left him at the press of Luna’s mouth to his forehead. “Okay, Baby. ...Thank you.” He uttered back, belatedly answering Luna’s likely hypothetical question. Moments passed before he spoke again, unknowingly interrupting his girlfriends’ discussion of how the both of them would take care of him. “...Canada? When’d we move? Why’s Canada colder than home?” A shaky breath left Dominic. “Tell Canada to turn on the heat. I’m cold.” Dark eyes peeled open and Dominic blinked. “Gigi?” A confusion marked his face. “Princess. Where you at? Did you leave me?” He asked Gigi in French. @lunasinclaire​
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“I’m always on one, so that’s nothing new. What do you you mean what I like? LIke what I like to do for fun? Or what I like to do in the bedroom? Because you’d actually be surprised how normal I actually am.” She grinned, shaking her head at him. “Well these days I like long walks on the beach, having engaging conversation and threatening to cut people who don’t seem to take a hint to leave me the hell alone.” Jackie thought about his question for a minute. “Well, whenever you’re ready, I’m ready. Valentine is on board and ready. Just one thing though. There’s a song I need my sister to sing. This means I have to switch into her, but I want her to be a part of this too. So you don’t freak out easy do you? Seeing a woman transform into another woman?” 
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"The bedroom. I already know you like straight up bullshit when it comes to fun. It’s why there’s never been a dull moment with you. You stay wylin. But I’m a fan.” He cut his eyes at Jackie’s the normal quip. “Word? You just gonna kill my illusion like that? What, lemme guess - you garden in your spare time?” He hummed at Jackie’s follow up. “See I didn’t know the beach thing. But I knew the rest. And you talking Canadian rough ass beaches or regular ones without cliffs and rocks every damn where?” Dominic asked. He inhaled deeply. “...I’ve never seen that before. But I think I won’t lose all of my shit, so yeah. I’ll hit up Pretty Ricky and ask him when he’s free and we’ll get started asap.” He paused. “...Uh, what’s your sister name again?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“Well, you’re not going to fight me about it and if you did, you’d lose so I will keep talking shit about me for as long as I want,” she vowed, knowing she was right about that. “No,” she said, her tone was sharp, sharper than she intended for it to be. It was like that when she was in enforcer mode, making the hard calls. “There is no other way when lives are at stake, more lives than just the one you were trying to save. They were on the opposite side, they were planning to kill without question, for them there was no reasoning and there was no other way. You let them live they live to kill another day. And you’re right, you shouldn’t have had to do it, but they made that choice when they decided to devalue supernaturals.” 
Roni heaved a sigh. She knew it was hard to take a life. She’d been taking them accidentally and intentionally over the years and it was easier not to think about it than to deal with it. “Sometimes, yes. Sometimes they’re in my dreams but no I don’t see their faces because the accidental ones have been mauled beyond recognition. And the intentional ones I reason with myself, forgive myself because it had to be done,” she explained. It was the accidental lives that shook her. “I’m not trying to pimp out my boyfriend’s services or even hoping for a bromance but maybe you should talk to Hale? Even though my best friend getting along with my guy would be kind of awesome but if not Hale, someone that’s going to help you through this. I’m…I’m fucked up. I compartmentalize it. I know it’s not healthy and when it’s accidental I don’t deal well before I compartmentalize that. I wish I had some positive way to deal or to get over it, but I just…suffer through until it’s background noise in my mind.”
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"I’m not afraid of you kicking my ass. I’m a big boy. I’ll be alright.” Dominic shared with a shrug. “I’ve never stood for people shit talking my best friend before. And that’s not changing, even if it’s you that’s doing it. So, put some respect on your name when you’re talking to me ‘bout you.” He reiterated. Dominic nodded, a disappointed expression marring his features. Still, Roni was right and he knew it. Just... being a trained killer, for self defense and the protection of others, was one thing. It was another issue entirely when Dominic processed that he’d gone through with it. 
At Roni trying to not pimp out Hale’s therapy services, he huffed in quiet amusement. “Yeah, Keanu told me to talk to him too.” He confessed. “I’ve never really talked to him, you know what I mean? Way before you too got together for real.” Dominic nodded though. “But I trust you. And Keanu’s given me no reason to not trust him either.” Plus, the whole he may have fucked Dominic’s mom aside, Keanu was good people. “I don’t think I compartmentalize correctly, you know? When shit gets too tough, I jet. I did it with my parents after they iced me out. Then you when I found out I wasn’t fully human. It’s a reason why your boy has a passport and isn’t afraid to use it at all.” He paused, thinking. “Does T help? With trying to have a positive way to deal? And wait, you mean you and your therapy boyfriend extraordinaire don’t talk about shit like that?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“No, I like to instill fear, so I can weed out the boys from the men. If you’re not afraid of me, that means you can handle everything I’m throwing out. If you are…well grow some thicker skin. Nothing’s wrong with me. I just like my men tough. Unfazed by the crazy shit I get up to.” Jackie grinned when he hugged her. Unexpectedly being lifted off her feet. “Anytime. I’ve got so much inspiration that I think this one just be a one time thing. I’ve probably got more songs than I could possibly even put on one EP. I’m ready to put my heart and soul into it and feel alive again. Rick is onboard too and he said he’d let us use his studio free of charge, in exchange he gets to help with the creative process, writing, producing. He gets a cut. But that’s a fair trade. More than, because I foresee this being very successful, because I’m me and I dream big as hell.” 
