dogcolr · 3 hours
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Jeff was beginning to get annoyed. He had swallowed Eric over an hour ago. And not only was he still alive and kicking in there, he hadn't even started to digest yet! This would make it next to impossible to get to sleep. And he had to be up early for work! "Dude! You're not getting out of there. Just settle down, relax and let my stomach take care of you."
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dogcolr · 3 hours
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672 notes · View notes
dogcolr · 6 hours
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699 notes · View notes
dogcolr · 6 hours
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9 notes · View notes
dogcolr · 6 hours
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6K notes · View notes
dogcolr · 6 hours
another one with sound effects! 🔊
ai generated video and sound
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dogcolr · 6 hours
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dogcolr · 23 hours
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dogcolr · 23 hours
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dogcolr · 17 days
belly muscles fighting back
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dogcolr · 19 days
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Looks like someone convinced me to hang out with them in the more park… Well I hope they wanted to get close because now we’re going to very close for a long while. X3
YCH animation made by Nephiclav. He plans to do more if you would like to follow him. Original- https://www.furaffinity.net/view/28732022/
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dogcolr · 19 days
3K notes · View notes
dogcolr · 19 days
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Ty Fox and Tom Katt in Come and Get It (1994) dir. Josh Eliot
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dogcolr · 20 days
Peter K chopping wood 15 Aug 2024
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dogcolr · 20 days
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53 notes · View notes
dogcolr · 20 days
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dogcolr · 23 days
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Corey moaned weakly as the slimy folds of the kneading stomach sac pressed in around him. Most of his body felt completely numb by this point, and he honestly wasn’t sure how much of him had been digested already. It was a small mercy that it was too dark in here to see anything.
*GUH-UUUUUUURRRRRRRPP!* Corey winced as a stinking bubble of air rushed upwards, making the tight belly vibrate around him in a raucous belch. His head shook as he felt the firm pressure of Conrad’s hand smacking his belly from the outside. He could just picture the smug, satisfied look on his brother’s face.
Conrad had teased him about this ever since they were kids. Always lifting his shirt and rubbing his belly, teasing that one day he’d gobble Corey up and turn him into poop. And now, years later, he’d finally done it. No warning, no reason, just caught Corey coming out of the shower and gulped him down, trapped him behind his tight abs.
“How’s it going in there, bro?” Conrad’s cheerful voice was muffled but still audible through the walls of flesh and muscle. “Bet you’re almost all goop by now, but I can still feel ya moving a bit. Just wanted you to know that you were real tasty! Glad I finally put you where you belong.”
Corey could only moan in response, fading fast as the gurgling acids rose up around him.
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