dokoro-writings · 4 years
☁︎︎~Welcome! As you may know my main account, 
☁︎︎~ I’ve decided to do a full chapter book about something that has been on my mind! I will now explain the idea. 
Everything is normal. The killing games never happened. Junko lived to her ultimate while her sister Mukuro stayed fighting with the army. Class 77, as well as class 78, both graduated and moved on in life. Hajime Hinata took Chiaki’s words to heart and never volunteered for the Kamakura experiment. In fact, no one did. The story is based around mainly 5 characters. The famous ship Kuzupeko, (Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Peko Pekoyama) Along with the single parent Kazuichi Soda.  
Parent you may ask? Yes parents. The son of the mechanic and the daughter of the infamous Yakuza and Swordswoman are young teens attending Hope’s Peak. Kokoro Kuzuryu, ultimate business woman. Denki Alergan Soda, ultimate electrician. 
She’s been raised into a proper life. That’s how it’s always been. Proper, fancy, yet ugly. Although her parents rely on the clan to do more of the gruesome runs now, sometimes they have to step in and when they have, Kokoro never forgets it. That’s one of the main reasons why Kokoro does more of the business runs. Not only is it her ultimate but it gets her away from the clan... at least so she thinks. Just like Peko, Kokoro is a very calm collected person. She’s smart and athletic but also has that soft side to her. When she’s upset or angry, she quickly turns into her father. She’s loud, constantly cussing, and is threatening everyone around her. However, she’s only ever been this upset once and once only. She keeps her anger in pretty good. She’s never been one to explode at people. Even Fuyuhiko is grateful for that. People rarely talk to her at Hopes Peak. She really only has one close friend and that's it. Her parents think highly of her to the point the soon want her to lead the clan... but what if she doesn’t want to do it?
Unlike the proper and organized life, Denki is living with his only parent Kazuichi Soda. After losing his mother in a fatal car accident, He’s only ever been with his dad. How did the car accident happen? It’ll be explain later on in the book. Denki, nicked named Den or Denny, is the ultimate electrician. Like Kaz, he’s a bit of an clutz and is literally scared of everything. Like his father, Denki loves to tinker with things. Whether that be wires, his phone, even the breaker in their home, he’s all over it. Denki definitely does not come from a wealthy home. They live in small home with a single garage so his dad can do his works with vehicles. Although he’d help with his fathers clients, Kaz strictly prohibits him from coming into his shop. Denki never understood why his father rarely let him around cars. Was it maybe because of his mothers accident? Who knows. 
What happens if the two meet? Is the proper clean woman really going to fall for this dirty clutz? Who knows. You have to read it in able to find out. 
☁︎︎~ This story is a romance/drama type of book. There is a ton of angst in here including fluff. It’ll mostly be around Denki and Kokoro but there will be a ton of other characters besides them! Next post will be explaining their character designs. The first chapter will hopefully be published next week! 
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