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Dominic shook his head. “Tex, you’re wylin, you know that? Just-” He whistled. “I don’t really know what you like. But I bet it’s scary as hell.” He surmised in jest. Still, he meant what he said. “..And what kinda crazy shit do you get up to?” Dom paused, realizing in that moment that he couldn’t remember knowing exactly what Jackie liked. In terms of crazy shit. He just knew that she gave off that vibe. Heavily. Dom shrugged at Jackie’s comment. “We can do a series. We already know you got the talent. Why not let the people hear your sound, what you got to say?” He reasoned easily. “Yeah, alright then. I’m with you. Let’s do this. When are we starting?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“Darkness like, I really enjoyed how I felt using my abilities. Feeling powerful, feeling the energy just coursing through my veins. It felt good. It made me feel alive to indulge in who I am and what I can do.” Her brow lifted. “You hurt someone too? Are you…how do you feel? It’s not that I like hurting people. I just like the power I had.” When he said that he was all in, she leaned in so close to kissing him. “My willpower isn’t very strong, so you keep saying like that and I’m going to straddle you and pause our very deep and meaningful conversation we’re having.” 
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"You felt powerful?” Dom asked. He was curious. “What’d you do?” For all that he knew about nymphs, which to be honest was not much, even Dominic was aware that he did not know the extent of Luna’s abilities. Just that she could handle her own. At her question, Dom nodded again. “A couple someones.” He paused, thinking over Luna’s inquiry. “...I didn’t. Feel.” Dom specified. “I took the gun off a dead guard. But after that...” He trailed, words faltering when a memory came to him. “I think the only time I felt something. Didn’t feel bad was when I killed the vampire that tried to kill Nat.” He paused again, not wanting to utter the truth on his tongue but still knowing that if there was one person that wouldn’t judge him for it, it was Luna. “That kill I liked.”
Sometimes dating a nymph had perks. Aside from the most obvious. But Luna’s last statements were just what Dominic needed. A part of him figured that she purposely offered that out. He took it. “C’mere, I don’t wanna talk right now.” He murmured before kissing Luna hard.
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dominic-harris · 4 years
Luna headed downstairs when she heard Dom’s voice. She rushed over to his side, placing the back of her hand against his forehead. “Yeah, you do feel a little warm, Jaanu. What’s wrong? Tell me what your symptoms are?” She looked up for Gigi. “He has a fever,” she explained. “We can help him back to bed and I can get a cold compress and depending on his symptoms we can figure out what he needs. Maybe call Keanu?” she asked. @gigixking​
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Gigi stood awkwardly, rocking and back and forth from her spot on the last step of the staircase as she watched Luna run over to Dom’s side, jumping into action and being attentive and nurturing. She couldn’t help, but wonder what that must be like? To instantly know how to be there for someone or take of them? It wasn’t that Gigi didn’t want to help. She wanted Dom to be okay. Better than okay. But, Luna seemed to have the situation under control and she’d be lying if her first thought wasn’t about how many disgusting germs he might be carrying or how he might be incredible contagious and just a plague into their home. And what could she do really? “W-what?” Gigi blinked over at Luna giving her a nod as she pulled out her phone to dial Keanu’s number, explaining what was going on to Keanu on the phone. “Kee Kee will be here soon and… not in our bed though right? I mean there’s plenty of other beds on this floor. Like maybe the third door on the right? I was thinking about tossing out the bedding anyways and redecorating and… sorry. I’m just… not really great with these kind of germs? Or this in general… But, I can um… get the cold press and some acetaminophen or ibuprofen that he can take. It helps reduce fevers. And while I’m at it I might grab some medical masks and scrubs and gloves… definitely gloves.” @dominic-harris​
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It felt like time was moving underwater. Dom remembered calling out for both girlfriends. But he didn’t remember seeing them get there. He exhaled at the feel of the back of Luna’s hand on his forehead. It was nice. Cool. “I dunno. I’m hot. And cold. Is the room spinning too? Or is that just Gigi?” He asked, eyes trailing as they spanned the room before settling on Gigi as she lingered in its opening. “She’s not moving to you?” He asked, the question directed to Luna. His head felt fuzzy and Dominic nestled it in the crook of Luna’s neck. “I can - I can... I’m good. Just gimme a min and I can get in bed myself.” Dominic’s large frame shivered as another chill ran through him. “Why’s it so cold in here? When did we get to Colorado? Am I back home?” @lunasinclaire​
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“A good throwback though because I don’t use that term lightly.” Roni smiles. “I hope I will. I hope you will too. Because I’d miss you too. She rolled her eyes when he told her to watch her mouth. “You know this mouth is attached to the woman I’m talking about right?” Roni shook her head when he mentioned his victim’s names. “You’ll drive yourself insane. Thinking about it. This sounds awful but the best thing to do is disassociate or rationalize. It was self defense. It was me or them. That doesn’t make you a cold blooded killer. That makes you a man that reacts in fight or flight situations.” When he asked how she dealt with ghosts, she sighed, running her fingers through her hair. “I don’t. I don’t think about it. Or I do and I obsess over it. Or I make myself sick with worry and start to hate the person that could do such horrible things. But if I want to get through my day, if I want to live I have to disassociate. I can’t think of them, their families, who I took them from.”
