|| She/her || My fandom-related hobbies include translating English fics into Russian and sometimes making amateurish fan art || This is a personal blog where I post random stuff about whatever fandoms I'm into currently. I also occasionally post 18+ stuff, so keep that in mind || This is also a blog created purely for entertainment, so you won't find any posts about IRL political issues, or any discourse, or news, or basically any serious content || With that in mind, welcome! ✌🐰 ||
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Do people actually imagine themselves when they read chatacter x reader fanfiction? Do they actually substitute Y/N with their real names, and any vague physical description (like “your h/c colored hair”) with their details of appearance?
I've always imagined Reader as this human shaped faceless person with gray skin, like artists usually draw anon x character arts. And I never could imagine myself as the reader. Maybe because default reader is a thin white girl with longish hair and big boobs.
But even when I read fanfiction with specified physical characteristics (like fat!reader, tall!reader, etc.), I still can't really get into it. Probably because reader's default personality is more boring and banal than cheese flavored chips. She is just snarky enough to not seem like a complete pushover (even though she is, in fact, a pushover), just nice enough to seem kind, just reactive enough to not be a wordless decoration and always, always submissive in the end, both sexually and socially.
And I’ve always thought that people did this too, because creating a “universal” character who is the ultimate self-insert for every single reader is impossible. Every person is unique, not only in appearance, but in personality, tastes, reactions, etc., and fully submerging yourself in the story is also impossible because sooner or later you’ll notice the differencies.
#x reader#lol imagine naming your oc something like yuun reader#hilarious#like reader is an eldritch horror who is human shaped#but you are unable to remember any detail of their appearance#body type race gender#hair eyes voice#even their clothes#and any footage files become corrupted#any photos are blurry
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It always makes me laugh when people write reader-inserts where the Jojos are these super dominant alpha macho guys who can make a girl orgasm with just one look.
Cause come on, we all know they're total virgins.
Jonathan is shy and doesn't really know what to do except "shove it in and go", but he's very gentle, loving, eager to please and learns fast . He's either a service top or a total bottom, easily follows orders and enjoys being praised for it. Jonathan has high sex drive, but will adjust to his partner's needs. He starts out as vanilla and gets progressively kinkier with time.
Joseph is definitely the "fake it 'til you make it" virgin. Tries to overcompensate for his inexperience. He has some vague idea about what he's supposed to do and he's very observant of his partner's reactions, but gets easily distracted by new experiences and kinda forgets to pay attention to his partner. If his partner is also a virgin he might be able to sell the act, but if the partner has experience Joseph's virginity is very obvious. He also has high sex drive that lasts up until he grows too old to get it up.
3taro is also a virgin because no way this boy will subject himself to the torture that are his school fangirls. During his first time he's rough and careless like those guys who watch too much porn and think that its real. He just shoves it in, no foreplay or anything. 3taro pretends to be a dom to perpetuate his "cool guy" image, but gets progressively more sub with age. Also for some reason he strikes me as someone with low sex drive. He's much more interested in his studies than in sex, and it stays the same throughout his whole life.
Josuke is a bumbling but eager virgin. Doesn't really know what to do with a girl, but makes up for it by being careful and listening to his partner. He's the type to blush like crazy when they get past kisses.
#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo headcanons#jonathan joestar#joseph joestar#jotaro kujo#josuke higashitaka
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God, just shut up already about your precious Jensen and his beard.
I'm literally gonna scream if I see one more dumb ass post about “uwu Jensy will be in the show, he'll be all sexy and naked and sexy and evil and sexy and gay and, oh, don't forget sexy”.
Just take your fingers off of the keyboard, smash it to pieces and stop spaming my dash with this “omg Jesse Ankles” bullshit.
If you intend to watch “The Boys” only because of Jensen, do everyone including yourself a favor and don't watch it. Soldier Boy isn’t Dean Winchester, you’ll be disappointed and diss a perfectly good show because of your failed expectations.
We don't need the awful, toxic, Destiel obsessed SPN fandom. Will they expand our fanbase? Yes. Do we want them in our fandom? No.
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😩 sometimes I want to be a mangaka just so I could create a manga/anime where all male characters wear absolutely impractical but sexy and revealing gear and all female characters get to be both comfortable and badass
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guys, where is your creativity?
