domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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RIP Alan Rickman 
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domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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adieu, colonel.
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domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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He was the ultimate ally. In life, art and politics. I trusted him absolutely. He was, above all things, a rare and unique human being and we shall not see his like again. Emma Thompson
Alan Rickman is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors I will ever work with. He is also, one of the loyalest and most supportive people I’ve ever met in the film industry. He was so encouraging of me both on set and in the years post-Potter. […] As an actor, he was one of the first of the adults on Potter to treat me like a peer rather than a child. Working with him at such a formative age was incredibly important and I will carry the lessons he taught me for the rest of my life and career. Film sets and theatre stages are all far poorer for the loss of this great actor and man. Daniel Radcliffe
I feel so lucky to have worked and spent time with such a special man and actor. I’ll really miss our conversations. Emma Watson
The polar opposite of the icy, manipulating characters he became best known for, Alan was hilarious, warm-hearted and fabulous company. Jason Isaacs
There are no words to express how shocked and devastated I am to hear of Alan Rickman’s death. He was a magnificent actor & a wonderful man. JK Rowling
I cannot believe he is gone and we are the poorer for it. But his spirit and great generosity live on the hearts of everyone who knew him. Funny, acutely perceptive, extraordinarily loyal and giving - Alan cared. Ralph Fiennes
Everybody loved Alan. He was always happy and fun and creative and very, very funny. Michael Gambon
We are all so devastated to lose Alan. He was loved enormously by so many. He was an exceptionally warm and giving man and an utterly phenomenal actor and gifted director.[…] He was a loving and devoted partner to Rima, and like so many of us in our vast industry, my life was enriched by knowing him. Kate Winslet
He used his talent always to make a difference, his production of Rachel Corrie being one of the most powerful examples. Alan’s enormous strength of character infused every character he played. Who else could have brought such pain and wit to Snape? I can’t believe he’s gone. Sigourney Weaver
He was a great friend, generous and social. He will be very missed by many. Helen Mirren
What desperately sad news about Alan Rickman. A man of such talent, wicked charm & stunning screen & stage presence. He’ll be sorely missed. Stephen Fry
There is so much that is matchless to remember about Alan Rickman. His career was at the highest level, as actor on stage and screen and as director ditto. […] Beyond a career which the world is indebted to, he was a constant agent for helping others. Whether to institutions like RADA or to individuals and certainly to me, his advice was always spot-on. He put liberal philanthropy at the heart of his life. He and Rima Horton (50 years together) were always top of my dream-list dinner guests. Alan would by turns be hilarious and indignant and gossipy and generous. […] Behind his starry insouciance and careless elegance, behind that mournful face, which was just as beautiful when wracked with mirth, there was a super-active spirit, questing and achieving, a super-hero, unassuming but deadly effective. Ian McKellen
Alan Rickman was an actor’s actor; courageous, generous, witty & surprising. When he laughed he lit up a room. A prince. You will be missed. Susan Sarandon
                         Alan Rickman (21 February 1946 – 14 January 2016)
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domelsify · 9 years
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R.I.P Alan Rickman 1946-2016
We will always remember you. Always.
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domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world. - Alan Rickman
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domelsify · 9 years
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I haven’t post anything for a long time. so here’s edited picture of Kamijo
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domelsify · 9 years
pls unmute
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domelsify · 9 years
trying to apologize to bae like
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domelsify · 9 years
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domelsify · 9 years
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Versailles music then and today
2011/06/15 album Holy Grail
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domelsify · 9 years
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