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Wordlessly, Dom just squeezed Roni again. Until this exact moment, he realized that his own mortality wasn’t something that Dominic thought about often. It didn’t help that being half faerie afforded him the ability to have a lifespan of almost 500 years. Which was still recent news to Dominic. In the grand scheme that was his existence, so far. Dark brown eyes rolled his eyes at Roni’s quip. “I know who I’m talking to. And who I’m talking about. I’ve never allowed people shit talking you before. Won’t do it now, just ‘cause it’s you talking about you.” Dominic sighed, mouth balling in discomfort at that fact. Still, he knew that Roni was right. “It was self defense. But I- I could’ve tried other ways. I should’ve tried... I didn’t have to kill ‘em, Roni. I shouldn’t have had to...”
An unease came over Dominic as he remembered how easily his reaction leaned towards fight. For all his boasts of being an Airforce brat, he never enrolled into the academy because Dominic didn’t want his father’s life. He respected it. He liked the opportunities it provided. But if he didn’t have to, Dominic wasn’t a fan of fighting. He just wanted to live and let live as peacefully as possible. “My dad, he trained me for this. But we never went over this. How to deal if I had to take a life.” He lowered his gaze. “I’ve tried. Not thinking about them. But I... Do you dream about them sometimes? Do you see any of their faces?”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, Mr. President, happy birthday to you,” Gigi teasingly sang in true Marilyn Monroe fashion as she held up a cupcake with a candle in it to her boyfriend. “I didn’t know if you wanted to make a big deal of it or not, but just in case, I fired up the private jet. Figured we could go anywhere in the world you’d like? Maybe Paris or something? Luna can come and we can have fun just the three of us or it can be just you and me and then we fly back in time to do a bigger celebration with Lu. Up to you.”
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Dominic chuckled under his breath, a grin slowly easing on his lips as Gigi sang and held up the cupcake to him. “You’re fucking cute, right now, you know that?” In that moment, Dom was glad for his deep complexion and its ability to hide his growing blush. He blew out the candle. “Flying us in a private jet is no big deal? To fucking Paris?” He fought the urge to laugh again. “This is my life now.” The grin remained on his features. Dom took the cupcake from Gigi before holding it outstretched from his body with one hand. He wrapped his freehand around her and gave her a tight hug with the other. “You’re...” He laughed, the noise tinged with excitement. Dominic kissed Gigi deeply. “God, I love you. You know that?” Pausing for air, he pressed his forehead to hers and gently shook his head. “Nah, just us. I wanna spend time with you. She can join us later.”
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dominic-harris · 4 years
“That’s because I make it do what it do. Never stop making money. If you do, that’s just poor financial management.” Toni nodded understanding where he was coming from. “You know comedy tanks around here. But it’d have to be good. Maybe even toe the line into a little offensive. More like The Office offensive. It’d have to be pretty good though to have staying power. Funny with a mix of serious sometimes. Sure, let’s give it a shot I’m intrigued. I can even draw up some storyboarding for it too.” 
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Dominic laughed at Toni’s comment. “The day you stop making is the day I’mma know something’s wrong with you.” He replied with a brief shake of his head. The truth of how ‘well’ comedy series do at the studio made Dominic sigh. Toni was right. “I wouldn’t be me if I still didn’t try, you know?” He retorted. “Still, gotta show people that I’m not just the outta the box hyphenate guy. I can crack some good jokes too. We had a wannabe The Office, remember that? The people wasn’t ready.” He remembered how sad the series creator and head-writer, Steve, was when the new series comedy was cancelled. It was promising. “Alright,” Dom started with a nod. “It’s the coroner that’s a medium. But I don’t know... how would you know if you were a medium?”
Dom scratched behind his ear as he thought. “Is it something that happens early in life? Late? Or does it depend? What is being a medium exactly? Is it scary? Weird? Something you just get used to over time? Do mediums like being one or is it subjective and ranges depending on the medium?” Dominic paused. “Shit, would a medium even wanna help the dead people they see? Like I don’t know. Maybe a close friend or coworker dies and that’s how it starts. They try to figure out that murder or crime. And kinda spirals from there ‘til it becomes their thing.” He paused again. “See bruh, I don’t know none of this shit. Or if any of this is possible. Is it?”
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01: Plottin’ & (Script) Schemin’
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