BNHA universe is large and vast and all-accepting, and you don’t use this potential at all, instead you go and create the most ordinary and boring OCs ever.
I’m talking about fanfiction writers, not artists. The artists are alright, keep doing what you’re doing.
I’m talking about fic writers who write OC fanfiction and give their OCs the most generic and banal anime character design thing - unusual hair/eyes color. That’s it, that’s the height of their creativity.
Like, where are my mutants, furries, monster-looking characters? Floating somewhere in the background, at best. BNHA gives you a unique opportunity to have your OC look any way you want. I mean it, literally any way from cat ears to luminescent sludge, from ethereally beautiful to unbelievably creepy, from extra limbs to eldritch horror.
Come on, guys, we need to remedy this error. Please recommend me any fics where the main character is an OC with a mutant quirk.
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Yes give me all of them <3<3<3
i love characters who could get the absolute Shit kicked out of them and still be fine but as soon as someone touches/handles them gently it’s like��“ah. im going to shatter to pieces now thanks”
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Lol I got pro hero even though I didn't want to go to UA
take my uquiz to find out what role you would play in bnha’s hero society, and tell me your results! i will reblog with the quiz link so hold on
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Stain missed the problem
I’m bored so guess I’ll hop onto the train of Stain critique.
Honestly, Stain has so much raw charisma and resolve it makes me a little angry that it’s entirely wasted on him because he completely missed the fucking problem.
Stain’s entire ideology is really fucking stupid if you remember one thing: some words change their definition with time. That’s literally how language evolves. So, years ago “hero” used to mean “a person who saves others with selfless motives” (well, close enough) but now “hero” is just a job. Of course, those two definitions are not mutually exclusive but a person from BNHA universe will associate it with pro-heroes first.
Expecting pro-heroes automatically conform to the “selfless hero” ideal is not only idiotic but unfair to them.
First, the people you save don’t really care about your motivation. They don’t care if you want fame or money, if you do it to spite someone, if you really are heroic or if you just like wearing leotard that much. They only want you to do your job, that is, to save them.
Let’s be honest here, not all people who work jobs associated with saving other people do that out of the goodness of their hearts. Some are interested in the profession itself, some are from a family dynasty, some want money or fame or the moral high ground. Do you think people care if their surgeon is a self-sacrificing angel or a bitter cynic who was forced into the job by well-meaning parents? No, they care only about professional skills.
Second, you are not evil or hypocritical if you want money for risking your life. All labour should be rewarded, especially when it’s high-risk. We don’t call firefighters hypocrites for getting paid, we praise them for helping people and call them heroes.
So, it’s not wrong to get payment for your work. But there exists another side of hero work. Pro-heroes are very similar to celebrities. They have fans, they have haters, but the most important thing they have is their ability to influence people. This ability is proportional to a hero’s fame and reputation, so the most influental hero is, of course, All Might. He is on such a pedestal that even Stain idolises him, even though All Might also gets profit for saving lives, so logically should also be hated by Stain.
Now, the problem of influental celebrities using their power for bad things isn’t exclusive for BNHA, it exists in the real world too. Just remember how many times famous people got away with saying something shitty because of their fame. Now think about those influental people with millions of fans all over the world actually commiting a crime. Think of all the actors, singers, producers, politicians who did commit a crime. Even after being proved guilty they have tons of fans ready to defend them, to excuse their actions, to go as far as to blame the victim. That, right here, is the problem.
It’s not about heroes doing shitty things, it’s about heroes getting away with doing shitty things. The main example in the show is, of course, Endeavor. At the start of Todoroki’s character arc he was the number two hero, that’s why it was so rough for Shouto. Even if he tried to go to the police about his home situation, how many are gonna believe that their number two is a rapist and a child abuser? How many are gonna think Shouto’s just a dumb teenager wanting to spite his dad? Not every precinct has a Tsukauchi as their lie detector.
To us, the viewers, the effect is a bit diminished because the first information we get about Endeavor is from Shouto, therefore we know Endeavor as a shitty person before we get to know him as a pro-hero. This bleeds into fanficiotn: a lot of people write him being so bad at his job that it’s kind of a mystery how he managed to climb the ranks so high. But that’s the thing. Endeavor is a good pro, people support him, so he’s in a position to manipulate the crowd to his own gain.
