dog-flowers · 1 year
Some pictures of Piebald!!!
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These fields extend super far bordering the coast and they're super pretty. I think the yellow flowers are licorice plants?
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Gulls!!!! Through my binoculars :) And the view from the cliff in front of my house. The coast is a mix of beaches and cliffs. It was a bit too cold to deep my feet in and it seems it's gonna rain these days so I guess I won't have the opportunity to test the waters yet :-(
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dog-flowers · 1 year
PHEW I meant to update sooner but I was so tired!!! We arrived there at 4 and something in the morning and I just immediately fell asleep as soon as I got to the house.
It's pretty!!!! It's so pretty!!!! It's visibly old and very cold because it's almost completely empty but I like it so much. Probably because it's the first place I can actually call 100% mine. It's got two floors both pretty small but I talked with the agent that has organized all of this and apparently there's a possibility of expanding the house somehow??? I'm not sure how it works so I'll have to talk it with him. It has quite a lot of open space around. I'm so happy. It's quite literally a little house on a hill. The town is so green. The beach is barely a few minutes away by foot. It smells so good and it feels so dreamy.
I passed out super quick after i finished moving my things inside. I didn't bring food (oops) so I went to look for a coffee shop after getting up in the morning. The town is very small and there's barely a few shops but there's a local museum (!!!!) and I grabbed the best coffee I've ever had in a small locale they have in there.
I met with the agent afterwards and we talked about payments and organization and stuff. I didn't really "buy" the house per se, it has been lent to me by the town council thanks to a program for repopulating towns and villages with very small citizen counts. I'm also given a job so I can start growing savings and stuff. In all honesty I think this is the equivalent of winning the lottery, I couldn't be happier about it. I start working for the agent tomorrow doing deliveries for the local shop and I'm excited about it!! I've met a couple of my neighbors already but it's going to be a great way to get to know the town more in depth. One of them, Azabache, was super kind and gifted me some fruits from her orchard and a few dishes to eat at home while I buy appliances. I think in gonna lose a bit of weight because I don't even have a microwave yet, I have to buy it + much more other stuff today 😖 I couldn't buy them beforehand because I couldn't have them shipped here. Wish me luck. Oof. Still so very happy. It's both scary and exciting. Now I'm gonna head down to the beach and snack a bit before going shopping. It's gonna rain tonight so I have to be quick about it!
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dog-flowers · 1 year
Hello!! My name is Nines (NEE-nes), I'm 23 and I'm moving out from home to live alone for the first time!!! I made this blog to record my experiences as a freshly fledged adult in the town of Piebald.
I am actually in the taxi on my way there right now!! The trip is being incredibly long and I was feeling very bored so I thought I would set up this blog. It's really late (1:27 AM as I write this) and it's raining quite a lot so I'll end up dozing off either way. I'm usually nervous when riding in other people's car specially if the weather is bad but the taxi driver is very nice. He keeps talking though!!! Hoping I can act as if I fell asleep and he'll let me rest a bit...
I'm really excited to arrive at Piebald. I've never been before, only seen it through photos. It's got a bit of mountain and a bit of beach as far as I understand. I've always wanted to live by the sea so I'm really happy for that. The house I'm staying in (it feels weird to call it home without putting a single foot in it yet...) is pretty small and I'll have to buy all furniture myself but it seems in good condition. It's also relatively separated from all other houses in town and I've been wanting to be as far away from anything apartment building-adjacent for sooo long. It's not has-to-get-the-car-to-see-the-neighbors kind of far, just enough to be able to hold a loud party without bothering anyone.
Which... I hope I'll be able to hold!! Or get invited to. I am kind of scared to get to know my new neighbors. It's an extremely small town so everyone knows everyone. It's going to be a kind of "friend group" rather than a townsfolk relationship I think haha
I'm having trouble staying awake now and I still have a bunch of hours to arrive so I'm gonna try to get some Zs. I'm very excited to get there, but I'm going to be completely exhausted. Still so happy!!!
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