To drive that home, imagine All Might instead of Endeavor. Well, abusing his family would be incredibly OOC for him but... we saw All Might receiving countless praise, we saw people being grateful, idolising him, worshipping him. No one, literally no one would believe him capable of such atrocities because he’s The Hero. Endeavor is never gonna be on that level, obviously, but still he has fame and reputation and money to get away with his crimes.
Power doesn’t corrupt people. Power gives them the freedom to be themselves, to show their true colors, to get away with things they couldn’t before. Hero-oriented society gives this power to people like Endeavor. That’s what Stain missed when he was too busy beating up Ingenium for working with sidekicks.
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honestly, this shit is why I dropped Durarara. because fucking Shizaya was fucking everywhere and I got sick of it 😫
Those Two Male Characters Don’t Actually Have Chemistry They Just Hate Each Other And You’re Regurgitating The Toxic Romantic Relationship Standards You Claim To Hate In M/F Ships: A four hour youtube video on why you should re-evaluate the popular m/m ships in your fandoms and why you’re continuing to carry internalized misogyny around like it’s empowering.
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"emotion is not necessary. we do not need fears or dreams or feelings about anything. come with me to a pure and improved world where we only enjoy homosexuality"
Holy shit that's golden
This post generator is surprisingly coherent
“the difference between crows and ravens is that crows romanticize sin”
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i don’t know why anyone has to feel insecure about their bodies, when objectively, humans are all freakish horrors. Every last one of us. Hairless, fleshy, gangly beasts walking upright straight as a tree with bony tentacles on the ends of our limbs.
you have a hole in your face full of sharp bones and you’re worried that your belly is a little squishy
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tired of comfort characters, reblog this and put in the tags your DISCOMFORT characters
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maybe they don’t like vegan.
maybe they are an asshole and “proud” of never eating vegan.
maybe they are on a special diet.
maybe they have an allergy.
question is, are you willing to risk their life to find out?
interesting how when ppl mention they tricked ppl into eating v*gan food under the assumption it was normal food people are fine with it/happy but if you trick a v*gan into eating meat you’re a terrible person and it starts WW3
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you know what my favorite type of crossover is? when a character(s) from one fandom gets transported into another fandom where their powers are extremely OP
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Ugh that post has gotten me thinking about fat acceptance in a way I haven’t in years. I’ve read more studies about weight and health than probably any other topic I’ve ever researched. And every time I see someone wail about health I am just like
Did you know that in post-mortem examinations there is zero correlation between weight and levels of arteriosclerosis and related diseases found?
Did you know that people with an overweight BMI have the longest life expectancy, that those with an “ideal” and an “obese” have about the same life expectancy, and that being “underweight” raises mortality rates more than being “morbidly obese”?
Did you know that losing weight and then gaining it back is worse for your heart than remaining at the weight you started consistently?
Did you know that 95% of people who lose weight do gain it back, and there has never been a single documented weight loss program that has been demonstrated to keep the weight off for five years or more in the majority or even a significant minority of people? Like, telling people to lose weight isn’t much use if we don’t know HOW to make that happen.
Like I have read The Obesity Myth by Paul Campos and Rethinking Thin by Gina Kolata and Big Fat Lies by Glenn A Gaesser (Ph.D!) And Fat!So? and several other books that I don’t own and so don’t remember all of their names I spent like four years reading every single study coming out and looking at the methodology and noting which ones had huge holes or terrible methods and which didn’t (the holes were almost always in the pro-weight-loss studies) and like
Big Fat Lies has 27 pages of bibliography. 27 pages worth of scientific citation. The book content itself is only 197 pages. That’s a page of references for every 7 pages of book. Reading the book is just reference after reference and study after study. Most of these doctors (like Linda Bacon, author of Health at Every Size) started out the same way. They wanted to use the scientific method to find a real weight loss program or health solution that worked and could be proven to work, and so studied everything they could about weight and fitness only to find out that we didn’t need weight loss in the first place. That all the studies calling for it were lacking or nonexistent. That weight and underlying metabolic health have very little relation. That the history of our relationship with health and obesity has little basis in fact and a LOT of basis in capitalism, politics, and fashion. No, really, the association between weight and health was first proposed by insurance companies looking for ways to charge people more by claiming risk. They also charged tall and short people more. And people with different skin colors. When they got in trouble for charging people for things they had no control over and had no bearing on their health, they set out to prove that weight was controllable and that fat was unhealthy to make money.
These are also a lot of the same people who went on to invent the President’s fitness program, so if you went to public school you probably already hate them.
Anyway, if you want a place to start reading about the issue, this article is a pretty good launching pad.
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I feel like everything about aizawa outside of his whole logic and rationality thing is just hilarious. and even a lot of his ‘rational way of living’ makes him hilarious too. like he’s unintentionally the most ridiculous person. among other things he:
-has a pair of pink sweatpants that he wears to formal events
-owns scarves big enough to swallow almost his whole head
-apparently owns many copies of the exact same outfit because he doesn’t actually see any point in dressing in anything different–except for those bright pink sweatpants, of course
-was once given the task of making a banner for his class for the sports festival and tried to draw a cat, then decided the cat was too badly drawn and tried to hide it on his desk (smash)
-has canonically never once been late to classes/teaching
-despite this, he frequently rolls into class in a sleeping bag
-recently upgraded his sleeping bag so it now has arms
-the upgraded sleeping bag also may or may not have legs
-thinks and claims that he’s never gotten drunk before in his entire life, but it turns out that he immediately gets black-out drunk and forgets literally everything that happens in the morning
-and everyone has collectively decided not to tell him because he gets sappy and soft when drunk and also talks to inanimate objects
-sits in line for the newest sleeping bag releases (smash)
-tried to teach eri about different holidays but instead wound up painting easter eggs with her despite easter being 4 months away
-bought eri a set of designer clothes with cats on them that were described to be “ugly beyond belief”
-was subsequently banned from making Eri Fashion Decisions
-spent his time at the todoroki household (while escorting shouto and waiting for him) trying to call and tame a stray cat
-once got so worried about a student that he ran off without one of his slippers
-fishes for his own food (with a comically large sun hat) and despite this, allows mic to come with him even though he scares off the fish (smash)
-once pretended to be dead so his students could show off to their parents (light novel 1)
-thought it was completely normal and appropriate to stab himself in the leg in front of his class because they told him he was a bad actor during a rescue training simulation and he apparently thought the only way to act better was to make the situation a bit realer (smash)
-once got hurt so bad that he was put in a full body cast, but a day later went “okay, i’ve had enough of being in the hospital” and showed up to class in the cast, horrifying his students
i’m probably forgetting more and feel free to add but in conclusion, aizawa is the most unintentionally ridiculous character
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Things food snobs are wrong about
“Organic” isn’t better for you or for the environment. It actually means nothing of any significance at best and is sometimes even the more wasteful, more hazardous option.
A shitload of “natural” food including a lot of imported produce is grown and harvested through slave labor in inhumane conditions.
Pizza, fried chicken, french fries, fast food, candy bars and chips ARE nutritious. They are loaded with good things. Just because they have an abundance of excess fats and might not be healthy as a staple doesn’t mean they are “nutritionless” or that their calories are “empty.” Those are hokey buzzwords pushed by the people in charge of how much you pay for the alternatives.
Eating healthier costs more. Much more. Looking down on people for their reliance on cheaper food is extremely classist and expecting everyone to be able to live off fresh veggies and cage-free meats is insultingly unrealistic in the modern world.
“Processed” literally only means the food went through some kind of automated process. This can be literally the exact same thing a human being would have done to the food for it to be labeled “unprocessed.” Being processed does not make something less healthy.
Chemicals with long, scary names are part of nature. An apple is full of compounds you probably can’t pronounce. A shorter ingredients label only means they didn’t bother listing all 300 things the product is actually made of and HAS to be made of.
Preservatives, artificial flavors and other additives are not the devil. Most are harmless and in general they are part of the reason you haven’t already starved to death or died of a food borne illness.
MSG is not bad for you at all.
The fact that something might be made of “scrap” meats like pig snouts or chicken necks only means one thing: that we didn’t waste perfectly normal, edible meat.
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